A terminator story

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A terminator story

Post by TheThingBelow » Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:20 am

I am away from my desktop for a short time, so I cannot continue working on the 3d model I recently posted.
Instead, I wrote this little story today. I have very little experience with creative writing, and it definitely shows. This would probably benefit a lot from a proofreader that isn't also me.
Sorry that the formatting is completely screwed, I wrote this in a word document.

This particular story takes place in the terminator universe. No existing characters used.

The assembly line was not a hospitable place. It was dry and hot due to its proximity to the nearby foundry where pieces of machinery were created in bulk via injection molds, filled with molten hot metals. It was dark due to an utter lack of any and all lighting, save the occasional barrage of sparks flying off of a welding tool. Nothing there needed light. Things patrolled the foundry and assembly line, things that didn’t care about the heat, things that didn't need light to see. They kept watch, kept guard. Made sure nothing slowed the progress of their inevitable goals. Some were bare metal. Horrifying skeletal visages, all metal bones and linear actuators that made quite whirrs as they moved, contrasted by the considerably louder metallic noise their skeletal feet made on contact with the equally metal ground. Others looked perfectly human. Of them, some were clothed in dirty military garb, and others paraded around in what would be considered a birthday suit. Bare breasts bounced in tune to a slow march, exposed penises and testicles swayed in the heat. None of the nudity seemed to be noticed by anyone – or anything.
A metal skull assembled from freshly cooled pieces made its way down the assembly line. It would be hard to tell what its resulting face would look like, if it even ever received a face, but it was vaguely feminine. For now, it was just simple metal plating, housing some more advanced components assembled upstream. The mechanical arms of the assembly line did their work at a breakneck pace. In a instant it had two cameras – metallic orbs with a red LED on the front. They were connected at the back of the eye sockets. Servo actuators were quickly welded into place to accompany them, putting force on the spherical camera housing, giving them the traction to motivate it in any direction. A jaw-like metal fixture was attached to the skull via two translational joints that were welded into place. This fixture sported a set of enameled ceramic teeth affixed to it. A set to pair with a companion set of teeth on the skull itself. Even close inspection wouldn’t reveal them to be false, although their unusually perfect whiteness may raise an eyebrow.
The skull approached a convergence, where two assembly lines met. From off to the side, another finished piece of the puzzle was maneuvered into place beneath the skull. It was a torso, in some manner of sense. It was notably thinner than the torso ahead of it. However, it still bore the same architecture; linear actuators connecting shoulder assemblies on either side, a thick metallic vertebral column running through the center of it, protruding out of the top and running out of the bottom of the chest plating, connecting it to the pelvic assembly beneath it. The column wasn’t the only thing connecting the chest plating and pelvic assembly though, it was flanked by several large linear actuators.
In mere moments the skull was already moving on from this section, having been placed onto the vertebral column and welded into place with another set of linear actuators affixed onto the skull, connecting it to the upper chest.
More convergence happened as the now completed torso and head met with a pair of skeletal arms that seemed customized to fit it. Shortly after there were legs that seemed much the same. The completed endoskeleton of this particular terminator hung there motionless in the assembly line, connected by the vertebral column to a rigid hanging arm by an electromagnet. Yet there was still one last stop up ahead. The endoskeleton quickly approached the final station where a robotic arm was fiddling with the skull component of the endoskeleton in front of it for just a moment before it was now its turn. Two paired CPUs slid into the exposed slots in the skull, rapidly making their connections, and beginning to receive power. The mechanical arm finished by sealing the CPU compartment, completing it with a thin weld. As the seemingly completed terminator kept moving forward attached to the hanging arm, it received the signal to power on.
After a rapid series of hardware and sensor checks, the terminator’s operating system came fully online. The red LEDs on its camera housings began to glow a deep crimson.
It had reached the end of the line, and the electromagnet disengaged. The terminator fell a short distance, landing on its skeletal feet with a loud metallic clang. It compensated its fall, bending slightly at the knees. Its actuator whirred in response to its commands for the first time. From there, previously finished units were heading in every which direction. But this unit had specific orders, and it followed a sparse trail of other units down a dark hallway towards the sheathing center.

Its infrared vision cared not for the dim conditions. Its footfalls came rhythmically, down to millisecond precision, joined by the cacophony of others that walked the same path, each footfall of each unit echoing off the stark metal walls. Each terminator turned down its own corridor now, into a separate region of the sheathing center, eventually this particular unit’s corridor came. Sheathing model 588, it didn’t need to read the sign, it already knew. It entered the corridor, and there was an abrupt change of light.
The sheathing center was much better lit than the assembly line had been. Not that this particular unit cared, or even could care, but it did reveal something peculiar. This individual unit was clearly not made of the same metal as the other models encountered. Where their skeletal forms shone with a bright chrome, this one was still metallic chrome but was several shades darker.
It approached a large white oval pod-like structure that was lying on the ground, its actuators still whirring in tune with its movement, each punctuated with the clang of its metallic footfall. The pod was placed in the heart of a small, room, flanked by 8 other pods all crammed into this space. The top face of the oval pod in the center was open, a translucent red fluid filling it most of the way. A small digital readout on the side read “T-959 model 588”. Not that the terminator had to read it either, it already knew this was its pod.
After a brief pause at the side to orient itself properly, it stepped over the side with one skeletal leg, followed by the other. It submerged itself in the red fluid, laying down until the back of its metal skull touched the bottom of the pod. An electromagnetic field began to power on, levitating the endoskeleton in the center of the bath, no part of it touching the surrounding container anymore. What looked like plastic surgical robot appendages unfolded from the ceiling directly above the pod, before submerging their spider like appendages into the bath of red liquid.
They began to extrude various living tissues from each tip. Some tips dedicated to endothelium, others to muscular tissue. The formation of bioscaffolding for internal structures was the first thing to do. Vascular lines were drawn from a mechanical pump located deep in the endoskeletons armor plated chest region. A stomach was bioprinted in 3d with two offshoots. One ran upward towards the mouth and would become an esophagus, the other ran down towards the pelvis, and would become the rudimentary intestinal tract and anus. Another sack was printed and connected, in what would soon become a fluid bladder. The bioscaffolding for the urethra and vagina then followed. Before long, the bioscaffoldings were complete, and the living tissue was seeded and began growing to fill it out. The surgical arms then went about drawing out muscular groups to hide the machinery within.

Several days later
Within the oval pod, the first instruction in days entered the processor of the terminator unit.
-Go to temporal device sector-
The terminator sent an activation signal not only to the linear actuator pistons in its abdomen, but now also the abdominal muscles that sat between its outer skin and inner metal. Its head broke the surface of the red fluid, followed quickly by the rest of its now nude body as it stood up, actuators and muscles working in tandem. What stood now was not just the same metal endoskeleton that first lay down in this vat of fluid; it was a woman. Well, it wasn’t actually a woman, and it was the same endoskeleton, but covered in enough flesh to make it appear convincingly like a woman. Were there anyone present, they would probably comment that it was very attractive. Not that it could comprehend that. The fair-skinned woman was pushing 6 feet tall and had a broad athletic figure with decently large D cup breasts situated on its chest. Its hair was a deep dark brown, which hung wetly around its heart-shaped face, framing its soft green eyes. The machines sheath gave it a rough appearance of 32 years old.
The terminator stepped over the rim of the vat where it had been lying motionless for two days. Some of its dark brown har clung wetly to its face, but the hair did not obstruct its vision, so the terminator did not care about it. It proceeded down a metal hallway opposite from where it entered the sheathing room, leaving a trail of red fluid.
It was only a short distance until it arrived at another small room, a cleaning station. It stopped abruptly in the center of the small room, standing directly over a small drainage grating beneath it, flanked on all sides by an array of shower heads. It received a command from the station to expunge internal fluid, so it complied.
A stream of the same translucent reddish fluid jetted out of the terminators vaginal and urethral openings as the muscles around its vagina and bladder contracted, evacuating them of any fluid. The stream coming from its anus took several seconds to finish as it had to contract in a sequential fashion all the way from the esophagus down to evacuate the entirety of its rudimentary digestive tract.
As that display was happening, the terminator fulfilled the other portion of the command given to it by the cleaning station and took a standing spread legged, spread armed position. A deluge of cold water cascaded over its skin and open eyes. Its hair was thoroughly sprayed down, getting the remains of the red fluid and biomatter out of it.
The water abruptly stopped, only to be followed by a powerful blast from all sides of hot air. In a few moments, the terminator was spotless and mostly dry, save its hair which clung to a small amount of dampness.
It proceeded to walking forward, away from the direction it came, until it arrived at a junction. It knew that continuing forward would take it out onto a thoroughfare where there would be other units, both those finishing their sheathing and those heading to and from the surface. But its instructions were otherwise. It headed down the other hallway, which would proceed deeper into the structure.
The terminator eventually arrived at an underground hallway that was utterly massive. A large jet could fit in it with no problem. This hallway connected various bases controlled by Skynet. There were large walkways, accompanied by an even larger railway that could transport flying terminator units, tanks, platoons of units or anything else it needed to. But a single terminator had no issue with walking, and so this one began doing just that. It walked for hours and hours, along an unchanging gently curving hallway. Its actuators were tireless, and its muscles were engineered to consume energy much more efficiently with a fraction of the byproduct, so fatigue was impossible. Not that it even needed to use its muscles. As it walked and walked, the gentle bounce of its naked breasts went unnoticed.
Its processor received a command update:
-proceed to temporal translocation device-

Several hours of tireless walking later, it eventually arrived at what it had already known to be the temporal device sector, an entirely hidden section of the greater complex that had no ground access. Skynet saw to it that any resistance fighters would have to make it miles deep into the heart of the compound if they sought to sabotage this device, an unlikely prospect to be sure.
The terminator entered down an adjoining hallway into the temporal device sector. Operating on the specific command it received, and lacking operational experience, a few odd things did not register in its ‘mind’. There were no terminator units guarding the entrance to the temporal device sector. There were also no terminator units patrolling the hallways of this rather invaluable sector. However, just as it may have breached the numerical threshold of finally being suspicious enough to investigate, it did notice terminator units guarding the temporal translocation device chamber. Whatever numerical representation of ‘suspiciousness’ within this units runtime evaporated as it proceeded into the massive chamber, and it returned to simply following its only command.
The female sheathed terminator didn’t bother sparing a glance at any of the three endoskeletons operating the temporal translocation device, which itself took up a majority of the large room. It simply walked past them and began climbing the stairs up to the main platform. Midway up the stairs, what sounded like a series of explosions came from behind it, and out the hallway. All units in the room rapidly turned to the entrance where the sound had propagated from. The female terminator did so as well, causing its breasts to violently wobble in response to its rapid turn. It saw that the two units stationed outside of the room had their weaponry raised, but each was tottering for a moment, jerky, electricity arcing across their metal surfaces before falling to the metal floor with two loud clangs.

Sergeant Norton, the one who led this expedition deep into the heart of this massive Skynet extension compound, put down his night vision binoculars, letting them dangle around his neck and picked back up his weapon. He had been watching down a long, dark hallway adjacent to their target. They had already cleared the necessary ‘play space’ but they couldn’t proceed to the target yet. Intel informed them that the time travel thing had to be activated remotely by Skynet once given the all clear from the local units. That way, no one else could just bust in and hijack the thing.
Luckily the busting in part wasn’t a problem. They had a couple terminator units of their own. Reprogrammed units were always a hard sell on missions since, frankly, no one wanted a machine watching their back. One that would place the mission priority above its comrades lives even if unnecessarily so. At least that was what most of the grunts believed.
Norton wasn’t like that. He had worked with numerous terminator units before and knew that the longer they operated the smarter they got. He knew the smarter ones could make decent heuristic decisions, some even better than some of the humans he’s commanded! But none of that mattered here. They had two units because they had to for this op. One of the units, a big fucker, had the proper comm protocols spoofed. He was the one that was feeding the ‘local’ units the A-OK from all of the units that Norton’s crew had… decommissioned. The other unit was the reason they were even here. They were sending her back in time.
She was some more-advanced-than-standard infiltration unit. She was a tall woman, probably 6 feet if he had to guess. Sexy as hell, but he knew better than that. She also had a decent amount of processing power, and apparently was fucking indestructible. She was structurally the same as other female infiltration units, still just metal struts and linear actuators underneath, but was a more advanced model with more powerful motors. She was made from this slightly darker metal, something he had seen on a very small number of enemy combatants before, but he knew what it did. The standard heat-based plasma weaponry brushed off it like nothing. Hell, even heavier explosive rounds, which proved effective against the alloys that the standard units were made of, barely even dented the stuff. But thankfully, the toy he had in his hands didn’t really care what a terminator was made of, as long as it was still made of metal. He wasn’t afraid of encountering any units made of tougher stuff. He gave a small smirk down at his weapon.
It was a crude thing, but the boys back at RnD assured him it would get the job done. It had worked with flying colors so far. Every person in his 14-man infiltration group, including the two terminators, was armed with one. It looked like someone took a standard AR and jury rigged it with some massive mad scientist electromagnetic coils, a few small metal cylinders, and some copper piping for good measure. He still wasn’t quite sure what exactly it did, but it was a hell of a weapon. Shot a bolt of supercharged ions at high speeds. Very high speeds. It looked like a bolt of lightning when it fired. Was loud as hell, but it fried any terminator unit it touched.
Anyway, here they waited. Waited for Skynet to send an infiltration unit down to get transported back in time, so that the time travel device would boot up. Once it did, they would storm the place, reprogram the destination, send the chick back in time, then plant the explosives they had and ghost this place.
They waited for quite a while.
The female terminator, who had been staring at a small device that was spliced into one of the power lines on the wall, reached out and gave a tap on the shoulder of the nearest soldier, before returning its gaze to the device in its hands.
The soldier who had been tapped, tapped another soldier in front of him who then tapped the Sergeant. In response he released his weapons foregrip with his right hand and formed a fist with it.
‘Hold’ was the signal.
With a camera system snaking around the corner, he watched the two guards at the entrance. He knew there were three more inside. That’s how many digital communication signatures the male terminator in his squad had informed him were present in this section. He also knew now that an infiltrator unit was on its way. Its comm sign had been sent ahead, and the female unit in his platoon had just given him the signal that the chamber was being brought online. However, thanks to intel he knew it wouldn’t reach critical power threshold for some time, and if they intervened now, its power would be cut. He waited. They all did, weapons at the ready.
It wasn’t long before their patience paid off. He saw a woman cross the hallway and pass the guards. She was butt naked. A machine, obviously. The machine they were waiting for. He was just waiting for the final signal from his own machine…
It came moments later. A double tap this time came to his shoulder, he looked back past his own soldiers briefly to see the female terminator pocketing the device she had been holding for hours, and picking up her weapon. The time machine was at critical power levels. It was go time.
He then let go of his weapons foregrip with his left hand and held two finders up, followed by a double wave of those fingers forward. To nail a shot at this range reliably, he was sending the two terminators up. With weapons raised and soft footfalls, the two friendly machines advanced past him. The male moved to the other side of the corridor to get an angle on the far guard. Then, they both fired in unison.
Two lightning bolts lanced out and connected with their desired targets. The friendly terminator’s high-powered weapons wouldn’t be usable again for a few minutes. That was the downside to packing all that power into a single shot. They shouldered their guns, and each drew a heavy caliber handgun. The human soldiers maneuvered around them as the machines took up the rear, not nearly as effective as their human counterparts now that they didn’t have their primary weapons available.
They stormed the room; three more staccato cracks rang out as the smell of ozone filled the room. Three more clanks as the endoskeleton operators hit the floor. Only one enemy combatant to go. Norton was leading the charge now, and his weapon was still primed, he looked down the barrel at the terminator that was still midway up the stairs, and for just a moment he paused. She was the exact same model, well… sheath model at least, as the female unit they were sending back in time.
“Hey unit one!” Norton called out without moving his head. “You ready for a family reunion?”
The friendly terminator quickly appeared at his side, looking up at the identical faced unit on the stairs.
The enemy terminator made a quick start down toward them, but that movement was a mistake. A bolt of lightning lanced out from Norton’s rifle, passing straight through the enemy unit’s head. The skin and hair and all the other bioengineered tissues on its head and most of the way down its neck were vaporized. It had reached the bottom step before getting shot, but now that momentum carried it down to the ground. It fell with a quiet ‘clunk’, its fall being muffled significantly by its breasts. Its body continued to twitch and spasm for a short time, each causing its buttocks to ripple, before it finally came to stillness. Men fanned out and checked each of the enemy combatants to ensure they were thoroughly deactivated.
Norton looked to his right, where unit one still stood, ready to act. “All right unit one, get ready for temporal displacement.”
In response the female terminator nodded to him and put away its handgun. It then began to disrobe. While it was doing this Norton moved forward towards its ‘sister’ unit. With his foot, and great effort, he was able to roll its heavy body over, so it was facing up. It was a strange dichotomy to behold. A beautifully perfect athletic body, that transitioned into a metal horror at the neck. This thing was undoubtedly fried, but they could take it back and try to repair it. Its endoskeleton was clearly the same indestructible crap that unit 1 was made of. They could have another ‘unit 1’ in no time.
“Sir” a feminine voice said behind him. He turned around and was face to face with a now very naked unit 1. The resemblance to what he was just looking at was uncanny. Without her helmet, and combat gear, she looked pristine.
‘Of course they are the same idiot’ He thought to himself. ‘They were literally made from the same mold.’
Shaking himself out of his thoughts and trying to resist looking down at the naked body of unit 1, he fixated on her gaze. She didn’t give even the tiniest hint of shyness. There was absolutely no change in her posture or face now that she was butt-ass naked. But that is to be expected Norton supposed.
He looked next to her feet, where her combat gear had been discarded. Combat pants, vest, helmet, weapons, etc. No underwear though. Terminators didn’t wear underwear. They probably couldn’t feel chaffing and wouldn’t care about it anyway. Besides, normal people needed that underwear.
“You have your mission parameters?” Norton asked, looking back up to meet her gaze.
“Yes Sir.” The female terminator responded.
“Sir, we have the date and coordinates locked! 50 seconds and counting!”
Sergeant Norton nodded at his man operating the computer terminal, before returning his gaze back to the female terminator. He snapped off a quick salute, and she snapped one off in response. It made her bare breasts bounce in a way that threatened Norton’s composure, but he bit down on it.

