DR Who speculative thoughts

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DR Who speculative thoughts

Post by fnord » Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:33 am


speculative thoughts:

the amy pond that's been traveling with the doctor for the entire series isn't really amy pond. amy's young encounter with the Doctor makes her a target by the alliance. The alliance kidnaps the entire town of Leadworth and reconstructs it with duplicates. The mismatch of technology in the town is reflective of how they plant certain current technologies that they can replicate, but there are other details that they determine aren't important (rory's badge) or can't actually do (the cars).

The real amy pond is a prisoner of the alliance. the comment by the daleks that the doctor has been scanned and assessed &c comes from the fact that the duplicate amy traveling with the doctor is an auton that is being used as a data collector for the alliance. That's how the Auton Rory knows about his specific TARDIS history all the way until he dies, because since Amy was there, she transmitted that data to the alliance and used that to add to the trap aspect of the Pandorica. This is also why Amy sometimes has more insight than she actually should, because her mind isn't always her own.

At some point during the finale, the Doctor is able to travel in time whilst in the Pandorica through a combination of the TARDIS exploding and his ability to manipulate the Pandorica's complex properties. This Doctor is the Doctor-not-in-the-TARDIS, unlike the "Doctor in the TARDIS" as stated by prisoner zero and the weeping angels. This Doctor-not-in-the-TARDIS either causes the cracks in the universe as a side-effect of him mucking about in time and space in this way, or he just happens to take advantage of the cracks' existence (created by the TARDIS exploding) as a way to move about and do what he needs to do.

The TARDIS is exploding and that causes the cracks. But the TARDIS is not finished exploding and the Doctor in the Pandorica is moving about space and time to try to stop it from finishing or trying to unwrite the events that cause the TARDIS to explode. The Pandorica Doctor goes back in time, visits amelia, and plants a suggestion in her head (as suggested by the scene in The Eleventh Hour where young amelia smiles at the sound of the TARDIS). That planted suggestion gets transferred to the duplicate amy when the alliance kidnaps Leadsworth unbeknownst to them which he then starts to trigger by visiting amy in Flesh and Stone and reminding her to remember what he told her when she was seven. That thought will get triggered/activated when Amy wakes up from being killed by Rory (since she's not actually killed by Rory since she's an auton).


There's a part of me that started to theorize also that in the Eleventh Hour, the Doctor actually *did* arrive five minutes later, but somehow in the timey-wimeyness capabilities of the alliance they planted everything within that five minutes to make it seem like 12 years later when the Doctor arrives, but that doesn't ring true to me only because of the Doctor confirming that it's 10-12 years later by licking the wood of the new shed.

that's what i got right now. there's some holes in it and i'm not convinced by it, but this is what started running through my head after i watched the episode. thoughts are welcome.
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Post by wolfblade » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:24 pm

Only aweek to find out its going to be along six days , I think the doctor will use the time agents wrist strap wich river had got and some how go back to events that happen in the eleventh hour , i know young amy is back for the final , and we shud get the answers to why the house has more rooms on the outside to when we see the inside plus where her aunt has or was never there , its an 55mins episode too so cant wait (could do with a tardis myself pop to next saterday) lol

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