Japan's Tsunami

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Japan's Tsunami

Post by Keizo » Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:36 am

Devastated by the tsunami in Japan. Hoping all my family is okay, but hurting for those that aren't.

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Post by gynoneko » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:02 pm

I hope and pray that your family, and all Japanese people, will be alright.

However, this was the strongest earthquake in the history of Japan. Striking off the coast cause it to spawn a massive Tsunami, which has made the devastation even worse. While the initial death toll is still low, it is expect to quickly rise to over 1000. I will continue to pray for the Japanese people in their time of need, and I will offer what support I can.

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Post by Gorgo » Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:30 pm

My prayers are also there for those who fell victim to this. :(
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Post by wjbaines » Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:01 pm

Everyone here is hoping for the best. Or perhaps it is better said: the least gut-wrenchingly god-awful.

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Post by ZeltraxMillenium » Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:00 pm

I'm also saddened by the Tsunami in Japan. I've made a couple of friends from Japan and I hope that they're all OK.

I'm also a member on another forum called Henshin Justice Unlimited/Username is Zeltrax541, and all the people on there are also concerned and are donating money to help out.

The reason why I bring Henshin Justice Unlimited up is that I foolishly made a post about hoping that one person/A middleman service that buys Japanese toys for people who ask and pay for it is OK then I say that I'm gonna order a figure from her once there's confirmation that she's well.

I however said it the wrong way and got talked on by 3 people which automatically made me rephrase the post I made and pull out an apology plus the video I made to help the Japan effort.

Here's the link to the HJU post/ON THE VERY BOTTOM: http://forums.henshinjustice.com/showth ... 12&page=72

And here's the link to the Japan Effort video I made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbuw1AANZaA

Do you guys think I made a good enough apology? If not, I'm really sorry and I couldn't think of anything more to say. I'm also autistic so, I might not be able to phrase apologies very well. I either say I'm sorry many times or just not speak at all.

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Post by Keizo » Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:01 am

It's better you not speak at all. Seriously. I don't usually criticize people here, but I have family there and your "apology" came off as EXTREMELY self absorbed and very obnoxious. This is NOT about you. If you suffer from autism or Asperger's then you should know better than to attempt to emote on subjects you obviously have no genuine feelings for. Get over yourself and stay off this thread.

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Post by andoroido » Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:13 am

I'm in Japan but quite far from Tohoku, so apart from 24/7 TV news about the tsunami, there has been little effect. It just felt like a typical once a month quake from here.

But the video is shocking (we probably are seeing a lot more in Japan that is being shown abroad just due to time limits)

Now the big problem is the nuclear meltdown, which seem to be just barely saved from going totally Chernobyl, but still radiation leaks in that area. The plants are on the northeast coast, so it's downwind from all of the Japan mainland (Imagine a nuclear meltdown in Maine in the USA, the fallout wouldn't hit anyone outside the immediate area, but you won't want to go deep-sea fishing)

Now the big question (12 hours from now it will be 9AM Monday morning) is what measures will be taken? Tokyo had a few deaths from the quake itself, power outages, and major train disruptions, but mostly just to inspect the tracks, no huge damage. Major companies have announced Monday they'll be closed. There is (wild) speculation that this quake (and there's been another major quake same day in Nagano, in the mountains) is the start of a chain, which might lead to The Big One for Tokyo.
Lots of people are rechecking their emergency supplies, including me.

But so far, for those not in the northeast coast of Japan, things are pretty much normal.

And to touch on the above, probably the best thing you can do to help is just buy Japanese stuff, the Japanese companies and people (and me) pay the taxes that go to the military and disaster relief. In general, Japan is pretty good on disaster preparation.
Or give to established charities that are directly working in Japan.
(Hate to say it, but I have a skeptical opinion of suddenly-formed charities for disasters, just what percent of the donations end up in the mouths of the victims?)
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Post by Keizo » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:08 am

Robotman wrote:Here's a "Person Finder" set up by Google. It may help out with those of us who need to know if loved ones are safe.
Thank you for the link, Robotman. Sadly, it seems one of my relatives is still missing :(

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Post by Gorgo » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:45 pm

Keizo wrote:Thank you for the link, Robotman. Sadly, it seems one of my relatives is still missing :(
I hope your relative will be found, Keizo. I really do.
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Post by gynoneko » Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:08 pm

Keizo wrote:
Robotman wrote:Here's a "Person Finder" set up by Google. It may help out with those of us who need to know if loved ones are safe.
Thank you for the link, Robotman. Sadly, it seems one of my relatives is still missing :(
I wish you luck in finding your relative, and pray that everything turns out ok. A lot of people are still displaced, so keep your chin up. I hope for teary-eyed reunions in your future. Good luck!!

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Post by Keizo » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:55 pm

Thanks you for the kind words and good wishes. There is still hope. I know that a lot of people aren't able to get communications out. I feel horrible for those that have lost loved ones. It's a tragedy any time, but this is just overwhelming.

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