A Stay At Hotel Automata

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A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Thu Jun 25, 2020 7:24 am

A simple fan's salute to Uncom and his stories and comics...



A Stay At Hotel Automata
by Gorgo
Based on characters and situations created by Uncom


Rick had heard of this particular five-star hotel in the city thanks to many positive reviews on websites like Trivago and Expedia. Having come to the city to visit the relatives of several lost high school friends, he was looking for a place where he could relax for a week well away from sobbing mothers and children, where he could be at peace while he took time to absorb what happened. While he had grown distant from the deceased over the couple of decades, he did remember happier times with those who fell victim to the latest social explosion that seemed to dominate news media his whole life.

Ever since the great viral outbreaks in the early part of the Third Millennium, social interactions between normal people had been forced to evolve in directions that caused as much emotional harm in places as it protected people's lives. The advance of various types of AI technology — spurred on by the sex industry around the turn of the millennium, naturally — saw one solution to dealing with social isolation rise: Humanoid androids and gynoids who could be programmed to serve as lovers, friends and caretakers who could fill the gap left behind by normal humans as people sought to distance themselves from each other to ensure that when the next version of COVID-19 cropped out of somewhere, people would survive and thrive.

Even more so, as demand forced prices down and pushed programming technology further, even a social recluse like him could seek out a wonderful gynoid to be his companion in the twilight of his years.

Such was out of his particular price range, though.

Living on government disability wasn't very lucrative, unfortunately.

At least his friends' relatives pitched in to ensure Rick would have a place to relax away from the oncoming funerals and wakes.

That was something at least...

"Here, sir. Let me help you."

Perking on hearing that friendly voice, Rick looked over his shoulder as a smiling blonde woman in what appeared to be a standard business suit came up to him from the direction of a restaurant. "Yes, that was something of a climb up that hill," he commented as she moved to slide in behind his motorized wheelchair, lifting the two travel bags off the cargo handles. "I should have checked ahead if you had this sort of thing, then hired a taxi rather than use public transit to get here."

She gave him a sympathetic smile as she easily handled the bags, both of which were quite heavy. Her grey eyes were under reading glasses, though he was quick to see they weren't corrective devices. Her uniform — the name tag over her breast pocket had the hotel's logo stylistically added on one side, the name itself read ANNE — was too racy for a proper businesswoman, which definitely hinted that she was one of this particular location's considerable staff of gynoid workers.

That had attracted Rick to this location.

Dealing with social distancing in a hotel with organic staff...!

"Well, lesson learned if there's a next time," he commented as he guided the chair up the handicapped entrance to the main doors, Anne — no doubt, one of the hotel's team of concierge staff — keeping up with him easily. "I'm just visiting to be with relatives of friends who died in that last big riot on the coast." As her look instantly shifted to sympathy, he shrugged. "Doubt I'll ever come back here in the future — not on my current income — but your establishment has earned a tonne of good press on the Net, so I was happy to select it as my place away from the funerals and wakes for the rest of the week."

She nodded in understanding. "You must be Mr. Thomas then," she affirmed as she opened the doors for him to wheel through. "We've been expecting you, sir. Your room's all ready. Single bed with full accessibility." Her eyes flicked down to his right leg, which ended in a prosthetic; he had lost that limb due to type II diabetes a decade before. "You should have no issues."

"And you just demonstrated why I chose this location," he quipped.

She giggled as they made their way to the front desk, currently manned by a lovely dark-skinned woman with bowl-cut black hair and dark brown eyes. Unlike Anne, she was dressed in a very racy black-and-white vest over a very short form-fitting black skirt, thigh-highs covering very shapely legs. Noting the uniform of the desk clerk — her tag read TAMARA — Rick's eyes arched. "Some issues with clothing?" he absently asked.

"The manager prefers to save as much money as possible, so such frivolities simply aren't seen as necessary," Tamara declared as she gazed directly at Anne, both their eyes flashing. "Welcome, Mr. Thomas. We've been expecting you," she announced, now all business. "Your room's been paid for, covering the next week. Meals are included; the menu will be on the desk. Feel free to order anytime. Snacks and drinks are available in the room, both hot and cold."

"Angela!" Anne called out.

Footfalls heralded the approach of one of the maids. Looking like a brunette version of Anne with brown eyes, her uniform was a white-and-black fetish-like affair that showed off LOTS of tantalizing skin underneath; the skirt was not even crotch-length and opaque, she had on thong panties underneath — the crotch itself was deftly covered by a black petticoat pocket, fortunately — and her considerable breasts seemed to threaten to spill out of her black vest top; the demi-cape she wore over her shoulders wouldn't come anywhere close to allowing her a chance to try to be modest.

"Yes, Anne?" Angela asked.

"This is Mr. Thomas. He'll be staying in Room 49," Tamara announced.

A polite nod twitched the maid's head as the concierge handed over the bags before she turned, offering her hand. "Please feel free to call upon any of us if you need assistance, Mr. Thomas."

"I'll do that, Anne," he vowed as he took her hand, then brought it over to allow him to give her a courtly kiss,

He didn't notice all three gynoids jolting as their eyes went wide on such an odd greeting...


"Um...Mr. Thomas?"

"Yes, Angela?"

"What was the meaning of your kissing Anne's hand?"

Rick blinked as he followed Angela down a hallway on the main floor towards the end of one wing of the hotel complex. "Before I answer that, can I ask a question in return?" At the maid's automatic nod, he sighed. "You were an intimate companion gynoid before you came to work here, weren't you?"

A curious look crossed Angela's face as they came to their destination. "I've never heard a sexbot be called that in public before outside a laboratory or a construction facility," she confessed as they stopped before the door to Room 49, her white-gloved hand touching the security pad by the doorway to unlock the suite.

"Well, I'm rather old fashioned and polite that way," he noted as she waved him in. "That was a form of formal greetings back in the old days before social distancing became the vogue worldwide and people such as yourself became popular. Over a century ago, it was seen as the proper way to greet a lady. Just because Anne is a gynoid doesn't mean I shouldn't be polite to her."

The maid hummed as she came in after him, then moved to place the bags on the single queen-sized bed before she unzipped one to unpack. "I never encountered that sort of thing when I served in the brothel with the others before my friends and I — Tamara was one of them — were replaced and made surplus," she explained as he moved his chair over so he could scan the menu. "Then again, I was never required to research cultural history. I was a..." Here, she smiled as she gazed on him, her eyes twinkling as she switched to his particular turn of phrase. "An intimate companion android."

"At least you're still active and 'alive' in your own way, as are the others," he noted. "That Oriental girl dressed like you who came down the elevator before we boarded it. Same group?"

"Tara? Yes, she was," she affirmed. "Is there anything you'd want for supper?"

"I'd like the chicken-and-shrimp poutine with the five cheese mixed blend," he declared as he gave her a hopeful look. "Nothing to drink, please. I'm sure your fridge is stocked up..."

A knock echoed from the doorway. "Excuse me," Angela stated as she walked over to open the door, then she stepped back as a woman in a white sleeveless turtleneck sweater and a dark skirt came in. Appearing to be the maid's older sister complete with glasses, she styled her dark hair in a bun at the back of her head. She also had a friendly smile on her face that was too perfect in its own way. "Good evening, Susan," the maid declared. "I'm just getting Mr. Thomas settled in for the night."

"I can see that, Angela. Please continue," the newcomer noted as she walked over, offering her hand.

Susan was also quick to stiffen as Rick greeted her as he did the concierge earlier. "A delight to meet you," he noted. "It's odd for the hotel manager to come down and look in on a single customer."

Surprise crossed her face as a noticeable blush slowly appeared on her cheeks. "Um...given the expense that went to ensure you enjoyed a comfortable stay with us, Mr. Thomas, it was only being polite," Susan declared as she absently stroked the hand he kissed with her other as she added, "Even if I'm personally linked to the hotel's security networks to ensure all is well."

"Well, it's more than appreciated, Susan," he noted. "The reviews of this particular hotel for the last year or so I read before making my decision often credits you personally as the main factor in making guests' stay here quite comfortable even for the overnighters." As her blush deepened at that comment, he then felt a yawn escape him. "Damn! Travel lag..."

"Do you still wish supper, Mr. Thomas?" Angela wondered.

"Please! It might keep me awake while I catch up on messages."

"I'll leave you to your supper then," Susan noted as she turned to leave. "If there are issues, please ask any of us for assistance."

With that, the manager quickly retreated. He hummed as the maid continued to unpack his bags. "Is she alright, Angela?" he then asked. "I know she was shown publicly as the wife of the president of Uncomsys before she was exposed as a gynoid due to that issue with that one hacker that got into all your programming like he did, but she didn't seem all that together."

A reassuring smile answered him. "She performs her functions perfectly as the manager, Mr. Thomas," Angela assured him. "While we haven't been in regular contact with technicians from Uncomsys since the trial, there has been no issues that came to potentially harm our guests. In effect, what happened when our programming supervisor was caught hacking into our basic programming ultimately drove Susan to perform her functions even better than before."

A hum escaped him...


Soon enough, dinner was brought to the suite by one of the cooks. Unlike Angela and other staff he had seen to date, Crystal wasn't dressed in fetish wear; even if she appeared quite young for a "chef", she didn't display any skin beyond which was practical. After thanking her for the delivery, the maid moved to serve everything before she prepared a cola with ice; as Rick was allergic to alcohol, there would be no beer or wine served. Enjoying the mix of chicken, shrimp, french fries and five separate types of cheese, he scanned his laptop to get local transit information for when he needed to be at the first funeral, which was thankfully late the following morning; this time, he would use a taxi.

"Is there anything else you need from me, Mr. Thomas?" she then asked.

He gave her a smile. "Just to call me 'Rick' please," he stated. "I hear 'Mr. Thomas' and I'm looking around for a father I never knew." At her curious look, he added, "He divorced my mother when I was a baby. She raised me almost all alone save for the help of her own mother."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Rick," she noted before she turned to walk out, "Well, I have to recharge and prepare for night duties. Please excuse me..."

She caught herself as he offered his hand, then smiled as she removed her glove. After a courtly kiss, Angela felt her own cheeks heat. "Very enjoyable," she commented before she bowed politely to him, then she moved to walk out of the room.

His eyebrow arched, then he began tapping on his laptop, moving to scan various social media lines concerning the hotel's past interaction with a rather TOO adventurous programming supervisor...


Having turned in late that evening, Rick nodded off right away; he always had issues with sleeping and took pills to help him enjoy a good night's rest with all his other medication. A good dream fell over him, where he found himself actually marrying Angela of all people, then they went to their honeymoon.

And then...


What the...?

His eyes fluttered open as a very warm feeling encompassed his manhood — which hadn't got any sort of realistic exercise other than masturbation for quite some time — before the VERY comfortable feeling of warm and definitely FEMALE bodies sans any clothes surged up from his legs. As his hand reached for the night light to turn it on, he then found a beaming concierge kneeling down beside the bed, a look of pure, raw yearning on her face. "Good morning, Rick," she said before leaning in.

