Dyson Institute - Chapter 1 Initial Appointment

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Dyson Institute - Chapter 1 Initial Appointment

Post by Stephaniebot » Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:03 am

Alright, my first go at a story specifically aimed at this site, so I hope its liked. My thanks to Korby for 'permission' to try this, and his invaluable help in certain matters as well. I have very loosely used 'The Makeover' by RX3000 though as I'd written most of this before I read that story,it is a very loose base.

Dyson Institute - Chapter 1 Initial Appointment

Dr Michaels checked the days appointments at the Clinic, a couple of young ladies were being prepared today for the transformation process to be carried out, a session in the neural receptor linkage unit, so that their thoughts and memories could be gathered together for download into their new bodies. This was a simple hour or so session in a special chair that replicated and compacted the womans thoughts and memories into an unused area of the human brain therby simplifying the memory download process, as the computers were then able to concentrate on just one area of the mind, rather than having to attempt a complete random download. This session was simply to initiate the process of thought replication, by the time they returned in a weeks time for transfer, the process would be completed.

This was one change that the Dr's Dyson and Michaels had brought in over the years to the thought download process as it seemed to produce cleaner thought transfer than the original one of direct download to the new Android body.One lucky young lady was already on her way to the transformation chamber to begin memory download, and another was due to begin the process shortly after. Both were young and pretty, one a model who didnt want to lose her looks, and another a budding young film star whose agent had suggested this would benefit her career to have her 'human blemishes' delicately removed. He had also suggested a slight breast size expansion for her new body, to make sure she got noticed as he put it, and as she was now a modest B cup and her new body was a DD cup that was likely to happen!

There was just 1 new visitor due that day for an initial appointment, a Miss Stephanie Bell, much older than his usual clientele, in her forties, with little details given of her previous life. Her photo suggested a plain woman, short sighted judging by her glasses. Seemingly never married or in a relationship, her reason for change had been given on the form as 'seeking a new start in life' without giving the reason why. He wondered what she was hoping to achieve from the change to an android.

His buzzer rang, and his secretary informed him that Miss Bell had arrived for her appointment. He told her to show her in. A few moments later and 2 women walked through the door, 1 confident and pretty, in her early twenties judging by her looks, with a full and firm cleavage. A brunette of medium height with a trim figure, long legs that seemed to go on forever, and a pretty smile on her face. Behind her was obviously Miss Bell. The thing that struck the Doctor most about her was how tall she was, nearly 6 ft tall he guessed at a quick glance. She looked much younger than her details suggested, in her mid thirties he would guess, a blue eyed blonde, not pretty but equally not painful on the eye. It was easy to see that she was very short sighted judging by the thickness of her glasses, a reasonably trim figure for a woman of her age.

He beckoned her to sit down, asked his secretary to fetch her a cup of something, Miss Bell asking for a milky coffee with 1 sugar.

The Doctor spoke to her, " Well you've seen the end result, what do you think?"

Stephanie gasped, "You mean your secretary is an android?! I would never have guessed, she seems so natural to talk to."

Dr Michaels laughed and smiled back at her,

"Well thats because Lucy still has all her own thoughts and memories, its only her body thats been changed, not her mind you know! She's a VX9000 model android, the edition before the current one, and very happy with her new body too. She would actually be 30 in human years now, but as you see her body hasnt aged since she was transformed about 3 years ago. Mind she did choose a slightly younger look than natural even then. To be like a young twenty something if I remember rightly was her request! Your new body would be one of the latest models, a UX1000 series type."

"Thats amazing." said Stephanie, "I noticed she had a very good figure, but I had no idea she was a machine!"

At that moment Lucy walked back in with the coffee, and Dr Michaels asked her to 'reveal' herself to his new client. Lucy simply lifted up her top, pressed a small button embedded in her navel and a panel slid
silently open revealing circuitry.

"And how does it err.....feel knowing your a machine and not a human if you dont mind me asking?"

Lucy giggled, "Not in the slightest, its absolutely wonderful. I know I'm going to keep my looks for as long as I wish to, and providing I remember to recharge myself at the designated times I can live as long as I wish to. One of the perks of working here is that I can get an upgrade in the future if I wish to as well, but for now I'm happy with this model."

Dr Michaels now turned his attention to his new client,

"So Miss Bell, Stephanie if you dont mind?" and she nodded in agreement, "So Stephanie why do you want to change your human body for an Android one. Most of our clients are younger women keen to keep their looks for their work or career, but you don't seem to quite fit that bill?"

