Charlie Sheen can go fuck himself.

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Post by Keizo » Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:51 pm

Thank you, Kishin.

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Post by gynoneko » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:38 pm

Good post. I personally can't stand Mr. Sheen, and would like to hear nothing more about him or from him. I wish the media would cover more important things, like the Afghan war, and our fallen soldiers.

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Post by Stephaniebot » Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:11 am

Charlie Sheen can go fuck himself.
He probably has to. Lets face it, who else would want to do it with a prat like him?
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Post by Gorgo » Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:58 am

I'll add my agreement to this as well. I can't believe how biased the news media can be at times. Who gives a damn about an idiot who can't control his urges to the point where he got himself fired from a very successful television series.

Indeed, learning of more casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq would be more important, since the people serving in both counties are doing something they believe is right and will lead to positive things in the future.

It's a pity that whenever good boys serving for the American armed forces do pay the ultimate price for their service to their land, things are normally so hush-hush. Not like up here in Canada; I'm sure people on this board have heard by now of what happens when our casualties arrive at CFB Trenton in Ontario and are taken down the Highway of Heroes [Highway 401] to Toronto for autopsy by the Centre for Forensic Sciences before being sent home. If you haven't, go Google it and see for yourself.

Hopefully, the whole thing concerning Sheen will just go away and he'll fade into the twilight like so many others like him so we don't have to read about him or see him on television anymore. There's much more important things going on in this world than to worry about a selfish idiot like that.
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Post by Yop » Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:33 pm

Sheen himself said that the amount of media coverage around him is ridiculous and shameful. I like Sheen, I don't like the media idolship machine

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Post by GZ02 » Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:27 pm

Coming out of lurking mode:

I agree with the last post. It's not so much that Sheen actually has a choice to be basking in the spotlight - he's been flirting with the press for years and vice versa. The issue is with the media, specifically with the mainstream outlets and their constant pandering to the lowest common denominator.

Sheen's rants and Lohan's misadventures aren't news, yet the public eats this crap up and hankers for more. Indeed, when will people wake up? It always annoys me how the news can switch gears in a typical broadcast talking about some major disaster/event (say the earthquake in Japan or the unrest in N. Africa) and then, without missing a beat, devote a whole segment to young, shallow, rich, spoiled celebrity figures or the latest trends or fads.

Instead of opening up minds with intelligent discourse and pressing to ask questions, most of the viewing public are satisfied with snap judgment punditry and ludicrous and unecessary "reality" shows.

I throw up my hands and wait as the human race lurches onward into the dark abyss.

Depressing? Yeah, well I'm gonna miss an hour of sleep tonight as well!

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Post by Gorgo » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:52 am

Yop wrote:Sheen himself said that the amount of media coverage around him is ridiculous and shameful. I like Sheen, I don't like the media idolship machine
Well, there's a good sign. Now, will the media idiots listen for a change?

Doubt it. :(
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Post by gynoneko » Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:55 am

Yop wrote:Sheen himself said that the amount of media coverage around him is ridiculous and shameful. I like Sheen, I don't like the media idolship machine
The only problem is that he says one thing, but he does another. If he didn't want media attention, why does he wave machetes at cameramen from rooftops, or make comments on the radio about how everyone who works with him are morons and cretins. Why does he continually fill the media deliberately with his sob story and then insist he has no idea why the cameras are on him.
The reason I currently don't like him is actually not because he's a media whore, it's because he put hundreds of people out of work through his crazy, immature, and ridiculous antics, and then claims he is fighting for them when he is the cause of their strife.
Having been unemployed myself for 2 years really does a number to you. Hearing about how one person who is probably self-destructing and reacting poorly to drug withdrawal symptoms got so many fired really pisses me off.

I hope he does get better. He has done many fine performances in the past, and his show was a big hit (even though I never watched it). I would like to like him, but right now I just can't.

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Post by ZeltraxMillenium » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:16 am

Because of what's happened with him, I have no respect for the guy whatsoever.

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Post by RancidInsanity » Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:25 pm

I personally find Sheen hilarious. I mean, did you SEE his cooking episode. Comedy Gold.

But that's just me. :)
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