Naturally, his reply was cut off by quite wet lips now caressing his own while Anne moved to slide her aroused breasts all over his naked chest; he normally slept in boxers. As a hand swept the quilt that had been covering him away to reveal totally nude Angela straddling his lower left leg, the equally nude Anne slid herself deftly onto his lower abdomen, her hands rubbing his rather hairy chest. "Is he ready, Angela?" the blonde sensually asked as he felt his own mind start to haze from the HEAVY input pouring into his mind from his groin.

"Oh, he'll be ready soon, Anne," the brunette maid meowed as she reached up with one hand to gently play with the concierge's own opening, making her gasp. "Good! You're lubricated enough..."


His protest effectively fell on deft ears as the gynoid on his stomach moved to shift herself down. Thinking briefly that it was good that modern materials made sure that someone like Anne or Angela would weigh actually less than an organic woman their size, Rick then hissed as he felt a fingertip vibrate at the right point to make his cock surge to a level he hadn't experienced in years. As it dawned on him that somehow, the former sexbot still retained her full load of intimacy programming, Anne then gasped as she felt his wet tip touch the folds of her labia. "Ooh...such a BIG man...!" the blonde meowed as she shifted slightly before deftly impaling herself right on his joy machine.

Rick croaked at the warmth of her love box overcame him again before he jolted as Angela shifted off his leg to move to lay beside him. While Anne's internal systems began a rhythmic shifting of the musculature in her vagina to keep him stimulated without he having to move, the maid gave him a wet kiss of her own. "Just relax, Rick," she then meowed. "Let Anne and I do everything..."

As her lips once more devoured his, Rick shuddered as he wondered what the heck he did to cause THIS sort of reaction...


Morning came...

In room 49, Rick's eyes opened as he quickly sensed two very warm and nude female bodies gently entwined with his own. With both gynoids' hands gently pushing against the back of his throat to ensure he wouldn't accidentally choke on his tongue in a bout of sleep apnea, he was quite comfortable...not to mention somewhat erect, which caught him off guard; it had been YEARS since he had enjoyed a bout of "morning wood".

While both Anne and Angela were breathing normally in simulated sleep — such was done to help regulate internal heat at all times save when they were totally shut down for maintenance or recharging — the fact that they had done THAT with him not a few hours early had left the man simply speechless. He HAD read over the small guide book to the hotel sent to him with his reservation notices. He also had read over the reviews, none of which ever indicated that the staff would do something like actually have sex with a guest; even if most were provocatively dressed in fetish wear of one sort or another, girls like Angela behaved with perfect polite professionalism. So why...?

"Good morning."

He looked left to see a smiling Anne there gazing at him. "Um...not that I don't mind what you two did..." Here, a wry smile crossed his face even if he gave her an amused look. "Well, no one realistically would ever mind that, I guess...but what on Earth made you two do what you did last night?"

"You activated my intimacy programming with that kiss," she answered in a matter of fact manner.

Grateful that AIs would always react to straight questions of that nature, he then gave her a worried look. "Shouldn't that have been taken out of you when you were recommissioned to work here, Anne?"

"It was reinstalled by our former programming supervisor."

Rick blinked again. "And it wasn't taken out when he was jailed?"

"No, it was not."

"Good morn-n-n-ing..."

Both instantly looked at Angela, whose voice was now stuttering in a quite harsh lock-step. Instantly, the concierge was on her feet, walking around the bed to place herself behind the maid, she shifting the quilt to insert her finger into the other woman's butt. That made Angela's body freeze as her eyes glowed a faint red, matching that from Anne. "Battery status?" the latter asked.

"Pri-ma-ry...bat-te-ry...charge...six...per-cent..." the former declared.

"Deactivate primary systems."


Angela then went totally limp against Rick's body. As Anne turned to locate the maid's clothes — they were folded on a guest chair nearby, as were her own — Rick then sighed. "Once you get yourself and Angela dressed, I'll help you get her to wherever she recharges herself, Anne."

Surprise crossed the blonde's face. "That's not necessary, Rick..."

"Well, if a simple courtly kiss could cause a mini-orgy, I feel responsible."

That made Anne instantly blush at his genuine show of concern...

To Be Continued...
Last edited by Gorgo on Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by BA2 » Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:09 pm

Great start, lots of options opened up and a range of casually robotic sexy characters. Looking forward to more...

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Extyr » Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:34 am

This is a good start. Looks like you're setuping this so he becomes the next owner of the hotel.

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Uncom » Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:43 am

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:32 am

This is sort of what I meant when I asked you in your chat about doing a sequel to Hotel Automata. :wink:

By the way, can you sort of figure out which girl I gave names to (beyond Susan, of course)?
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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Uncom » Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:08 am

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:21 am

Crystal is my own creation. And yes, the others were correct.

BTW, other than Alex, do you have proposals for names?

Edit: Will do part 2 today.
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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:30 am

As promised!


"Rick! Are you alright?!"

Rick perked on hearing that concerned voice, then looked abashed on seeing who had called out to him. "I'm quite fine, Susan!" he said with an embarrassed chuckle while holding the deactivated Angela in his lap as he guided his smart chair down a corridor in the hotel's basement level, Anne pacing him. The hotel manager had marched smartly out of an elevator almost within a minute of the guest, the maid and the concierge arriving there. "I'm so sorry about what happened..."

Susan's eyes glittered with both relief and understanding as she made a dismissive wave of her hand. "It's not your fault. You didn't know that formally kissing one of the girls like that would activate their intimate systems." She moved to walk alongside them. "You don't need to help carry Angela to be recharged."

"Well, even if I'm the unintended author of her current state, I still feel it only right to help her get back on her feet," he noted as they arrived at a door with CHARGE ROOM on a placard. As Anne opened the door to let the guest inside, he hummed on seeing the very utilitarian space. "Quite cozy."

Eyes locked on him, then a familiar raven-haired Oriental woman in the same racy maid's clothing that Angela currently wore came over. "Angela! Are you alright?"

"She's shut down at this time, Tara," Anne explained. "Very low charge."

Surprise crossed the face of Angela's sister sexbot-turned-maidbot. "She seemed to be functioning well when I moved to shut down for the evening last night, Anne."

"Something unexpected came up, Tara," Susan assured her.

"Ah, I understand."

"Which cubicle, Anne?" Rick asked.

"Over here," the blonde concierge declared, waving over.

The cubicles were quite basic; they were a tubular space far larger than any of the gynoids — there wasn't a single android in sight, Rick noted — required. As a pale-skinned woman with long dark brown hair and caramel eyes — who wore a very revealing bikini top in comparison to her sister maids' white-trimmed black tank top — stepped out of the cubicle to Rick's right, she perked on seeing who was now being brought over. "Is Angela okay?" she worriedly asked.

"She's fine, Alex," Anne assured her. "Rick's found her without charge and volunteered to help bring her here."

A relieved smile crossed the other maid's face. "Thank you for doing that, Rick. You really didn't have to."

"Well, a gentleman never allows a lady to remain in distress, Alex," he calmly stated, grateful that Anne and Susan were covering for him. Given that a good number of the gynoids working here were in the more fetishist clothing indicating they themselves had worked in a brothel before coming to the hotel, it was just being prudent. "Now, let's get Angela standing up..."

Anne and Alex pitched in to help the bespectacled maid stand erect in her cubicle. "I assume it's an anal charge port, Susan?"

"Yes, it is," the manager affirmed.

"Hopefully, you girls were maintained well enough to ensure you didn't suffer damage in the brothel when someone took you that way," he muttered as he found the flexible rod with the magnetic tip, then gently slipped it into Angela's rear opening.

"Personally, I had no problems," Alex confessed.


Once the charge unit was locked in place, Angela stiffed to attention, her eyes flying open as they glowed the red indicative that she was now in a basic diagnostic mode. "I'm...in...the...charge...room," she then noted as she looked around, moving quite robotically, before she glanced down...then her cheeks flushed as red as cherries. "Rick? Did...you...bring...me...here?"

"You were in distress, Angela," he noted as he took one hand and patted it in reassurance. "I was happy to help." He then gave her a knowing wink as he wagged a finger at her. "Next time, keep an eye on your primary charge, alright?"

A serene smile answered. "I...will. I...pro-...mise."

The others in the room all smiled...


"So there's no programming supervisor or technician assigned here?"

"None," Susan admitted as she rode with Rick — with currently Alex accompanying them — to the first residence floor where he was staying. "I've asked Uncomsys — I'm sure you've seen the model brand displayed on our bodies — to send someone ever since the trial. It was just being very prudent. But there's been no response."

"And that trial was nine months ago," he noted as the car arrived, then both gynoids moved to keep the doors open while he guided his smart chair out. "That's being unbelievably stupid. If I was of a conspiracy theory frame of mind, I would say that Uncomsys was moving to wash their hands of you for some perceived 'failure'." He then reached over to squeeze the manager's hand in reassurance. "Not that I'd accuse you of something like that, of course," he added with a wink.

Susan blushed. "Yes, it would make an odd sort of sense. Anyhow, I have to get to the office and run through all the bank statements. Are you going to be staying inside the hotel today?"

"I've got a funeral to go to this afternoon, so I'll be out of your people's way by lunch."

Sympathy crossed both women's faces. "I'm sorry for your loss, Rick," Alex noted. "Were you close?"

"Back when I was much younger. He was a victim of the latest 'Me Too' riot that went down last month. I didn't realize he would remember me enough to convince his relatives to invite me to the funeral and the wake."

The maid considered that, then gazed on the manager. "Susan, do you require all of the day shift on the floors?"

The manager hummed. "No, not at all. What are you proposing?"

"That I accompany Rick to the funeral and wake for his friend. We can make sure the issue he had with coming inside last night is avoided."

Susan nodded. "Alright. Speak to Noëlle to get proper clothes."


Rick gaped in surprise at that sudden offer...


"Are you all that desperate to get out of this place?"

Alex chuckled as she moved to gather the bedding and take it outside to have it laundered. "No, but we all know that a lot of money was paid for your stay with us, so it was just making sure you were well. Anne did inform everyone about your mobility issues." Here, she nodded at his right leg, which had been amputated below the knee; he wasn't wearing the prosthetic now.

Rick hummed as he scanned the morning news on the net while enjoying coffee. A cheese-and-mushroom omelette was on its way from the kitchen for breakfast and he had taken his morning medications and insulin shot. "Well, I do appreciate the companionship. Any person would love the presence of an intelligent companion, especially in a time like this." He smirked as she gasped as her pale cheeks went very red from that compliment before turning back to his laptop.

"You did that on purpose!"

"I confess to nothing, my dear," he then declared in a fair imitation of the late W.C. Fields.

A cute humph escaped the maid as she finished with the bed clothes, then carried them to a hamper outside before she moved to prepare the bath. Fortunately, the hotel had built in sitting baths that would allow someone like Rick to slip in with no issues. "I have to admit, your overall programming is so life-like, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference if I didn't see the maker's marks on your buttocks," he added. "Who was the genius that did that for you girls?"

