Dyson Institute - Chapter 3 The Big Day

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Dyson Institute - Chapter 3 The Big Day

Post by Stephaniebot » Mon Jan 16, 2006 3:20 pm

Dyson Institute - Chapter 3 The Big Day

(A week on from Chapter 2)

As she went to bed that night Stephanie couldn't help but be excited at the thought of what would happen tomorrow. The idea of becoming an Android did seem slightly strange to her, but the idea of finally having the 'fun life' she had missed out on did please her so much. She giggled at the thought of the 'sexy behaviour' programme that she would have as a bonus download, but knew she would need it if she was going to have a happy love life. She didn't know how it would work, but it would be fun finding out. perhaps it was the glass (or 2) of wine that she'd treated herself to that night having its effect, but she felt in a 'happy but silly' mood. Before laying down she spent 5 minutes or so walking round her bedroom as she imagined a robot would, slow steady steps with unflexible arms making bleeping noises, the effect only ruined by her giggles inbetween! She knew she would be nothing like this, but in her slightly drunken state it was fun to pretend to be that way. Needless to say she slept very peacefully.

The next morning she got up and took a shower, not realising the irony that in just a few hours that body would no longer be hers. She cleared a space in her bedroom for her recharging unit that she would bring home with her the following day (all new Androids were now routinely kept in overnight for initial malfunction checks) and she wondered what it would be like to plug herself in at night. She eagerly ate breakfast, packed an overnight bag complete with nightdress, and set off for the Institute. Eventually the bus arrived at her destination, and she hurried in.

Lucy was there waiting for her, "All ready for the big day then Stephanie? Or should I now call you Louise?"

Stephanie grinned, " Stephanie for a few more hours, but I'm looking forward to bringing Louise to life. I'm assuming my new body awaits me?"

Lucy checked on her monitor, "The technicians are just carrying out the final checks on the body now Stephanie before final assembly starts, but yes Android neural unit UX1048 is ready for thought download so that she becomes Louise Chapman."

Stephanie giggled, "The new me!"

"Indeed!" smiled Lucy, "Dr Michaels is busy preparing details for the transfer and download, so he has asked me to carry out the preliminary checks on you for him."

"Checks? What are they?" Stephanie asked looking concerned.

"Nothing for you to worry about dear! Mainly to check that the Neural Receptor Link has completed its work and to get you to read a small script for us so that the vocal unit is set to the correct digital setting so that you sound the same as now. I'll show you something on the way." said Lucy.

She led Stephanie down a passageway and stopped at a door, entering a code to gain entry. Stephanie gasped when she saw 2 female technicians working on a torso, and another working on a pair of legs. They seemed to be testing its reflexes as she saw 'muscles' twitch and the legs 'walk' as various electrical units were connected up to them. Over in the corner she could see a head that seemed to be watching everything, with shoulder length blonde hair and big blue eyes. Then it dawned on Stephanie who this 'unit' was!

"Is that me?" she asked Lucy.

Lucy laughed back, "Yes it is, I thought I'd show you the new you. I guess it seems strange to see yourself in pieces, but very soon the body sections will be joined together. Then after the neural download the head will be attached and Louise Chapman will come to life.", Lucy checked the technical monitor, "It seems all the checks have gone well, your new body is in perfect working condition."

"Oh good!" said Stephanie barely containing her excitement.

Lucy said, "And the next time you will see that body is in a mirror!"

Stephanie recognised the room she was taken to next, the 'dentists chair' in the middle was where she had been just over a week before, she sat down in it, Lucy lowered it back and dropped the helmet over her head. Soon Stephanie felt that gentle massage of her head again as the tingle of electricity passed through her skull. 5 minutes later the tingling stopped, Lucy lifted the helmet up and raised the chair,

"Everything is fine, perfect memory storage data replication. Transfer should be very easy. Now I just need you to sit down at this desk and read this," and handed her a piece of paper, " into the microphone for me."

