Because It's Friday, I will be nice. ADPI Part3

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Because It's Friday, I will be nice. ADPI Part3

Post by Mirage » Fri May 02, 2003 10:05 am

I am still alive, for the few who cares...

Still lurking around sometimes...

Does who have ill will toward me, I say tuff to them. I am not here to fight or make a flame war. I'll make my best to stick to "ONLY" ASFR subjects.

Out of boredom, I continuing my story from my last time I was here. (I hate to leave things unfinish)


A.D.P.I. (Advance Police Investigations).

Case # 2 : DEVIL ON THE RUN.

Part 1

Arriving at 3:00am at home was always a disappointment to Nagisa. He knew he had no choice but to take those shitty hours. He guess he was lucky to find this job at the SuperSmart. Just after being fired at his real job, at Genom. He smiled how they found out he was secretly stealing parts to built himself a sex-boomer. Thinking how spending 5 years at University to become a technologist for androids and losing such a high paying job, was really a bummer. He look up at the dark sky above him and realised it was starting to rain. He ran quickly to his small apartment entrance and took out the entrance card key. "Shit! Come on! Come on! Open, you fucking door!" he cursed at the old door. He was always scared at being mugged or killed, for this was not a very safe neighbourhood. Suddenly, he heard someone moving behind him. He turned around quickly, trying to see in the darkness of the night, threw the heavy pouring rain. "WHO"S THERE??? I GOT A GUN!" he screamed quickly, still pushing for the door to open. Slowly, he saw a human figure coming out of the shadows, coming closer to him. Panicking even more, he kicked the door open. Before he could enter and quickly close the door behind him, someone stop the door from closing. Nagisa turned around, fearing for his own life. At what he saw scared him to hell.

"Help mmmeee...." a tall almost naked woman was saying softly. Fire red hair, soft crystal blue eyes, the woman was a godsend. Nagisa approached the woman and helped her walk to his apartment. "What is wrong?" he asked quickly the woman. She said nothing and pointed to the couch inside his place. Helping her to lie down, he notice a small high buzz coming from her. "I'm damaged..." she said with a soft voice. "Are you a boomer?" he quickly demanded her. "Yes... please repair me.... please..." she begged him. Nagisa smiled in delight at his fortunate. "I'm a technician! I can repair you! Let me get my tools!" he said, walking in quickly around his apartment, gathering tools. Doing a quick survey of her, he realised the damage was minimal. A few broken circuits and cut wires, it took only a few minutes to repair her. "What is your name? He asked her nicely. "My name is Annie." she said with a smile. "Thank you for repairing me, how can I repay you?" she asked with a devilish smile on her lips.

Nagisa smiled back and whispered in her left hear "Use your imagination, if you have one."he said while groping her. Sighting, she nodded and ask her to show her his bed. Following her to his bedroom, he was still kind into a trance. Getting on his bed and lying on her back, she invited Nagisa to climbed on top. Quickly getting undress, Nagisa climbed on top and kissed her hard.
Nagisa smiled and continued none stop moving up and down on her. "Please... stop... your hurting me... please.." she said with pain in her voice. Ignoring her demands, knowing boomers can't feel pain, he continued. "Please..." she continued. "Shut up!"he screamed at her. "Malfunctionn...Malfunction..." she started to blur out loud. The more she did, the more he got excited. Finally, she stop moving and shacking and simply laid there, humming out loud. He released inside her and got up and look at her "Stupid machine..." he chuckled. Slowly, he went for the bathroom and went for a pee. After relieving himself, he went back in the bedroom. She was standing there looking at him mad. "You broke..." he stuttered. "Now, my turn!" she said outloud, grabbing him and pitching him on the bed and climbing on top of him. "Let's see how you like it!!!!!!" she smiled to him, his eyes full of terror.

"How easily they die..." she said to herself, taking a shower, wahing off all the blood.

A.D.P.I. (Advance Police Investigations).

Case # 2 : DEVIL ON THE RUN.