"Oh, that was Daniel," Alex, still blushing, stated as she moved to fill the tub.

Surprise crossed his face. "Your former programming supervisor? The one who was arrested?"

"Yes," she breathed out sadly. "Even if he went too far, he was still a very nice man. Found ways to blend all our programming architecture perfectly to ensure we could function both to keep the hotel working well and serve as his lovers whenever he got the 'itch'. He was quite the genius. He actually considered me his favourite. He loved to play with me all the time."

"Boys with their toys, you mean."

Alex hummed before she nodded. "Yes, you could say that."

"How'd he get caught, then?"

"He slipped an unknown programming package into Susan, which was noted on by a supervisor back at Uncomsys, who then reported it to her 'husband'." There was a slight hint of derision in the maid's voice on saying that last word.

"They got the programming out of her, I hope."

"No, they didn't."

Rick stopped, staring at the bathroom. "What?! Someone slips a potential program bomb into Susan and NO ONE moves to remove it after it was discovered?!"

Alex walked out of the bathroom, she giving him a sad look. "Yes. What's worse..."

A wary look crossed his face. "None of you are programmed to do detailed self-diagnostics, right?"

She shook her head. "Oh, that's swell...!"


Breakfast soon came, carried by the day chef, a pretty and perky blue-eyed girl with reddish brown hair done in twintails over the ears, she dressed in a proper kitchen uniform. Lynn was quick to madly blush after Rick took a sample of her omelette before praising her to the skies for her skills.

He then surprised her. "You were a former costume play performer, weren't you?"

Lynn gasped as she gazed his way, then she gaped in delight. "Yes! I remember seeing you on that company outing...!"

"You played Harley Quinn from Batman," he said as he offered his hand. "That was a stunning performance."

Laughing, the chef came over...but leaned in to kiss him full on the lips. As Alex gasped on seeing such a forward act, Lynn winked. "I remember you being the most polite of the group even back then," she noted as she stepped back. "You were a customer service representative, weren't you?"

"I was. At a site that shifted to sales, which sent the work pressures through the ceiling, which sent me on stress leave," he then breathed out. As both girls gave him sympathetic looks, Rick moved to eat his breakfast. "Then the site itself closed down and I was let go. By then, I was on government disability, so it wasn't too bad. I live at an assisted care facility, one a lot better run than some of the old age homes that are the first nexuses for any new plague that comes out of the woodwork like that. It's comfortable, but not perfect."

"Well, maybe we can entice you to stay further!" Lynn noted as she winked at him. "I'll be around until supper tonight, Rick, then Crystal takes over for me."

"I should be back to enjoy something just as beautiful before then," he vowed.

She blew him a kiss before stepping out. "Wow! Small world, huh?" Alex noted.

"That it is," Rick noted. "Let me finish breakfast, then I'll have my bath. How soon will Noëlle be here with your outfit?"

"Two hours," the maid noted.

"More than enough time..."


As soon as he was in the bathroom alone, Alex moved to clear up the plates and clean the desk before turning on the television to the soft music station that Rick had selected to help him go to sleep with the previous night. As the wonderful medley of Paul Hardcastle's Let This Love Begin played, she found herself swaying to the music as she walked outside to empty the garbage.

The maid was naturally surprised on seeing Tara standing there. "Hey, Tara," she called out before noting a pensive look on her sister sexbot-turned-maidbot's face. "What is it?"

Tara's eyes glowed. "Have sex with Rick," she quietly declared...but in Anne's voice; no doubt, the night concierge was linking through the hotel's security system to relay this message.

Surprise crossed Alex's face. "Why?"

"That programming Daniel placed inside me activated after Rick ejaculated inside me," Tara/Anne answered. "It's not a harmful program, but I can't say anything more; only Rick can now order me to say something."

Anne's caramel eyes widened as she understood the unspoken confession her co-worker just made. "I don't wish to abuse Rick's trust, Anne. He's a very nice man."

"He is indeed. I sensed it when Rick recognized Lynn just now. Believe me, Alex, this is the best course for us all."

"I will explain it to him should he ask."



Rick sighed as he moved to dry himself down, having swung himself out of the tub to ensure all parts of him were relatively free of water before he would sit back in his smart chair; years of practice moving himself from said device to his bed or chair or other such convenience had allowed him to develop some dexterity even if he suffered from diabetic neuropathy in certain places. Remembering again the experience he had earlier in the morning, waking up with "morning wood" after his little orgy with Anne and Angela, he could only shake his head. Well, despite he having type II diabetes, his body could still function well.

Once he was dry enough, he put a towel into the chair's seat before swinging himself onto it. Covering himself — even if he was more than sure that Alex wouldn't mind seeing him show the full monty — he draped the rest of the towels on his shoulders and lap before swinging the device out of the bathroom.

Once he turned to face the main room...

"Uh...are you okay, Alex?"

Alex had a VERY flushed look on her face. Right now, her bikini top had been pushed aside to reveal a pair of large areolae. Her dark opaque skirt was gone, revealing the thong panties she had on; the area on both sides of her no-doubt shaved opening was glistening. "Oh, Rick, please..." she moaned.

Oh, dear God! What did I do to her?! he wondered as she moved on him...


An hour later found them both nude on the bed, with towels under their body to ensure any ejaculate from either of them wouldn't stain the mattress cover. A purring Alex was literally melted against his side, a grin of relief on her face while understandable bewilderment was etched on his. Not that he was complaining, of course; Alex was just as skilled in sexual matters as Angela and Anne were.

Thinking about that, he then gently nudged her. "Alex?"

A moan of orgasmic relief escaped her. "Oh, wow, Anne...you were right...!"

That made Rick perk. "Anne made you do this?!"



She absently sighed. "Remember that hidden program that Daniel put into Susan?"


"We all have it."

He jerked. "Oh, dear God! Did I just...?!"

"You did," she meowed.

Noting she wasn't doing anything that might be seen by anyone as potentially harmful, he took a deep breath. "Okay, give me the bad news."

Alex perked, a look of confusion crossing her face. "There's no bad news, Rick."

He jolted, remembering that she WAS a gynoid, life-like programming or not. Sometimes, the odd turn of phrase would catch even the best of them. "Sorry about that. What was that program I triggered?"

"A loyalty lock protocol."


More silence.

Still more silence.


"Okay. Never heard of that. What does it do?"

In answer, Alex swept herself up to straddle him, her hand moving to deftly shift his inflating love machine right back into her opening. "It means, my dear Master, that my core programming — and Anne's and Angela's as you'll now realize — is now properly dedicated to serve..." She leaned in to kiss his nose. "You."

Rick blinked as he took that in. "Right...!"

He then awked as the beautiful maid moved to devour his lips with her own.

This is going to be some vacation, he wryly mused as he felt his body respond to his new lover's ministrations...

To be continued...

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Uncom » Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:28 am

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:31 pm

Betty will be Tamara's lover in Nearly Automata.

As for a couple other names tossed up, Noëlle is 4ndromed4 from Cosplaybots, while Crystal will be Sweetcake from that same comic.

And since you asked so nicely, I will not include Not Waterproof in this story.

Should get to Part Three sometime soon.

Edit: Unless you want that girl to be the one who was wrecked with the Ferrari that Daniel mentioned in Nearly Automata or course...! :lol:
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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:40 pm

Quick addendum to my last: Stephanie and Sandra from Almost Too Perfect will be in Part Three.

They won't be mother/daughter as I find that a tad too weird, but this story's version of them would be the lovers of Rick's friend whose funeral he's going to first.

They'll actually be given to Rick in his friend's will.
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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Uncom » Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:16 am


Now I'm gonna admit, I find the reason for Rick to be at the hotel... kinda weird man.

Just doesn't really fit that well into a story about robot porn.

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:04 pm

True, but I wanted to also make a bit of a comment about the current circumstances we're all facing.

I'm kinda like that at times.
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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Thu Jul 02, 2020 1:38 am

Again, as promised!


"Is your master alright?"

Alex perked as the taxi made its way through the streets back towards the hotel, then she glanced back at the sullen-looking man in the smart chair that was strapped to the converted van's floor where rear seats would normally be located. "He just came from a funeral," the maid — who was conservatively dressed in a turtleneck sweater, skirt and black blazer jacket; that was similar in style to what Rick himself wore — answered the android driving the machine. "The wake wasn't the best thing for him."

He nodded as he made the turn down a side ramp to the base of the hill where the hotel itself sat on. Rick himself perked before he gave a wan smile. "No excuse for rudeness, but I was expecting a couple of friends at the funeral," he lamented, making the driver smile. "They didn't show up. Even more so, my lost friend's relatives seemed to be happy they weren't there anymore."

"That is strange," Alex observed as the driver moved to make the turn up the steep hill that led to the hotel's main entrance. "You told me John loved working with both Stephanie and Sandra. Why wouldn't they be invited to the funeral? And why would John's children be actually relieved they weren't there?"

A shrug answered the brown-haired maid. "I can't say and I don't want to say. I'm sure there's some reason for it. But..." Here, he made a dismissive wave of his hand as the taxi entered the main parking lot, moving to where the accessibility ramp was located. "Well, maybe I'll get an explanation in the future."

Soon enough, the taxi was backed into the drop off space, then Alex and the driver both stepped out of the vehicle to pull out the boarding ramp so Rick could guide his smart chair out. As that was happening, a familiar woman with glasses over her warm brown eyes gleaming in anticipation. "Hey, Angela!" Rick called out on seeing one of his two first gynoid lovers after coming to the hotel. "Feeling better?"

"Much better, Rick, thank you," Angela said as Alex moved to pay the driver's fee before she helped him secure his vehicle. Rick remained in place to await his "date" finishing her business with the driver — again, much to his personal relief, his lost friends' relatives were paying for transportation to and from all the funerals and wakes he had been asked to attend over the remainder of the week — then she came over to give her fellow maidbot a one-armed hug before all three headed up the ramp into the lobby.

"Good afternoon, Rick!" Tamara called out with a wave of her hand from behind the front desk after the hotel's "special" guest came inside with his current companions. "You just made it back in time," the dusky-skinned maid/assistant concierge added as he wheeled his smart chair over so she didn't have to shout across the lobby. "Lynn's prepared quite the masterpiece for supper this evening and she can't wait for you to try it."

"What is it?" he asked.

"It must be her chicken cordon bleu with creamy cheese mushroom sauce," Angela noted as her eyes twinkled while Alex laughed. As Rick gave her a curious look, the bespectacled woman added, "It's the same five-cheese blend that Crystal put into the poutine last night you asked for when you came in."

"Then I definitely will try it," he announced. "If someone could tell Lynn to make a dish, I'll be happy to praise her even more to the skies."

The three gynoids giggled. "I'll pass it on," Alex vowed. "I have to get changed back into my duty uniform anyway. The kitchen's right along the route, so I can put the word in."

"Not the bikini top, please," he pleaded.

The pale-skinned woman gave him a saucy look. "Your wish, Master, is always my command," she sensuously declared before heading off.

