Dyson Institute - Chapter 2 Early stages

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Dyson Institute - Chapter 2 Early stages

Post by Stephaniebot » Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:26 pm

Dyson Institute - Chapter 2 Early stages

( A week on from Chapter 1)

Even before his buzzer rang Dr Michaels knew that Stephanie Bell had arrived for her appointment! His door was slightly aja,r from when Lucy had recently brought him a coffee, and he could hear 2 women happily chattering away to each other, even if he couldn't really make out what they were chatting about. He suspected Stephanie was eagerly asking Lucy questions about her new life as an android (and in fact he was right!), but he didn't mind this in the slightest, Lucy was good with clients, and a very good advert for the work of the Institute. A minute or so later his buzzer actually rang,

"Dr Michaels, Miss Stephanie Bell is here for her appointment, shall I show her in?" Lucy asked.

"Yes please Lucy, and fetch her a coffee as well, we have a few details to go through before she undergoes the first process." the Doctor replied with a smile on his face.

Stephanie's face soon peered round the door with a smile on her face, " Hello Doctor Michaels, it's lovely to see you again. From what Lucy has just told me I'm looking forward to today. She said she will be in in a minute with my coffee. It sounds absolutely amazing."

The Doctor smiled back at her, " Call me Peter, we are going to be seeing more of each other in the near future, and I dont like to be too formal with my clients. I dont know how much Lucy has told you, so let me explain what will happen today." and offered her a seat, " I've designed your new image as per your requests last week, firstly I just want you to check that you are happy with the look that I've created so that the technicians can commence building her. At this stage we can quite easily make changes, so dont be afraid to say anything." and Stephanie nodded accordingly, "I wasnt quite certain about details like hair length, but that can easily be changed to any length you wish."

As he was saying this Lucy walked in with her coffee, and cheekily interrupted, " I hope she has it shoulder length like she has now, I think that looks nice." causing Stephanie to blush slightly.

Dr Michaels tapped a couple of buttons on his keyboard, and said " Done, it was shorter than that, but I've changed it to Lucy's wishes. But of course Stephanie, your decision is the only one that matters."

Stephanie looked shyly at Lucy and giggled slightly, "Well I was thinking of something a little shorter, but I'll see what I think if Lucy likes my hair like this. Just hope the guys like it as much!"

Lucy and Peter both smiled at her, "Oh I'm sure they will when they see the new you." Lucy said to her.

Dr Michaels then continued, " After we have finalised your new image I need you to do a session in the body scanner. I know we are creating a whole new you, but I want her to at least be in roughly the same proportions as you are now. Then a session in the Neural Receptor linkage unit to gather a replication of all your thoughts and memories in one of the untapped areas of your brain for download on your next visit. At the end of which you will walk away in your new android body!"

"What happens to my old human body at the end of all this, is it simply cremated away to ashes or something?" Stephanie asked.

"Thats entirely up to you my dear, we offer our clients 2 choices. They can either discard their human form forever, in which case we simply 'cremate' the body using a very special means leaving no trace whatsoever, after all in most cases the person still 'exists'. But its rare for anyone to choose this straightaway. Normally it's an initial 5 year period contract as an Android, after which they are free to continue as they are or to change back to their organic body form. We simply store the bodies in a special cryogenic chamber for 5 years, then 'revive' these bodies if the client so wishes. Equally they can choose another 5 year period, or to leave their human body behind forever in which case we simply cremate it then. There is however a charge for this storage process, but I know the 'people' protecting you are happy to pay this if you wished."

"Thats nice of them!" Stephanie said with a smile on her face, "But as I'm changing my name and image I can't see any point in doing so!......Please, can I get to see the new me?"

"Of course you can." said the Doctor. He turned the screen to face Stephanie, pressed a few buttons on his keyboard, and was thrilled to hear Stephanie let out a gasp of delight when she saw her new self. The facial image suggested a woman in her mid twenties, shoulder length blonde hair, and pretty blue eyes. A plain nose and mouth completed a pic of a happy, pretty but not stunning young lady. A curvy, full body, not too slim took her eye on the full length image. This vision had large, rounded breasts, but they looked so large to her eye that she inwardly giggled at the thought of being such a buxom young lady. The legs seemed to go on forever, shapely and feminine.

"Well, what do you think?" asked the Doctor.

