Battle Arena Toshinden 3 (parts about a female android)

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Battle Arena Toshinden 3 (parts about a female android)

Post by Mirage » Fri Nov 22, 2002 8:23 am

Battle Arena Toshinden 3 (some parts)

Parts of the story (I have on my site, I wrote last year) when metionning the beautiful android Sonya

Chapter 3

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever saw in his entire life and she was his. She was lying beside him, so silent, eyes closes, lips so moist and giving a small smile, her long blond hair all spread out over her pillow, she was almost a goddess. Eiji staired smiling at Sonya, who was beside him in his bed. He knows her secret but he does not care or think about it. Her secret that even herself don't know about. He moved his left hand and started stroking her hair softly and then kissed her softly on her forehead. "Time to wake up, my love.." he said softly while putting one hand behind her head and raising it. Her eyes opened softly and she smiled even more. "Hi.. Slept well?" she asked. "Of course... how can I sleep badly when I got you beside me?" Eiji replied while kissing her softly on the lips. ‘What time is it?" Sonya asked while raising her head to check the clock. "What does it matter? Let's relax today, only you and me, ok?" said Eiji while caressing her breasts with his hands and mouth. "Sure... sounds good to me." moaned Sonya softly.

A few hours later, the doorbell ranged. Eiji opened the door slowly with out even looking in the peephole. Suddenly, the door slammed opened loudly, pushing Eiji away and making him land on his back flat. "Shit!" screamed Eiji outloud! Gazing up quickly, he saw only a blade of a sword coming directly for his head. He had only a third of a second to react, but that was time enuff for him to dodge the blade. The sword it the floor hard and splinted the hardwood on impact. "Damn it! Kayin! Look what you did to my floor!!!!!!!!!" said angrily Eiji getting up quickly on his feet. Kayin was standing there smiling "Mmm... small price to pay to keep you always on your toes!" "Want some coffee, Kayin?" asked loudly Sonya from the kitchen .
"Sure, like always, black and 2 sugar!" replied Kayin sitting on the sofa in the living room.
Eiji sat beside him and punched him in the arm "What the early morning work out?"

Kayin's face changed emotions quickly "I ... heard rumours... bad rumours.. I think we should check them out" said Kayin, looking at the floor. "What? What rumours?" asked Eiji worried.
"... Master and Uranus were not the only leaders of the organisations. And the others are even more powerful them." said Kayin, grasping his sword hard. "Stronger? ... sheesh.. I guess we will need help from Gaia and others.. I'll try to contact Ellis then, and ask if she knows anything about this.." said Eiji sighting. "There you go, Kayin." Sonya said while giving a hot cup of coffee to her friend. "Guys? Why the long face.. We always wonned in the past, we will again, don't you worry!" smiled Sonya, only dressed in a long over sized shirt. Eiji grabbed her and hugged her "I hope so.. I am getting tired of always fighting almost to the death". "Kill or be killed, that the old master taught us, Eiji.. It's the facts... even if we hate it.. It's the Toshinden way... our way.." said Kayin drinking the coffee slowly. "Yes... I know... please don't remind me.. So, you want to stay for lunch or not, Kayin?" asked Eiji trying to change conversation. "Free food? Of course!" laughed Kayin.

Chapter 7

"Sonya, are you coming?" asked Eiji outside the entrance door. "Why must I see Doctor Jerry? I am fine!" whined Sonya "Baby, you know you must see him once a month. This sessions are for your well being. Maybe one day, you will remember your past." Eiji whispered to her.
"Come on, they are waiting for us." Eiji said while entering the office. "Why I am always the only patient when I come here??? I would like to know why??" asked loudly Sonya in discontent. "Stop acting like a child and give me your coat."sighted Eiji. She sat down and frowned. She loved Doctor Jerry but always felt strange around him. He is the one who saved her life. He was the first face she can remember, after waking up from her coma. She can't remember her past what so ever. She was told that the organisation had kidnapped her from Russia somewhere, brainwashed her and made her an assassin. Eiji was the one who stopped her and brought her to Doc. Since that day, she started a new life, falling in love with Eiji, her rescuer. She wished she could know her past, but didn't really cared about it. The hypno-treatments she
was receiving from Doc, she hated them, always falling asleep and waking up strangely after a few hours later, with no progress what-so-ever.