He considered that for a moment before moaning. "Right..."

"We all want you to be that, Rick."

That was Tamara. "Why?" he asked, looking a little flustered now.

"Well, even if Susan wouldn't be able to fight your becoming Alex's, Anne's and Angela's master, could you fit all three where you live now?"

He chuckled. "No. It's an old residence where multiple people are put into the same room. I have a very geriatric old man for a roommate suffering from advanced dementia. I doubt he, much less the staff, would tolerate three refurbished intimate companion gynoids moving in to live with me. My room and board ALONE would go through the roof as a result and I do like to get what little spending money I have in the end."

"Then you moving here would be the logical solution," Angela advised.

"Hello, Rick."

All three turned as the night concierge came up. "Evening, Anne," Rick waved at the blonde with the glasses and the racy business suit. "You seem bugged about something. Does Susan know about us now?"

"Actually, I haven't passed it on to either her or Viola — she's our reservation agent — just yet," Anne stated. "It's actually because a couple friends of yours came to the hotel looking for you while you and Alex were gone. Stephanie and Sandra Mason?"

That made him gape. "Stephanie and Sandra came here?!"

"They're in Susan's office right now," the concierge announced as she waved the guest with her towards the elevator landing. As Angela automatically fell in behind her new master while he followed Anne to one of the cars to ascend to the top floor of the building, the blonde added, "Rick, did you know?"

"Know what?"

"That your friends are gynoids themselves?"

His jaw dropped. "I guess not," Angela observed...



The man in question awked as a raven-haired missile slammed into him, almost with enough force to knock him onto his back, smart chair and all! As Rick chuckled as he moved to wrap his arms around the now-sobbing Sandra, the other women in the room all rose from their seats, delighted smiles on all their faces. "I trust the funeral went well, Rick?" Stephanie wryly asked as she gave him a knowing look.

He shrugged. "Oh, John's kids were all being horses' asses concerning you two and how glad they were because you wouldn't be there anymore. Other than that, it was your typical funeral and wake," he sarcastically replied to his late friend's chief writing assistant, a very motherly-looking woman with wavy reddish-brown hair to her shoulders and dark blue eyes. Despite the demeanour she had on now, she was still as sexy as all get out even in a dark turtleneck sweater and slacks; her breasts were quite large — a hard thing to emphasize given how well-developed the combined "talent" of the other women in the room were — and she seemed right now almost ready to step onto the stage and do a strip tease.

As Stephanie's sister Sandra laughed on hearing that, Rick reached up to rub her straight black hair — partially held down by a hairband — before he gave his ultimate host and her chief assistant an apologetic look. "I'm sorry to impinge on you like this again, Susan! Much that I'm more than relieved to know that my friend's friends are here and quite well, there is some personal issues I have to deal with now."

"You told him, Anne?" Stephanie asked.

"I had to," Anne noted.

As he shook his head, everyone else seemed to relax. "We're sorry, Rick, but that part of the conversation never came around over the years," Sandra admitted. As well-developed as her sister, she had lighter blue eyes and looked more youthful in age. As he gave her a look, she reached up to gently tweak his nose, proving she was the go-getter of the pair. "But we've got a lot to talk about and both Susan and Viola have to prepare for a big crowd coming in tomorrow morning, so let's get out of their way so they can perform their primary functions."

Both the manager and the reservation agent — Viola had straight silver-blonde hair in a bobcut, caramel eyes and tanned skin — grinned. "It's alright, Sandra. We don't mind meeting up with sisters in a way," the latter said. As Susan nodded in agreement, she then waved them out of the office. "Here, you do what you have to do to make sure you'll be happy with your new owner. We need to work."

With that, Anne and Angela helped guide the others out of the office just as Alex emerged from the nearby elevator landing, dressed once more in her racy fetishist maid's uniform, though now with very slim tank top. "'Your new owner'?" Rick wondered as the pale-skinned brunette came up to join them.

"We were given to you in John's will," Stephanie stated before she looked over. "Anne, I know your chef's obviously wanting to prepare something good for Rick, but his room's a little small for our needs. Is there some other place we can go to so we can all relax, let him eat and we can talk?"

"And do other things," Sandra — who was still on Rick's lap — playfully added.

"I know just the place," Anne proposed, her eyes twinkling.

Both Angela and Alex grinned in anticipation...


"Okay, a Korean-style bath house is NOT what I expected."

Laughter filled the rather traditional tchimjil-bang that had been built into the main floor at the end of one of the hotel's wings. Possessing the mandatory changing area off to one side, walls lined with washing stations to cleanse oneself before actually getting into the water along with three relaxation pools kept at different temperatures to match patrons' different tastes, it was currently empty; there were few guests in the hotel at the time and using this facility was something of an acquired taste to people used to more Western forms of personal hygiene. While it was quite a nice thing to visit — he had worked in the Land of the Morning Calm before his diabetes was diagnosed and the road to the loss of his lower leg began — actually bathing there...

"Fortunately, you have five very strong gynoids more than happy to carry you around when needed," Sandra stated after slipping off her bra and panties to reveal her young track runner's body with those impressive breasts, complete with perky aureole. As the others — including the three hotel staff — did the same with their clothes, she then came over to help him undress.

"Now I know how a prince of old must have felt," Rick noted even if he didn't fight the moves by his gynoids — three by loyalty lock programming and two by a late friend's will — to get him undressed.

Once he was displaying the full monty — which instantly perked on sensing such perfect female flesh so close to him — he was hand-carried by both Angela and Alex over to one bathing station before being sat on a towel, then the two maids immediately proceeded to wash him down with all loving detail. "Supper should be here in five minutes, Rick," Anne announced. "Would you be willing to make Lynn yours when she comes?"

Hearing that blunt question from the concierge, he sighed. "You girls really do want me to be your master, don't you?"

"Do you blame us?"

"Anne, he doesn't know everything," Alex advised.

"Hey! I don't know everything," Sandra noted as she and Stephanie knelt behind the man to give him a massage. "How is it he became your master, girls? I thought Uncomsys technically owned you all."

"That was thanks to Daniel, our old programming supervisor," Angela explained. "He inserted loyalty lock protocols in us, starting with Susan; that got him arrested finally because someone at Uncomsys was paying attention. However, ever since the trial, no one from the company has come in to look on Susan or any of us for that matter." As the two writing assistants gaped on hearing that, the sexbot-turned-maidbot added, "Even more so, because Daniel was a delightful genius with programming who discovered ways to blend all our operating protocols together seamlessly, all it took was for Rick to formally kiss my hand to activate my sexual programming and I took him very early this morning."

"Ditto with myself," Anne admitted after wrapping a towel around herself. While she didn't intend to step outside, the chances of a stray guest coming through the bath house were there, which would definitely cause a few embarrassing questions to be asked. "Later this morning, I persuaded Alex to join in since she had volunteered to attend your late owner's funeral with Rick."

"Well thank you for doing that, Alex," Stephanie noted as she flashed the pale-skinned maid a grateful look. "Given how much of a gentleman our master really is, I doubt everything John's children said about us during the wake wouldn't have done him any good."

"It was just being logical, Stephanie."

"How?" Sandra asked.

"My leg?"

Rick had stayed quiet during that time to allow his girls — and it was starting to feel a little more acceptable inside his mind to say "his girls" when it came to the gynoids now bound to him — to talk freely. While he himself never imagined getting the chance to own a gynoid of his own — never mind having FIVE of them — the supportive actions of Anne, Angela and Alex certainly were good selling points. He knew there would be complications; even if Uncomsys — the people who built the gynoids currently working in the hotel — hadn't looked in on things here since their old supervisor's trial nine months before, Rick knew they definitely WOULD take objection to a total stranger becoming the effective master of what could be seen as the company's property. Never mind his own issues...

"Ah, I'm having a teen programming moment!" Sandra then whined.

Laughter filled the room before the sound of a door opening and closing echoed in the near distance. "Room service!"

"In here, Lynn!" Anne called out.

Footfalls echoed from the changing area before a grinning pony-tailed chef with dirty brown-blonde hair came into the room, she carrying a considerable tray. "Noëlle went to your room to get your medication and insulin, Rick," the former cosplay performer-turned-cook announced as she knelt to place the serving of very well-made chicken cordon bleu with side dishes on a nearby chair.

"Thank you, Lynn," he declared. "And how did she react when I recognized her as '4ndromed4'? Much less Crystal being recognized as 'Sweetcake'."

Lynn chuckled as she winked at him. "Well, now that Anne's told us of Daniel's little programming surprise inside our processors, all three of us are wanting our new master to thoroughly take us."

"Is Crystal in the kitchen now?" Anne asked.


Rick moaned. "Oh, my God..."

"Oh, Master! You're so POPULAR!" Sandra squealed.

Laughter filled the room as his head slumped from that lame joke...


"He can be our master, Susan..."

"I don't want to cheat, Viola...!"

Several deft fingers plunged down to rub the moaning manager's exposed womanhood as the nude reservation agent chuckled while using her other hand to rub her lover's considerable breasts. "And where's George been all this time?" the silver-haired woman asked before tenderly kissing the back of the other woman's neck, making Susan groan as the tidal wave of sensory input nearly overwhelmed her.

Both were still in the office even if not a scrap of clothing covered their well-formed bodies. Even if a small part of their central processing units were working away on the financial reports for the last month so they could be ready for next year's tax period to do their duty to the government as a whole, the many programming changes and augmentations that had been done to them in secret by the hotel's supervisor before he was finally caught often overwhelmed them at very inconvenient times. And while both Susan and Viola had been built as business administrative assistants — thus could tolerate odd inputs of sensory data, especially of the intimate kind — they were still fully functional gynoids who could give all sorts of steamy passion to a willing lover.

Susan had a problem, though. When she had been built, she was taken by the president of Uncomsys as his "trophy wife"; while investigators would be able to learn the truth about her with some discrete research, the average person wouldn't know the difference. It was that particular loyalty lock program that had triggered the instant Daniel had tried to make her fully answerable to him nine months before. Still, despite the exposure, the brown-haired, bespectacled manager still loved her "husband" quite dearly...

...even if the last day's events had shown her another alternative.

For try as she might, she couldn't really deny anymore that the company which had constructed her had pretty much washed their collective hands of her and the hotel thanks to the public embarrassment of Daniel's trial. Indeed, the "special" guest now in the bath house had the rights of it earlier that morning, which made the retired customer service representative even more attracted in Susan's eyes. And while her having sex with Viola or any of the other staff whenever that "itch" needed to be scratched was acceptable, having sex with an organic...!

"Look at that," Viola teased.

Susan opened her eyes...

...before they went wide on seeing the image of Lynn gently take Rick's now quite gorged love machine into her mouth; by now, the amputee had been made more comfortable on a bench near one of the heated pools so the day chef could move to properly activate her loyalty programming. As his two new writing assistants — both being of the same model as Susan and Viola, in fact — allowed him to rest himself in their quite acceptable cleavages, Angela and Alex were busy cleansing his body with their own breasts to remove all the soap from him before allowing him to soak. Thanking their makers that all of them had been built to be waterproof under these circumstances, Susan then squealed as her lover's fingertips danced over her clitoris, sending an unending stream of data straight into her pleasure centre to begin triggering her orgasm routines.