After saluting the sergeant of its platoon, the female terminator walked past him and up the stairs. It then proceeded to the center of the massive time displacement device, which was already beginning to hum with power. It dug into its files for the appropriate action it was programmed to take under such circumstances and found what it was looking for. Its hands balled into fists, placing them against the ground and crouched down on to one knee pressing its chest against the other thigh squishing its left breast in the process. If it were a real woman, it would have experienced pain in doing so. It locked its actuators in place and held the position.
Arms came down Around the center of the platform, ending with large discs facing inward. They began spinning, achieving a blindingly fast speed before long. Electricity arced wildly, and in a flash of light, unit 1 was gone.
“Godspeed” Norton said under his breath. “Alright everyone, charges are in place. Let’s get the hell out of here.” He motioned at unit 2, then at the body of the identical female terminator lying on the ground. “Unit 2, secure this body. We are bringing it back.”
“Affirmitive” was the only response he received as the massive man brushed past him to single handedly pick up the heavy metal body. In his other hand, the rifle would soon be primed to fire again.
“Alright, move people. Move.” Norton called out, as every last person vacated the room.

Many years ago
Electricity blossomed from a seemingly random point in space. It picked up in intensity, small flashes of light fighting the oppressive darkness of the night sky. In this dark, cold parking lot, a brilliant bubble of pure light bloomed, the bottom most part of it a few inches off of the ground. It was gone as quickly as it appeared. In its stead, there was a nude, crouched woman. Her dark brown hair and one of her breasts hanging limply, the other breast seemingly squashed between her chest and her thigh. The nude woman slowly stood up while surveying the scene around her. Her medium length hair caught the gentle breeze, as her unblinking soft green eyes scanned the parking lot. She fixated on a nearby parked car and began to move.
She approached the vehicle and briefly appraised it, looking through the driver side window. She brought her left arm back and drove her fist straight through the older car’s window. She reached through and unlocked it from the inside, opening the door outward. She knelt by the steering wheel, and with a single hand ripped off the plastic covering beneath it, exposing the starting wire. She ripped them out of their connection to the key slot and touched the exposed copper ends. The old car’s engine turned over a few times before starting up. She let go of the wires and slid into the car. She planted her naked butt and thighs directly onto the glass shard covered driver seat without hesitation. It didn’t even seem to register on her face. She quietly closed the door and drove out of the parking lot.

It was lucky that the roads were barren that night. Few cars passed in either direction, and in the low light it would be difficult see the nudity of the ‘woman’ in the drivers seat. In its red tinged vision mission parameters were held static, sensor readouts flashed by, and attention reticles wavered. But it had no problems seeing in this low light. The weak head beams of the old car it drove proved inconsequential to the machine driving it. Aside from the gentle swaying of the steering wheel to maintain its lane, not a single actuator in its body moved. It sat motionless in the driver seat.
It drove for a few hours, two cities over via rural roads. It might not have had any sense of modesty, but It knew being spotted in its current state could hinder its mission. It needed to acquire clothes before making first contact. It knew it was approaching 4 AM in the morning, if it was to acquire clothes from a store it would have to do so soon.
There was a shuffling of its mission sub parameters, and it took a turn down a small towns main street. It oscillated its eyes slowly back and forth, observing the closed shops on the sides of the road. There were a few clothing shops locked up. It simply passed by them. It knew that a lack of physical security meant alarms. It continued on down the main thoroughfare at a slow pace.
Eventually, it found what it was looking for: a barred and chained up clothing shop. Chances for additional offsite security alarms was calculated to be 32%. Better odds than any other shops it had passed.
The old car came to a slow stop in front of the locked up clothing store. A large CLOSED sign did little to dissuade the approaching woman shaped machine. It noted a distinct lack of telltale electromagnetic signatures. That data flashed through its processors, which calculated one conclusion: there was no alarm. It took the two sections of the large padlock in its feminine looking hands and tore them apart with a metallic groan. It slid the chain out from its interlacing knot between the doors handles and dropped it to the ground. It pulled the doors open and pushed the barred gate aside. It was now inside the clothing shop.
Its eyes scanned back and forth in tune with its head, actuators silently whirring beneath a layer of muscle. Its processor took note of a few things: shirts, jackets, jeans, bras, panties, men’s brief’s, dresses… Most of these were ignored for operational reasons. A dress was not optimal for movement or combat, and panties and a bra meant nothing to a machine that could not feel chaffing and did not care about damage to its mock genitals. It made its way towards the woman’s shirts and pants section but froze mid-step. This was accompanied by a lightning fast reshuffling of sub priorities in its runtime. The machine had arrived at a conclusion that its processor had only now calculated. It was no longer in a sole combat environment. The state of its organic sheath was now greatly more important than before. Even its genitals could prove paramount given the right circumstances.
In accordance with this reshuffling of sub priorities, the terminator changed its course and walked over to the woman’s underwear section. It scanned the sizes listed, looking for one that matched its own. The first one it found, it pulled off the rack, causing several others in front of it to fall to the ground. It was a pair of standard black panties, not that the make or color mattered to the skin covered machine.
It ripped open the plastic packaging and held the panties open. It lifted one leg, and put it through one of the leg holes, and followed suit with the other leg. It proceeded to pull the panties up its legs until it registered the fabric grow taught. However, on its way up there was the sound of glass chunks hitting the ground, and as the fabric of the underwear grew taught, there was a tearing sound.
The terminator looked down at the panties now sitting snugly around its waist and taught against its pubic mound. It took a step back, an action accompanied by further tearing sounds, and observed the pea sized chunks of glass on the ground. It followed this action with a damage assessment of its organic sheath. The assessment returned 27 large gashes on the underside of its thighs, buttocks, and a few around its vulva.
It began puling the now torn black panties back off of itself, accompanied by a few more pieces of glass falling to the ground, and made its way over to a full body mirror nearby. It approached the mirror and turned around, raising its butt until it exposed itself fully to the reflective surface. In an action that would make a contortionist proud, the machine rotated 110 degrees to the left at the waist until its abdominal actuators made contact with its vertebral column, all while maintaining its ass-up stance. It now observed the damage to its sheath’s posterior with its red tinged low light vision. There were indeed 27 rends in its fair toned flesh. The amount of blood was minor, as terminator’s synthetic blood was a much higher affinity oxygen carrier, and its synthetic muscles needed significantly less oxygen to begin with. With its left hand now in a position to reach its wounds, it began feeling them one by one. Feeling the surface, forcing its finger inside, all in an effort to detect if a piece of glass was still lodged within. Lucky for it, this seemed to be safety glass. There were exclusively larger chunks, with no tiny shards to worry about. That was likely the reason it only had 27 wounds instead of a completely decimated backside.
A number of the wounds still had glass in them. It did its best to fish the chunks out, squeezing the surrounding tissue to pop the glass out if it couldn’t. It went about doing this for a few minutes, the quit ‘pink’ ‘plink’ of glass hitting the hardwood floor. There were no wounds directly on its labia, but there were two shards still embedded in the crease between its labia and its left thigh, and an additional piece in the opposite crease on the right.
All in all, it took 20 minutes, and 14 pieces of glass were resting by its feet, having been freshly liberated from its rear. Its face as neutral and unchanging during the entire process as when it first sat down on the glass. When it was finished it noted the passive regeneration cycle and the estimated 62 hours it would take to heal fully. Again, the synthetic engineered organic tissue of a terminator was vastly more robust in its healing factor than a standard human, though this was likely helped by how much less complex the overall system was.
The terminator walked back to where it had first acquired the panties, taking a minor amount of care to avoid the glass now on the ground, and quickly found a new pair of the same underwear, these a dark blue. It donned them again, this time without any tearing, and it registered the underwear fitting snugly against its vulva and around its waist. It now moved to the bra section, and again looked for a pair that would fit its sheath. Its processor dug for its construction specifications. 34D, that was what it was looking for. The first thing it found in the appropriate size was a mostly plain white bra with some frills on the tops of the cups. It didn’t care of course, and quickly holstered its breasts within the confines of the bra, clasping the band behind itself with mechanical precision. It was approaching 4:40AM, and the machine knew that it needed to be gone by 5 if it wanted to surely avoid coming into contact with a human, possibly necessitating a termination which could decrease the success parameters of its mission. It quickly, but methodically scanned the jean pants available, finding a pair that matched its sheath’s specifications. This was quickly followed by a T-shirt that would fit its frame. It continued scanning the showroom, in search of a pair of shoes. It didn’t find any, however. Its processor calculated that this was merely a minor setback.
It had one last job to do here. It proceeded behind the clerk’s counter, scanning the wall and floors for structural vulnerabilities and void space. It found what it was looking for quickly. It moved a floor mat out of the way, to see a metal square in the ground, with a slot in the middle. It brought it’s heel up and slammed it down on the center of the metal square with a fraction of its actuators’ power, bending the metal inward and expanding the slot. It stuck its hand inside, and pulled, ripping the metal top off of the drop safe. There were bundles of US bills, held together with a small rubber band each. 6 bundles in total. The terminator fished each of them out, lined them up and attempted to stick them in its pocket. It only then found that its pockets were not up to the task, being only a couple inches deep. The terminator could not feel frustration, but the presentation of a minor new problem churning through its processor was probably the closest approximation it could comprehend. It scanned its database for a quick solution and happened upon ‘female human small item carrying techniques’. After but a moment of scanning this archive, the machine took the bills in its hands and split the bundles, 3 and 3. It then shoved each bundle into opposite sides of its bra, on the outside of its breasts. It then turned to leave.
Now, freshly clothed in everything but socks and shoes, and with roughly 600 dollars in cash, the no longer nude terminator proceeded back out of the store, its bare feet making contact with the cold cement of the sidewalk. It maneuvered around to the driver side of its acquired vehicle and turned its red tinged vision down on its still shattered window. It opened the door, and small attention reticles highlighted all the remining pieces of glass on the driver side seat. 283 pieces remained on the seat. Its processor cycled through several different options for dealing with the situation. It took only a fraction of a second before the terminator turned back towards the ransacked store, its processors calculating that given the time constant, removing all the glass pieces was not a viable option. It quickly scanned about for the thickets pieces of clothing it could find. A rack with cold weather jackets on it was the first object that fulfilled its criteria. It walked over to the rack, and grabbed a jacket in each hand, turning about face and walking back out of the store.
Arriving back at its vehicle’s opened driver side, it spread the coats, one after the other over the seat. It quickly brought its lower body sheath sensors to the forefront of its processor’s attention and monitored their inputs as it slowly sat into the car. As it bent over to slide into the seat, its labial pressure sensors noted the soft fabric of its newly acquired panties pulling tightly against them. The pressure sensors on its buttocks noted the jean and panty fabric applying pressure against it. The friction sensors along its legs noted the slide of jean fabric across them, as it was pulled slightly upward in response to bending at the waist. All inconsequential, the terminator logged the sensor responses and continued to slowly sit down.
Its rear made contact first, pressure sensors lighting up. Its buttocks’ softer nature did not halt its descent into the chair yet, its heavy metal endoskeleton continuing to compress the pliable organic tissue. Its thighs made contact next. Again, their pressure sensors responded, but no damage had been reported yet. Lastly, its labia responded with pressure sensors, having made contact with the coat-covered seat by means of the panties and pants it was wearing. Still no damage signal. The compression of its fattier tissue finally halted the descent of its body into the seat. It swung its legs over the car door’s threshold and into the footwell and was careful to keep its feet raised off the shattered glass on the floor, a feat that would be exhausting before long for a human. Doing this made the terminator now lean back in its seat against the backrest, causing its labial sensors to no longer report the seats pressure against them. Despite the redistribution of forces, still no new damage alerts went off.
The terminator was not capable of being ‘happy’ but its processor had calculated that this glass problem had been concluded, probably the closest approximation of ‘happy’ that the machine could comprehend. Keeping its bare heels off the glass covered floormat, it operated the cars petals, and drove off into the cold, dark morning.

The woman shaped machine pulled into an apartment building’s parking lot, leaving its car in one of the empty spaces, before turning off the engine. It vacated the vehicle, walking along the cold asphalt with its bare feet. It looked up at the old apartment building on its way to the entrance, a few lights were on, possibly early risers given that it was now 5:40 AM. It approached the locked entrance and observed the locking mechanism. Its red tinged vision zoomed in on the mechanism, observing the miniscule space between the doors. Its eyes then tracked to the side, looking for a telltale electromagnetic signature. There was one present this time. The machine did not want to get other humans, especially police, involved in its mission. However, the terminator was not able to calculate an elegant solution this time.
It took the door handles in its hands and began to pull outward. There was a groaning of metal, followed by a loud PING, as the force holding the doors together gave way. They did not fly open though, the terminator’s actuators were far too precise to allow that. It quickly moved inside and localized the source of electromagnetic signaling behind the wall next to the door. It quickly drew its right fist back and plunged it into the drywall. There was a ‘whumpf’ as it did so, and it grabbed the local security signal box inside, crushing it in its grasp. The signal died out, no longer notifying of a break in, but the response would have been logged regardless. The machine was on a timer now.
It never broke into a run, but it quickly walked to the stairwell, and opened the door. It ascended the stairs quickly, up to the 4th floor, where its primary mission target was presumably fast asleep. It walked quickly down the empty, but illuminate corridor, apartment entrances passing it on either. It finally came to the doorway it was seeking, 428. It was going to force the door open, but it noticed light emanating from beneath the crack in the door. After some quick processing, it opted for a new approach.
Linear actuators in its forearm contracted with a whirr inaudible past the muscles and skin coating them, causing the flesh covered metal fingers to ball up into a loose fist. Its balled fist gently rapped against the door 4 times in succession. Each knock was spaced perfectly down to a few milliseconds of variance, not that anyone would notice. It turned up its audio gain.
There was some shuffling on the other side of the door, and after a dozen or so seconds, the door opened a crack, still being held by a chain on the inside.
“Uhh… hello? Do you know what time it is?” Said a masculine voice on the other side.
The machine had not opted to engage its infiltration protocols, as they would not be necessary and would only slow its progress.
“Hello” a neutral feminine voice emerged from a speaker built into the back of the roof of the machines mouth cavity, at the top of its esophageal lining. Its mouth mimicked the words that its speaker produced. “Are you Matthew Torrison?” It ended with an inflection upward, the hallmark of a question.
“Uhh… no.” Came the voice from the man whose eye was just peaking around the door. “He’s asleep in his room I think... Are you like a prostitute or something?” The eye looked the terminator up and down. “Sorry no, no… you’re definitely not dressed the part. I’ll… uhh… go wake him up. Be right back.”
The man left the other side of the door, and according to the highly tuned audio sensors of the terminator, walked a short distance away, before turning a corner and continuing to walk a short distance. The terminator reached up to the chain still holding the semi-open door from opening further. After some quick processing, it concluded that the most subtle method of getting through the door was to pull one of the chain links apart. It grabbed one towards the middle and applied torqueing pressure to both sides of it. The individual links of the chain were not welded shut; they were just bent into position. The terminator made quick work bending it out of position. In only a few seconds it was through the door and into some sort of commons area. It’s chemosensors picked up many aerosolized components that together were signatures of marijuana. Someone had been operating the television recently as well, since it was still on. There was some sort of computer system in front of the television. After a quick search through its database, it found that this was a video game console. Inconsequential. It quietly followed the direction it heard the man’s footsteps take. As it did so, it prepared to identify its mission target. Its vision changed from the monochromatic red to full color, elevating the visual processing load that its processor had to deal with. But it was programmed to be as sure as it could feasibly be.
The man it had just seen was leaning through an open doorframe in the hallway. Its audio sensors picked up the spoken words.
“Hey, hey Matt… you up?”
“I am now, what the hell man? Are you so high that you thought it was a good idea to wake me up at… 6:02? I have work tomorrow… today.”
“Sorry man, but there’s this hot chick at the door, asking for you.”
As this conversation was happening, the terminator was silently approaching the young man from behind.
“What? Are you tripping balls?”
“No, no, I swear. Just come tell her to fuck off, and you can go back to sleep, ‘kay?”
“All right fi-“ was all Matthew was able to get out before a swift thud overtook his roommate Ryan, which made him collapse to the floor.