‘Ahhh... Sonya, please come in my office." asked Doc standing at the door to the left of the small waiting room. She got up followed by Eiji, who smirk at Doc. Doc understood the smirk and nodded. "Please lay on the table and look directly at the light" ask Doc. "Hey, no questions about how I have been? If I have been having headaches? If I eat all my vegies?" snapped Sonya. "My, aren't you a bit bitchy today?" laughed Doc while putting a pillow under her head. "She is been like this since we discovered that the organisation is back." said Eiji while looking worried at Sonya. "Of course I am in a pissy mood, they are the onnnnnnnnnneeeeee...e....e..........." Sonya said while she was being deactivated in secret by Doc. Removing his hand from being her head softly, he smiled at Eiji "I think she got some corrupted files in her CPU. I will need to do a complete system check on her." Eiji looked at Sonya who was now starring at the ceiling directly, her eyes so dark with out any life. "I hate seeing her like this... reminds me she is just a robot...." said Eiji. "Please don't ever see her only as a robot, Eiji... she is more than just that.. she is my creation, my daughter... I devoted 7 years of my life to created her.... I was a fool not to realise that when the organisation funded her, they would programmed her to be a killer.. She was originally created to be a companion, a caregiver..." said Doc in regrets. "When you defeated her in fighting, you thought you killed her... she was died... no more signs of life. I was able to escape that day the organisation and you saw me going to her body and opened her up." "Yay... was a chock for me, seeing this beautiful woman that just tried to kill me, was a android. When you removed her head, I was sure you just decapitate her..!" laughed Eiji. "Yes... but you helped me retrieve my creation... and with your help, bringing her here to my secret lab and repair and reprogrammed her like she was suppose to be. When I ask you if you wanted to be her lover, you were so shy." laughed in return Doc. "Of course! Sheesh! My God! What a thing to ask!" said Eiji turning red. "Well, I knew you liked her and I knew she would be safe with you... it was only logical. I saw her as my daughter... it would have been too weird for me..." Doc said while looking at Sonya. "She is so precious for me... Thank you for taking care of her.." said Doc while undressing her. "How is the sex? She is working fine? Right?" asked Doc. "What??? er... everything is good... good..even perfectly.." said Eiji now totally embarrassed. "Come on, nothing to be shy about, I built her, remember?" said Doc while removing the last of her clothing.

Pressing one hidden button in her navel, a panel opened from her stomach, revealing her innards. Circuits, cables and wires were blinking like a Christmas tree. Doc put on some special glasses and lowered his head close to the opened stomach. Taking a small tool, he started to fiddle with a few circuits. Sonya's head and neck moved a bit from the thickening of her circuits. Even sometimes, her eyes blinked when some her of circuits were being disconnected from her thorax. Eiji was sitting uneasy watching the Doc removing parts by parts slowly. Eiji never liked seeing what he was seeing. He had fallen truly in love with her, even knowing she was artificial. Sonya acted like any human he ever known. She didn't knew what she was and it was a secret only him and her creator knew. She was programmed to be his partner in combat at first but her programming grew with time on it's own and she acted sentient. Doc and him agreed to make monthly appointments to always check her up. Like any machines, she needs to be maintained.

