The student part 3

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The student part 3

Post by Mirage » Wed Dec 04, 2002 11:15 am

The next day went quickly, with his head mostly in the clouds. Dr. Kurts was impatient with everyone who crossed his path. "I told you already! Check your notes!" he would scream at his students when they asked him questions about coming exams.

Finally, at the end of the day, he went to a small restaurant across the University and ate a personal pizza for supper. While eating, another professor sat beside him "Is it tonight you are seeing the Andy?" the other man asked. "Shhhh.. Yes... Why?" Dr. Kurts asked him. "Be careful with her, she is a smart machine!" the younger man told him. "Bah! I'll be teaching some Dr. Sigmund Freud and some Dr. Laura to a walking talking calculator, how hard will that be?" he chuckled to himself, at the ideal of it. "Just be careful, okay?" the other man said while leaving him at his table. Dr. Kurts smiled and finished his pizza, payed and left to see the android.

Arriving to the new section recently built in the university, he found the indicated room. A big metal door was at the entrance. On it, was a poster with directives.
-Please do not talk about the living world.
-Please do not bring any information source of the outside world.
-Please do not make any physical contact
-Please do not make any irrelevant comments
-Please do not confuse the android with human logic and emotion
Thank you

Dr. Kurts laughed out loudly at the directives, finding them amusing. He look at his books and suitcase, thinking he has nothing matching those criteria. He knocked on the door and waited. Slowly, the door opened and a lovely Asian female teenager opened the door "Ah! I was waiting for you, Dr. Kurts. Please come in and make yourself comfy." she said very politely. He smiled and thanked her and entered the room.

He was amazed by what they did. It looked like a real apartment, living room, washroom, bedroom, it was a real apartment. He sat at a dining room table, still looking around the place. "Coffee, Tea?" she asked him. ", Jane, not now, maybe later. Please sit down and lets get to know each other." he told her, opening his suitcase. Taking out his notes, he looked at her. She sat facing him, smiling very innocently.

"Are you Alive?" he asked her softly. "Alive? I don't know yet. I know I am an artificial copy of a human, fully functioning to what I was created for." she responded. "What is being Alive for you?" he asked her again. "Alive, to be self aware, to know you are a sentient being. To know you can grow in intelligence and spirit." she said, still smiling innocently.

"What is Alive to you, Dr. Kurts?" she asked him quickly. "Mmm... Alive to me is to er... well, to be able to smell a flower and appreciate all the things it does to you... Waking up in the morning, seeing the Sun coming up, knowing what is true beauty in Life." he said, kind of mocking her at the same time. "Flower? Sun? Sadly, since I was activated, I have not seen any of theses." she said with sad eyes. Surprisingly, he actually felt sorry for her. "Tell you what, tomorrow, I'll bring pictures of them to you, but please tell no one." he said, thinking of it should cause no harm to the project.

She smiled and said "Thank you, Dr. Kurts, you are a very nice man.". "Call me Adrian." he said, flattered by her, continuing with his teaching to her.

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