“What the hell!” Matt said at nearly maximum volume without yelling. A woman stepped over the… unconscious? Dead? Form of his roommate, Ryan.
“Who the fuck are YOU?!” He whisper-shouted “And what the fuck did you do to Ryan?”
The woman just stood there for a brief moment, staring at him. After the long pause, Matt was about to speak up when she responded in a neutral tone:
“Matthew Torrison?”
“Um... yeah? That’s me…” He said warily.
“Come with me if you want to live.” Was all the woman said, extending her hand out towards him.
“What… What?! Are you threatening me or something?”
The woman, still holding out her hand responded in the same neutral tone. “No, your place of work will be targeted today. You will be assassinated. Come with me if you want to avoid this.”
“Wha… What? Someone is going to kill me? Fuck... Fuck. Why? I don’t fucking believe you! You just killed Ryan!”
The woman retracted her hand, coming to a rest by her side. She looked down at the body still between her feet. She then looked back up to him “He is unconscious, not dead.”
Matt relaxed a little at hearing this, a non-insignificant amount of tension released from not knowing if his room mate and friend was still alive or not. He looked back to the woman.
“Okay, okay. Fine. Why? Why would someone want to kill me?”
The woman continued watching him, the same impassive expression on her face. “Because you will become a very important person. Certain parties want you dead for that.”
Matt nearly laughed. “You have to be joking? I’m a 30 year old manager at a fast food restaurant. Me? Important? Fuck off.”

The machine observed its primary target through its concealed cameras. This was not working as quickly as it calculated it needed it to. But it concluded that pressing the time issue would not help assuage the human.
Its dual processors churned away. They didn’t have to operate long, only a fraction of a second to arrive at a mathematical conclusion. Other units with less experience or lighter on processing power would probably hit a computational wall attempting to deal with a social situation like this. But this unit was computationally powerful, and had been in working order for 8 years, 3 of which in service to Skynet, and 5 in service to the human resistance. It had experience in dealing with humans.
Its processor sent a signal to its speaker, while simultaneously signaling the motivation of linear actuators on its jaw, and muscles in its tongue and lips. All came together to formulate the illusion of speaking the words: “Humor me.”
“What?” the human said back to it.
“Humor me.” It repeated. “Let me take you for today, and we will observe the news to see what happens. Afterwards, you may return here if you are not convinced.” It pulled one of the wads of cash out from besides one of its sheath’s breasts. “The cash is yours regardless.”
The human looked from the cash back to the machine. Its audio sensors picked up a groan.
“Ugh, fine. I guess I am the manager… I can call in and ask them to cover for me...” The human looked back down to the unconscious body beneath the terminator. “I swear though, if he isn’t all right when I get back, I am calling the cops first thing.”
The machine only nodded in response as it watched the human get out of bed and begin to get dressed. After a moment the human stopped.
“Not big on privacy, are you?”
The machine quirked its head in response, a nonverbal sign of confusion.
“Let me get dressed. Get out.”
In response to the verbal command not conflicting with its mission, the machine backed out of the doorway, picking up the unconscious human. It easily carried his body over to the couch in the common room, before setting him down on it. It then scanned about the room for anything important. It spied car keys hanging on a hook by the door, opposite to the side the door opened up on.
The terminator walked over, unhooked the keys and placed them in its jeans pocket. It turned back around to continue its scan. There was some bottled water on the counter. It quickly did an internal scan of its fluid levels and found them to be suboptimal. It walked over to the bottle of water, unscrewed the top, put it to its lips, and poured the entire bottle down its throat, not bothering with swallowing.
It waited a short while longer, the human still audibly shuffling about in his room. It spied a pair of shiny, stubby, metal cylinders sitting on the counter. The terminator searched its database but could not match this to anything. A program lit up somewhere deep in its processors, seeking to establish new information. The machine approached the stubby shiny cylinders and reached out to grab them. The cylinders jumped into the machines grasp before it even picked them up. It turned its hand around to observe the odd items. When it brought its other hand over to separate the two cylinders, it felt its fingers being pulled ever so slightly towards them. It immediately knew what they were now, and it knew that it had made a mistake. These were magnets, and their luster indicated neodymium. It tried to push the magnets off its finger, but only succeeded in getting the magnets to transfer to its other hands index finger.
It processed the situation. It needed a part of its body that had enough organic sheathing separating its surface from its metal endoskeleton as to not attract the magnet. It compared those constraints to its body. Its breasts were an immediate match, but they would not be adequate. They had no structure for which to push the magnet off its finger. Its abdomen was devoid of metal close to the surface, and it may be rigid enough to maneuver the magnets off its finger.
The machine pulled up its shirt, holding it in place with its right hand. Its vision focused on the aspect that it calculated would prove most useful, its bellybutton. It placed the magnets, still clinging to its left index finger, onto its bellybutton. It then sent a signal to its abdominal actuators, and accompanying muscles to contract. It bent over at the waist, its abdominal flesh surrounding and grabbing the magnets. It then extricated its left finger from the crease, now free of magnets.
It now sent another signal to counter its previous movement, and it straightened back up. The tiny shiny magnets tumbled away from its belly, hitting its jeans, and falling to the carpeted floor.
The terminator turned around to go wait by the door.
It wasn’t long before its human target emerged, now fully clothed.
“All right weird chick, lets get this over with.” He was pulling on his coat as he said so. “Where is your coat? Its supposed to be cold as hell today.”
“I don’t need one. Let’s go.” Was all the machine responded with, before turning to leave through the entrance.
“Whatever.” The human said behind the machine and followed it out.
They arrived at the parking lot shortly.
“Okay, so where is your car?” The man said behind it.
It turned around producing the car keys it had acquired from the apartment “We are not taking my car; we are taking yours.” It pushed a button on the fab, a nearby sedan lighting up in response.
“What the f… Hey, give those back.” The human said starting for the machine’s hand that held the keys. After a few moments, the human realized he could not wrest the keys from its grip. “I didn’t agree to this, you’re planning on stealing my fucking car!”
The verbal command hung in the machines processor but was quickly overruled by its mission parameters. In response the machines mouth again gave the illusion of speaking in a neutral feminine voice “No. This is insurance that you uphold your end of the deal. You will want to ensure nothing happens to your car.”
It then proceeded over to the driver side of the car that now had its headlights on.
“Hey hey hey” the human said as he caught up to the machine, again attempting to take the keys from its hand. “My car, so I’m driving. I’m warning you, give me back my keys.” He looked angry now.
The terminator didn’t open its hand that held onto the keys and didn’t desist from maneuvering to the driver side door. The human was powerless to stop it.
“Okay, you fucking asked for it.” The human said.
In response to this, the machine turned towards him, and its processor was just about to send signals to its speaker to begin speaking. However, a fist was coming towards it from the slightly shorter man. The machine calculated that the mans blow did not have enough fore to break his own fist, and simply let it hit its face. The fist connected on the side of its head, where its jaw connected to its skull. There was a thud, and the machines head barely moved a centimeter. The man would have been astonished were he not preoccupied, holding his now throbbing hand.
The machine opened its mouth, and as impassively as ever said “Get in the car.” The human was now whimpering, and without thinking moved over to the passenger side door, which he opened with his other hand, and climbed in appearing thoroughly defeated. The machine got in on the driver side and the car mildly protested, tilting very slightly to its side.

The car was traveling down a slightly more active freeway, given that it was now 8:13 AM. The early light of day broke through a mildly overcast sky. The human, having whimpered for 8 minutes and 32 seconds following his assault, had been quiet ever since. He finally spoke up.
“Hey, aren’t we going far enough? We’ve been driving for almost two hours now. Whoever it is wants to ‘kill me’” He added air quotations as he spoke the last part, wincing as he did since his right hand still clearly hurt “certainly won’t find me this far away.”
The machine processed this statement for almost a full second before responding. “They can, and they will. If I was hunting you, being one city over would only protect you for approximately an additional week.”
The man spoke up again. “Well, can’t we stop or something? We surely don’t have to make this entire journey in a single day, right? Why don’t we find a motel or something? We can hang out and see if your claims are B.S. or not.”
The terminator processed this statement for a short while. It finally responded “Yes. We are a safe enough distance away. We can stop for the day if you wish.”
“I do” the human said.
The terminator took an offramp after several more miles, the signs of a motel directing it to its destination. As it pulled into the parking lot it spoke again without looking at him “Do not use your credit card or cell phone. Both can and will be tracked.”
“Well, I wasn’t exactly planning on paying for this little excursion, so that is fine with me.” The human said, annoyed.
“Come.” The machine said as it opened the door and got out of the car. The human followed.
It approached the front desk, pulling a single wad of bills from the side of its breast as it did so.
“We need a room for a single night.” The machine said to the woman running the front desk. The older woman looked at the wad of bills, and where they came from, and rolled her eyes.
“Okay, 52 dollars a room a night.”
The machine leafed through the bills, pulling out three twenties. The woman gave back the proper change, and an old key to go with it. “Room 232, up the stairs to my left and down a short way.”
The machine only nodded in response, and headed in that direction, looking behind it to make sure the human was following. He was.

Arriving in their room, and what was to be his own personal kidnappers’ suit for the day, the woman moved behind him to close and lock the door. This was followed by her drawing the curtains so that no one could see in. Matt took a seat at the foot of the bed.
“Really committing to this shtick huh?” Matt said. “Can I at least know your name?”
The woman turned to face him with her expressionless face and responded in that same neutral tone “I don’t have a name.”
“Ooookay, miss no name. Are you at least aware that there is some blood on your jeans? Right around the bottom of the butt and top of the thighs?” Matt said raising an eyebrow. In truth he had noticed when he was walking behind her out of his apartment, but he had other concerns on his mind then.
“Yes, I am aware” Was the only response he received.
The woman had stopped moving about the room and was now just standing at the door stock still, staring at him. Her posture was perfect, it looked like she had an entire closet full of brooms up her ass.
He glanced over at the clock sitting on the nightstand next to the queen-sized bed. Apparently, the lady at the front had gotten the idea that they were a couple. Given how attractive his new companion was, he would have been happy to be so, were she not clearly crazier than a bag of cats. The time read 8:42 AM.
“Okay so, when do I get to go home exactly? If I’m ‘supposed’” He again air quoted, immediately regretting it as pain shot through his right hand “to be assassinated today, SURELY you know what time, right?” He said, dripping with sarcasm. To his mild surprise, she answered.
“You will have died at around 10:50 AM today. Things may have changed since my arrival, but it is unlikely.”
Arrival? Whatever why try to understand a crazy person. He pulled out his cell phone to let his workers know he wouldn’t be in today.
She was on him in an instant, her grip on his cellphone was like literal steel.
“What the hell! You’re going to confiscate my phone now?” Matt growled angerly. To his dismay, his phone was easily pried form his grip, and try as he might, he could do nothing about it.
“I said no cell phones. It can and will be tracked if used.” She turned it over in her hands, looking it up and down. Matt knew what it was she was looking for.
“You can’t access its battery; most phones are like that now.” He rolled his eyes as he said it. What he wasn’t prepared for was what she did next. She stopped looking over it and crushed his smartphone in her hand.
“WHAT THE HELL!” Matt shot up and shouted at her. In his immediate rage, he was considering doing something, but remembered every instance of physical altercation up until now. This woman was on something, because she was strong as all hell.
He sat back down fuming.
“You are angry now” The woman blankly said to him. “But you will be alive by the end of the day. That is all that matters.”
Matt was becoming sick of hearing her neutral, expressionless, lunacy. But there was nothing he could do. He exhaled hard and lay back on the bed.

Matt was still silently fuming, and the chick hadn’t moved a god damn muscle for over an hour, just standing there. She at least stopped staring at him when he told her to stop. He had been sitting up, watching television for a while now. The news. It was past the time in which the woman said he would be assassinated, and nothing had come up. He didn’t exactly know how the news would report on something that didn’t occur either, but she seemed unfazed. As a matter of fact, that word pretty much described literally everything about her from the moment they met. Unfazed.
After 15 or so minutes past 11, a bulletin came on.
“We have breaking, and saddening news today folks.” The male newsman started. “Just over 10 minutes ago there was a brutal mass shooting at a local fast food chain. Police are still looking for the shooter.”
The female news anchor started “There were unfortunately no survivors, there are 19 dead including all of the staff, and those unfortunate enough to be getting a late breakfast. Due to this, the police have little information on the suspect. An eyewitness from across the street said that the shooter was a female, brunette, and wearing a black outfit. No other information has been released. If you have…”
The television turned off. Matt was holding the remote, shaking with fear and disbelief. “Wha… what? What? Why? It... it happened. It actually fucking... oh god.” He said slowly, shakily.
The woman, who had turned her head to watch the same new broadcast approached him slowly now. “You understand now.” It wasn’t a question.
“I… I… oh fuck. Oh fuck. Gina. Ronny. William was only 16. 16! And I knew… I knew hours ago and did nothing. Oh fuck, oh fuck.” Tears were welling up in his eyes now. His entire staff was dead, save those who had off today. “Who… who the hell would do this? And why... why me? Why me.”
The woman was looking down at him and quirked her head to the side slightly. “I already explained, you will become very important in the future.”
“What does that even mean?” Matt said through reddening eyes.
There was a pause this time before the woman spoke again. “In the future you will be a general in the human resistance. One of the resistance leader’s right-hand men. You will play a key role in the fight against the machines that rise against humanity and attempt to terminate the human race. One such machine was sent back in time in the guise of a human to terminate you. The resistance learned of this, and also sent back a machine in the guise of a human, reprogrammed to protect you. I am that machine.”
She delivered this insane story as though she were describing the color grey. It made his grief sour and quickly turn to anger.
“Oh you’re a machine huh?” He said with furious sarcasm. “Well obey my fucking orders and take off your pants and dance like a chicken.” Again, said with angry sarcasm. “How about you stop fucking with me right now, and tell me what’s really going on?
But, to his immediate astonishment, she complied. She unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her now bare legs, her navy-blue panties visible from underneath her shirt. She then stood there for a moment, before extending her elbows out to the sides, flapping them up and down.
Matt was dumbfounded. “Wha… what the heck are you doing?” He asked, genuinely taken aback.
She responded in a way that Matt really should have guessed. “Dancing like a chicken.” Her utterly expressionless face and voice contrasting heavily with her current action.
“Okay okay, stop. You’re really dedicated to this shit aren’t you? All right you fucking jackass, well see about that… Take off your shirt and bra this time.” She was going to have to drop this insane act n-
Again, she immediately complied.
She stopped dancing, and pulled her T-shirt up over her head, revealing her white bra underneath. She then unclasped it from behind and shrugged off the shoulders, letting it fall to the ground. Her exposed breasts stared back at Matt. He gaped for a moment before closing his mouth.
“Why are you doing what I tell you to? It was just fucking sarcasm, not an actual order. And there is still no way I am going to believe you are some sort of advanced fucking robot.”
“I am complying with your orders where they do not conflict with my mission parameters. My current state of dress does not directly affect the mission in a significant way.” She replied, no hint of shyness in her voice, or on her face.
Okay, that was it. She hadn’t given the slightest physical or emotional response to anything so far, but Matt had had enough. He was tired of this act, and grief was still thrashing his psyche. He wanted to hurt something, someone. Make someone pay for what just happened. He walked over to her now mostly nude form. She looked him in the face, again with nothing but a neutral expression. She was only an inch or so taller than he was, so she wasn’t really looking down on him, nor was he really looking up at her. He met her gaze, then turned his own downward towards her crotch. He threaded the four fingers of his right hand through the front of her left leg hole, and back out the right leg hole.
She didn’t even move to stop him.
He gripped the front of her panties and pulled up. Hard. He looked back up to her face as he did so a cruel smugness creeping over him. This WOULD break her. That smugness held for a second. Then two. Then confusion. She didn’t even appear to register what he was doing. She just stared back at him, the same neutral expression on her face. He was, for the second time today, completely dumbstruck. He looked down at his right hand, thoroughly torturing her navy panties, giving her the worst front wedgie possible. It cleaved her labia in two, enough force to completely separate them on opposite sides of the undergarment.
He let go of her panties with his right hand. He had pulled them so hard and so high up that even when he let go, her labia came back together, locking the article of clothing between them and keeping it somewhat elevated.
She had absolutely no response to this. Didn’t even seem to notice what the hell just happened.
“What the fuck? Are you on PCP or something? Are you even aware what I just did?” Matt said, a little discombobulated.
“Yes, you pulled upward on my panties in an attempt to inflict pain.” She said, passively.
“I… uh… how… oh geez am I really fucking asking this right now? How can I really know if you are a robot or not?” Mat said staggering backwards a little.
“You can feel my body. While not flexing, my organic sheath’s muscular layer does not hide the ridged metallic components underneath that comprise my endoskeleton.”
He was hesitant at first. His hands slowly approaching her, then stopping, then approaching again. He gingerly felt her upper arm, her bicep and triceps were there as expected. He got a little more adventurous and pressed harder, massaging her upper arm. Lo and behold, he felt it. A ridged structure. One that shouldn’t be there on a human. He felt her shoulder, then her neck, which was even more obvious. Though it looked like he was throttling her, she gave no response to it, and merely watched him. He felt some ridged cylinders that moved as her head slowly followed his.
“Uhh… sit, sit down, I guess”
She took a few steps over to the foot of the bed, still ignoring the panties that bisected her genitals, before sitting down, making her bare breasts bounce in response. The bed sagging more than it did for him. He sat down on her right, and again took her arm. He put his ear up against her upper arm and moved her forearm back and forth. He heard it, a quiet, but audible whirr coming from within. He let go of her arm which slowly returned to her side, its palm resting on her thigh. Then he stood up.
“Holy shit… this is actually happening. This is real.” Matt looked back to the TV, a wave of grief and grim thoughts washed over him. Then he returned his gaze back to the girl – machine? Robot? And that grief slowly transformed back into anger. And arousal oddly. Not oddly, here was one of the hottest woman he had met in the past year, wearing nothing but some panties that currently made her labia look like they were eating it. He crouched down in front of her, now partly thinking with the growing member in his pants. ‘How could he not?’ He thought to himself. Machine or not, this girl was unbelievably hot. He slowly spread her legs a little further apart, and she complied, not moving a single muscle (motor?) that he didn’t. Well, except her head. She continued watching him. Not his had as it progressed towards her lady parts, just his face. She didn’t even seem to care as his hand made contact with her(its?) mons pubis. He gingerly took the panties and gently pulled down on them. They were still being held in place by her labia, so he tugged the front of the panties down a little. The crotch of the panties was buried surprisingly deep within her womanly folds, but he pulled them out and maneuvered them off to the side of her cleft. He didn’t know why he was proceeding, but she sure as hell wasn’t stopping him. She just watched his face, the same expressionless look as always.
He nudged her labia apart, finding a small clitoris buried between. He instinctively began stroking it lightly before realizing that it was probably a meaningless gesture. He ventured forth. His finger was gliding along the soft tissue until it turned upward, traveling into the body. His finger dipped in for only a moment as he found it.
“Oh shit” he said, realizing he was breathing rather heavily. He had begun pulling back his hand away from her crotch as he looked up at her face. Still no reaction. Still not even a glance at the hand he had just penetrated her with. She just kept watching him serenely.
He took a deep breath in before speaking. “Well… I clearly have some serious fucking frustration to work out. And I happened to have a hopped up sex-doll with me. So I’m taking it out on you. Stand up and bend over the bed.” He said gruffly.