Doc hooked up some cables inside her stomach to her CPU and started to type rapidly on his keyboard beside the table. Sonya started to talk in binary codes loudly and reporting system checks. Now, she sounded like a robot. Eiji grinned and looked away. "I'll go grab something to eat outside, ok?" asked Eiji to Doc. Doc nodded but then turn his head "Oh.. Could you take with you my new assistant outside? WENDY!!!!!!!!!!! Come here for a second!" said loudly Doc. A young pretty woman with short brown hair entered the room quietly. "Wendy, this is Eiji, the one who saved Sonya." said Doc still typing. Eiji shook her hands and was strangely memorise by the pretty woman. "Hi, nice to meet you." said Wendy who suddenly turned around and looked at Sonya who was gutted opened on the table. She frowned and went outside the room with Eiji. "I hate seeing Sonya like that... Doc should show her more respect in some way... She is not just a car or a computer..." mumble Wendy to herself. "I hope when he built me, he was more delicate with my systems." she said loudly. "Built you?? You are an android too???" asked Eiji chocked. "Yes, been activate 3 weeks ago. I still have bugs in my systems, that is why Doc want me to socialize with you right now, to see how I handle humans apart from him." "... you are really an android?? Like Sonya??" asked again Eiji in disbelief. "Yes , here, see my circuits!" said Wendy pulling her shirt off, exposing her breasts. Suddenly, a panel opened right above her breasts and Wendy smiled "See... some of my systems are even more advanced than Sonya.".
Eiji stood there, starring more at her breasts than her insides. Doc entered the room and saw them standing, Wendy exposing her breasts and circuits to Eiji. "Wendy... Shit, I need to install in you a program to make you more discreet...." said Doc laughing. Eiji turned all red and staired at the floor. "Eiji, Sonya will be ready in a few hours, I am making copies of her files now and that will take some time. Let's go sit in the living room and relax at the mean time. And Wendy, please close your panel and cover yourself, ok?" said Doc, kissing Wendy on the forehead. Eiji sight and followed them in the living room.

Chapter 10

"Come one!!!!!!!! Let's dance!!!!!!!" said Sofia grabbing Eiji's arm. "Ok! Ok!" said loudly Eiji moving to the middle of the dance floor with Sofia. The dance music was booming loudly, spotlights flashing everywhere. Kayin was still at the bar trying to order a few drinks. "How do you feel?" asked Eiji at Sonya. "Super!!!!!!!! I don't know what Doc did, but I feel great!" said Sofia. Smiling, Eiji kissed deeply Sofia and hugged her hard "No matter what happens, I will always love you, Sofia." said Eiji. Sofia smiled back and said the same to him. :Eiji closed his eyes, while hugging Sophia tightly. He started to think about yesterday, when Doc was repairing Sophia. "Eiji, I reprogrammed a bit Sophia because some of her system were acting strangely. I think knowing the organisation is back reactivated some of her old commands I could not delete. I hope Sophia's programming is good enuff to suppress them. They encoded some commands in her system that are now fused with her vital systems. The only way to remove them would be a complete erase her positranic matrix. But this would kill the "Sophia" you know. I don't think I would have the heart to do it." Doc said while closing her main stomach panel.

Eiji's mind came back to the present when a girl bumped into Sophia. She turned around and excused herself and shook Sofia's hand. "My name is Racheal!" She then turned her head and said "Nice to meet you, Eiji Toudoukan." said the girl smirking an evil smile. Eiji's looked at the girl and looked at Sophia. Sophia's eyes were flashing and strange sounds came out of her mouth. "Mallllfunncctionnn... data... data error.. Mall..ff.." were the only words that made sense from Sofia. "Sofia!!!!!! What did you to her!!!" asked angrily Eiji, grabbing the girl by the throat. "Oooooooowwwwww!" screamed Eiji while being hit in the stomach by the girl with a strange two handed club. Eiji suddenly went flying in the crowd by a great electric pulse from the clubs she held jilted him. Eiji looked at the girl while getting up. "I scramble her data matrix with this small thingy in my hand." laughed the girl, now standing in a fighting pose.