Part 2

"Careful where you step, sir, you might get some blood on you." the police man told me. "Welcome Detective O'Conner, we have a nice one for you this morning." An old police Captain who's name eludes me right now said "Momika, what do you think?" I asked my partner. "Stewart.... analysing this crime scene.... Definate the work of a boomer." she said in a cold tone. Blood everywhere, the apartment ransack, just like the ones I being seeing since last week. "Something is different... show me the body." I asked quickly, puzzled at something. "There you go!" the same police showed me the horrible mess. "The body... the boomer disect it! It removed all the bodies organs and rips the body parts in sections...This is new!" I grumble, myself analysing the scene. "Momika, what was the last victim's job?" I asked her. "He was a surgeon." she answered while looking around for clues. "The victim, he was an Boomer technician! The boomer, it read all his books and notes!" Momika said outloud.

"Great... that makes it official... We have a Boomer Serial killer on our hands, gentlemens." I said loudly. "What?? You have to be kidding!?" the old Captain smiled. "No... First victim, 9 days ago, a prostitute, 7 days ago, second victim, a pimp, 4 days ago, a sexalogist and 2 days ago, a surgeon. All killed extremely violently, same type of degree of superior human force, making it very likely a boomer. I assume to be a female, because most victims apart from the first one as been all males." I responded with a small buzz in my head. "Why?" one of the police asked innoccently. "Why? Good question... That is my job to find out and to stop her..." I smiled at Momika who was already leaving the scene. "I'll go back at my office, do call me when you finish a complete report on this." I asked the old Captain.

"You okay?" Momika asked me while opening the door for me. "Yay... just a small headach from that stench. I hate these crimes scenes..." I mumble a bit while getting in the car. "We are in trouble, you know that." she said while driving us back to our office. "I know... that boomer, she will kill again and again... until we solve her little puzzle of her actions. I am trying to see the link in all that..." I said, checking at my notes. Looking at the grey sky, I knew I would be in over my head again.... I just love my job...

Part 3

"Welcome back, Detective O'Conner." a young rooky cop smiled at me. I moaned something and went in my office and sat in my old chair. "Fuck, fuck fuck... Why can't it be just be a simple case sometimes?" I grunted outloud. Momika smiled "Because you are the best at this shit.". "Yay...yay... that's what I'm being told ..." I snickered, flipping threw pictures of all the crimes scenes of this case. "We need a point of origin, get me a big map of the city." I asked my partner.
"Ok, let's see if we have a pattern." I said, while glueing the pictures on the map on the wall wich Momika just placed for me. "Do you see anything I am missing?" I asked her. She starred at the map and pictures and said quickly "Yes! The killer is taking a Hexagone pattern with a zig zag twist pattern to cover her movement!". "... Okay! If you say so!" I laughed out loud, knowing most human brains could never see a pattern with the random looking locations. "Can you find a point of origin?" I asked my artificial partner. "Of course, Right here! This place!" She smiled, proud of her "boomer" brain power."

Arriving at the location wich Momika gave me, I entered an old condem building. Being followed by my partner and a few ADpolice officers, we searched the area, gun readied. "Nothing here!" was we arrived too. Until that I look in the basement and notice a passage way to the sewers. Knowing I had no chance of not getting dirtied, I jumped in the sewer passage. Water to my knees, I flashed a light in the tunnel. "Do you see anything?" asked the others, looking down to me from up a ladder. "Only shit and rats for now... If I scream, come and get me." I joked a bit, sadly, some thruth in it. Going in there alone was not the smartess thing to do, but I did it anyway.

To my surprise, I did discover something. A Shrine of some kind. Just above the water level, someone had it coverted into a small room. "HENRY AND ANNIE FOR EVER!" was written everywhere on the walls. Looking at my feet, I notice a clump of old clothes. I knelled down and sniffed a purid smell coming from it. Slowly, I moved the clothes a bit and saw some bones with decomposing flesh on it falling out of the clothes. "I guess I found her first victim." I said, calling for my team to come down here to see this.

To be continued.

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Post by Keizo » Mon May 05, 2003 8:47 pm

Don't be too dismayed by the lack of replies; it's the views that count in this community, man. Glad to see you're still writing and that you've kept your storylines against the norm. (Sometimes we need a little variety and a kick in the pants). I hope that you decide to finish even if just for your own sake... even if you decide not to share it. Take care and DON'T BE HATIN'! :lol:

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keep it going

Post by barakuda » Tue May 06, 2003 12:28 am

hey Mirage good to hear from you again. you should keep your stories comming they ae good. not everyone here agrees on everything so dont let that keep you away.


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