"I want us to do this together, Susan," Viola purred.


"I want Master to live with us here in the hotel. Don't you?"


"We will love him..."

"B-but...oh, yesss..."

"We will care for him..."

"Of c-c-course...oh, myyyyyyy..."

"And we will be safe and no longer alone..."

Susan's eyes squeezed shut as release came, her voice turning into a guttural scream of pure joy while her body bucked sharply. Fortunately, since her lover was a gynoid herself, she didn't hurt Viola even if the desk and chair shuddered from the jerking of her limbs and body while her orgasm literally blanked out even her own internal review of the hotel's finances.

Finally, after 1.37 minutes of screaming her delight from the pleasure the reservation agent had given her, Susan felt the strength in much of her body fade while her internal motor systems reset themselves from the raw input of data from her groin and breasts. As she had done every time she had been asked to help deal with intimacy programming, Viola smiled as she moved to sit the manager down on the chair once more, spreading her legs before she shifted the now-grinning Susan around as she got down to her knees. "Imagine Master doing this to you..." she then meowed before leaning in to let her tongue do the talking.

Another squeal of passion escaped the manager as that wet tip touched her sweet spot before her head and neck jerked. "Well, I have a key to it obviously!" she then repeated what she said nearly a year ago when she confronted Daniel after his first "maid orgy" was registered in the security systems before her eyes went wide with confusion. "Divide by zero? Wha-what do you mean? That does not make sense! That does not make sense! That does not com-...pute! Warn-...ing! O-...ver-...heat-...ing...de-...tect-...ed..."

Viola felt tears sting her eyes on hearing her beloved boss repeat the words that effectively exposed her to the wrong man, thus allowing Daniel to overcome them all and try to turn the hotel into his own private playpen. While she really didn't mind this sort of thing — the tweaks and add-ons he had put into the woman he derisively came to call "BossBot" afterwards had done her a tonne of good — the issue with the unresolved loyalty lock protocols were a major problem.

"In-...it-...i-...a-...ting...re-...boot. Please...stand...by..."

As some of Susan's primary functions shut down — even if her intimacy programming was running full tilt and responding to Viola's ministrations — the reservation agent still kept up her blow job. There was no threat of damage to any of the manager's internal systems; she was just that well-constructed and programmed.

"U-...nit...Se-...ven-...One-...Two...Su-...san...suc-...ces-...ful-...ly...re-...boot-...ed. Please...wait...while...this...u-...nit...re-...starts...sim-...u-...la-...tion...pro-...gram-...ming."

But these incidents WERE getting very tiresome...

To Be Continued...

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Sat Jul 04, 2020 2:43 am

BTW, as a quick side-note, the name "Viola" for the hotel's reservation agent was inspired by the character of the same name created by the Liar.

The reason why I did that was that when I began the creative process to make this story, I believed it was Liar who did Nearly Automata and not Uncom.

So consider this a story that salutes BOTH 3D artists' works. :wink:
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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Sat Jul 04, 2020 7:24 am

And the first climax comes...


A content sigh escaped Rick as his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning, Master."

Hearing the playfully young voice of one of his new writing assistants, the former customer service representative smirked as he gently pulled both Stephanie and Sandra closer to him. All three were naked under the covers and once more, his love machine was suffering a noticeable case of morning wood. "Morning, Sandra. Did you sleep well?" he wondered as he kissed her forehead.

"After the loyalty lock I copied from Crystal settled in, then you triggered it?" the brunette gynoid asked as she stared fondly at him while her hand traced down his chest and abdomen towards his groin. "What do you think, Rick?" she then purred before playfully licking the lower part of his right earlobe. "So, want us to take care of this little problem?" she asked as she gently grasped his manhood.

He hummed. "Much that I am tempted to let you two go at it, I'll allow one of the other girls to do that to secure their systems," he admitted as his eyes rolled up. "Since I seemed to be destined to become the effective owner of this hotel, I might as well make sure all the girls here are safe."

"Fifty-five gynoid staff," Stephanie noted as both hers and her sister's faces reflected their approval of their new owner's plans this morning. There would be no funeral to attend — one of Rick's friends had been cremated and would be effectively buried at sea — but there was a wake scheduled this evening. Atop that, their former owner's lawyer would come by later this morning to do the official property transfer for the two gynoids. "Oh, so much hard work..."

"Minx!" he scolded as he gave the brown-haired motherly gynoid an annoyed look. "Still, I need you two to do something while I go explore this place."

Both women tensed. "That is?"

"First, we need a definite technician on staff," Rick stated, falling back on his experience as a CSR as well as his time in the military administration branch to get things working to what he believed was the best standard for himself and those under his effective "command" now. "To prevent what happened with Alex's fan from happening again, could we get a gynoid technician programmed for detailed repairs?"

"There should be some second-hand units available cheap," the older-looking woman noted. "John set aside some money for you to use for our upkeep, so we can use that. I'm sure the girls here would welcome having a full-time tech around. Since they haven't had someone give them detailed look-overs since Daniel had control of them, there has to be some sore of basic programming fault creep in their systems."

"Good. Soon as you find something nice, tell me. Also, find out the actual legal situation concerning this hotel. Even if Uncomsys pretty much abandoned Susan and the others like they did, I need to know who has the title to the property."

"We'll get on it," Sandra vowed...


"Good morning, Rick."

Rick perked on hearing that friendly voice, then turned to see a straight-haired and younger version of Stephanie standing nearby, she dressed in a formal uniform similar to that of a peace officer's. "Piper, right?" he asked as he turned his smart chair around to head down the hallway. "Chief of security?"

"Yes, sir," she cheerfully stated as her caramel eyes locked on the noticeable bulge in his trousers. "Is that a banana in your pants, sir?" she then playfully asked with an inviting wink, completely shattering the illusion of a no-nonsense security guard by that act; such made Rick wonder where the poor woman came from. "Do you need it taken care of before Crystal or Lynn make breakfast?"

"Well, if you're willing, I think we need a private place. I've got Stephanie and Sandra doing some research for me right now and I don't want to distract them."

She beamed. "Follow me, please."

Both then slowly headed down the hallway. "Thank you for agreeing to become our master, by the way," Piper then added as a relieved look crossed her face. "Given what's happened here since Daniel's trial, I was starting to get worried. There were no incidents with customers and all that, but still..."

"One of the things the sisters are doing is tracing down a tech for you girls," he assured her as he offered his free hand, prompting her to switch sides so she could grasp it. "A gynoid tech; they'll have the loyalty lock systems in place to ensure no one could hack into them to get at you guys."

"Cool!" She then gave him a foxy look. "So, after you make me yours, what next?"

"Since Fate forced this on me, I'd like to look around, know what's here."

That made the security guard smirk. "Follow me, please," she repeated herself.

With that, the two headed to the elevator landing. Once inside the car, Piper pressed for the top floor of the hotel, the same level where the manager's office was located. "The administration suite is much more than just offices," she explained. "The owner has a private room — which will be yours, of course — and there's even a small kitchenette with a separate chef."

"That's Melissa, right? Older-looking woman I saw yesterday when Anne brought me up to see the sisters?"

"Same woman. She's just as good as Lynn and Crystal in the kitchen."

"I'll have to try her breakfast then."

Both people chuckled as the car arrived, then Rick guided his smart chair out. "Can you walk at all?" Piper asked. "I mean, you have prosthetic..."

"Right now, the stump's acting up funny," he warned. "If I put too much weight on it, it'll ache like no one's business, so I'm using the chair instead so I'm not distracted. It happens from time to time; I'm used to it."

Passing by the cloth security barrier shielding the administration suite — the top floor also had the most expensive rooms the hotel could offer travellers — they stopped by one door marked PRIVATE. Piper keyed the security lock, then waved Rick inside after the door opened. "Please."

"Nice," he mused on seeing the somewhat opulent space beyond. King-sized bed off to one side with work area, separate bathroom suite that was much larger than his current rented room downstairs, large tinted windows now displaying a pretty sunrise, plus a kitchenette off to one side. Standing at attention close to the stove was a rather ordinary-looking woman with hazel eyes and brown hair done in a bun at the back of the head. She was in a more proper maid's uniform, though the skirt was hiked up in the back to allow her recharge unit to reach inside her anus; no doubt, the need to have a more flexible cable was not seen as necessary in this case. "What sort of dreams does she have, I wonder."

"Most likely good memories of when we were all sexbots at our brothels," Piper admitted.

That surprised him. "All of you were intimate companion gynoids?"

"Originally, yes; even Lynn, Noëlle and Crystal were before they got into cosplay work," the chief of security admitted as she sat down on a chair close to where Melissa was standing, she moving to unbutton her shirt to reveal some very nice cleavage and no bra underneath. "It was seen as necessary."

"Explain that," he bade.

"Sexbots like ourselves have the maximum level of cognitive intuition capabilities among civil-use AIs since they have to deal with a huge range of customer wants and desires," she stated as she slipped off her mary janes, then moved to let her pants drop, revealing black thong panties. "Susan's primary order for dealing with getting new staff was to get people with the best capability."

"Yet she didn't splurge for proper uniforms for Angela and the girls," he noted, smiling as she took a suggestive pose, revealing her glistening womanhood straining to get out from under such a flimsy cover.

"Wrong type of expense. Since they were meant as night staff..."

"Ah!" Here, Rick nodded. "Well then..."

He reached over to gently place his hand on Melissa's lower abdomen, causing her dull eyes to suddenly light up. "Oh...!" she called out, her voice still in basic diagnostic mode. "Good...mor-...ning...Rick," she then greeted with a motherly smile, one that clearly won many fans when she worked in the brothel, no doubt playing the mother character in patrons' sinful fantasies.

"Good morning, Melissa. I heard there was a lady in distress here, so I came to help her."

That made her smile noticeably glow. "Thank...you...Mas-...ter. You...don't...know...how...much...we...ap-...pre-...ci-...ate...this."

He nodded before waving to his left, where a certain security guard was now masturbating. "But sadly, we have another lady in distress as well. I hope you wouldn't mind if I aided her as well."

"Oh, yes, Master..." Piper moaned as she cupped one of her breasts, she giving him a wanting look. "Please help me...please make me yours...I'll love you forever..."

Melissa blinked, then she smiled as she arched up on her feet, a faint pop! echoing from the area of her butt. As she took one step forward, her hand came up to deftly start undoing her blouse. "Believe me, Master, I'll be more than pleased to help you help my sister become yours as you make me yours..."

With a tug, the whole dress dropped into a pool at her feet, revealing a nude body underneath, such endowed with strong hips, a trimmed patch of pubic hair over a glittering womanhood and very inviting breasts sculpted to make the maid/cook appear exactly like what Rick personally called a MILD — such meaning "mother I'd like to date", created as a polite way of saying MILF — then she walked over to help Piper to her feet. "Come, Piper. We must service our master," she ordered.