"Ten count, Leon, finish him!" screamed Racheal while grabbing and putting over her shoulders Sophia who was now like a broken puppet. Now, the crowd stopped dancing and people started to screamed when they saw two men entering the room with 2 swords. Eiji got up and looked around for any weapons he could find. Before he could, he received an air kick in the mouth by Leon. Eiji crashed on the floor hard and spitted out some blood. "Eiji! You lost your speed since we last meet!" said Leon laughing. "Leon, I always hated you!" said Eiji angrily. "Our old sword-Master would be proud of you, Eiji, to be killed by your follow old classmates!" Ten count said behind Leon.

"Raoul, Leon! I hope you didn't forget me!" said loudly Kayin standing in the main door way of the now empty discotheques. Kayin started to run-dash attack on both of them while he thrown Eiji's swords to him. Both barely dodge his attack and ran on each side to surround him. Eiji stood beside Eiji after helping him up. "Are you able to fight?" asked Kayin to Eiji. Eiji suddenly started to be turned red and screamed a loud shout. Two giant fire balls formed in front of him and suddenly went extremely quickly to Leon. Leon caught by surprise was hit badly by the fireballs and was thrown threw the wall. " I guess that is a yes!" laughed Kayin at Eiji. "You take care of Raoul and I'll go rescue Sofia!" said Eiji quickly. "No problem!" Kayin replied making a stance directly in front of Ten-Count. Eiji ran out the discotheques to find Racheal and Sofia.

"Hey! Raoul! Ready to get your ass kicked?" ask Kayin pointing at Ten-Count. "The name is Ten-Count now! I always defeat my opponents after I count to ten!" said Ten-Count. "One last question.. Why the hell are you dress like Micheal Jackson??" laughed Kayin outloud. "It's my salutation to Micheal! After watching the way he dance, I used his techniques in my fighting style and I improved my skills dramatically!! Enuff talk! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! Ready to die, Kayin?" Kayin Smiled "Round 1! Let's go!".

"Spinning kick!" screamed Kayin. Ten-Count was hit in the chest. Ten Count got up and did a somersault jump kick and smack Kayin directly in the face. Kayin laid on the floor half dazed "Not bad.... You win this round... but I promise you, I win the next 2 ones!" Ten-Count started a spinning whirlwind kick but Kayin dodged it and did a combo slashed to Ten-Count. Ten-Count landed on the floor on his back in pain. He was covered in blood now from the cuts he received.
He got up slowly and concentrated, he started to glow red. "Final round!" Kayin smiled. Kayin knew Ten-Count would be attempting his desperation move now. Ten-Count took quickly from his white jacket, smalls knifes and throned them at Kayin. Kayin, blocking all of them with his sword easily, knew the knives were a distraction for Ten-Count to close in on him. The minute he saw Ten-Count running toward him, Kayin did his Rage-Attack on him. Ten-Count never saw what hit him, all he knew, he was receiving slashes after slashes of Kayin's sword and then two great fireballs in his torso. Ten-Count went flying across the room and smashed against the wall.
Lying there, drenched in blood, all he could do was to die. "Game over, Raoul!" said Kayin looking at the dying man. "It's Ten-Counttttt....." said Ten-Count with his last breath. Kayin turned his attention to were Leon went threw the wall but could not find him "Shit! He escaped! I must go help Eiji now!"

Eiji was looking everywhere for Sofia. He cursed himself for being so careless. "Sofia!!!!!!" he screamed even he knew she could not reply. Finally, he saw Racheal who was putting Sofia in the back seat of a car. Sofia was still like a broken marionette, her head was bobbing if she was a broken doll. Racheal sensed Eiji coming and went on the defencelessly. Before Eiji could reached the car, 3 giant fireballs exploded in front of him. He looked up from where they originated. On top of a small building, he saw Sho who was carrying Leon on his shoulders. "Sho!!!!!" screamed angrily Eiji, who saw Racheal at the same instance get in the car and burned rubber to escape. Eiji started to run in the direction of the car the fastest he could but knew he could not do anything to stop them from escaping him.