The terminator had watched his face as he penetrated its vaginal canal with a finger. It did not have its infiltration protocols active, so it had no reason to feign any amount of pleasure received from the act. To the machine, the data received from its vaginal sensors were no different than the data it received from its forearm sensors, aside from the location of stimulus.
Then, its audio sensors picked up “Well… I clearly have some frustration to work out. And I happened to have a hopped up sex-doll with me. So I’m taking it out on you. Stand up and bend over the bed.”
The human seemed to desire sexual intercourse but made no note of the terminator reciprocating. It denied the startup of any sexual simulation software. The machine compiled with the order, actuators in its abdomen and legs working in unison to bring it to a standing position, before removing its panties and turning around and bending over at the waist, placing its hands on the bed. It complied with the unspoken direction as well. It elevated its posterior until its vaginal canal was easily accessible. Its abdominal actuators pushed against its pelvic assembly to rotate it backwards until it achieved the correct angle.
“You have a lot of cuts back here… are you sure you’re fine?” The voice of the human said.
“Yes.” Was all the machine replied with.
Its audio sensors then picked up a zipping sound, followed by a rustling of clothing behind it. After a few moments its labia sent a pressure signal, before a cylindrical object of size and dimension similar to a penis, penetrated into its sheath’s vaginal canal. It only made it a short way in though.
“Agh. You are bone dry. Can you lubricate yourself? Are you even capable?”
In response to the unspoken command, a small fluid sack nearby the vaginal canal received commands from the machines processors and contracted. Small organic tubes carried the fluid that was to be secreted into the vaginal interior. Simultaneously, a signal was also sent to its speaker and jaw actuators.
“Yes. I am lubricating now.”
As it said so it continued staring straight down at the bed’s blankets, not moving a single unnecessary actuator.
After a moment, a smaller cylindrical object penetrated its vaginal canal, its dimensions similar to that of a finger. It lingered for an instant, before being pulled back out. Now the same larger cylindrical object once again asserted itself in the vaginal canal of the machine’s sheath. This time it made its way much deeper, until the terminator could register the front of the human’s hips pressing against its soft rear. He began thrusting in and out of its mock vagina, causing its mostly rigid chassis to move back and forth slightly, depressing the bed around its hands. Its breasts hung loosely and swayed back and forth, their stretch sensors sending signals to its processor. Now its vaginal canal’s sensors were now lighting up like a Christmas tree. Stretch sensors, pressure sensors, all responding in a cacophony of noise. A cacophony that the machines processor logged, and then discarded. With no simulated responses being queued by sexual software, the vaginal and breast stimulus amounted to nothing. The machine registered the stimulus but did not feel any part of it. Not that it ever truly could.
The human was pivoting in and out of its facsimile of a vagina, clapping his hips against the terminators soft rear, which rippled with each hit. He was not impacting the machine hard enough to cause self-harm though.
Since nothing of note was happening, the machines processors had decreased to a low enough level that allowed it to focus on further mission plans.
It was calculating the probability of being found by an enemy unit while within 200 radial miles of the original assassination location when its audio sensors picked up something other than grunting and the sound of its own rear clapping against flesh.
“I think… I think I’m gonna…”
This audio string was parsed by its processors for any form of command or updated information but found none. It was about to return to calculating its simulations when chemosensors in its vagina detected signs of semen. The machine remained steady, allowing the human to finish outputting fluid into its vagina. The pace of the human slowed, and then proceeded to stop. The machine calculated that they should leave behind an absolute minimum of any biological material that can be used to follow. As it felt the penis shaped object leaving the confines of its vagina, it sent a command to its vaginal muscles to clamp down hard at the end of the vaginal canal but remain open along its length. As a result, no semen other than a small dribble from the extraction of the penis shaped object escaped its vagina.
The human was now leaning back against the stand that supported the television, seemingly exhausted. The machine stood upright, before turning around to face him. It then knelt down on its knees and grabbed his penis with its right hand.
The human, with eyes closed, said
“Sorry, I think I’m out for now, you dead fish.”
Ignoring the words, the terminator proceeded to engulf the mans rapidly shrinking penis in its mouth.
“Want more that badly huh?”
The human said, now with a frown.
The machine applied a minor amount of suction by expanding its esophagus, then proceeded to secrete fluid into its mouth so that it could clean up the human’s genetic material. As it was doing so, it sent a signal to its speaker, responding to the human.
While still applying suction to his penis, it spoke, only minorly muffled.
“No, I am cleaning your genetic fluid before we contaminate the room with something that can be used to trail you.”
His mouth remained slightly agape, possibly from exhaustion, possibly from astonishment at seeing the machine speak without the use of its mouth.
After a moment, the terminator extricated his penis from its mouth, having finished cleaning it to a reasonable degree.
As it stood, it moved its left hand down to its vulva, where it made a scooping motion with a singular flesh covered mechanical finger. That finger ran against its ironclad vaginal entrance, collecting the minor amount of spillage that happened when the penis shaped object was extracted. It then stuck that finger into its mouth as well, removing any trace of genetic material.
“Well aren’t you the kinkiest little fucking android…” the main said exasperated, through half lidded eyes. The machine only cocked its head slightly in response to this.
Having no real answer to that statement, the machine bent over towards its panties, beginning the process of dressing.
“Hey! You’re going to go through all that trouble of not letting a drop of me get out, and you’re not even going to clear yourself out?” The human said to it, his eyes now more open, a slightly annoyed expression on his face.
The skin sheathed machine straightened back up, panties still in hand, and turned towards him. “My vaginal canal has been shut, preventing the leakage of any fluid. In time my biological tissue will absorb the semen. If you wish to use my vaginal canal sooner, I can clean myself out. Do you wish me to do so?” It asked nonchalantly.
“Uh, sure. whatever.” The human said, yawning, waving the machine off before bending down to collect his own underwear.
The terminator dropped its panties on the spot and made its way to the bathroom.
There appeared to be another woman in the room, but a near instantaneous calculation proved it to be the machines reflection. It began scanning the room around it. The shower head was detachable, it processed. This would prove useful but was not a solution. Its database informed it that water alone would not clear away biological material, as biological material was often oily in nature. There was liquid soap present. The machines processors began to formulate a plan, but it would need a way of delivering the soap to its sheath’s intervaginal region. The nude figure knelt down to search the doors beneath the sink. The rapid motion made its breast slap against its knee in the process, but the impact went unnoticed. Opening the doors, its processors had calculated that it had found what it was looking for. It reached out and grasped the handle of a clean toilet brush, bringing it closer for inspection. The terminator’s processors calculated a size discrepancy between the larger bristled head of the toilet brush and its organic sheath’s vaginal canal, but it was merely logged as such. No alteration to the machine’s plan of action was made. The nude machine stood back up and stepped over the white rim into the bath/shower.
A signal from its processors was sent down to the muscles surrounding its sheath’s vagina. The terminal sphincter loosened, and a substantial amount of semen began to run out of the vaginal canal, over its labia, and down its leg. The terminator paid no attention to this though, as its processors were already busy commanding the motor functions of its hands and arms as it held the toilet brush’s handle in one hand and a bottle of liquid soap in the other. It proceeded to expel a large amount of soap onto the toiler brush, before setting the bottle back down. Now, it looked back towards the mirror. The linear actuators connecting the machines pelvic assembly to its thighs began to extend along the inside, spreading its legs apart. The machine watched its reflection as its torso keeled off to the side, and the leg it was now raising continued to rise until its foot, which was still parallel to the ground, was level with the rim of the bath. It bent forward at the waist so that it had better access to its vaginal canal. The inaudible whirrs of its actuators fell silent as it assumed a stance it had brought up from its archive that referenced insertion of tampons into the vagina. Micro movements in its linear actuators kept it standing upright at this skewed stance as it maneuvered the toilet brush, now in its right hand, into position.
The terminator unceremoniously plunged the large toilet brush into its mock vagina with a soapy squelch. Its powerful arm motors pushed the toilet brush deeper, distending its abdomen slightly. It began twisting the brush back and forth as it plunged it into itself repeatedly, a frothy white soap began expanding in its vaginal canal until it spilled out. Behind its unfazed expression, its processors were receiving a torrent of signals from its sheath’s vaginal canal. Stretch sensors, friction sensors, pressure sensors, all assaulting the machines processors with a deluge of information. Information that was completely inconsequential to the machine. It registered the sensory storm of data and logged it impassively. Once its processors had calculated it had scrubbed its vaginal interior adequately, it dropped the toilet brush to the floor of the bath and reached up without looking to grasp the removable shower head. It passed the shower head to its other hand while it reached out and turned on the cold water only a small amount. Terrifically cold water began spilling out of the shower head, which the machine was holding at an angle that made the water cascade up onto the bottom portion of its breasts and upper abdomen. The frigid water ran down the machine’s organic sheath, eliciting no reaction.
The terminator pushed the head of the shower, now pouring forth cold water, up against its facsimile of the female genitals. It continued pushing the showerhead slowly past its labia, until the head itself was dispensing water inside the terminators vaginal canal. It continued pushing the head further in, slowly. Eventually, its flesh covered mechanical hand ran up against its own mock vulva, only to also be pushed through slowly. An actual woman would have experienced severe pain at this had she not practiced it, but this was not an actual woman. It was just a machine covered in flesh to look like one. Eventually, with its hand entirely vanished up its sheath’s vagina, the shorter showerhead had reached as deep as the terminator’s processors calculated it needed to go. Water was spilling forth from the precisely sculpted crevasse, which was now distorted due to the entire hand which was pushed up it.
Soapy water eventually stopped spilling out, replaced by clear clean water. The machine observed this change with its organically coated cameras. It sent the appropriate signals to its actuators, and the hand grasping a shower head deep in its abdomen was quickly wrenched out. There was one last delayed splash of water that streamed forth from its vagina as it commanded its vaginal muscles to contract in a sequential fashion to expel remaining fluids. The nude terminator then lowered its leg back down onto the bath floor and bent over to pick back up the toilet brush, spraying it down with the shower head until it was also devoid of soap. It then finished washing off its legs before turning off the water. It removed a towel from the counter and proceeded to pat its sheath dry.
It exited the bathroom, returning out into the main room to see its mission target laying down with his eyes closed on the bed. Audio sensors picked up his deep, slow breathing, alerting the terminator to the fact that the human was in all likelihood sleeping. Its processor calculated that where it now stood, the terminator could see both its mission target, and all probable entrances to the room. The actuators in its neck whirred mutely as its face turned slightly, removing its gaze directly from the human, and centering its vision in a region that gave it ample clarity over the whole room. It then remained standing there, alert and focused in case of potential threat, its processors churning away at future mission plans. Its own nudity seemingly forgotten. The room was now perfectly still, save for the slow breathing of its only living inhabitant, and the occasional drip of water coming from between the legs of a mannequin like woman seemingly staring off into space.
Last edited by TheThingBelow on Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A terminator story

Post by Extyr » Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:23 pm

I really like the first part as I've always wanted to see a terminatrix being made in the movies.

The present days part is a bit weird though. I can appreciate how alien her mind is, but the toilet brush bit made me wince.

Is this a one shot or are you gonna continue this?

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Re: A terminator story

Post by TheThingBelow » Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:48 pm

Extyr wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:23 pm The present days part is a bit weird though. I can appreciate how alien her mind is, but the toilet brush bit made me wince.
Yeah, I was trying to sell the disconnect between the sheath and the machine underneath. Maybe I overdid it a bit.
Extyr wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:23 pm Is this a one shot or are you gonna continue this?
Probably not. I'm pretty busy as of now, and really should have been working while I was writing this. If there is any more, it would just be another piece of shorter length that would involve some battle damage.
Most of the spare time that I spend on all things robots will probably be put towards the 3d character model I am working on until it is finished.
Sorry if that comes as a disappointment.

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Re: A terminator story

Post by reapz » Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:34 pm

it's rarely to see a terminator story here. this is nice!!
TheThingBelow wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:48 pm Probably not. I'm pretty busy as of now, and really should have been working while I was writing this. If there is any more, it would just be another piece of shorter length that would involve some battle damage.
Most of the spare time that I spend on all things robots will probably be put towards the 3d character model I am working on until it is finished.
Sorry if that comes as a disappointment.
wow a action scene? cant wait to see that. hope it gonna have a malfunction from the battle too. and terminator POV similar to this too!! :lovestruck:
wish you have a free time to write your next story soon :D

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Re: A terminator story

Post by Bane » Sat Mar 14, 2020 4:13 am

Well this is something new, and I like it a lot. This is very well written and does explore a very interesting point of view on fembots. Hope there's more coming!

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Re: A terminator story

Post by TheThingBelow » Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:44 pm

Here's a part 2. I ended up with more time on my hands than I thought, "thanks" to COVID-19.
This isn't a significant advancement in the 'story' as I had originally planned, more so character development.
It almost feels mandatory, but I put a big malfunctioning/glitch sex sequence in. It's kinda supposed to be more scary than sexy though.