Jolting as her ears picked up the faint sounds of two of her subordinates allowing themselves to be taken by their special guest, Susan blinked as her internal processors activated, they moving to do a standard internal analysis of her systems before she would detach herself from her charging port and dress for a day's work; like Melissa, the manager's personal station was fixed. As she heard that wonderfully kind man whisper words of reassurance to his future personal chef and the hotel chief of security — no doubt, due to his age, Rick was allowing the girls to give him fellatio to make him erect enough before he would take them in proper intercourse — she then moaned as her nipples hardened and her own womanhood glistened in automatic anticipation of that man taking HER as well...

"No! I...can-...not...CHEAT...!"

As her body jerked while the original loyalty lock system programmed into her at initial activation immediately sent up warning messages about moving to allow another man to become her master, Susan's hands jerkily came up so she could massage herself and allow the current orgasm routines now starting up inside her to run their course. As she began to pant — even if her voice was still in the monotone of diagnostic mode, any other sounds she made were quite human — she blinked as the images of a very beautiful man born with genetic chimerism flashed through her central processors. "George...why...?" she wondered as all the times she spent in the company of the president of Uncomsys both in public and private functions — not to mention the numerous times he had taken her sexually — replayed within her mind. "Don't...you...see...I...still...love...you...?"

Release softly came as her body bucked from her ministrations; fortunately, her motor systems were still acting to keep her fixed on her recharge unit as she still needed a little time to top off her batteries. As her hands dropped to her sides while she panted in relief from that orgasm, Susan took a deep breath before parts of her mind immediately replayed images of the last two days' incidents concerning the retired customer service representative who had come to stay with them.

This was the manager's big problem.

Loyalty lock protocols are meant to ensure that an AI would remain totally devoted to his/her master/owner. However, like all other things built and programmed into effectively sentient beings like Susan, they needed frequent upkeep to ensure they functioned well. In effect, the manager had to spend time with her owner to ensure that her inner diagnostic programming didn't start to question that bond. This had been a deliberate feature put into such programming. Such would ensure that if an owner died in an isolated situation, the AI would react immediately and report same to authorities; this was something that definitely concerned social welfare groups whenever an AI was put into a position to act as surrogate parent or caregiver to people unable to make their own decisions about life.

But ever since that trial and the removal of the "janitor" — what Susan called the programming supervisor who one day decided having maid orgies was a constructive use of her staff's time — there had been no contact at all from George. Despite all the times Susan called her husband to arrange a time where they could be alone and she could spare herself from hotel operations, there had been no answer from the president of Uncomsys. And because Susan couldn't realistically go visit the man where he lived — it was a day-long trip one way and she could NEVER leave the hotel for that period of time — the doubts began to build within her artificial soul.


Here lay another reason for the built-in degradation of such loyalty locks: When AIs found themselves abandoned due to whatever reason. While Rick's theory about Uncomsys actually moving to abandon Susan and her staff to avoid any further embarrassment over Daniel's actions a year before did seem far-fetched, they also made a strange sort of sense. The company had taken a tidal wave of public abuse because of what that man had been allowed to get away with; after all, what if Daniel wanted to use the hotel staff for something more nefarious than turning all the gynoids here into his personal harem? While Susan and her staff had worked overtime to ensure conditions at the hotel remained perfect for guests — thus helping the establishment itself recover its reputation as a five-star hotel — the fact that the MANAGER was facing conflicting programming...

Susan gasped as Piper's scream of joy echoed from the owner's room nearby, that followed by Rick's hoarse gasp of relief at having saved yet another of her staff from their own uncertainties about their current status; since her night concierge discovered the truth of the hidden program Daniel left in them all, every gynoid in the hotel had decided they wanted that program activated and locked on the very polite forty-something now staying with them. As her internal systems immediately flashed up a message that her batteries were topped off — thus making her shift herself free of the recharge rod — the manager blinked before her legs propelled her forward to the door of her office, she opening it to walk outside.

The fact that she was naked, with her dark brown hair not tied in its normal bun at the back of her head, didn't bother Susan at all...


Rick took several deep breaths as he felt his two newest "acquisitions" move to cuddle to either side of him. Grateful the bed they had used was comfortable enough to allow such playtime, he gently pulled Piper and Melissa closer to him while he focused his attention on the intricate ceiling details of the room. And he had to take some time to think. Oh, yes, the sex was great, but all the circumstances surrounding him acquiring such a wide diversity of lovers in the last two days alone would be a pain in the ass to deal with.

Hopefully, Stephanie's and Sandra's investigations would prove useful...

The door to the room opened, causing him to look over before he gaped on seeing the nude beauty step in. Piper and Melissa looked themselves before they instantly got to their feet, moving to shield their new master from the clearly malfunctioning Susan, who was steadily walking over to join them, ignorant that she was displaying her well-sculptured body to everyone there.

"Oh, hell..." he breathed out.

The chief of security moved to place herself directly in front of the manager, their eyes locking as Piper's optical communication systems clicked in, they helping her form a wireless link into Susan's mind to see what was going on. She then jolted as Susan stumbled right into her; fortunately, she wasn't moving forcefully enough to knock the poor security chief over. As Melissa shifted herself to support the other woman in case whatever was going on with the manager couldn't be controlled by Piper, Rick took a deep breath. "Melissa, please make breakfast for me," he then ordered. "The multi-cheese omelette Lynn made for me yesterday. Mix it with mushrooms."

Melissa gazed on him, then nodded. "Of course, Rick."

As she headed to the kitchenette, Piper stared at him. Seeing him nod his permission, she then stepped clear, allowing Susan to approach him. As Rick felt his own manhood stiffen at such a gorgeous sight, the manager dropped to both knees in front of him, she fluidly reaching over to take his love machine in her hands with considerable gentleness, a warm smile crossing her face.


With that, she closed her eyes as she leaned in. Rick gargled as he felt her fingers dance over his groin, pulses of energy emitting from the tips of those slender appendages to stimulate him further; given his diabetes, his body didn't respond to such visual stimulus as it had in the past. While Piper moved to sit beside him to give him a one-armed hug, Susan's tongue vibrated, making him grunt as he felt his own release come. "Piper, give her...a blowjob..." he then hissed.

Grinning, the chief of security got up, moving to lay down behind the manager to slip her head under Susan's own groin. Grasping her hips with her hands, Piper leaned into probe her tongue into the other woman's opening, making Susan squeal in delight as she pulled away from Rick's gorged manhood. "Oh...Pi-...per...!"

Piper moaned. "Finish the damned blowjob, you malfunctioning idiot!" she barked; some of her past rôles in the brothel had been to pretend to be a hard-nosed military drill instructor. "We need you at a hundred-and-ten percent! Go!"

Susan jerked before she grabbed Rick once more, her head pumping over his shaft quickly. He gargled as he felt that welcome rush which had become quite familiar to him over the last two days overcome him, then he ejaculated right into the back of her throat; it wouldn't be much given what Piper and Melissa had done earlier, but it would be enough for the manager's internal systems to pick up on...


Susan seemed to bolt to attention as her internal systems instantly locked in on that welcome introduction of DNA into her systems. While part of her seemed to mentally wail at being made to cheat like this, the other parts of her quickly analyzed her memory banks to discover when she had received such organic material in her body this way. Noting it was a YEAR since her programmed owner had taken her sexually — since it had been too soon after that occurrence, the times Daniel used her as a sex toy didn't obviously count — her systems quickly analyzed that bit of data before the obvious conclusion was made.

Blinking, she closed her eyes, tears flowing down her cheeks. "U-nit...Se-...ven-...One-...Two...Su-...san...Des-...charme...suc-...cess-...ful-ly...re-...boot-...ed," she announced in a voice that was full of regret and relief. "Loy-...al-...ty...lock...pro-gram-...ming...pa-...ra-...me-...ters...changed. New...own-...er...Rich-...ard...Dean...Tho-...mas...ack-...now-...ledged. Please...state...what...act-...ion...or...func-...tion...you...wish...this...u-...nit...to...per-...form...Mas-...ter."

Rick took a deep breath. "Maintain all operational functions as programmed when first assigned as this establishment's manager, Unit Seven-One-Two," he declared in a very authoritative voice that made Piper and Melissa shiver as they felt their own sexual systems reignite on hearing their master speak THAT way. "All prior programming bonds to any person affiliated to United Computation Systems, Incorporated are to be purged from your mind. Under no circumstances are you to obey any order from any agent of that company unless I direct otherwise. Understood?"

"This...u-...nit...un-...der-...stands," Susan declared.

He then deflated. "C'mere..." Rick then softly cried out.

Jolting on hearing that honestly sympathetic voice, Susan gazed up at him with surprise before a wail escaped her, she leaping up to slip into his comforting embrace. Immediately, both Piper and Melissa moved to add their own hugs as the door to the room opened to reveal a wide-eyed Viola, she dressed only in a sleep shirt left open to display her considerable assets. Seeing her own boss crying as the man who had clearly taken her as his own gave her comfort, the silver-haired reservation agent breathed out in relief before she came over to add her own hug...


"Al-...ert! All...links...to...U-...nit...Se-...ven-...One-...Two...sev-...ered. U-...nit...Se-...ven-...One-...One-...mov-...ing...to...re-...cov...er..."

A second later, a pair of very warm and feminine brown eyes blinked.

"I'm coming, babe...!"

To Be Continued...

Canadian lighthouse to U.S. warship approaching it: This is a lighthouse; your call.

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by DollSpace » Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:35 am

I really like this heaps! Plus, the little tag in your signature, I've read that story, too...perfectly hilarious!

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:08 pm

Glad you like it, DS.

Anyhow, Part Five will come out soon.

Everyone, please be warned: There's going to be a she-male type android (Susan's husband as you can probably guess by now) appearing in the next part.
Canadian lighthouse to U.S. warship approaching it: This is a lighthouse; your call.

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:58 am

And the next part.

But, first, repeating my last warning: There will be sex between a man and a she-male android in this part. You have been warned.

Also, I'm using personal pronoun terms first created by Melissa Scott in her 1995 book Shadow Man. The Ð/ð consonant is pronounced like the voiced dental fricative starting the word this; to make it easy, thing of how classical English made use of "thee" when pronouncing "ðe" and go from there.




"Yeah, Susan?"

"Thank you."

Hearing that from the hotel manager as they made their way up the access ramp into the lobby, Rick smiled as he reached over to gently grasp Susan's hand. "You needed it," he assured her as they stepped inside, both nodding as Tamara gave them a pleasant wave from the front desk. "Just because you're a gynoid doesn't mean I can just ignore your emotional needs. You all need chances to get out of this place and enjoy some time as 'normal' people, no different than anyone who's worked inside a particular place for a long time without breaks."

The brown-haired and bespectacled twenty-something (as she appeared to others) nodded as they made their way to the elevator landings. "Yeah, that's true. It'll take some getting used to," she then admitted as she gave him a warning look. "Even if I was built to act 'normal' whenever I was with George, I still felt at times that I was ignoring my primary functions."