Minutes later, Kayin arrived at the scene only to find Eiji smashing his fists on the pavement, crying over Sofia. "Raoul is toast..." said Kayin putting his left hand on Eiji's shoulders. "They will all die for this!" growled Eiji. Kayin stepped back worried. He never saw Eiji so angry and so powerful. Eiji didn't notice, but he was glowing almost blue now. He got up and looked at Kayin "let's go kill them now!" "Wait!.. if they came after us, they might get at Ellis too... We must go see if she is safe first!" Kayin said a bit scared of Eiji. Eiji's face turn to mad to worried.
"Shit! You're right!!!!!! Let's go now!" They ran to Kayin's car and drove directly for the woods. "Sofia, I'll rescue you, don't worry!" said Eiji looking at the moon. "Eiji... I think you reached a new level of power..." Kayin said while driving. Eiji nodded and remained quiet for the rest of the trip.

Chapter 16

"Reactivate her! I want to talk to her before you reprogram her!" asked Abel to a scientist who was standing in front of Sofia that who was strapped to a table on a 90'degree position. The scientist nodded and press a few buttons on the computer that was link to Sofia's CPU. Sofia slowly opened her eyes and asked what happened to her. "Sofia, how are you feeling, my new toy?" asked Abel walking closely to her. "What have you done to me? Feeling so strange.." she said while looking around confused. She saw some cables coming out of her navel, attached to a computer. "My dear, we are about to reprogram you to make you my new servant." said Abel now starting to fondle her. She spitted on him and said "What do you mean reprogram me?" "Look in this mirror and you will see!" he said while moving a tall mirror in front of her. The scientist then pressed a few buttons on the com and her stomach opened revealing her true nature. She said nothing, she was to chock by the truth. "I am... am a cyborg?" she asked. "No! You are not a cyborg, much more than that! You are completely a machine! Not one single living cell inside you! You silly robot!" Abel laughed out loud cruelly. "I don't believe you!!!!" Sofia screamed at him while looking at her reflection. "Make her believe!" ordered Abel to the scientist. The man in the lab coat stood up and took out a small tool and went beside Sofia. "What are you doing???" she screamed at him. He insert the tool inside her ears one at a time and turned the tools in circular motion, she could hear and feel something clicking inside her own head. She was crying now outloud "Nnooooo!!! please stop..please!!!" she cried out. Slowly he removed her scalp from her head, exposing circuits, cables and wires were showing instead of the hair and scalp. She staired in the mirror, looking at herself in disbelief. "I... I.. No... I can't be.." she muttered.

Abel walked up to her and looked inside her head. "See... not one single living thing. I must admit, you have the best A.I. program I ever seen. Doc did a great job on you.". "I am alive!!!!!" Sofia screamed at him. "Alive???? I don't think so. You are functioning right now, but not alive." Abel said while putting his hands inside her stomach. She felt so strange, she could sense he was inside her, his fingers touching her circuits, it almost was a sexual arousement. She blushed and felt dirty. "Please stop it..." she begged him. Abel snickered and lower his head to look inside her stomach. "Ahhhh.. Look what I found!" he laughed. Sofia froze and said nothing. "Let's see hoe you like this." he said while pressing her off button. Sofia felt like she just died, everything becoming black. She remained like a statue, her eyes where with out life, she had a blank state. Abel liked this power he had over her. He kissed her hard and touched her breasts and she still remained like a emotionless statue. He smirk and pressed the button again and he saw her system being reactivated. She blinked and asked what happened. "I turned you off!!!!" laugh Abel. He looked at her and smiled. He reached over the table and took a small screw driver.