She blushed, "Those beautiful breasts, aren't they a little large! Not sure I will be able to carry them, they must be heavy. And those legs, arent they a little too perfect in form for a slightly plump girl like her? Not that I should really complain I guess."

Dr Michaels smiled, "Stephanie, your new android body could carry G cup breasts and you wouldnt notice the weight! Those are DD cups, I know you asked for C but I just wanted to see your reaction to them. Easliy changed if you wish?" she nodded, and giggled as the image on the screen changed as he amended the data.

"That's nicer!" she said with a little smile.

He laughed, "Many girls who come her want them as big as is realistically possible, its nice to find someone who wants them smaller than practical for the design! I think the legs are fine, but we can always adjust them after your body scan to get them in true proportion." and Stephanie nodded happily at this news, "That is one of the reasons I still want to body scan you, to make sure everything does look right. And when you've finished your coffee we will do it."

Stephanie took the last sips of her coffee, put down her cup and said, " Ready when you are. I suppose I'm naked in the scanner?"

He laughed, "Yes you are, but I can always get Lucy to take you there if you're feeling shy about it."

"Not really!" she giggled, "I guess you've seen hundreds of naked girls in your time here! It's just that at the nunnery no one would ever see anyone else naked, we all had to change in little cubicles so we were 'demure' in Gods eyes. So for a man to see me naked..............is kind of funny!"

He took her along a passageway, stopped at a door and tapped in a code. The door slid open, and they walked through. Stephanie could see a small changing area off to the left, a bank of control and display units, and through a door at the back of the room she could see 6 tubes, which she guessed were the scanning units. She went into the changing area and stripped off, stopping for a few moments to look herself over before going back out. There were 1 or 2 lines around her eyes which betrayed her age, and without the support of a bra her breasts were slightly saggy. She definitely had a 'middle aged tummy' as well. She smiled to herself at the thought of that '20 something' android body that would soon be her, and the fun she hoped to have, to make up for all she had missed out on. The Doctor had offered her a gown to wear, but in all honesty she couldnt see the point, she would be stood naked in the transparent tube for him to view, so what was the point in covering up now.

He cast a glance at her naked body as she trotted back out, it was in good condition for a late 40-something but compared to most of his much younger clients, it definitely showed signs of being lived in. He thought of the much younger android body that would soon be Stephanie, and felt glad for her. He directed her to enter tube 3, get comfortable and stand still, he would then tell her what would happen.

Stephanie pressed on the door of the designated tube, and it slid open. Once she was inside it slid closed behind her, and she could barely tell where the door was. She found the mark she was to stand on, found a comfortable position, and gave a thumbs up as instructed. She then heard the Doctors voice,

"What will happen is we are going to detail the contours of your body using a special laser system. Dont worry about the brightness of the light, it wont hurt your eyesight, and besides in about a weeks time you will have perfect android vision!" and she giggled at this thought. "It will all take about 10-15 minutes or so, but then I need you to stay in the tube in case I have to remeasure anything for the android body. It should all take about half an hour, so if you are ready?" and she nodded.

Suddenly the walls of the tube began to glow a bright blue as the lasers burst into life, and soon these beams seemed to fire at her from all directions, she tried to stand as still as possible. They tingled slightly, but nothing really painful. On Dr Michaels display unit an image of her body began to appear. Exact details of her height measurements, weight, body mass etc were also displayed on the screen., his plan being to proportion them down to her new shorter body. She blushed slightly when she felt a beam enter her slit to even get those measurements! After 7 or 8 minutes he was satisfied with these details, and the blue beams rescinded. Just when Stephanie thought it was all over she was proved wrong! The walls started glowing orange, and then this orange light got closer and closer! Soon she was glowing orange as this light covered her whole body. Soon the image on the Doctors screen filled out as data on her physical form began to download as density readings came through. 5 minutes or so of this was enough to satisfy him. The orange light receded and darkened away.

"Thank you Stephanie, that should be all the measurements taken, but just stay there while I run the final checks. You may relax, but remember your position in case I need to take further shots of your body." she heard him say.

She decided it was easier to stay still for another few minutes! A few minutes later she heard the words, "Everything is fine Stephanie, you may come out now." and the door slid open in front of her. She walked out, and over to the Doctor and looked at the screen, seeing an image that was her shape, but with no features on it.

"Is that me?" she asked, "Because there's no real features to her."

