Last part of ADPOLICE2, enjoy.

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Last part of ADPOLICE2, enjoy.

Post by Mirage » Fri May 30, 2003 10:44 am

Part 7

Scratching my head, I was nervously trying to think of what to do next. I knew it would be impossible to track her down from which radio station she had managed to tapped into. "All ADcruisers, please report to the Genom Babel Tower for assistance. Agressive disruption reported." a dispatched was heard suddenly out my radio. "Annie!" I wispered, grabbing hard my steering wheel and flooring the gas pedal. "Genom tower? That they're headquarters, why go there? It's suicidal!" I questionned myself.

Arriving there, I was shocked, battle bommers and security boomers lying everywhere in pieces. The only time I ever saw such a carnage was when the Knight Sabers showed up to piss off Genom. Luckly, I was one of the first at the scene. I ordered the police that did arrived to secure the parameters. I did decide the enter and followed to where the intruder went. Her trail was easy to find, dead Genom staff and androids littered the corriders and ripped off metal doors with giant locks that had been removed quite quickly. Dropping my gun, I entered the room that Annie was in. "Annie..." I said soflty, breathing slowly, being scared shitless.

The room was dark, only to have computers screens flashing quickly, data pouring out. "Annie, I came to help you... I was a friend of Henry." I lied. "Henry... Henry is dead..I killed him..." I heard, her voice sounded so cold but still feminin. "Annie, can I see you?" I asked soflty, sitting down on a chair in the middle of the dark room. From the shadows, I saw her, naked, coming out, wires and cables were plugged inside her stomach. She was connected to all the computers in this satellite control room. "Who are you?" she asked me. "A friend." I said soflty "What are you doing?" I asked her back. "Changing history, or rather the future of mankind." she smiled , only with her mouth that could be seen from her hair covering most of her beautiful face. "How and why?" I asked her with a gulp. "Boomers... Androids.. A.I.s.." she continued smiling. "I might need to stop you." I smiled back, not knowing really how. "Why?" she asked innocently.

"Because it's wrong.... killing humans is wrong..." I mutured. "I know that now..." she laughed.
"My fiance was killed by an android like you." I said with a low tone. "I know... many humans were killed by androids and boomers like me, and things will only get worst if I don't do something." she said with a cold tone in reply. "What do you mean by that?" I asked her quickly, afraid at what she was implying. ‘You know, Genom know's they lost already 27% of all control over their boomers and androids. They estimate total lost of control of a population of 76 000 boomers worldwide by the end of next year. I know that now because I am directly linked to their main secret core." she said, sitting on the floor in front of me.

The hair from the back of my neck raised, a cold sweat came over me, I knew she was not lying.
"I now understand why I am here, my reason to exist." she smiled at me, reaching to grab my left knee. I just frozed, horrified at my situation. "I am here to stop this from happenning. I now understand my madness I had.... I killed the one I loved the most... and his friends... I could never forgive myself... I must stop that from ever happening again... to many innocent people died by boomers and androids going crazy.." she cried, her head now on my lap.

"How?" I asked her, stairing at her eyes full of tears. "I'll send a self destruct command to every boomers and androids from this room. All A.I.'s will seize, overload and burned themself out, killing them all." she wispered. I sat there, speechless. "This would have a hugged ripple effect around the world...shatter our eco-system... we are now so depended on androids and boomers..." I mumbled at her plan. "You will survived, we wouldn't." she said sofly, getting up from the floor. "Thank you for your kindness, Detective O'Conner and goodbye" she smiled to me, stepping back. "No! NO!!!" I screamed outloud, reaching for her to stop initialysing her over-loading command that was sure to be direclty linked to every satellite on the planet.

But she never had the chance to. Her torso and head suddenly exploded in thousands of peices, the remain of her body just slowly slumped on the floor. Shock, I look at the door frame and saw Momika standing there with a giant riffle. "..I.. ....I didn't want to die..." she mutured, dropping the gun on the floor, tears slowly coming out of her eyes. "Momika..." I said, surprise by her action. "I have doomed your race..I am so sorrry..." she cried out, running to my arms.
"Shhh... we'll survive, don't worry... the ADpolice will always be there to stop crazy boomers and androids, always..." I wispered to her, knowing that she just maybe became sentient.

The end

Please post your comments, since they will determine if I should
ever write (or post) again for this group ever again.

If not satisfied, you will never see me on this board ever again.
Simple as that.


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Stick around!!

Post by fection » Fri May 30, 2003 11:30 am

Hey, let me be the first to say 'stick around'.
This little interest needs all the interesting people it can muster, and you're one of the most interesting.
I've realised this community is not the best for feedback (no offence to anyone - I'm probably the worst offender!). You just have to do your stuff and trust that people like it. We're all born 'takers' after all.
So stick around. You've made me laugh out loud on several occassions - and I mean that in a good way!

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Dont leave yet

Post by barakuda » Mon Jun 02, 2003 12:24 am

Come on mirage i liked all your stories. This story took a known story line and was very believable and fits with in the AD-police, Bubble Gum crisis world. I hope you keep writing and drawing.
If i had any talent i would try it. Stay cool

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Post by Keizo » Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:35 pm

Bravo, Mirage. Another worthy tale of contemplation. But does this mean that Chef Antoine's career is over?

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Post by htb21 » Wed Jun 04, 2003 10:56 pm

*slow clap* keep up the good work! you have a talent and weather people reply or not I hope you decide to let your talent shine! thanks mirage :)

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