Stephanie did as requested, it was quite a long piece taking her about 15-20 minutes to read in full. Basically it was designed to cover all word stylings so that the Android would not only sound like Stephanie but say words in the same manner as she did. When she had completed Lucy checked the data, asked her to repeat a few words and phrases for her which she did, and then Lucy turned to her smiling,

"Perfect, we are going to give the voice a slightly younger feel as Louise is only in her early twenties, but otherwise you will sound the same. Now let me just check how things are progressing elsewhere...."

She picked up the phone and called Dr Michaels, chatting to him for a few minutes before turning back to Stephanie and smiling, "The technician units have completed their work, and your new body is being sealed as we talk. The head section has also passed all final checks so we are almost ready to create your new self. The Doctor has requested your appearance for download in about 45 minutes, so we've just got time for a coffee.

"Technician units? You mean............they are Androids?" asked Stephanie.

Lucy laughed, "Yes, all the technicians here are Androids, all formerly organic women like yourself, specially 'trained' for the role. You don't think we'd trust humans with such an important task do you!"

Stephanie giggled, "I guess not!"

"All the technicians and maintenance staff here are Androids, their work is incredibly accurate, and our clients can feel comfortable knowing they are being cared for by one of their own. I know the technicians we saw looked very emotionless and calm when we saw them working on your body, but its simply a special programme that takes away the human element while they are working. If you saw them outside of working hours they have the same fun, and real personalities as me, and indeed as you will have. I think 2 of the other receptionists here are still human, but otherwise apart from the Doctors we are all androids."

"Oh!" gasped Stephanie, "I would never have guessed!"

"Thats the whole idea!" grinned Lucy back at her.

The 2 of them went 'somewhere comfortable' as Lucy put it, and she reappeared with 2 cups of coffee and they carried on chatting,

"So you can drink coffee, and presumably eat as well much like I do, what happens to it, after all you dont need it for energy?" Stephanie asked her.

Lucy laughed, "Yes, we live the illusion of normal human lives in that way as well. Built into the Android body are receptacle tanks, one smaller one for the liquids we intake, and a slightly larger one for food, all well away from our vital circuitry and wiring! Liquids are simply 'released' in a natural way, food intake is internally transformed into pellets and released in the same natural manner. Its all very ably taken care of, and allows you to live a natural 'human' life of going out for meals and/or drinks with your friends without anyone discovering your benefits of Android life. The only thing is as alcohol doesn't affect us you have to drink sensibly to keep up the illusion of human-ness. There's only 1 thing I know we aren't permitted to do."

"Whats that?" asked Stephanie.

"A professional sports career! Our bodies are more technologically advanced than human ones, so it would be unfair." said Lucy.

Stephanie just giggled at this.

Lucy looked at her watch and smiled, " It's time Stephanie for the big event. Are you ready?"

Stephanie smiled back, "Oh most definitely!"

Lucy led her along a passageway, finally stopping at a door and pressing a code, the door slid open and Stephanie saw Dr Michaels waiting for her with a gentle smile on his face. Lucy turned to Stephanie and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek,

"The next time we meet you will be Android UX1048, I can't wait. Good luck Louise, its the right time to use your new name now." she said.

Stephanie entered the room and greeted the Doctor, "Hi there Doc.........Peter, I'm ready if you are!"

He smiled back, "Yes Stephanie, we are ready. If you look over there," and she looked where he pointed and recognised the head she had seen earlier, now connected up to a unit, " You will see your new head is ready to store all your memories and thoughts. The body is nearby in the technical bay ready for connection when we have completed here. You will lose an hour or 2 of time while that process is being carried out, but apart from that you won't notice anything...................Well not until you wake up in your new body anyway!"

" And the 'Sex Education Programme'?" she asked.

"Already loaded in my dear, you will get to have fun in your new life! Along with your voice pattern data." Peter replied.

"Thats nice" she said.

"Now Lucy informs me that everything is ready for download, so I want you to lay on that bed over there and I will get you ready. Then I will transfer your essence to your new Android neural unit, and when you wake up again you will be Android unit Louise Chapman. Just one thing, do you want to remember being Stephanie Bell, or simply believe you have been Louise Chapman all your life?"