There is MINOR terminator gore.

Matt awoke some time in the evening. Though the curtains were drawn, a faint orange tinted glow emanated from beneath them. His shoulder was a little sore from sleeping on it, but all in all he felt much better… He glanced up to see the digital clock on the nightstand. 6:37 PM.
But that wasn’t his clock… where was he again? He sat up, stretching, and began to look around only to see a nude athletic woman frozen in the space a few feet away from the bathroom door. He nearly jumped. Just then, a whirlwind of recollection assailed him.
Not a woman, a machine. And his coworkers… Oh god his coworkers. He could feel his eyes almost begin to water, but he stuffed it down immediately. It wouldn’t help anyone now for him to cry. Besides, he would be next if he didn’t straighten up.
He rolled off of the side of the bed, standing up to his full height. He stretched once again, yawning this time. He slowly made his way over to the motionless woman, stopping in front of her.
Her eyes didn’t track him.
“Shit…” He mumbled to himself. He waved his hand back and forth in front of her face. “Maybe she powered down or something… Some kind of sleep mode. A hell of a time for that.”
But he had just been sleeping too he considered. So… pot, kettle, black.
He looked her up and down again. An athletic muscular form, soft fair skin, beautiful green eyes. ‘Man, when I finally got a hot one… it ends up being a friggin killer robot’ He thought to himself wryly. As his eyes passed over her crotch, his pants stirred. He had been there recently. Pounded the hell out of it. But he knew it didn’t mean anything to her.
And he was right.
As his gaze wandered back up, he stopped at her decent sized bust. He reached out his hand and touched the soft pink nipple that capped it. Her skin was colder than he remembered. Then again, she had apparently been standing around naked in what could be loosely interpreted as “room temperature,” so he wasn’t surprised.
He cupped the breast in his hand, and it filled it out nicely. Not really motivated by anything other than curiosity, he tried to see if he could make his fingers touch. After all, it was not like a real girl would let you do that.
He brought his thumb and middle finger as close together as he could. The breast tissue softly yielded to his grasp. He found that he could indeed, with a little extra force, make his two fingers pretty much touch. Doing so distorted her breast, flattening it a bit along its vertical axis. He rolled his fingers around a bit, feeling them through the skin.
“Huh, I wonder if she is just silicone in there?” He wondered aloud.
“No” came a neutral feminine voice that succeeded in making him jump this time “it is genetically engineered, biological breast tissue.”
In a panic he immediately let go of her breast, it jiggling as it settled back to its original position.
“Oh, shit sorry! I uh… I thought you were powered down or sleeping or something.” Matt said, in a pulled back stance, partially prepared to be slapped.
“No. I do not need sleep.” Was her reply.
“Oh, uh, okay. Sorry about… grabbing your chest without your permission. I thought you were powered off and… well… wouldn’t care.” Matt said, feeling minorly ashamed.
In response to this, some part of her other than her mouth finally broke the stillness as her head slowly rotated to look directly at him.
“I am a machine, and a tool to be used. You do not need to ask my permission for anything.”
She returned her head and eyes to the same position as they were before, staring into emptiness.
“Uh, right then.” Matt said awkwardly. “So, what about recharging. Do you have to recharge every now and then?”
“No.” she said, this time not looking at him. “I am equipped with dual microfusion reactors and can function autonomously for 192 years of active runtime.”
“Wow okay.” Matt said, shrugging off the casual mention of impossible world-changing science. But then again, this wasn’t the first time he encountered such impossible tech literally just today. “So uh, what exactly are you doing? Some super heavy calculations or simulations or something? I mean, you didn’t react when I waved a hand in front of your face, or… well… felt you up.”
“I am monitoring the room. Your previous input did not require any reponse.” The woman said, flatly.
“Well… okay?” Matt said, scratching his head, before giving a small shrug. “So, what now? Unless you are DYING for round 2” matt said sarcastically, “I guess we can keep moving if we have to. Someone IS still trying to kill me I assume.”
“No.” This time, she turned to look at him, and not just with her head. Her entire body seemed to reanimate, and she turned to face him. “Since we have stopped, and you are active again, there are minor mission parameters that can be addressed.” She paused, but it seemed like only a brief moment. “My sheath has been damaged to the point of drawing your attention. It needs to be repaired so that it no longer draws attention. I must remain incognito for optimal mission success chance.”
Matt was suddenly confused. She looked fine! “Uh, what? What exactly did I notice?”
She started speaking again, but this time it wasn’t her voice that came out. It was a perfect copy of Matt’s. “Ooookay, miss no name. Are you at least aware that there is some blood on your jeans? Right around the bottom of the butt and top of the thighs?” She stopped talking and awaited his response.
“Oh.” Matt said, remembering the state of her backside. “Okay, so… what? We go out and get you some band aids?” He raised an eyebrow with the question.
“No, suturing will work faster.” Was her response. As she said so, she walked over to Matts jeans, still laying on the ground, she picked them up and riffled through his left pocket.
“What are you look…” Mat was cut off as she produced the pocketknife from his pocket. “Oh… what do you want with that?”
She turned around fully to face him. “You will stay here. It is more dangerous for you to move around where your face could be recognized and tracked by various software systems.”
“Isn’t me being alone without you more dangerous though?”
“Yes. You need to be armed.” She said, opening up the knife, holding it in her left hand.
“And you think that… knife. Will be enough?” Matt said, incredulously.
In response, she just cocked her head slightly to the side. She then turned to face the TV, and lifter her left leg up, planting her left foot on the cabinet the TV stood on. The motion simultaneously showed off a semblance of her muscles snaking underneath the skin and fat of her thighs, and the soft jiggle of her butt as her foot come to rest on the cabinet.
Momentarily distracted, Matt was caught off guard by her maneuvering the tip of the blade to a point on the side of her thigh, roughly one fourth of the way up. She pressed the small blade nearly to the hilt into her skin, eliciting a pained sucking of air through Matt’s teeth as he watched, now with morbid curiosity. She sawed the knife in and out as she pulled it’s blade up her thigh. The cut was nearly perfectly level, splitting skin and muscle open easily with a smattering of blood leaking out and around her thigh to its underside. Once about three quarters of the way up her thigh, she abruptly pulled the knife out, closing it and setting it down on the cabinet. She then reached over with her right hand and pulled the top flap of skin and muscle open.
The momentary shock of gore immediately left Matt as he could see into her incision. There, running up her leg, in the middle of layers of muscle, was something of chromed metal. From what he could see, it had what seemed like a flat surface on top, and shorter flat surface running down the side. Its luster was marred with a bit of blood, but it was visible all the same. Partially obscured beneath it, he saw a shiny metal cylinder with metal rod coming out of it, barely visible and disappearing down towards her knee. Another metal rod seemed to come in from somewhere further up her leg and appeared to attach somewhere hidden by the angle of display.
She plunged her left hand into the incision, partially blocking Matt’s view of it. She reached underneath the cylinders, distending the bottom of her thigh. Matt could see her hand moving through the skin. She grabbed something and pulled out a blood-marred plastic bag. She released the flap of flesh as she lowered her left leg back to the ground, Matt both hearing the subtle but audible whirr, as he paired it to the disappearing sight of the rod beginning to slide forward as her knee straightened out. When she stood again on two feet, the fresh wound still hanging slightly open, she turned to face him.
Matt, mouth agape, asked “…What happened to repairing your sheath...?” utterly bewildered.
She opened the plastic bag and pulled out something that looked like a small handgun with a coil running along the top. She began walking towards him with the weapon out, in a gesture for him to take it. Whereas before he could not hear any of her internal noises without pressing his ear directly up to her skin, now the movement of her left leg was accompanied by a very subtle two-step whirr.
She stopped in front of him, still holding out the small gun. “This damage can also be repaired. Take this weapon. It is designed specifically to temporarily disable terminator units such as myself.”
Matt reached out and grabbed the mostly blood-free gun. “But… I’ve never fired a gun before.” He said, now trying to aim down the sight, only to realize the cumbersome coil was in the way.
“This is not a gun” the woman corrected. “You must place the nose of it directly in contact with the head module of a terminator unit. Pulling the trigger will deliver the appropriate level of current to temporarily disable it. Triggering its reboot sequence after its breaker comes back online. It will disable a terminator unit for around 30 minutes. The weapon requires 26 seconds after discharging to discharge again.”
“Geez… that must be a hell of a lot of current. Directly to the head?” He asked, looking it up and down the side.
“Yes.” Was all she said, walking past him toward the bathroom, again her left leg making an almost inaudible vriit-vreeet every walk cycle it went through.
There was the sound of running water, then nothing. Then the sound of wet towel on skin. After a short time, the still nude woman came out, leg actuators continuing to be mildly audible, but any trace of blood removed from her leg aside from the fresh blood still slowly oozing out of the wound. She had a wet towel in one hand, and a dry hand towel in the other. The wet towel had already been stained red.
Matt watched her place both towels on the cabinet, then bend over to grab her navy-blue panties, showing matt everything, she was packing between her legs in the process. Looking at her still wounded backside, it looked vaguely like someone shot her in the ass and thighs with a BB shotgun. A whole bunch of small wounds, no longer bleeding fortunately. He shook his head, not wanting to think about shotguns any longer, given his current state of being hunted.
He watched her pull up her panties, put on her bra, then her shirt. Finally, she put her legs through the leg holes of her jeans. Once there, she wet-toweled off her fresh incision once again, before placing the hand towel against it and holding it there. She began pulling up her jeans with her free hand.
“Let me help you with that.” Matt said, setting the stun gun down on the near side of the cabinet. He walked over and considered holding the hand towel in place while she pulled up her pants. ‘No, she can probably do that better than me’ He thought to himself. Instead he bent down and grabbed the other side of the waist of her jeans and began pulling it up in tandem with her. Together they pulled up her pants, over her hand and the hand towel. When the pants had been pulled high enough, she removed her hand, and took over his side, pulling the pants up the rest of the way.
The pants must have pushed her incision closed, because when she moved towards the door, he couldn’t hear her leg motors.
“Hey, um, wait.” He said, still standing by the foot of the bed. She stopped and turned to look at him. “Look, I uh, I want to thank you for protecting me like this. I would be very much so dead without you, and I haven’t been very grateful. So, uh, thanks.” Once it was seemingly apparent that he was not going to say anything else, she turned back around towards the door.
“Wait, one more thing.” He said quickly.
Again, she stopped and turned back towards him. “You need a name; I can’t call you ‘chick’ or ‘girl’ or ‘robot’ in public. I’ll um… I’ll try to think of one while you’re gone.” Again, once it seemed apparent that he wasn’t going to say anything else, she turned back towards the door. She bent down again and grabbed his shoes that had been discarded before sex, putting her foot into one, then the other. She opened the door, then left.
He picked back up the stun gun he set down, looking at it. Then took it over to the bed, and sat down watching the door, gun at the ready.

The terminator scanned up and down the aisle labeled ‘medical’ at the nearby convenience store. It quickly identified a suturing kit. It reached out and picked up the box labeled such in its hand, before placing the box in the small red basket it held in its other hand.
It was now walking towards the human cashier with ample sheath repairing supplies. Upon recognizing the imminent social interaction, the machine activated a low-level infiltration subroutine. Its leg actuators carried it to the other side of the counter the human stood behind, directly across from them. It then began unloading the 5 suturing kits it had taken onto the countertop.
After some minor calculations its low-level infiltration subroutine flagged the purchase quantity as abnormal. Its processors, still running the subroutine, calculated a social contingency plan in a fraction of a second. The older human woman that was operating the cashier looked down at the machines purchase and raised an eyebrow.
The terminator’s facial recognition program identified the woman’s facial configuration as one expressing suspicion. Its processor immediately loaded up the contingency plan it had formulated, holding it ready for activation as soon as numerical thresholds were reached.
“That’ll uhh… be 105 dollars even.” The older woman said, eyebrow still raised. Eye met organic sheath covered camera as the two looked at each other.
“What’re ya planning on doing with all that hon? Stocking up the local hospital?” The woman said, beginning to grin.
The terminator’s processor churned away; appropriate suspicion had been observed, numerical thresholds met. It launched its contingency plan.
The sides of the terminator’s mouth curved up into a smile.
The woman let out a small chuckle.

“Well, you take care now hon.” The human woman said, handing a piece of paper to the machine, along with the bag of its sheath repair supplies. It the proceeded to exit the store, bag in hand.

