Battery's Robot shop

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Re: Battery's Robot shop

Post by Gynoidplayboy » Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:19 pm

What i was trying to say... And i JUST FORGOT the internet rule of "CAPITAL MEANS ANGRY OR SHOUTING" ... Because i just wanted to tell this before MY HOUR OF MIDNIGHT ... screenshot of proof (...i am in debt because for now i can´t find right now but i promise i´ll post it I PROMISE)

and by the way the main server is in CALIFORNIA!!!???
because recently whenever i post something m, there´s 2 hours of difference and accorfding to my calculations... UNLESS THE SERVER IS IN MAINE, that´s were would be the most likely when i confirm in a map the + hours going rigth and the - hours going left ... please confirm it that i jut notice.

AND NOW in proper writing, this is what i was trying to say:

1. that Battery send me sketches of the drawing of MONA LETHAL of 1 that result in one pic and other 2 (differenciating themselves by the colors of the lines9 and i was asking if he can complete them OR make a brand new one (and that i doesn´t disrespect HER because of me or my times i have mention it)

2. that if he can colour the pic of me and the svedka vodka girl

3. and finally... that please tell me that my depiction in the pic it was just parody...
because I AM NOT LIKE THAT ; because i just a passionate guy that i´m not around here because of my studies, so when i write down; i trying to cover the miost that is in my mind so i am not giving regret later and dont forget to write it down later because i dont know when to have time to do it again...

P.D. Could just remove the warning (Your warning level: [1]) i didnt intent to offend... i was just a WHOOPS moment... pretty please!? (by the way shoveller... can you give me back my reply so i can post it properly? or at least where i can see my posts if there´s the option so i can express how i was intend it to do it without anyone malinterpreting it)

By the way... i don´t mean that you need to do it RIGHT NOW... JUST PLEASE remember these for later (pretty please, that you know that i am a detailed fan of your artstyle so just respect me as i respect you)

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Re: Battery's Robot shop

Post by Gynoidplayboy » Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:26 pm

Hey a question here?
Since I had seen new pics from (the Krystal one being the most recently) I must ask
Normally where are you getting requests? so, I contact in that way and stop asking you in this page
also, so I could follow you there (if you have others accounts in other pages); Thanks, and I hope you can help me with


Re: Battery's Robot shop

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:58 pm

Hello gpb.

I normally get requests and commissions via discord.

Right now I have five commissions on queue (which is a horrible borrowed french word for waiting). So I can't commit to anything highly detailed.

I like to encourage the use of Fembot central board so I normally rather give preference to requests here. Mostly because I am a terribly shy person and can't handle social contact for long periods of time. My discord code is not terribly hard to find but since I am busy and I am just getting anxious thinking about the unrealistic event of getting a flood of people if I share my discord code here I rather let you find it by yourself - w -;

otherwise you can just detail to me the request you have.

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Re: Battery's Robot shop

Post by Gynoidplayboy » Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:03 pm

Happy holidays everyone that's reading this...
I hope you have a happy new year and a better one wishing you as been possible...

Before ending this year I have to ask...
Battery, can you consider make this for next year, please?

1. Another robot mom pic... But this time the daughter is the robot or another similar subversion
2. That you make a laboratory where damage fembots from several media are there to be repair
3. A calendar with a sexy robot for each of the month s (from several types of media like cartoons, manga, videogames and so on)
4. That you color the pic about svedka and me as a female (but please this time just pose mona lethal in a sexy position DON'T DESTROY HER)
5. A sexy version of each robot of Boston Dynamics
6. That you make pics of these rare music videos Calem "maybe" and "scent of a robot"
7. That you make yourself a girlfriend (and please tell me why are you a robot rabbit as your avatar)
8. Semen collecting gynoids (but for animals and people)

Thank you and have a great new year (and decade depending big who you ask)
P.D. by the way thanks your tolerate me, and my ideas, for all these years... Cheers to even more for both me and you and our mutual woman asfr fetish and xeno-appreaciattion ... Bye-bye 😘😊😚😂🙏😉


Re: Battery's Robot shop

Post by --NightBattery-- » Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:53 am

Hello GPB.
To the very least I can make this sketch. Other people also wanted to see the daughter as a robot. I am glad people enjoyed that poorly aging drawing so much.
So I hope this is enjoyable.