She thought for a moment, "I think its for the best that I think I've always been Louise, that way I cant give myself away to anyone."

He pressed several buttons, "That matter is solved my dear, when you wake you will have your thoughts and memories but only remember them as part of Louise's life."

"Thank you." she said.

She lay down on the bed as instructed, Dr Michaels placed a tight fitting skull cap on her head, and placed a mask over her face for her to breathe through. Though she could barely see it without her glasses and through the facemask she took 1 last glance at what would soon be her face and smiled contentedly. She soon felt a powerful tingling in her head as he switched the device on, and within minutes began to feel sleepy. Within 10 minutes she was sound asleep. The Android head however was far from asleep, making gentle clicking and whirring noises as her essence was passed over to it. if she could have heard the voice giving reports of data progression she would have known it as her own. This work continued for the next hour or so. Finally the head stopped inputting data, and in Stephanie's voice he heard it report,

"Full neural download completed, 100% transfer success. Neural Unit UX1048 now functioning as Louise Chapman. All additional programmes also successfully inputted and downloaded. Sexuality status set as per command function. This unit is now ready for connection to body units. Neural unit setting to standby for this procedure."

Dr Michaels looking at the peaceful sleeping organic body and smiled. He injected a strong sedative into her arm, and called 2 technician units to take it away for Cryogenic storing. Though Stephanie had asked for its disposal the 'people' who had rescued her wished it to be stored for now, just in case. He gently picked up the head and took it to the technicians awaiting it. Very quickly they began the intricate task of connecting up all the wiring to link it into her body, every wire in her head being neatly sealed to the corresponding one extruding from her body. When finally this work was completed the final task was started, that of sealing the head to the body in such a way as to make the join invisible to the human eye. Finally he was told everything was ready, and he looked her naked form over. It all looked as perfect as she had hoped to be.

"Initiate first start up module sequence." he commanded.

"Sequence initiating." was the only reply.

Louise gasped as her big blue eyes opened slightly to see streams of data flashing before her eyes, and though she couldnt take it all in, her neural circuitry was easily doing so. As each part of her new body was woken up she began to feel sensations in it, her arms, her legs etc as the body reacted to the signals fired through it. Finally after about 10-15 minutes of this Louise sat up, looked herself over, smiled and said,

"Android Unit UX1048, designated human name Louise Chapman now fully functional. All start up module steps successfully completed. Unit ready to function in all Human Mode settings."

"Set to last remaining human mode settings in 10 seconds." replied the Doctor, though he could tell from the big grin on Louise's face that she already knew what had happened. Moments later the squeal of delight he heard was all the answer he needed to find out how she felt!

He rang Lucy and said to her, "Louise is ready to take visitors..................... And her first lessons in the benefits and workings of her new body."

Lucy's smile at the other end of the line was like the Cheshire Cat's, "I'll be there shortly, to commence her 'education'!"

( I think its fair to say that in Chapter 4 Louise will be shown 'all' the benefits of her new Android body, and that Lucy and Peter will show her how much fun she can discover and enjoy now. And naturally she will discover how (in more senses than 1) her 'sex education' programme works.)
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by Korby » Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:53 am

Coming along very nicely! I'm starting to look forward to new installments as much as with Robotman's serial!

Keep it up!
"Oh shut up Ray don't talk about gettin' with a robot
That is a ill idea"
--Roast Beef

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Post by Stephaniebot » Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:56 pm

Thanks Korby,
Well the plan is Chapter 4 this weekend coming, but then there will be a gap to Chapter 5 (and any possible subsequent chapters) as I fly out to Seattle for a week on the 28th and fly back the following weekend, and as I dont have a laptop I wont be doing any writing while away.
Definitely have ideas for Chapter 5, but after that I guess I will have to see what happens.
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by kman1 » Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:02 pm

so much for another tantalizing (and promising) chapter. Looking forward to 4 and 5 (and 6 and 7 and...). Safe travels!

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