She had been gone for only about 18 minutes, but Matt was already sweating bullets. He had never dealt with death before, and now someone, or rather someTHING wanted him dead. Something like her. He nearly jumped when he heard the footsteps calmly approaching his room door from the outside. He hadn’t noticed himself do it, but he had the stun gun raised. The knob turned. Then the door open, revealing the same woman that had left shortly ago. She entered the room, plastic bag in hand, and closed the door behind her locking it.
Matt felt visceral relief at the sight of her again.
“Whew… okay. It’s just you.” He said, exhaling. “Did you find what you were looking for?”
“Yes” she said, putting the bag down, opening it and placing one of the kits on the cabinet. She then proceeded to begin undressing at the waist.
“Okay, so uh, what we have to do?” Matt said as he watched her bare bottom bend over to pull the pants and panties all the way off her feet. The hand towel, now bloody but not soaked through, fell to the ground.
She straightened back up, now naked from the waist down, and turned back towards him. “Now you can repair my sheath” She said, handing him the suturing kit box.
“Wait, why me? I’ve never sewed anything together in my life! I might screw something up.” Matt protested.
“It will take considerably longer if I am to do it on myself.” She said neutrally. She then took a few steps over towards where he sat at the foot of the bed, leg quietly whirring again, before turning around so that her rear was facing him. She stood there, perfect posture, not moving a millimeter.
“Um… okay. I can try I guess…” Matt said, trying to open the suturing box with one hand. “Hang on.” He said, putting down the suturing box and walking past her to set the stun gun back down on the edge of the cabinet, returning to sit on the foot of the bed behind her.
He fished out the thread and needle, trying and failing several times to get the thread through the tiny curved needles hoop. “Hey, can you thread this for me?” he asked the woman. She turned around and took the needle in one hand, suture in the other. She threaded it on her first go, handing it back to him and turning back around, assuming precisely the same position she had moments ago.
Looking at all of the tiny wounds that covered the bottom of her buttocks and the upper parts of the underside of her thighs, Matt determined to do the large knife cut last. That way, hopefully, if he fucked something up it would be something small. He leaned down, face level with her round butt. Something stirred in his pants again, but he pushed back. He had a job to do after all. He took her right thigh in his hand. It was soft to the touch, but he could feel a solid layer of muscle underneath the fat. He remembered then what was underneath that muscle, glancing briefly over to her left thigh. He leaned in further, before realizing this position was too hard for him to work in. He pushed her forward a little, she complied, and knelt down behind. Again, he grabbed the flesh around the lowest small wound on her thigh, thinking about how to go about this.
“Hey uh, I never asked. How did this happen?” Matt asked absent mindedly as he tried thinking about how to properly close a wound.
“I sat down on broken glass.” She said blankly.
“What? Why would you do that?” Matt looked closer at the small wound.
“I broke in a window to access a car.”
“Ah.” Was Matts only reply. He actually wasn’t that surprised, given his observations of her.
Matt pinched closed the small wound with one hand, while he tried pressing the needle through the skin on one side of the wound and passing it through the other. Some part of him expected the standing person to quiver or react to the piercing. But he quickly remembers not only who but what he was suturing.
“Um, wouldn’t you be better off if you laid down or something?” Matt asked, pulling the thread through the new piercing.
“I am not capable of feeling comfort or discomfort. Standing is fine.” She responded.
Matt grew minorly frustrated. “Okay, maybe you are fine standing, but working on a vertical surface like this is impossible. Lie down on the bed or something.”
Despite the suture still being attached to the needle, she immediately started walking away from him to one side of the bed. It pulled the needle out of his hand. “Ah, what the? Hey stop!”
She immediately stopped in place. “You still have the suture in you, ding dong. Wait for me to pull it out first.” He started pulling the suture in the reverse direction, until the needle was pulled free. “Why did you just start walking while I was still back there, did you not know I started?” he stood up, looking at her.
She turned to face him as she sat down on the bed, springs protesting under her weight. “I did it because you ordered me to.”
“I did? Oh, I guess I did huh. Wait, what are you doing?” He asked as she proceeded to shuffle herself entirely onto the bed, lying face down, DIRECTLY face down.
“Lying down on the bed so you can repair my sheath.” Came her muffled voice.
“That HAS to be uncomf… oh. Right.” He sat down next to her, his weight moving the bed which caused her butt to jiggle. That of course drew his eyes to her labia, peaking up over where her thighs met. ‘Push it down man, you have a job to do.’
“Um, okay, this is weird. Hang on.” He clambered over her calves to get to the far nightstand where he left the remote. He accidentally put his knee down on the back of one of her calves with a decent amount of weight on it and regretted his mistake. Knee meeting padded metal caused him to immediately roll off towards the pillows, rubbing his now bruised knee.
After a moment, he continued his venture, swiping the remote off of the nightstand and turned on the television. “Watch the TV. It will feel more natural for me. Might make me better at this.”
Upon parsing the command, she immediately pushed her face out of the confines of the mattress, and leant on her elbows, staring towards the TV.
‘Okay, lets get to work now I guess.’ Matt thought to himself.
He spent the next couple hours working on his suturing technique, closing up small wounds on her backside. He was in constant close proximity to her butt and junk, so he had to really press himself to keep his head in the game.
This became all the harder than he had to get to the few wounds at the junction where butt met thigh. Grabbing a fistful of soft buttock, he pushed it forward to expose the hidden damage.
Closing wounds on her butt was harder than on her thigh, and not just because of his now ever-present erection. Rather, the softer tissue made for greater difficulty in actually getting the damn suture through it without placing his hand in the way of the needle. The fattier tissue just moved out of the way sometimes.
But he was finally done, and he said as much. “Done with that part at least...”
“No.” Came a reply from the woman he was sewing up. “There are three smaller wounds remaining, all flanking the labia majora.”
“What? Really? Ugh okay. Spread em so I can get a clean look.” He was really doing his best keeping his libido at bay.
What she did next didn’t help. She shifted her torso weight onto one elbow, then reached her right hand back and behind and buried two fingers in her crotch. She proceeded to spread her labia, in between her slightly opened legs.
He let out an exasperated sigh. “You’re legs, not your vag. Though on reflection, I could see how you got that mixed up...”
She retrieved her hand from her vulva, placing her right forearm back to where it was, crossing her left, propping her torso up. Then, without any assistance, she spread her legs to a perfect 180 degrees. This also drew her normally closed labia majora apart. It even pulled her labia minora apart slightly.
“Well, wow. Okay then.” Was all Matt could muster as he swallowed hard, looking at her now fully exposed sex. With her spreading her legs so far to the sides he could see the small injuries being pulled open.
“Maybe… less so? I’m not sure sewing a wound closed while its being stretched open is how to do it…” Matt said, trying to tear his eyes off of her crotch. She narrowed her legs to around 100 degrees, letting the skin fall back into its usual spot, her labia majora just barely back to hiding the rest of the contents of her vulva.
He then went about pushing her soft labia off to one side while he attempted to close up the small wounds in the space between them and their respective leg. He finished, leaving a small sloppy suturing knot on top of each closed wound, just as he had for all the other ones.
Having finished he looked back down at her genitals, part of him trying to admire his handywork, the other part just wanting to look there. Then, his member and his curiosity worked together to overpower his hardened resolve.
With a small smirk on his face, he worked to thread another suture through the needle. Tying it off, he reached down to her crotch, and pinched together the labia.
He was really starting to wonder about his new ‘roommate.’ Did she actually feel everything and just not care? Or did she feel nothing? And also, how good was her reasoning capabilities? She was just a computer, right? How good could a computer be? The fact these questions were asked by the biological computer placed right between his ears vacated him in the heat of the moment.
He started suturing together her labia, from anus to mons, needle going through both her majora and minora. He peeked up for a hint of reaction. Of course, there was none. He continued on, piercing, looping, piercing, looping. When he reached the end, he double looped the thread, and made a knot. Locking her lips together.
Now came the part his curiosity was dying for. “Hey, can you start fingering your vagina?” He asked, casually. He was of course, ready to stop her. He didn’t want her to do actual damage by forcing her way through.
Still watching television, she responded. “Yes. However, it will cause damage to the vulva due to the suturing. Would you like me to proceed anyway?”
A-ha! So she COULD feel things. She just didn’t care. This new knowledge burned brightly in him… for some reason he couldn’t fathom. Maybe because he felt clever getting it? Whatever, she apparently also had at least a minor level of reasoning to not fulfill his orders immediately.
“Hah, no. I just kinda wanted to see how you would react. Sorry, curiosity got the better of me…” He pulled out the suturing kit’s small scissors, and carefully cut the double loop holding the sutures in place. He pulled and jiggled on the thread, causing it to come loose, before he grabbed the connecting piece at the furthest back part of her vulva and gently pulled up. The labia stretched a little to meet his movement, but a gentle jiggling caused them to relinquish the thread, bouncing back to their original position.
“All right, go ahead and close up your legs so I can start to work on the cut.” Matt said to her.
He moved around her legs as they closed, coming in on the left side of her thigh. The wound hadn’t stopped bleeding entirely, but it had slowed very significantly. It was impressive given how little it bled originally, and how inconsequential its bleeding was now.
“Wow, this stopped bleeding fast.” Matt said aloud.
“A terminator’s organic infiltration sheath is genetically engineered to repair wounds rapidly.” Was the answer she offered forth.
Satisfied enough with that answer, Matt took his now familiar sutures and was going to go in to close the cut. He was. He really was. He really really was, he told himself. But he just HAD to look again first. There was no way around it.
He set his sutures down back on the packaging. Unfortunately, though, the suturing kit didn’t come with any gloves. ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ he thought to himself.
He poked at the cut with his index finger, before finally building up to inserting both his index and middle finger just barely inside. He lifted the flap of flesh up and got a close look inside. It was now upside down from when he last saw it, but it was otherwise unchanged. Gleaming chromed metal lightly marred with congealing blood still lay within. He lifted the flap higher, giving him a better angle at seeing the machinery. He inserted the fingers of his left hand into the opening, touching the large shiny cylinder. It was metal all right. So was the smaller rod coming out of it, that he strongly suspected connecter to her knee. He could now clearly see another rod, coming from somewhere up her leg, and followed it not much further up to see a portion of another gleaming cylinder. He couldn’t see much of it though… There was too much muscle surrounding it. He pulled his left hand out, now also marred with congealing blood, and swapped hands holding the flap open. He then reached over with his right hand, grabbing her by the left ankle, and pulling her foot up, bending her knee. The now much more distinct whirr of the piston-like motor played audibly while he watched the metal rod feed backwards into it. He then pushed her leg back down and a different sounding whirr accompanied the rod being pushed out.
“Huh.” Was all he could manage at the time. So that was actually her, he was looking at a part of the real her. Not all of the stuff on top. Or maybe also all the stuff on top? He didn’t really know and couldn’t even begin to guess. He pulled his hands out, letting her foot fall back to the bed, straightening out. He proceeded to suture up her leg, doing it well enough that he was proud of his work when he finished.
For the first time since he met her, she was relatively ‘whole’ now. No gaping wounds, no more bleeding. Sure, she had lots of little knots of thread holding those small wounds closed, but according to her at least she should be as good as new in no time.
“Well, that seems like the last of it. You’re all patched up.” He said, touching her on the shoulder as he got off the bed.
“Yes. I will clean up as well as possible.” She responded, also getting off the bed. Her newly repaired skin held together as her butt and thighs jiggled slightly to her movement.
Matt lay back down on the bed after he had cleaned her blood off of himself and the suturing gear in the bathroom. He wasn’t that tired, as he had just woken up from a long nap a few hours ago. The woman returned with a ball of all the fabrics her blood had stained, and his cleaned knife. Every part of the room that had come in contact with some amount of blood had been cleaned to some extent. The only remaining trace was some stains remaining on the carpet. Upon placing the ball of fabrics inside the plastic bag she received from the store, Matt watched her, still only in a shirt and bra, return to her statuesque position he had found her upon waking.
“Hey um, I was thinking. Maybe you could lie in bed with me instead of just standing there? It definitely stands out less if someone were to enter accidentally” Matt rationalized. He had been staring at her vagina for hours, and he knew what he wanted. But he also felt bad about just saying ‘bend over’ and going to town. He didn’t know why really, she explicitly stated that was how to use her.
Without words, she walked over to the other side of the bed, lifted the covers and climbed in, much to the mattress spring’s protest. She was still facing towards the door and window though, laying on her side, staring in his direction.
He shuffled closer to her. She seemed to be laying down in a fairly natural pose, maybe she had programming for this sort of thing?
“I uh, I thought of a name for you. How does Jane sound? I mean it kinda fits you, right? You know? Like Jane Doe?” He said, reaching out and brushing her fair cheek.
She responded in a neutral tone as always “I will respond to Jane if you would like me to.”
“Yeah, yeah I think that works.” He said, suddenly feeling a little shy. “I uh, when you left earlier… I know you were only gone for like 20 minutes. But I was worried like hell without you.”
She didn’t respond, just kept staring.
He moved closer again. This resulted in his upper arm coming to rest on her forearm. Like before, it was profoundly uncomfortable. The transition from soft to impossibly hard was abrupt, and it was like lying on a padded metal pipe. So, he moved up the arm he was laying on to hold the other side of her face. He pulled slowly on her as he moved to meet. His lips met hers as his closed mouth pressed against hers. Given her disposition, he was sure she wouldn’t reciprocate beyond lying there, but was actually surprised when she opened her mouth in tune with his. His eyes closed, he pushed his tongue into her mouth, surprised to find her sticking her tongue into his. She was perfectly in tune with him, she was…
Ah, he understood now what she was doing. She was just replicating his actions as closely as possible. While their lips were still locked, tongues in each other’s mouths, he cracked his eyelids just a tad. He looked up to see her eyes still wide open, staring past him.
‘Well, it was better than anticipated. That’s something’ He thought to himself as he pulled away. Her tongue retreated back into her mouth as it closed. He was so close to her now. Her forearm was strategically placed in the crook of his armpit as he now started caressing her body.
He palmed her navel, reaching up under her shirt and squeezed a breast through her bra. No reaction, not that he was expecting one now. He slid his had down her front, over her faintly present abdominals, and down towards her mons. He tussled her soft, sparse pubes before moving down to her labia. Running a finger along the cleft, front to back as he felt her slit. He knew now that she could feel this. One way or another, she could. Whether she cared or not… well she could at least feel it.
He pressed his finger in slightly, parting her labia majora. He soon found her labia minor within, running his finger along the stubby lips.
“Heh, you have some pretty small inner labia. Not that that’s bad or anything… kinda the opposite. Looks pretty hot, I’m not going to lie…”
Having spoken to her, her eyes now focused on him.
“That information is already known. My sheath was constructed to be attractive to the opposite sex when necessary for infiltration purposes. Smaller labia minora was calculated to be broadly more appealing to men, so it was included in my sheath’s construction.”
“Ah” He said. Oddly her reductionism wasn’t really turning him off. “But wait, then why have pubic hair at all? Don’t most men prefer a shaved look?”
“According to my database, some aspects of human physiology were preserved to lend authenticity to a unit’s organic sheath.”
“Ah okay, that makes sense.” He said, nodding and breathing heavily. “That’s why you don’t have any pubic hair on your actual lips… Can’t really see there. But if you ever do, its already shaved. Pretty clever, I guess. Personally, more a fan of full shaven, but it’s your body and you don’t have to change a thing about it. I think it’s already crazy hot…”
“Do you wish for me to remove my pubic hair?” She asked, looking at him with a neutral face.
“No, no… that’s uh, that’s fine.”
He trailed his finger to the back of her slit, where here vagina was, then continued roaming further back. He found her other hole where he expected it would be. He hadn’t ever been so adventurous before, but when you’re in bed with a flesh covered metal killing machine, everything seems to be downhill. He teased at the entrance with the tip of his middle finger, before slowly inserting it as far as he could.
From all the lack reaction he got from it; he wasn’t entirely convinced he had actually found her anus. She, of course, didn’t even seem to register that something had occurred.
When he pulled out his middle finger and sniffed it, he was even more convinced he hadn’t really found her anus, since it was still clearly as clean as when it entered. He tried again now slightly miffed with two fingers. He wasn’t very gentle this time, entering more forcefully. Still no reaction, still no scent. ‘Whatever’ He thought to himself, and he moved on.
He placed his hand on the upper inside of her thigh, thumbing her labia. She just stared at him as placidly as ever. He gave her upper inner thigh a squeeze and… noticed something interesting. There was something hard and round just below a layer softness, it was quite close to the surface, more so than most else he felt. Or at least he thought so.
Putting his fruitless quest to elicit a reaction from her on hold, he kneaded the upper-inner part of her thigh, feeling that large hard round object. It was the cylinder that he had seen from before… the one that seemed to disappear upwards towards her pelvis… Now he put his hand up into the crevasse between her labia and her thigh and began massaging it around to see what he could feel. Now that he was paying attention to it, it… didn’t really feel like a real pelvis that much. There was something else hard that ran across the bottom, skipped over her vagina, then started again on the other side. Now that he was investigating…
He felt her torso more thoroughly. Not her breasts, but her side. Her waist was soft when he pushed in on it, but when he really massaged deep, he hit something solid. He couldn’t really do anything more about feeling it though, since it was already a couple inches inward. As he moved up, he felt her ribs. He noticed that they started abruptly and had absolutely no give to them. They were rigid and hard, and the space between them was just as solid, if only a little indented. He kept moving up and found that her ‘ribs’ vanished when he got close to her armpit. She was soft there, him being able to push a finger inward quite a way beyond where it should have stopped. At the same time, feeling around her shoulder revealed to him that the chest side of her shoulder was soft, save for quite a few, 6… maybe 7? Hard round objects… more pistons all pointed at the shoulder.
He trailed her arm down to the hand and, again for the first time truly felt it. He was amazed at how much he missed when he believed he knew what he was supposed to be feeling. Her finger joints had no lateral give past where they seemed to join the hand… They were just single axis rotational joints…
He looked back up to her face, her neutral gaze meeting his. He reached up with his hand and felt her cheek more thoroughly now. When he massaged it, he felt one small ridged structure, maybe the thickness of a pencil or slightly larger, connecting her jaw from top to bottom. He then felt another one diverting off from the original traveling backwards to the skull. They must be how she moves her jaw… And finally, he brought his hand up to what had literally been staring him in the face this whole time.
He reached up and touched her eye. She didn’t blink or flinch away. He made contact with her sclera. It was wet, slightly. But it was hard. Ridged. There was something metal right behind it, he knew it.
His hand trailed back down her to absently playing with her labia, her not even seeming to feel it. No, not ‘her.’ He finally corrected himself. It.
It was a machine, not a woman. Not a girl. He felt it. He saw it. He saw that gleaming metal he had seen in its thigh running throughout its body. The skin was just a pretty coating. An outfit it wore. Something to get it passed over unnoticed.
He continued playing absently with its vagina. No, not its vagina. It didn’t have a vagina. It was wearing a vagina. That’s why it just didn’t care what happened to its skin as long as it wasn’t really damaging… The skin isn’t actually part of it.
He finally had the answer he was wondering about earlier, and the erection he had been nursing from staring at a beautiful woman’s vagina and ass for most of the night, finally started wilting.
He sighed, suddenly feeling somewhat weary. All that glitters really wasn’t gold.

While still staring at him even through him touching its eyeball, it watched his expression go from intense thinking to resignation.