She became nervous now. "What are you doing????" she asked. Abel took a small screw driver and started to use it on some of her circuits. She felt something so strange, like something of her own soul was being removed. Abel looked at her and showed her the circuit he removed. "I just removed the circuit that gives you free will. Let me show you. Sofia, tell me that you love me!" he whispered to her. "I love you, Abel" Sofia said to him, she could not stop herself. "Scientist, untie her!" he commanded. The scientist untied Sofia and looked at Abel worried. "Sofia, please undress yourself." Abel commanded to her. Sofia said nothing and got naked. "Sofia, open your breasts panel. We need to put something inside you." Abel asked her. A panel just above a breasts opened and she closed her eyes. Abel nodded to the scientist and the lackey inserted a small device inside her. Sofia sighted when he connected the device to her CPU. She felt a rush of new programs erasing most of her matrix. She was being reprogrammed. She wanted to scream but she could do nothing anymore she wished, she was just a puppet for Abel. She opened her eyes and said "New programming accepted. Master Abel." she said smiling. Abel walked to her and hugged her hard and kissed her, She did the same. Sofia now knew why she existed now, to kill Eiji Totoukan at any cost. Abel turned to the scientist and ask him to leave the room so he and Sofia could be alone for a few hours. The man in the coat left the room, jealous of Abel.

Chapter 21

Kayin and Gaia arrived at the main gate of the fortress. They knew they would received a warm welcome by the organisation. Kayin, looking around, was nervous. Gaia was showing no emotions. Despite the pain he felt at all times from his burned back, he remained with a seriou look. Nagisa, Ellis and Naru were gone to stay with Shizuku in hiding Nagisa would be able to protect them until they finish their business here. Gaia grabbed his sword and started to walk inside the gates. Surprisingly, they only saw two women waiting for them. They were wearing strange cat costumes. "Kayin, let me handle them.." Gaia asked Kayin. Kayin nodded and let Gaia attack. The woman jumped in front of Gaia and attacked him with whips. Gaia was hit but he continued his attacks, hitting both of them hard. The zolas went flying across the outside wall of the castle. "They are not humans." Gaia told Kayin. "What??" asked confused Kayin. "I might need your help now, Kayin!" Gaia said while attacking one of the zolas. "No problem!!!" Kayin said while performing a flash kick attack on the other Zola.

At the same time, Eiji was inside the castle, trying to find Abel. He then heard a laughter he knew well. "Sophia?" he asked trying to see her in the dark hall. She was standing there, with a new costume, gold ribbons covered barely her body. "YYYYYYYaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!" Sophia screamed from the side of the hall, throwing a energy ring attack. Eiji cancelled it by a fireball. "Sophia! It's me! Eiji!" he screamed at her. "Yes, I know!" she laughed continuing her attacks. "Damn... they reprogrammed her!" Eiji cursed. Eiji closed his eyes for a second and sighted. "Please forgive me for this, my love." he whispered softly. "YYYYYaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!" Eiji screamed, creating the biggest fireball he ever did and launching it. It was so big, it took the entire passage, wall to wall. Sophia screamed in horror, their was no way she could dodge it or block it. Eiji opened his eyes and saw Sophia, lying on the ground, covered by smoke. He walk slowly to her, sword in hands, readied for anything. When he saw her closely, it broke his heart. He got her good, she was out of comition. Most of her costume was burned away, leaving her almost naked, she had burned black marks everywhere almost. But what was painful to Eiji, it was the open wounds she had, sparks were flying out of her, broken circuits, wires and cables were also sticking outside the wounds. Smoke was coming out from her stomach, the smell of burn rubber was in the air. Her face had a blank expression, eyes wide opened, along her mouth. Eiji could hear motors winding down and cracking of burned circuits coming from Sofia. "System damage... damage.. Mallffuuunctionning... system 35 damage..daammmaggg..e...e....da...d..." where the last things Sofia said before she become totally non-functional. .Her eyes then gradually become all dark. Eiji bent down and kissed her on the forehead and took her in his arm and put her over his left shoulder, like a wet towel. He knew there was a small chance maybe she could be repaired by Doc. He prayed for it. Walking slowly at the other end of the passage, he entered the throne room to face Abel alone.

Go read the entire story at my site if you want the complete story.


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Post by DollSpace » Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:34 pm

You've hooked me in Mirage ;) where is your site, anyway? I need to read all of this...


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