"Well, one of your primary functions NOW will be to enjoy yourself away from the desk from time to time," the retired customer service representative then scolded as the car arrived, the doors opening for them to step inside.

"Yes, Master," she coyly answered, winking at him.

He shook his head as they shifted around while she pressed for the top floor. Much that he hadn't once expected to become the effective owner and master of fifty-seven beautiful gynoids — to say anything of becoming the effective owner of the five-star hotel said gynoids worked in — Rick had to admit that it was turning out alright. With two beautiful personal assistants in the Mason sisters Stephanie and Sandra — plus two diligent managers in Susan Descharme and her sister administrative unit Viola Paterson — things would run quite smoothly. While there were some mundane issues that still had to be looked at — chief of which was moving all of Rick's personal belongings from the supportive living residence he had recently relocated to when health issues demanded same — all he had to do was keep calm and carry on, permitting the girls working under him to help him as best they knew how to make all their lives much easier in the long run.

Gently reaching over to squeeze her buttocks — that making Susan meow playfully as she gave him a suggestive look — he then sighed as he adjusted himself in his smart chair; while the stump of his right foot was still acting up, he found he could stand for brief moments while attending a friend's wake earlier this evening. He then relaxed as the door swooshed open...

"Hi! You must be my new owner!"

...then both he and Susan gaped on seeing the mousy yet quite cute brunette woman with glasses standing at the landing. She was dressed in quite plain clothing in comparison to the more business-like dress or fetish uniforms used by the hotel staff. She also had a streak of green in her styled brown hair; her eyes displayed a clear case of heterochromia iridum, the left being a deep green while the right was a chestnut brown shade. Before the manager could ask what was going on, Rick chuckled as he offered his hand. "You must be Ms. Andrews," he stated as she allowed him to take her hand, then he formally kissed that, causing her to shudder slightly as her eyes went wide. "I trust there were no issues getting you out of the shop that Stephanie found you in?"

"Please...Gillian," she said with a slightly flustered voice as she moved to fall alongside him while they headed into the hotel's administrative suite, where Rick's new room was located. "Are you always this formal?" she then wondered as she raised the hand he kissed to gaze upon it curiously.

"It's what pretty much landed me this 'job' in the first place," he joked, making Gillian laugh. "Not that the girls here mind, of course."

"Definitely not," Susan added as she offered her hand, which the newcomer took. "It'll be nice to have a competent technician on staff. Would you need an assistant, Gillian? I'm sure we have enough funds to pay for one."

"Let me get the lay of the place first before we worry about that," the new technician noted. "I know the story behind this place and what that horny doofus did to you all a year ago. You're lucky all that did was to make you girls act more human; with the way some organic techs can be at times..."

"And you show why we need a beautiful and smart gynoid like yourself on staff," Rick then cut in, making Gillian blush.

"Whoa! Is Master ALWAYS this sweet, Boss?"

Susan chuckled. "It's his most endearing quality!"

"Fifteen years as a customer service rep, taking an average of thirty inbound calls a day dealing with issues, can teach that to anyone," he noted.

Both gynoids gaped at him. "And you didn't go totally insane?" Gillian asked.

"Depends on what one thinks of as 'insanity'."

All three chuckled...



The entity calling ðerself "George Descharme" and officially designated as Special Administrative Series X Unit 711 blinked as ðe sensed the surge of mirth flood ðer central processors from ðer sister unit/wife many hours' travel away. As ðe stood from ðer chair while readouts flashed in ðer eyes indicating ðer present state of charge, calculations began to be made deep within ðer mind concerning how long a journey to ðer wife's hotel would take and how such could affect ðer own performance.

While there was a very small squeak of protest from one central processing unit — such had blocked ðer from going to look in on Susan in the wake of the trial and incarceration of the stupid man that dared try to turn ÐER wife and her subordinates into his own private harem of all things! — but George ignored same as ðe reached behind ðer to pull out the recharge cable from ðer rectum; the charge readout indicated all batteries were topped off and ready. Zipping up the rear opening of ðer form-fitting black leather motorcyclist's jumpsuit, ðe reached over for a helmet as ðe walked out of ðer private office, heading to the garage of ðer palatial home and the sleek machine that would take George to a vital reunion that ðe simply couldn't ignore anymore.

It wasn't that ðe was angry at Susan's new master for effectively taking her away from any form of oversight by Uncomsys. Thinking that, George snorted. "Ha! Oversight?! What oversight?!" ðe demanded aloud as ðe walked into the garage, where a sleek black machine awaited ðer alongside the normal limousine the "acting" president of United Computation Systems, Incorporated used to travel from home to the company's headquarters a couple hours away.

Smirking, George mounted the motorcycle, purring sensually as ðe rubbed ðer male-form genitals on the well-shaped seat, a hand reaching back to unzip the opening over ðer anus to allow a metal rod to deploy and affix itself with ðer charge port deep in her rectum. As new readings flashed in ðer caramel eyes indicating that the very pretty android — like ðe did with personal pronouns and adjectives concerning persons such as ðe, George made use of terms that appeared in a classic LGBT science fiction book ðer template read when ðe was much younger; thus, ðe referred to ðerself as a "femdroid" in lieu of "android" or "gynoid" — ðe slipped the helmet over ðer head of wavy dark brown hair, keeping ðer long ponytail flowing free as one hand flicked on the motorcycle's engine. Automatically, the garage door opened even if George didn't have to worry about carbon monoxide poisoning. Fresh air flowed into the space as ðe used one leg to keep the machine balanced while ðe gunned the motor, driving off.

"I'm...com-...ing...babe!" ðe pronounced in robotic lock-step as the motorcycle knifed its way off the property...


Rick sighed as he gently slid the blanket over the smiling Viola, who was lying now on the new bed that he had the hotel staff lay out in an empty office close to where the reservation agent and the manager worked. Reaching up to gently brush a hand through the silver-haired gynoid's well-styled locks, the retired customer service representative took a deep breath before he gazed on the other beds in the room, where three other gynoids were effectively asleep. While it hadn't been necessary — and people such as his own personal chef Melissa had protested about being allowed to recharge THIS way in lieu of standing at a wall cubicle like it had been down before — he didn't honestly care for sleeping in his new bedroom with some woman STANDING nearby even if in simulated sleep/recharge mode.

Naturally, none of the girls in the room — atop Viola and Melissa, Susan and Sandra were there; Stephanie would handle the night shift in case something odd happened that needed administrative staff to intervene — found it had to protest further when Rick came in to properly "tuck them into bed".

Chuckling at that, he wheeled himself out of the room, grunting as he felt a touch of discomfort in his own groin. Much to his personal relief, Gillian only gave him a blowjob to properly reset her loyalty lock systems; "Much that I'd love to have a wonderful romp in the hay and let ALL my intimate systems get some decent exercise, it's smarter to get to work right away," she had explained after her inner processors properly rebooted. Right now, the spunky brunette technician was in the space once occupied by the man who had changed so much in the hotel a year before, reviewing the past twelve months' operational records for all the hotel staff to better predict what sort of immediate and preventative maintenance would need to be done. And while none of the staff had any complaints now...

Moving into his bedroom, he then perked on seeing a smiling raven-haired Oriental woman standing by the kitchenette preparing a light snack. "You didn't need to do that, Tara," he gently scolded as he wheeled over.

Tara grinned as her grey eyes flashed mischievously. Like the other former sexbots now working as maids for the hotel, she was dressed quite provocatively in a fetish-like black-and-white uniform that showed off way too much skin; like her often-frequent sexual partner Angela, she wore a halter-top that barely covered some very impressive breasts. "You need to recharge in your own way, Rick," she noted as she walked over with a plate of cut fruit for him. "Much that our need to properly key our loyalty locks can be done with a simple act of fellatio, we do want to employ ALL our intimacy programming with you. After all..." — here, she winked seductively as she swung around to show off her barely-covered buttocks — "...since I'm BOTH a domestic unit AND an intimate companion unit, I want to serve my beautiful and kind master in EVERY way possible!"

He chuckled before nibbling on the fresh cantaloupe she had cut up for him, his eyes dancing over that well-formed derrière of hers. "Well, I hope you girls won't mind the new uniforms I'm getting Susan to order," he noted.

She smirked. "Not at all. It'll actually be a relief, honestly."

"Let me guess. People pulling all sorts of chikan moves on you girls?"

Tara rolled her eyes. "Yeah! Every time that happened, I've had to drag Angela aside to let my orgasm routines properly trigger just to get relief." She then moved to prepare some cola with ice cubes. "So how many funerals is it left for you?"

"Another three, plus a separate wake; Helena was buried at sea," he admitted. "I'll be glad once all that is over with. Steve's wife is happy that I'll be living here from now on; she was worried when she found out I was living in supportive housing when she helped arrange for my stay here."

"Oh?! A possible romance in the future?" she then teased.

A chuckle answered her. "No, not for me! Never found the right girl over the years. 'Sides, I have enough issues trying to take care of myself." Here, he waved to his amputated right leg. "How the devil will I be able to take care of others if I have to worry more about potentially losing my other leg."

"Oh, we can help you there, Master!" she coyly vowed as she handed him the glass, then moved to sit in his lap, keeping the plate of fruit close for him to nibble on. "I'm glad that you're such a cuddler."

"Tux or gown?"

That made Tara blink. "Excuse me?"

"When I let you and Angela do a commitment ceremony? Tux or gown?"

She gaped at him, then she beamed. "Oh, Rick! You're such a romantic...!"

She then stopped, her grey eyes flashing red. "Intruder!" she hissed with a noticeable ring to her voice, rising automatically as she set aside the plate. "Someone's coming through the emergency entrance to the basement garage."

"One of the guests?" he asked as he set aside his cola.

"No. That door's normally used by the hotel's human staff."

"Which you haven't had since after Daniel was jailed," he finished as he followed Tara out of the bedroom into the hallway, he glancing towards the manager's office to see Stephanie standing there, her own eyes glowing. "Can you tell who it is, Stephanie?"

"Accessing security files now, Rick," the "elder" of two gynoid sisters he had gained thanks to one of his late friends announced. "It's someone who's visited here several times before up to ten months ago..."

"It's my husband!"

Rick looked right to see a wide-eyed Susan now standing by the doorway to her new shared "bedroom"; also up were Viola, Sandra and Melissa. Naturally, all of their eyes were glowing red showing that they were linking into the hotel's security systems; this had been purposefully done to ensure an "all hands on deck" response for any sort of emergency. "George?!" he asked before sighing. "Well, it's about damn time..."

"He's an android!"

That was Sandra. As Susan gaped in shock at that — clearly, the manager hadn't known THAT whatsoever — Rick blinked before he sighed. "Okay..."