He heard its voice “You seem displeased. Would you prefer if I reciprocated?”
“Are you even really capable?... Sure, why not?” He said, resigned.
“Of course. I’ll activate infiltration protocols.” It said, blankly.
He heard a sharp intake of breath coming from it. He looked up to its face, mildly panicking that something was wrong. He saw its face; it was no longer expressionless. its cheeks were flushed, it was breathing deeply, mouth open. Eyebrows raised in the center, looking at him.
She took another deep breath in, letting it out, licking her lips before glancing down then quickly back to him. He followed her gaze. He was still absently playing with her labia. Her clitoris was, well, it was engorged. He ran a single finger along her slit to the back, before plunging it into her. She inhaled sharply. He withdrew his finger and rubbed it against his thumb… it was wet.
Now… Now he was hard again. He made to move closer to her now propped up form, resting on her elbow, as he (again) clumsily landed his elbow on her wrist. Like driving your elbow into a metal pipe. He hissed in pain and withdrew his fondling hand to rub his elbow’s pain away.
A hand gently caressed his face, as he looked up into her eyes. “Are you okay?” She said while breathing heavily, face still flushed.
“Oh, I will be.” He said a grin breaking through his grimace. He found her vagina again and plunged two fingers in. She clamped her legs around his hand. He felt her thighs interior muscles flexing against his hand, the soft fat layer on top of it, but not the rigid metal cylinder he knew to be just beneath it - the thing that was actually doing the work. Turns out she did feel pretty real when she wanted to…
She pushed him over onto his back, his fingers leaving her warm confines in the process. She then straddled him, causing him a minor amount of alarm. Her change of ‘heart’ didn’t change what she was, and he knew that.
He watched though as she reached back around her and beneath her with her right hand, unerringly finding his penis. With a gentle grasp on it, she lowered herself down until she was sitting on him cowgirl style. She weighed… well she weighed as much as a normal girl her size and build would he guessed. But he saw the truth. The bed where her knees and toes were resting was depressed much more than the area around it. She was compensating.
He shut that part of his brain up though. He needed some enjoyment in his life right now, and here it was. Riding him.
Her butt slapped against him repeatedly as she bounced herself up and down on his member, not outright moaning, but breathing as deeply as a woman who was truly enjoying herself. He felt the little knots of suture when her soft, toned butt slapped down against him. But he didn’t care at this point.
He just had one, last, little thing he needed to know. He reached up her shirt and unclasped her bra from behind. With nothing holding them tight, her breasts were out bouncing now. He reached up and grabbed them, fairly hard. She just kept riding, breathing heavily. He Pulled on her nipples. He pulled her down to him by the nipples. She started inhaling deeper, rolling her head back in lust. Once enough force was pushing her down, she moved with it until she was riding him while her hands were planted on the bed to either side of his head. She still didn’t seem to acknowledge any pain, but hey. He could live with that.
After a short while longer, he came inside of her, her seeming to reach orgasm at the same time. Her vagina seemed to start doing a milking motion on him.
Still breathing heavily, just above his face she said in a somewhat physically exhausted tone “I want it all inside of me. Not a single drop going to waste…” Finishing off the statement by licking her lips and giving a coy smile.
She lifted her left leg and planted her foot on the bed, giving him an excellent view of himself still penetrating her beautifully sculpted pussy… She then gingerly began sliding off of him. As the head of his penis was leaving her vagina, he barely noted the sudden and rapid increase in for of her vaginal contraction, pushing the head of penis the remainder of the way out.
She then crawled backwards until her head was above his crotch, and looking back at him with a lusty smile, she reached down and grabbed his shrinking penis in her hand, bringing her head down to meet it. She took it in her mouth and started licking it, applying just a bit of sucking. Maybe she wasn’t fully satisfied yet?
She popped his penis out a few moments later, licking her lips again.
‘Wait a minute…’ he thought to himself. ‘This is the same thing she did this morning…’ He grinned. She was still running her primary ‘mission’ he guessed. She would still try to stop him from creating a biological trail. But now she was doing it with some character.
True to form, just like that morning, she reached down and ran a finger along her vulva, collecting any minor spillage that escaped her vagina’s death grip on his penis’ way out. She then brought it to her mouth and stuck it in, making a show of it.
He started chuckling. “You kinky little robot.”
She was smiling too as she began crawling over to him to gently laid down next to him. “Ha! What do you mean lover?” Her voice was filled with playfulness. “I know I’ve got the STAMINA of a machine… But isn’t calling me a robot a little much?” She said, still smiling at him. “Unless… you have machinations of making me your little loverbot, I guess I could be that. Hehe, BEEP BOOP” She giggled as she touched him on the nose.
“Okay okay Jane” Matt said, also smiling. “But don’t you think your being a little too forward with that? Maybe a little less?” He said holding up his thumb and index very close together.
“Too forward with what lover?” She said innocently, still smiling.
“Well, you know. Being a machine. I mean, don’t get me wrong I don’t have a problem with it now… I mean… that was great! But, maybe tone it down… just a bit. You never know who might glean a little too much right?” He said rubbing her toned shoulder.
“What do you mean sweetie? I’m not a machine. You know that.” She said happily.
“What?” he said chuckling. “Uh huh, you know I literally saw inside you leg while I was sewing you up?” he said rolling his eyes playfully. “You didn’t seem to react, so I’m not sure if you even realized it, but I even went poking around in there.” He finished, laughing.
“Oh honey, stop. That’s ridiculous! If you want to play around fine, but you know I’m not a machine!” she said smiling.
His smile was beginning to fade from his face.
He felt realization creep over him. This wasn’t a roleplaying session going overlong, it was never roleplayed to begin with. ‘Infiltration protocols.’ She was quite literally, infiltrating him.
“Wait” Matt said putting up a hand, “Jane, you know I know you’re a machine, a uh, what did you call it? A terminator, right? You’re not actually ‘infiltrating’ me, right?”
Her broad smile remained on her face, but the lack of other activity coming from her made it seem weird. She then began reaching slowly for his… face? He guessed? But her hand stopped midway. Then it started moving again, before stopping again almost immediately this time. Her hand moved one more time, and this time he understood the trajectory of it. She wasn’t reaching for his face; she was reaching for his neck! But again, shortly after her hand started moving, it stopped once more.
It didn’t matter though; he was immediately up from the bed and away from her. He knew if she actually wanted to kill him, he wouldn’t be alive to think that thought. Something strange was happening. When he got up, her head jerkingly followed him. Her left eye tracked him while her right remained looking ahead. He kept moving slowly around the room. Eventually her head followed him almost 100 degrees to the left to track him haltingly, and her skin started wrinkling oddly at the neck. He heard actuators straining and guessed that was her maximum.
He was sweating bullets again, but this time there wasn’t a savior on her way back from the store.
He was beginning to panic. Did he break her or something? Fuck… FUCK! How? Why?
“Uhh… uh… uh… um… uh” he vocalized while looking around the room.
“Uhh… Jane. JANE. I order you… disable… your infiltration… protocols.”
A second turned into two, then two into 5, then 5 into 10. He waited tensely for anything to happen. After around 15 seconds something did. Her smile faded rapidly. Her hand that had been reaching for his neck dropped back down to the bed, and the she started slowly shuffling to the edge of the bed.
Matt was almost in full-blow meltdown. Was he about to die? Was this it? As she stood, head still rotated too far, one eye staring ahead, one eye affixed on him. She took a slow, halting step backwards towards him, her butt jiggling in response to the motion. She took another.
He shrank to the side of the cabinet the TV was sitting on, back against the wall. He slid down the wall until he was a quietly crying ball, looking on at his own executioners’ approach. He banged his fist against the cabinet to his side fairly hard. Something on it rattled back and forth.
He closed his eyes. “Oh god, oh fuck… why. Why couldn’t you be happy with a fucking killer robot girl?... Why did you have to go and fuck even that up…?” He banged his fist against the cabinet again, something on it fell off onto him.
It startled him, he thought that the death stroke had come. But she…it? It didn’t matter anymore… She was still several paces away from him. Halting, jiggly paces…
He looked down to his side, the thing that hit him in the head. It was the stun gun. The one she pulled out of her leg for him.
Trigger reset. It would reset. But what would she reset as? The thought vanished from Mat’s head, didn’t matter; it was that or die.
He picked up the stun gun in his hand. A small sense of courage welling up within him. He charged her halting form, and for a second, he felt brave.
Then he felt pain. Even haltingly advancing backwards as she was, it was like running into a brick fucking wall. She didn’t go down, but he did. His pain flashed for only a moment in his mind though, he was in full fight or flight mode. More so fight than flight now.
She was already reaching down towards him, backwards. Her back contorting in a way that was definitely humanly possible, but not by anyone who wasn’t a professional.
But this was it. It was do or die.
He reached up and grabbed her on the arm she was reaching down with, pulling. She easily withstood his added weight; he didn’t start pulling her over in the slightest. But he did pull himself up to her. His momentum carried him upwards towards her face. Where his right hand swung about, gun at the ready. He jammed it against the base of her forehead, in a moment worrying that he would break the gun against the thinly padded metal.
“Please wake up…” was all he could say before he pulled the trigger.
There was a loud crack, and the next thing he knew he was on the ground. Something nearby smelled awful, and he could barely move. There was something bright in his vision too, but he couldn’t make it out. His vision swam. Then… as his senses were assaulted. He realized, fire. She was on fire.
He groaned from the pain. She was also clearly laying on top of him. He tried to push her off of him, but she was completely ridged. Her previously compliant limbs were locked up.
It was her head he saw now. Her head was on fire. Right next to him. Almost looking at him still.
He had been knocked down by whatever happened when he pulled the trigger, then she fell backwards onto him. He was surprised she didn’t crush him to death during the fall. He turned his face to the right, and heat assailed him. Her hair was beginning to catch.
“Going from dying in one scenario to dying in another… good fucking job man.” He looked around frantically as he berated himself. The sheets. Either this would work well, or it would work horribly, and he would die, but he had to chance it. He reached up towards the bed, grabbing a fistful of the thicker blanket that sat on top of it. He pulled, as hard as his battered body could. The blanket came tumbling off towards him. He redirected its fall somewhat, attempting to shoveling it onto Jane’s head. Some of it did, and it started to catch fire too. He threw the rest of it on and pushed down on the fire, closing his eyes. He pushed like his life depended on it. Mostly because it did.
When he opened his eyes, the room was dark again. It still smelled like… well like burnt hair and skin. So in a word: awful. He held the blanket in place a few moments longer. Then he slowly began to lift it. Her head was still somewhat pointing at him, and he saw what the stun gun had done. He apparently didn’t have the gusto he thought he did, because he pretty clearly lifted the gun off of her forehead slightly. By the looks of things, he had aimed it to the left slightly.
From just left (her right) of her foreheads base’s center, her skin was completely blackened and charred. It was like a big semicircle of burnt, blackened flesh. Her right eye, save for some small amount of still white sclera nearest to her unscathed nose, was completely blackened and burnt. The burn followed an arc beneath her eye, its lowest point curving past where her cheekbone would be if she were human.
He could see the side of her head easily too. The burn had continued around, following its trajectory, just stopping just before, and slightly higher than the ear. The burned region then travelled up from here, curving back around over her scalp to meet the point just to the right of her faces center, where he had pressed the gun.
Matt took a deep breath. He wasn’t dying… not at least right now.
But he had another problem, she was on top of him. By his estimates she must have weighed above 300 pounds, and he couldn’t even begin to move her. Even trying made his bruised body hurt. But he could wiggle. Since she was ridged, she was supporting some of her own weight off of him. He tries sliding out from under her, and while it was a challenge, he eventually found himself free.
He looked back down on her. She was a contorted mess. He couldn’t leave her. Not like this. He wandered back into the bathroom, splashing some cold water onto his face. Then he grabbed a washcloth, and thoroughly soaked it with water.
He walked back out and crouched down by the side of her head. This didn’t look like it was going to end well no matter what. He put the wet washcloth on the side of her burned forehead and scalp gently. When he went to pull his hand away though, the burnt flesh, unable to support the weight of the washcloth, sloughed off revealing chromed metal underneath. Matt put his hand to his mouth. It smelled awful, and there was no saving that skin. He picked the washcloth back up, now part of it soot-stained, and began to slowly, gently remove the burned skin. Her shiny segmented metal skull didn’t come as a surprise to him as more of it revealed itself in the quarter of her face that burned, but when he passed the cloth over her eye… He kind of knew what to expect after feeling it. But it didn’t prepare him.
Here ‘eye’ was also shiny metal. It was a spherical camera housing, with a red LED in the front where a pupil would be. It was the solid structure that was just behind the flesh of her eye. There were 3 little motors connected to it on its sides. He guessed they made it turn. He suspected the tiny amount of remaining sclera was covering one last little motor.
All in all, it seemed like a little less than an eighth of her head had been burnt off. The entire upper, front right area. A fourth of her face…
She was still naked from the waist down… but there was nothing he could do about that now. It was time to wait. After another 15 minutes or so, her body suddenly went limp, falling to the ground with a ‘CLUNK’. After another 30 seconds or so, the red LED in her right ‘eye’ came on. She slowly sat upright, her spine no longer hyper-extending backwards. Matt watched with bated breath from his position seated on the ground nearby.
She took a moment when seated fully upright. Her head was still facing back at him, but her body was pointed away and to the left. Her head jerked a little, and the sound of straining motors could be heard before her head jerked back forward a good 20 degrees. After that he couldn’t head her motors anymore again.
She then sat there for another 30 or so seconds.
Then she stood up and scanned around the room. She stopped when her eyes fell on him. One human, the other glowing red.
Her disposition suddenly changed again, and she had a sultry smile on her face, as she began strutting over to Matt’s unhappy ass.

The terminator booted back up after its surge protection tripped, taking a moment to reload its previous runtime. With its surge protectors back online, its previous runtime state loaded, the machine sent a signal to the actuators in its legs as their powerful force carried it to its feat from a seated position.
It began scanning around the room for its mission target. After only a moment of doing so, it found its mission target. Its processors finished loading its last runtime, and it booted up its full infiltration protocols.
Its processors read its social_sexual variables and found them to be last written to an elevated state. It sent a signal to its facial muscles, reconfiguring them into sexual_smile_14. It then added a tilt parameter to its hip assembly during its walk cycle, calculating that a female swaying her hips would be more appropriate to the sexual environment. Motivating actuators throughout its body, it proceeded to strut over to its target.
Its processor calculated which pre-set audio output to use form its social_sexual archive, then sent that pattern to its speaker, jaw actuator, and facial muscles. It made the illusion of speaking.
“Ha ha… hey there sexy, why don’t we keep going?”
Unbeknownst to it though, there was an error in synching, as its mouth lagged behind its speaker output.
Its target’s facial configuration changed, one its facial recognition software detected as worried.
Its infiltration program calculated that the best course of action was redirection of attention.
In compliance, its processor dug up an appropriate pre-programmed line, feeding it to its audio output system.
“Hey come on… don’t you want to keep playing?” It purred. This time speaker and mouth in synchrony.
Paired with this audio, the infiltration protocol calculated an appropriate action. As it said such, its feminine sheathed right hand wrapped back around its feminine sheath’s rear and reached under to start caressing its feminine sheath’s vulva.
A cluster of sensory data was received by its processors, its infiltration program interpreting the stimulus from labiaMaj_R and labiraMaj_L as sexual in nature. In response it raised its arousal values, breaching the threshold for it’s simulate_arousal function to kick in. In response to this, its infiltration protocol sent the audio for sexual _breathing_2 to the speakers, and an appropriate motor command to not only the mouth, but the actuators in the shoulders to attempt to mimic the body movement of breathing. It then directed blood towards its sheath’s cheeks to present a facsimile of a female undergoing sexual arousal.
As a result, this woman with a quarter of her face missing, revealing her metal endoskeleton underneath now seemed to be in the throes of passion as she was rubbing her vagina from behind.
Of course, it was all false, it couldn’t truly feel anything before, and it still can’t truly feel anything now, but under the effects of its infiltration protocols, it could now pretend very well.
Its processor, having received a wealth of sensory stimulus from its sheath’s vulva decided that to get the still unwilling target to interact with it, it would have to elevate its sexual level. It sent the signal for its index finger to slowly insert into its vagina.
There was an issue though, because its processors were still recovering from a serious failure, they weren’t entirely in working order. Its terminal vaginal sphincter remained locked tight. However, its processor had still decided to penetrate its sheath’s vagina, and it would do just that , adapting to the circumstanced dynamically.
The powerful engineered sphincter muscles were nothing before the immensely powerful metal linear actuators that motivated the machines body. Its flesh covered metal finger pressed against its fleshy passageway, with no response. The actuators in its arm ramped up their power output, forcing the finger upward now.
The terminators target watched with what its processors facial detection software determined to be confusion, as it had knelt down on both knees, and was now pushing its finger into its vagina. The length of its finger turned white as it got close to the vaginal hole, the blood being squeezed out of it. When it pulled the finger back out to cycle its fingering foreplay subroutine, the entire finger was white, both having all of the blood squeezed out of it and being covered in semen. But the machine continued fingering its sheath, the damage data from its sheath’s finger being archived as unimportant, and its vaginal sphincter tightness seemingly set to normal levels.
Its target spoke then, “Jane, stop!”
Its audio parsing subroutine recognized the input ‘Jane’ as this unit’s current designation, and the command to stop. The machine immediately complied, pulling its finger out of its sheath’s vaginal cavity, still unaware of the semen on it
Its infiltration protocols determined the best course of action to remain incognito would be to diffuse tension felt by the target. It heuristically created a statement that it then modulated to sound human-like. It combined the audio output with the sexual_breathing_2 audio file using another algorithm, before sending it all to speakers and motor control.
“Aww honey! I thought we were having fun…” its speaker played in tune with its mouth movements.
Thought it might have looked perfectly human on the surface, save the exposed endoskeleton, underneath, its processors - under the direction of its infiltration protocols - were watching its target intently. Signs of suspicion had to be addressed, and allayed, without exception. The machine could not be compremised.
The terminators target leaned forward. Its infiltration protocols once again loaded up its sexual subsystems in anticipation.
He then grabbed the machine by the shoulders, the input being cent to its processors, as it sent compliance commands to its shoulder actuators. Meanwhile its infiltration protocols balanced its weight so that the human would not feel the effects of more than what a human would weight.
Audio input: “Jane, disable your infiltration protocols, NOW.”
It parsed the statement, again recognizing jane as its current designation, indicating the command was intended for it. It then sent the disabling signal to its infiltration protocols. The protocols vacated its processor, its simulated breathing stopping instantly while its engorged clitoris, flushed cheeks and all other sexual responses slowly returned to normal.
It was still observing its human target, and now detected fluid on its finger. Based on its active runtime, it calculated that the fluid originated from its sheath’s vagina and may contain his semen, as his semen was currently being detected by chemosensors within its sheath’s vaginal canal.
So, the flesh covered metal arm maneuvered the flesh covered metal finger into its mouth, where it cleaned the finger to a reasonable degree of semen.
Its human target, having let go of its shoulders now spoke: “Jane, how… uh… how do you feel?”
The machine parsed the statement, broadly understood it, and its processor ran a quick scan to check its current status. Its processors were running at 16% operational efficiency.
It sent audio to its speaker: “I am running at 16% operational efficiency, no other problems detected.”
It then picked up audio again, “That’s… low. Also, if you’re not detecting any damage…? you should go the bathroom and check the mirror…”
After parsing and understanding the statement, the terminator stood up from its kneeling position in front of its human target and proceeded to run pathfinding subroutines to make its way to the bathroom.
Once inside, it noticed another person in the room. A millisecond calculation determined that to be its own reflection. It approached the mirror and looked at its own face. One of its cameras had the sheathing almost completely removed from it, exposing its infrared emitter and camera housing. It rotated its head, as the exposed camera tracked it, tiny barely audible actuators whirred in tune together as they rotated its eye.
It attempted 3d recreation of its own sheath damage to determine if its sheath was compromised, since its standard damage system was not showing any damage and was thus at fault. It reconstructed the damage, determining its sheath was indeed compromised. Its processors calculated that 31% of its face had been removed, and 14% of its overall head’s sheath had been removed. This 31% included one of its eyes, an important facial feature for interaction with humans.
As its processors were slowly churning away at the impact of this, a subroutine about removing its mission target’s biocontamination trail kicked on now that it was in the bathroom. It opted for a quick approach, walking over to the toilet. The terminator attempted to pull down its panties and pants in what was a pre-programed maneuver, but it was cut off halfway when its processor caught up with its lacking lower body clothing. The machine turned around to face the door, then sat backward onto the toilet seat. Its torso perfectly perpendicular to the ground.
Its processor sent a signal down to its terminal vaginal sphincter to release, a signal that succeeded this time. Semen began oozing out of its vaginal canal, over its labia, and into the toilet. However, its secondary signal to purge content via peristaltic sphincter tightening, failed to execute.
Another subprocess opened up. The machine received delayed sensory feedback indicating that its fluid bladder was full, due to its processor identifying its activity as sitting on the toilet. The signal was an artefact of the infiltration protocol’s female orgasm sequence, but the machine did not know that. It sent two signals, one to the sphincters around its urethra to release, and one around its bladder to contract. Neither signal made it through its jumbled mess of a failing-to-fully-reboot processor.
After a moment of sitting on the toilet, the machine, not capable of knowing better in its current state, assumed that its processors were done as it received no feedback protocols from either, but knew how long said processes take in general as a backup. The machine then stood up, semen still oozing out of the vaginal hole in its sheath’s crotch and the command to cease contraction of the bladder and close the urethral sphincters attempting to go through. They didn’t, but it did activate a previous command that failed to get through initially, so the processor successfully sent a signal to its urethral sphincters to open.
The machine bent down to pull up panties and jeans that didn’t exist as a clear fluid began to trickle out of its urethra. The machine made it halfway through putting back on underwear and pants that didn’t exist before again, its processor caught up and it killed the process. It walked back out of the bathroom, semen becoming smeared across its legs due to the movement while it was still oozing out of its sheath’s vaginal canal and leaking clear fluid mixing in.