"Yes,that's you." he replied, " It's a topographic image of your body, its basically an image of the contours of your body both externally and internally."

"Why internal, I thought I'm going to be circuitry and wiring? Surely that doesnt need contours?" she asked.

"Indeed not, but for people replicating themselves in an android body it has to be identical in shape and form, and therefore internal body fat, muscles etc have to be taken into consideration. For you it doesnt matter, but for many it does."

"I see." she replied.

"Now while I work on this data and send it to our technicians I'm going to arrange for Lucy to carry out the next stage, the Neural Receptor Link machine. As I say this will commence the process of replicating your thoughts and memories to an untapped area of your brain so that when we do the transferance next time the machine can concentrate on one small area of the brain. This produces much clearer and more accurate downloads than if we tried to do a transfer from the whole of your mind. Just slip on your clothes again, and I will give Lucy a call."

She put her clothes back on, and by the time she was finished Lucy was stood waiting for her smiling. She smiled back. Lucy led her back into the corridor, and after a short distance stopped at a door and tapped in a code. Stephanie saw what looked like a dentists chair in the middle of the room, only this one had a helmet much like you see in a ladies hairdressers to dry the hair. They walked over to it together, Stephanie sat down as instructed, and then Lucy lowered it slightly to an angle of about 45 degrees. She placed a couple of bands over Stephanie's forehead that she assumed had some effect, and lowered the helmet over her head. She heard Lucy throw a couple of switches and a gentle throbbing noise began to resound through her head, the feeling something akin to having your scalp vigorously massaged, only this was electricity doing the massage and not hands. Combined with a gentle tingling sensation in her forehead and temples it all succeeded in relaxing her so much that she dozed off! Lucy checked the readings on the monitor, saw that an area of her brain was 'waking up' ready to become functional. After just over an hour Lucy saw the magic sign that thought replication was commencing and downloading to this area of her neural cortex so she switched off the stimulation unit. She walked over to where Stephanie lay, and smiled at the sight of the woman so peacefully asleep. Soon she would be like her, a very happy and content android, in about another week or so the deed would be done.

She gently woke Stephanie up, Stephanie blushed when she realised she had dozed off and that Lucy had had to wake her up.

"Everything is fine Stephanie, the process has commenced and by the time of your next appointment in a weeks time everything will be ready for neural download into your new android self. And then you can commence your new life." Lucy told her.

"I'm looking forward to that." Stephanie replied, "I'm looking forward to finally having some fun in my life. Do you know if the Doctor has arranged a 'sex education package' for me?"

Lucy giggled, "Yes my dear he has. he's working on a very special package using combined memory data from several of our clients to ensure that you become the sweet but sexy little lady you want to be. And 1 or 2 special 'treats' for you in your knowledge as well!"

"That sounds like fun!" giggled Stephanie.

The work completed Lucy took her back to Dr Michaels office and the appointment for the big day was made. In 8 days time the organic Stephanie Bell would cease to exist, and Android Unit UX1048 Louise Chapman would come to life. Of course Louise would have all Stephanie's thoughts and memories, but would become a younger and sexier lady.

"Can I ask you something Lucy?" Stephanie asked.

"Why of course." Lucy replied.

"Whats your designation?"

Lucy laughed and smiled, "Officially I'm Android Unit VX9427, but known to everyone as Lucy Wakefield. Why?"

"Just wondered." smiled Stephanie.

They showed her out, and as they saw her trotting off to get the bus home Lucy turned to the Doctor and said,

"I really like her, she's so down to earth and likeable."

"I'm inclined to agree, whoever has 'Louise' as a partner is going to be a very lucky person." the Doctor replied, and Lucy nodded in agreement, seemingly rapt in thought.

(Appointment 3 will follow shortly, the big day in Stephanie's life.)
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by BA2 » Fri Jan 13, 2006 5:14 pm

Shaping up very nicely... looking forward to part 3!

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Post by Korby » Sat Jan 14, 2006 5:28 am

I'll echo that... waiting somewhat patiently for the next installment! I'm liking it so far!
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That is a ill idea"
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Post by Stephaniebot » Sat Jan 14, 2006 5:36 am

Thanks guys, planning to work on Chapter 3 this weekend some time.
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by kman1 » Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:27 am

to the above responses. Very realistic so far, using a "real" woman and her reactions to the process rather than a slam-bam-you're-a-bot format of so many stories. Awaiting eagerly next chapter.

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