About the other things... I have drawn privately a small workshop for a commissioner but unfortunately, it is a private piece.
I have some ideas for workshop machinery but right now I am busy with other stuff...
About the calendar...well I am sorry to say that it would be time-consuming and with no monetary gain for me so I am sorry to say it is a terrible idea if I am meant to thrive.

The Boston dynamics and seed collecting robots...well unfortunately dire robot zoophilia is not accepted in FW (I think) So it is something I would not be able to post anywhere if I engaged on that.
I don't know those rare videos and I guess it is not my place to go looking for references.

About my avatar...well It is more a canine rather than a rabbit. I have no particular explanation for the change but I guess you can say that I was turned into scrap and restored by furries into my current form. Although I can always use my other variants if I need to make a joke. Although with this avatar I let myself being a more soft version of myself.

Also I am currently dating Marina Liteyears from mischief makers. so yea. no need for additional escapism.

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Re: Battery's Robot shop

Post by Gynoidplayboy » Tue Mar 16, 2021 6:55 am

Hey battery I never told you this because I was busy but the last 16 was by birthday... Can you make something for me pretty please?

I would appreciate it much ... Specially if it's a dignified and sexy pic of Mona Letha lwith me and she hugging and kissing each other after a passionate night of sex +implying that a e are still united by the nether regions)

Please do this for me because l don't know when I would have another window of opportunity to ask you this, thank you and if possible keep posting in here, please ;)

(Also an aftermatch of the music video "the world is not enough" where to android survive the explotion and it's been recovered by men in hazard suites like the ones from her lab with where brain exposed, been quiet or even repeating "the world is not enough" and one guy have some blueprints to reporpuse her) ;)

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Re: Battery's Robot shop

Post by Pylon » Wed Mar 17, 2021 6:22 pm

Y'know, I think it'd be much smarter to perhaps commission him a piece in regards to what you want instead. He should get paid for his hard work and would certainly feel obligated to if there's some monetary value to get out of it .

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Re: Battery's Robot shop

Post by Gynoidplayboy » Thu Apr 22, 2021 5:43 am

U am from mexico.... So even if i want to i can't afford it:
1. I don't have a proper bank account
2. I don't have nor know how to use a online , payment service account
3. Even if I iu wanted I pay him for THIS AND MORE I don't have the correct coin
4. I don't ask very often and just for special occasions so u feel I am not overwhelming him
Just understand everything that I say here and I don't to offend you Battery

... By the way, do you even care for this forum anymore? If so where I can make better contact in the future?


Re: Battery's Robot shop

Post by --NightBattery-- » Thu Apr 22, 2021 6:27 pm


Gpb things have turned a bit too awkward.
The way you write can be a bit offputting. No one is forcing you to write in such a manner.

I am really sorry and don't want anyone to think wrong of you.

But I have no obligation towards you and I am not sure I want to have direct contact with you because I am not sure there is anything to talk about.

I did some drawings for you because it was fun and challenging at the time. But...things have gone too awkward because you put a lot of passion into the way you write, I guess.

tl:dr you are being manipulative and you are not reading what I write.

And yea. I still care a lot about fembot central. I just have nothing to say lately. But it will always be my home.

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Re: Battery's Robot shop

Post by TheShoveller » Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:43 pm

I'm going to remind everyone that requests are perfectly fine to make, but to please remember to be respectful to other creators' wishes if they do not want to take on that work for whatever reason. There is no excuse for manipulation in an attempt to get someone to do something for you. That fosters an environment I do not want on these forums, and it does little to make others feel welcome here.

Remember to be respectful towards each other, and that a request is quite simply that - a request, to be done at the person's discretion if they choose, or passed on if they do not. They are people on the other side of the screen as well, and they deserve the same amount of respect you would want given your way.

Thank you.

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