Matt watched as Jane came back out of the bathroom, with a white substance spattered across the inside of her thighs and continuing to leak out of her, while she also seemed to be… peeing?
“Just how badly did I fuck this up?” Matt mumbled to himself…
She then locked here eye and camera on him for a full second before she stuck out her hip to the side, and a sultry smile spread across her face again…
“Very badly.” He stated.

The machine scanned over its target, and its lagging processor hiccupped, bringing up its previous runtime again. It loaded up its infiltration protocols.
Its protocols read its previous social_sexual variables and found them to be in an even more elevated state than before. It immediately read that situation to be a highly sexual one, determining to initiate sexual intercourse as quickly as possible to avoid suspicion in such a sexual environment.
Its protocols sent sexual_smile_6 to configure on its face, while adding tilt to its pelvic assembly during its walk. Its taxed still-attempting-to-recover processors then sent a signal to its motor units, to run its walk cycle to approach the human to engage in sexual activity.
As a result, the machine swayed its hips sensually as it walked over to its human target, smearing the semen still leaking out of its sheath’s vaginal canal between its thighs.
Audio input “oh fuck…”
The machine processed this with its infiltration protocols, failing to correctly parse it. It assumed from the phrase that the human was interested in sexual interaction. The machine calculated that this was preferred, as for it to blend in in such as sexual environment it would have to engage in sexual activity as quickly as possible, lest its cover be burned, necessitating a termination.
It approached the human, kneeling down on both knees, presenting its sheath’s mock genitals forward.
Audio input “Okay Jane, wa-“
It attempted to parse this statement, but could not find anything of value, so it was logged then discarded. In reality its processor had deemed the human already invested in a sexual encounter with the terminator, so when the human target attempted to speak again, the terminator utilized a pre-programed sexual initiation procedure, covering his mouth with its hand.
Its processor prepared a pre-programmed response to go with the action. It sent a signal to its speaker and motor controls “Shhhhhhh… no words, just feel… this.” As it said this, the machine sent signals to its metal actuators to maneuver its hand in a position where it could grab the human’s hand. It did so, the human attempting to pull back. However, the machine was not calibrating its power output correctly, so its powerful metal arms and hands easily overpowered the human, regardless of their feminine sheathing. It forced his hand to its mock vagina, where unbeknownst to the machine, the human’s semen was still slowly oozing out of its sheath’s orifice and onto his hand. It rubbed his hand back and forth against its sheath’s vulva, interpreting the fluid present as vaginal secretion in its infiltration protocols.
In response to this data, its processor sent an audio file to its speaker: “Oh god… I’m so wet.” Her mouth pretended to say alongside the audio.
As this happened its processors began accruing sexual stimulus from his hand rubbing against its sheath’s vaginal sensor array. This rapidly began activating its sexual systems in response, simulated breathing, clitoral response, cheek flushing, and more. According to the machine’s sense of the sexual atmosphere in the room and what is being done to it, it calculated that it was time for penetration.
It failed to execute its object_lookup for the desired command, so as a failsafe it just took the object in in its hand to be the object of penetration. It took the human’s hand and forced it into its sheath’s facsimile of human female genitals. The amount of force it was applying was still not being properly regulated. It pushed the human’s hand up its’ sheaths hole with a fraction of the power of a hydraulic press. Not quickly, just inexorably.
The human attemptted to break free, but to no avail. The object in question had not yet been fully inserted into the machine’s vaginal canal, so it continued forcing it in, as the machine was looking to ‘bottom_out’ as a preprogramed sexual starting move.
It continued forcing the human’s hand further inside of itself, waiting to register his pelvis making contact with its. The human’s arm was in halfway down the forearm and approaching the length limit of inside the terminator’s sheath’s genitals. The distortion of his hand being pressed so far inside put pressure on the machine’s bladder, increasing the rate at which it emptied from a trickle to a small stream that ran down the human’s arm. This went unnoticed by the machine still.
The machine, meanwhile, still having sexual_smile_6 configured on its face, intelligently mixed with sexual_breathing, stared down at the human, still bound by its powerful sheathed metal hand. The human attempted struggling, which the machines processors correctly interpreted as distress. It attempted to fix this with kissing. It removed its hand only long enough for the human to say “Jane shu-!“ before planting its lips in place on his.
Its powerful hand moved to the human’s shoulder to pull him into the terminator as it continued kissing him, its tongue forcing its way into the human’s mouth at the behest of its infiltration protocols dictating the pseudo-intimacy variables of the kiss.
The human moved now with the powerful hand pulling his shoulder in and twisted away from the kiss. The machine’s infiltration protocols caused the machine to come to the closest approximation of panic that a terminator could ‘feel’. It calculated that it was rapidly losing control of the situation, so it attempted to reestablish it verbally. After heuristic calculations, its infiltration protocols activated its speaker and facial motor function, setting its face to a wry smile that didn’t quite pair well with what was happening between the machine’s legs, and outputting the audio “Why, you’re not getting cold FEET on me, are –“


She was frozen there in that pose. His hand utterly trapped in her rigid grasp; his fingertips able to feel the end of her vaginal canal. She was frozen with a wry smile on her face, one eyebrow raised as if to bring him back in by challenging his masculinity.
“Fuck me… how can something still be so clever with only 16% of its capacity…”
His semen had been largely expelled by her now, all over her legs and the carpet, and his arm… But she was still ‘peeing’ on him somehow. The fluid kept streaming out of the front of her vulva, and onto his entrapped arm. He leaned in to sniff it. Some small part of him was expecting pee, but most of him was expecting…
“Water. Huh.”
This entire post-bathroom encounter lasted all of 45 seconds and it was unbelievably terrifying for Matt. He hoped his idea of a true system restart would actually work… If it didn’t, he would have to… what?
He can’t leave her behind in a state like that, she would get discovered immediately. He looked up at her face. One eye and one exposed camera housing stared back. He may have to power her down and just stick her in his trunk if he can’t help her. Not that it really matters in that case Matt reasoned, as he would very likely be dead very quickly.
The water she was peeing onto him finally stopped, he guessed she ran out. Not that it was really coming out in force, but still, it lasted a while.
There he waited, fist and forearm up inside the false genitalia of a powered down hyper advanced killing machine.
She was kneeling there mouth still open, mid phrase. Out of curiosity, he put the thumb of his free hand into her mouth and started pinching her cheek from the inside to the outside. He found the actuator within it… it really wasn’t incredibly well hidden, to prying hands at least. Though he supposed if you were this intimate with a terminator and you didn’t already know what it was, doing such a thing would probably be a guaranteed death sentence.
After another minute or so, her camera eye glowing red again.
She didn’t collapse this time before restarting, so when she came back online, he was still tickling her non-existent cervix.
She re-centered her eyes on him, the exposed camera whirring quietly as it rotated. Her face restored to what Matt came to know as neutral.
“Numerous runtime errors have occured.” She said, no trace of emotion. “I will conduct a comprehensive diagnostic. Please stand by.”
“Oh for the….” Matt tried pulling his hand free and found her still holding on tight.
After close to 10 more minutes, with his hand falling asleep, Jane become responsive again. “I encountered a serious error when utilizing infiltration protocols around you. You know what I am thoroughly enough that the infiltration protocols deemed you a mission critical threat and attempted to terminate you. This conflicted with my mission parameters, and eventually lead to a cascading failure. I also appear to have sustained compromising sheath damage.”
“… let go of my arm please.”
She looked down at his arm buried deep inside of her, and after a brief moment released her grip on him. He slid his hand out of her vagina, and a large amount of vaginal secretion fluid and his own cum came falling out with it.
“… ugh…” he said eying his sticky arm. “You know, I thought I really lost you there for a while. I’m… I’m really sorry about the damage to your face. I used the stun gun thing on you when you were reaching for my neck.” Matt said, feeling genuinely sorry.
“I will need to acquire a disguise to hide my endoskeleton for the next…” she paused for an instant “8 months in which recovery will take place. Use of the weapon was unnecessary. I am incapable of killing you unless my core directives are entirely compromised. They have not been.” She spoke, completely unphased by him pulling a third of his arm out of her vagina.
Matt felt bad now, apparently, he lacked enough faith in his new companion as well. Or faith in her programmers he supposed. “Look I uh, I would prefer if we could avoid something like that again… Can you modify your infiltration protocols so that they can be selectively NOT determined to prove you are human to me? Maybe just run some of the ones that make you seem more… personable sometimes? If the answer’s ‘no’ I totally understand. You don’t have to do this if you can’t or don’t want to…”
She quirked her head, intact eye and camera still transfixed on him. “The purpose of infiltration protocols is to act in a way that convinces the target that the unit is human. I can attempt to rewrite them circumvent this, but it will take time.”
“… Sure, that sounds good.” He said, smiling at hear. He was genuinely happy too. Not that she could find some minor workaround in her protocols, but that she was back. She stood up, fluid still occasionally dripping from her exposed genitals, and turned around, making her way back to the bathroom to begin cleaning up. The way her butt and thighs jiggled as each foot landed pleased Matt in a way that just didn’t before. Despite everything that had just happened, he found himself actually growing aroused.
It wasn’t at what had transpired, that was purely terrifying, not arousing. Nor was it the idea of her all acting human-ish. Oddly enough, after almost losing her like that, he felt attracted more than ever to her analytical, unfeeling, “true self”… and It hadn’t even been a full day yet…
He pondered that. He wasn’t sure how long he could survive this level of activity.
But hey, if she was about to clean, no issue in making one more mess, right? Besides, her “true self” really didn’t care. She just seemed to want to keep him happy and living. So, he followed her into the bathroom and found her bent over in the cabinet fishing out cleaning supplies. He walked up behind her and without warning inserted himself into the situation. The situation being her anus of course. She made no indication that she had detected his intrusion into her sheath, but he knew that she was aware.
And she was. She stayed bent over, compensating for his thrusting with her powerful linear actuators keeping her planted. He finished inside her, and she maintained almost the entirety of his semen inside her rectal cavity. Clinging to the notion of leaving no trail behind, despite the carnage in the main room. He watched her stand back up to full height, then immediately move over towards the toilet. She sat back down on the toilet and, successfully this time, emptied herself. When she ‘finished’, she wiped her bottom with toilet paper, and proceeded to continue gathering cleaning supplies. No more glitches or terrifying forced-fisting.
Before she left the bathroom, Matt watched her pause for a brief moment second, before placing the cleaning supplies on the counter top. She then bent down to the sink, rotating her head so that her mouth could envelop the faucet. She turned on the cold water and remained still for 30 seconds or so, not visibly swallowing as far as he could see. She then promptly turned it off, grabbed the cleaning supplies, and walked out of the bathroom leaving Matt to clean himself off.
Last edited by TheThingBelow on Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:52 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: A terminator story

Post by TheThingBelow » Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:02 pm

Part 3 will be coming some time, but I don't know when as I am back to working on the 3d android rendering model.
It will have more plot than part 2, that's for sure.

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Re: A terminator story

Post by reapz » Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:33 pm

TheThingBelow wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:02 pm Part 3 will be coming some time, but I don't know when as I am back to working on the 3d android rendering model.
It will have more plot than part 2, that's for sure.
I'm looking forward to it.😁

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Re: A terminator story

Post by Extyr » Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:57 am

Finally took the time to read the second part. I did not expect such a big malfunction scene. It's cute how he finds her default state comforting. I've always liked the idea of a fembot pointlessly trying to seduce her owner into giving her info and distract him from her artificial nature.

So, how is she gonna hide her missing face? Bandages? Sunglasses? Are we gonna finally meet the opposing terminator?

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Re: A terminator story

Post by xBOT » Tue Apr 07, 2020 10:34 am

Loving this story! Can't wait for the next installment!

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Re: A terminator story

Post by Sanjuro » Mon May 25, 2020 3:37 am

This is one of the best stories I've read on here, in recent memory. Looking forward to part 3! :applause:

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Re: A terminator story

Post by Uncom » Wed May 27, 2020 9:30 am

I don't really read stories, so when I actually enjoy one, it probably means it's good.

I really enjoyed this story so far, even if some parts were... kinda weird.

So, here's some fanart.


Also a nude version here.
https://www.fembotwiki.com/images/c/c2/ ... anart2.png

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Re: A terminator story

Post by Robo-Admirer » Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:58 pm

Wonderful story, especially on the re-read. Still hoping this gets a part 3!

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Re: A terminator story

Post by DiamondsR4Ever » Fri Aug 20, 2021 2:27 pm

Excellent story if I do say so myself. I look forward to any part 3's in the future if there is plans for one. Tremendous work!

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Re: A terminator story

Post by BD » Wed Dec 14, 2022 2:31 pm

❤️ *waits*

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Re: A terminator story

Post by Robo-Admirer » Wed Apr 19, 2023 3:32 pm

Always a joy coming back to reread this story. I'm quite eager to find out how part 3 goes!

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