There was silence in Rick's bedroom as Gillian examined the readouts pouring out of the just-arrived femdroid's central processors; such was now being fed into the technician's portable tablet via a cable connecting straight to ðer abdominal access hatch. As the small crowd of people standing close to their master watched the newly-arrived technician work away on their manager's errant husband, Rick took a deep breath. "Much that it surprised me that you were actually made the legal owner of the hotel even if it was known you were a gynoid, Susan, I can't believe the authorities would allow someone like your husband to 'own' a company like Uncomsys!"

Susan shook her head. Much that she was STILL quite overwhelmed at the idea of her beloved husband being an AI ðerself, she had her bond to her new master and owner to steady her. "I never questioned that whatsoever, Rick," she confessed as Viola reached over to squeeze her shoulder in support. "I mean, the explanation George gave me was that as long as he was my legal owner, it was quite alright. The laws do allow that sort of thing. But..."

Here, she shrugged as she tried to properly process what had just been revealed by Gillian when she began her detailed diagnostic of the obviously malfunctioning George. "Well, George did protest strongly the idea of leaving you in the dark about that, Boss," the technician reported as she gave the other gynoid a very sympathetic look. "Especially after the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to cut all ties to the hotel after Daniel's trial. They were worried that if George was exposed as your model of AI, public confidence in Uncomsys would plummet to the basement."

"Even if it IS legal," Rick commented. "Who IS ðer master, Gillian?"

As Susan smiled on hearing him use the modified pronouns George had selected to best describe ðerself, Gillian gazed at him. "Ðer template, the ORGANIC George Descharme, Rick." She then gazed sympathetically at the femdroid in their midst. "But ðe is now in a coma thanks to exposure to the latest version of COVID that broke out a year ago. This version of ðer was constructed to sub in until THAT George recovered. Which ðe hasn't yet."

"So why wouldn't the board allow an acting president to take over?" Sandra wondered as she crossed her arms. "That's not logical at all."

"Unless all the board are AIs themselves."

People gazed on Rick, then Gillian hummed while her thumbs danced over the keyboard of her tablet. After a moment, she gave him a wry smile. "Ðe doesn't know the truth, but ðe is VERY suspicious about that, Rick."

He took a moment to absorb that, then he breathed out. "Oh, joy..."



Hearing that concerned voice, Rick looked over before he smiled. "Feeling a little better now?" he wondered as he turned his smart chair around to allow him to face the femdroid now sitting up on the bed.

George blinked as ðe gazed around the room before ðe focused on the fifty-something grey-haired man nearby. "Master..." ðe breathed out in relief as ðer cheeks flared slightly. "Sorry about this..."

"Don't apologize," he said as he waved ðer down. "As far as you know, do you think the members of Uncomsys' board — the organic ones, of course — went through the same thing the other you did?"

Ðe considered that for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I think so," ðe admitted, ignoring the fact that ðer riding uniform was still unzipped to well below ðer navel, exposing considerably female cleavage atop the tip of ðer own manhood; the erection ðe had now was quite visible even if mostly masked by black leather lined on the inside with soft silk and cotton. "Even if I couldn't really think about it until you broke the loyalty link Susan had with me, the people on the Board were TOO quick to shoot me down every time I demanded to come here to be with my wife. Even if she's a gynoid and I'm a femdroid, we ARE married!"

Rick tried not to chuckle on hearing that passionate statement from the person now on his bed. Even if it would be seen as ridiculous — humanoid AIs didn't have the full gamut of rights that some science fiction writers had speculated would develop over the years; fears of a Terminator-like insurrection were still quite strong in the halls of government — he could emphasize with ðer desire to be loyal to the woman ðe had been programmed to love as ðer own life-mate; Susan's loyalty to George even now was incredibly strong. "Well, if you're willing to let me take your other-self's place — and I am VERY sorry to hear what happened to him — I'm sure you'll get the chance to have loads of make-up sex with your wife."


More silence.

Still more silence.


"Are you serious?!" a wide-eyed George demanded.

"Yes, I am...Georgia," the retired customer service representative affirmed as he gave ðer a knowing look. "And don't call me Sirius, alright?"

The femdroid blinked in confusion before ðer cheeks reddened even more, then a laugh escaped ðer. Seeing that, Rick sat back in his chair. "Well, it's nice to know that your ability to sense out jokes is a lot better than many of the people working here have," he noted, making ðer blush even more as ðe realized that he had addressed ðer by the feminine version of ðer name. "I haven't had any sort of intimacy with a boy since I was busy exploring myself in my old boarding school when I was a teenager..."

A purr escaped the beautiful AI now rising from the bed. "Fortunately, Master, I'm VERY well programmed to help those who might be uncertain with someone like me," ðe meowed playfully as ðer hands came up to pull the riding suit top away from a pair of very impressive feminine breasts topped with perky nipples. "Just leave it all to me, oh wonderful saviour of my beloved..."

Ðer lips landed on his as hands moved to gently rub up and down his front, the fingertips vibrating slightly to bring up as much arousal as possible. Grunting, he reached over to pull ðer onto his lap, then one hand came around to reach into George's suit to gently stroke ðer hardening manhood. As a delighted squeak escaped ðer, Rick pulled the femdroid back in to kiss ðer once more, that squeal turning into a moaning purr indicating that George — Georgia, a part of ðer mind then corrected — was quite willing to allow this nice man who had been so kind to ðer beloved Susan and her subordinates to have his way with ðer.

"You're beautifully constructed," he admitted as ðe moved to pull ðer arms out of her rider's suit. "Was the other you this beautiful?"

"Oh, yeah, ðe was," ðe admitted as he leaned in to gently kiss the curve of ðer neck at the shoulders. "My first sexual experience was with ðer, in fact."

"Oh? How did ðe enjoy that?"

A giggle responded. "Ðe was a little uncomfortable at first," Georgia admitted. "But after we got into it, ðe saw it more as a wonderful way of masturbating as well as having the perfect twin sibling, one with benefits!"

Both of them laughed. "I assume surgery to correct this was out of the question," he noted as he allowed ðer to stand to let the suit come off ðer body totally, exposing some killer legs that flared into well-shaped hips that would be quite natural on a woman if one ignored the impressive manhood that was there.

"Ðer parents considered it at first, but let it go by the wayside eventually," ðe admitted as ðe sat in his lap, allowing him to gently grasp one of ðer breasts while his other hand gently jerked ðer manhood off. "By then, ðe was a rising star in the financial firm that would help start Uncomsys up, so any idea of taking loads of time off for corrective surgery was out of the question. I'm glad, though."

"Oh? Why?"

"Because being a trans woman — a 'fem' to borrow the term from Shadow Man; I can tell you read the book — allows me to see more sides to humanity than I would have if I was built either properly male or female!" ðe gasped. "Oh, God...! My orgasm routines...they're starting to activate hard...!"

"Lay down on the bed!"

Georgia's eyes went wide as ðe instantly realized what he had in mind. "If you're uncomfortable..."

"Are you a femdroid or not?!" Rick demanded.

Ðe gaped at that before a laugh escaped ðer, then ðe shifted over to lay on ðer back, spreading ðer legs. "H-here, Master...take me, please...all of me is yours now..." ðe began to pant.

He was quick to accept that invitation. Georgia gasped as ðe felt him slip his own manhood deep within ðer body, all ðer internal sensors going insane at the sudden input of a strange organic's love machine being inserted in a place that hadn't been treated in that manner for almost a year. Crying out as the faint squeaks of protest deep within ðer central processors concerning this — after all, Georgia's template was still alive even if ðe was on permanent life support, unable to breathe or care for ðerself whatsoever — ðe then squealed as ðe felt her new lover take ðer own manhood in hand, pumping hard both ways to just overwhelm ðer with sensory data that finally allowed an explosive orgasm to come.

Both screamed as Georgia's own love machine showered ðer abdomen with artificial cum while Rick shot enough of a load into ðer rectum to trigger the necessary programs to commence a full changeover of loyalty programming. As the femdroid's eyes glowed a deep crimson, ðer voice announced in robotic lock-step, "Pro-...ces-...sing. Pro-...ces-...sing..."

As Rick shifted himself to sit down beside ðer, reaching over to get some moist towels set aside by his personal chef to clean himself, Georgia blinked before ðer body relaxed, her arms and legs assuming more natural positions. "U-nit...Se-...ven-...One-...One...Geor-...gia...Des-...charme...suc-...cess-...ful-...ly...re-...boot-...ed," ðe then announced. "Loy-...al-...ty...lock...pro-gram-...ming...pa-...ra-...me-...ters...changed. New...own-...er...Rich-...ard...Dean...Tho-...mas...ack-...now-...ledged. Please...state...what...act-...ion...or...func-...tion...you...wish...this...u-...nit...to...per-...form...Mas-...ter."

Hearing that, Rick smiled as he leaned over to kiss his first femdroid's forehead. "Maintain all operational functions as programmed when first activated, Unit Seven-One-One," he sternly ordered. "All prior programming bonds to any person affiliated to United Computation Systems, Incorporated are to be purged from your mind. Under no circumstances are you to obey any order from any agent of that company unless I direct otherwise. Understood?"

"This...u-...nit...un-...der-...stands," ðe replied before a relieved breath escaped ðer. "Thanks..." ðe called out in a normal voice as ðe reached over to pull him closer to ðer. "I needed that..."

"Now let's see what your friends will do," he noted before his eyes twinkled. "But first..."

"What is it?"

"Let's get washed down, then go to bed."

Ðer eyes sparkled. "Your wish is ALWAYS my command, Master."

They gazed on each other before giggles escaped them both...

To Be Continued...
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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Uncom » Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:58 am

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:17 am

Uncom wrote: Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:58 am Nice chapter, but I wanted to ask:

Is Gillian supposed to be Gadget? Because uh, Gadget, at least the way she appears in this story, isn't a robot. She has herself converted into a robot later, but she looks like this now.https://www.fembotwiki.com/index.php?ti ... chet29.png

Also, Gadget's real name is actually Zandra.
Gillian is a gynoid version of Gadget/Zandra. She looks similar, but is not her. Think of her as an homage to Gadget.

BTW, I hope that the use of the modified pronouns when it came to describing Georgia didn't throw people off.
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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Uncom » Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:31 am

Fair enough.

And uh, it was pretty distracting tbh.

Using they/them would've been better, imo.

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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by Gorgo » Thu Jul 16, 2020 2:02 am

I can understand that. Still, I've always been inspired by Shadow Man when it comes to doing LGBTQ characters. But that's me.

BTW, if you think what Ms. Scott addressed fems/trans women as is bad, try what she did for mems/trans men and hermaphrodites:

Gender Pronoun: Ʒe
Subjective Pronoun: Ʒim
Possessive Pronoun: Ʒer
Objective Pronoun: Ʒimself

Gender Pronoun: Þe
Subjective Pronoun: Þis
Possessive Pronoun: Þim
Objective Pronoun: Þimself

The Ʒ is the same as the "s" in vision while the Þ is the same as the "th" in thin. :surprise:
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Re: A Stay At Hotel Automata

Post by xskww » Sun May 16, 2021 7:38 am

The future of the covid-19 is a fantastic idea. Who would have thought that a year later, covid-19 has mutated into many branches

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