The Nightingale's Song - Part 5

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The Nightingale's Song - Part 5

Post by ButchyBoy » Wed Jan 01, 2003 10:54 pm

As Harry looked at the golden mechanical bird singing in Cricket's hand, he could think of several people who might like to have it on a mantle for show, or take it and melt it down. But, to do bodily harm over the little tune it was singing, well that seemed a little far-fetched. "Anyone in particular looking to get their mits on the little golden birdy here?", Harry asked Throckhammer. The old man replied with a question of his own, "Ever hear of The Chairman?" "The head of GlobalCon?", Harry said, "Yeah, I've heard of him. They say he runs New Chicago. He's also the type of guy to make Santa's permanet naughty list. But what's a slime like him what with a toy? Even if it is a golden one?" Throckhammer paced a bit before giving his answer.
"I happen to know through some contacts of mine that The Chairman is looking to expand his territory into Old Chicago and some of the other non-domed cities."
"And just how is he planning to pull that little trick off?", Harry asked.
"By letting a few of GlobalCon's overseas partners move in and 're-develop' the place."
"The governors will never sit still for that."
"Oh, theyll have no choice Lang. The Chairman will have plenty of lackys who will get themselves elected and make sure the new landlords have no trouble moving in."
"And the current tennants?"
"Oh, I'm sure they'll be welcome to stay. As long as they keep in line, if you catch my meaning Lang."
"Yeah I do Throcky. But where does our little golden friend come in?"
"Well it seems this isn't quite a done deal yet. So, to make it one, The Chairman is having some of his hotel chefs and 20 tons of food flown to Tokyo 2 days from now for a Christmas Party."
"20 tons?? That's some party"
"Yes", Throckhammer said with a distain in his voice, "one party I'd love to stop. That's where you come in." He reached for a carry case on the table where the bird was and opened it. It's contents made both Harry and Cricket take notice.
"$75,000 Mr. Lang.....and Miss Cricket, all small bills, unmarked, and my money so you won't have any trouble. It should move than cover any expensives you'll need to get to St. Louis."
"St. Louis????" Harry exclaimed.
"Yes", Throckhammer said matter of factly. "You'll deliver the Golden Nightingale to a Mr. Tutter at the Archway Center. Here's the address."
Lang took the paper and the case from Throckhammer. Then he gave the address to Cricket who studied it, blinking several times.
"Destination enterd and route ploted, Harry", Cricket chirped.
"Once you deliver the Nightingale Lang, Mr. Tutter will have the other $75, 000 waiting for you. "
"Well, the money's fine Throcky, but how does going to St. Louis stop The Chairman from taking over Old Chicago?"
"The song is the key Mr. Lang. It's a-" He was cut short by Cricket who raised up her hand, her face full of worry. "Wait! Listen!", she cried. After a long moment, she spoke again, "Someone's placed a bomb in here. We have to get out now!"
Throckhammer didn't know what to make of the robot's sudden cries, "I don't understand. What's she-" This time, Harry cut the old man off, "When she gets like this pops, I don't ask, I just do! Come on!" And they bolted out of the old townhouse for their lives. They were outside and halfway down the street when Throckhammer's place suddenly exploded in a huge fireball that knocked Harry and Cricket to the ground!
When they got up, Carl Throckhammer was nowhere in sight. Cricket used her optics to scan for him, but he compleatly vanished!
Next: The Chairman plots

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Post by DollSpace » Sun Jan 12, 2003 8:56 pm

Hey...where's the next part? :) I've enjoyed your story immensely thus far...waiting patiently for the next part ^_^

Last edited by DollSpace on Sun Mar 13, 2005 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Apr 22, 2003 12:09 pm

I'm putting this story back at the top as a recap and rewiew cause at long last here comes part 6

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