She blushed brightly, " You remember the story a few months back in the papers about the woman who had been forced by her family into a nunnery as a teenager, and that the world only found out about her after 30 years and rescued her?", and the Doctor nodded, "Well that was me! Thats why my details on your form are so scarce."

"So how can we help you?" he asked tenderly, having read the story but not having believed it at the time.

"Well it was suggested I should 'disappear' from sight for a while in case people came looking for me, and that a change of name and look would do me good. Thats one reason I went blonde to be honest. Well someone told me about your work, and that I could have a whole new me if I came here. I hadnt realised at first they meant a new android body, but the idea has grown on me. What I'd like if it's possible with this old body of mine is to live life again, become a twenty something and have some fun in my life. There's just one 'little' snag with that though.......!"

"What's that?" asked Dr Michaels.

"Well being hidden away in a nunnery all my life, I dont know how to have fun and be sexy!" and a tear trickled down her cheek, "Is it possible I can be umm........programmed to be that way? I dont want to be a wild sex maniac or anything you understand, just enough to enjoy my new life."

The Doctor thought for a moment, "Well normally we dont change thought processes in any way, the whole point being is that its the natural human personality in the android body. But maybe for you I can arrange something."

She wiped away the tear, and gave a hopeful smile, "That would be so nice." she said.

"Well I can certainly approve your application for transformation Stephanie, given that story." said Dr Michaels, "Have you had any thoughts about your new body, we can create one to fit your own desire you know?"

"I hadn't realised that!" she said, "I assumed I would just end up with a younger version of me!"

"We transfer your thoughts and memories to a new android body, in your case an UX1000 model, and it can be designed to your wishes. Obviously most women dont want to change dramatically because of their families, and the records of their lives, but in your case..............!"

She thought for a few minutes, " Well I'd like to be a little shorter, say about 5ft 7 or 8. Medium shaped, about a size 12. A curvy figure but nothing too large, say about C cups would be nice. Blonde hair I do love, and I'd like to keep my blue eyes as well. Looks, pretty but not stunning would be nice, pretty enough to interest the men, but not an absolute stunner if you know what I mean."

"I think I do." said the Doctor smiling at her, "I'll see what I can do for you. I'll get Lucy to make your next appointment for a weeks time, and see what we can come up with in the meanwhile. Oh, and I can also promise your new self will have perfect vision."

She blushed slightly, "Thank you." she said shyly.

The Doctor pressed the button, Lucy walked in and showed Stephanie the way out. Even as she went out the door he could hear her telling Lucy how wonderful she looked, and that she would never have known. Of course, as Dr Michaels said to himself, Thats the whole idea!

(Appointment 2 will follow shortly.)

Alright Stephanie's not an android yet, but that will follow, the whole concept I talked over with Korby was to go through all the processes of transformation carried out at the Institute, so she cant be a android straightaway! Lucy is already an android anyway! Hope its liked as its the 1st thing I've written for here.
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A More Humane Type of Dyson Institute Story

Post by Gorgo » Sat Jan 07, 2006 10:15 am

I like this story a lot. :D The concept of the Dyson Institute has always intrigued me (it was the direct inspiration for my ASFR/anime lemon fanfic The Galatea Syndrome). Seeing this version of it, where the Institute is helping someone more reasons beyond vanity, well...

I guess people do think alike. Ever since I came back to Canada before the turn of the year (I'm currently recuperating from an infection and learning to live with type II diabetes now), I've been letting my imagination run wild. An idea I came up recently is similar to what Stephanie came up with in this story.

Hope to see more. :wink:
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Post by sarabot » Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:27 am

keep it comin, stephanie!

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Post by Stephaniebot » Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:07 am

Thanks both, and Korby as well who obviously got a 'preview' of this on the original version. Planning to start Chapter 2 later today.
That doesnt mean more people cant comment on this though!
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Post by Korby » Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:44 am

Yeah, I got a bit of a preview on this one, and quite enjoyed it! Definitely looking forward to the next part!
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Post by Stephaniebot » Sun Jan 08, 2006 12:27 pm

Chapter 2 is in fact now written,will try and proof it in next couple of days so I can get it posted here.
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Post by jovianjeff » Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:58 pm

Very well done. I loved how you presented the concept through the character rather than a narrative. Rather, it was strengthened through the eyes of the protagonist. I found myself really feeling for Ms. Bell.

Also the snippet of Ms. Bell's world was nice to get hints about. Descriptions of her, and others as well as the tech were never overdone, containing a nice balance.

I shall be heading over to part two soon.

Thanks for this excellent work!

Jeff :D
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