Maid to Order - Day 2 (part 1)

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The Liar
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Maid to Order - Day 2 (part 1)

Post by The Liar » Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:18 pm

When I got up, I had the breakfast Sophie had made for me. It was pancakes and sausages, which definitely beat the usual cold cereal, but I was in no mood to enjoy it.

When I was done I, got my suitcase and went it to the living room where Sophie had begun to vacuum.
She moved with such grace.

She sensed me as I entered, “Master, did you enjoy your breakfast?” she ask politely.

“What? Oh, yes. Great, wonderful, best I ever had.” I replied.

“I am so pleased, master!” Sophie said, smiling sweetly.

Yes, that smile. All her air and grace gave the idea of a gentle and innocent girl.

Then I looked at her thigh half exposed in that skimpy outfit, and recalled last night to remember the whore that she was.

No that was unfair, as she stated, that was just one of her functions. People should be judged as awhole not just a small part. But she wasn’t a person, she was just a machine. (Sigh)
I was totally confused as to how I should think of her, and I was finding the original plan of ‘something that cooks and cleans and I pretty much ignore’ was becoming increasingly difficult to implement.

I continued to the door but Sophie stopped me, “Master is there anything specific you wish me to do today?”

I thought about it a moment. I still hadn’t read her owners manual, and had no idea what she could do, or what she thought she should. So I thought I’d give a relatively safe answer.

“Clean,” I replied, “Just clean. Don’t do anything else.”

Sophie smiled her sweet smile again, and replied “ Yes, master.” then I went out the door and off to work.

I was in a terrible mood when I got to work. I had spent the entire night in what could be called afevered wet dream, and I was grouchy, tired, and wanting to vent my frustration on someone.
More accurately some people, some very specific people.

I dropped my work off at my office, then went to the engineering department, to have a little talk with those geeky perverts. I mean sex! What were they thinking!? Do they have any idea the can of worms this will open for the company!?

I went to the engineers break room. The only person who was in there was Kyle Winslow. Despite being in completely different departments of the company, I actually knew the guy fairly well. Nice guy if a little irritating at some times. I also knew he was involved with the MFMA project.

“Winslow, good buddy o pal, I would like to have a talk with you,” said with venom.

He raised his hand to stop me.

“Let me guess. You’re here to rant to me about the special feature, on the MFMA. How that if it became public knowledge we were making androids for sex, we would be boycotted by every religious and feminist group in existence, are reputation would be ruined and we would be condemned by all other robot manufactures in an opportunistic mock show of moral outrage, and how they never even bothered to tell you.” he smiled a smug smile, “right?”

“Um, well, um ,yes?” he really stole my thunder there.

Winslow sighed, “Look, it’s not a standard feature, but it’s included in all the beta test models. It’s only to be offered to V.I.P customers.”

“Even so-“ I started, but was cut off by another hand gesture.

“Preaching to the choir man,” Winslow replied, “I didn’t get into this business, to make sex toys, but orders from above man.”

“But who would be so short sighted as to-“ I stopped, It was so obvious.

“Marketing?” I asked.

Winslow sipped his coffee, and kept up his smile, “Yep.”

“Johnson?” I asked

“Him? no. Total moral outrage at the very idea.” Winslow replied still smiling.

“Really?” I asked shocked, this sounded exactly what Johnson would do.

“Of, course not. He spearheaded the effort.” Winslow said laughing, “Anyway were only responsible for tech support and data analysis, for the beta testing. Direct all other complaints to marketing they’re responsible for the rest, though I hear that they didn’t tell the testers about the one feature for fear that it would deter people from volunteering, because of social pressure , AKA being labeled perverts.”

“As opposed to being labeled perverts after the fact,” I said cynically.

“Not their problem now, is it,” Winslow replied, then he snickered, and then looked at me with a evil smile, “Oh, and since there’s going to be so much data, the analysis will be done by an A.I. program, that will tell if there’s any problems, so you can do ANYTHING you want, and no human will ever know.”

“What! I’d never-” but Winslow cut me off.

“Oh, I’m sure you mean that,” Winslow replied, still with that irritating smile, “ but let me tell you a little something about human nature. As much as some people would go on about virtue, and morals, the only thing limiting human behavior is what they can do, and what the consequences are. With your new roommate the former is anything, and the latter is nil. So I’m trying to calculate how long it will take for your inhibitions to fall to pieces.”

I was annoyed “Your just trying to irritate me.” I snapped at him.

“Probably,” he replied, snickering, and I walked off to the marketing department.

If I had been there five seconds later I would have heard Winslow say “I give him a week at the most.” and laugh.

Well a long story short, I couldn’t get in to see Johnson. His secretary wouldn’t let me in. She told me that all tech complaints should be directed to the tech department, and that the testers opinions on the merchandise will be taken at the designated time. She was an android so there was not point in arguing.

I went back to my department and got to work, I couldn’t spend all day on this. I’d deal with Johnson tomorrow. The rest of the work day went pretty normally, and I headed back home.

I took a deep breath and tried to focus, before entering. She’s just a machine, just a machine, why would I be attracted to a machine. Even if she can, who cares. Just pretend she can’t.

Winslow’s and Sophie’s word. filled my head. ‘Only thing limiting human behavior is what they can do, and what the consequences are.’‘I am yours, totally, and utterly.’ Ignore that, clear your mind.

I entered.

Sophie was in the living room. She was bent over slightly with a rag in her hand totally inert, as if she had been in the middle of cleaning but just froze.

“Um, Sophie?” walked over to her, waved a hand in front of her. No response.

“Helooooo?!” still nothing, I was worried. Why should I be worried? It’s just a machine!

I went over to the owners manual and found and dialed the tech support. I got Winslow.

“Hiya, Sanderson. What can I do for you?” he asked over the phone.

“Look, um, Sophie, the android I’m supposed to be testing has frozen up, and ,um, you send someone to fix her.” I asked nervously.

“But I thought you didn’t like your robot? Is that a hint of concern in your voice. Have you come to see her as an individual? Ahhhhh, how cute!” Winslow replied, snickering.

“Shut up, and just send someone.” I yelled, god he was annoying.

“Relax, there’s probably no need. Now tell me, did you remember to recharge her battery?” asked demeaningly.

“Um, recharge, her battery?” asked meekly, she would need to be recharged sometime, “wouldn’t she do that on her own?”

“If it didn’t conflict with an order, and only if their power was low.” Winslow replied. “They can go for about 20 hour without recharge. I’m guessing you activated her about 6 yesterday, didn’t recharge her last night, gave her a strict order today, and she worked till her battery ran down. Am I right?”

I remembered what I told her that morning, ‘Just clean. Don’t do anything else’

“So how do I fix this?” I asked

“Easy,”Winslow said “get her adapter from her box. She has an outlet at the base of her back. Plug that in then plug it in the wall. In 4 hours she should be totally charged and activate. If you want to activate her before that, there’s a button at the back of one of her sensors.”

“That sounds easy.” I replied

“In theory.” Winslow said back.

“What?” what did he mean by that?

“Oh, nothing bye.” and he hung up.

I shrugged, and went and got the adapter, and went to connect it up. I suddenly realized what he meant by ‘in theory’. The only way to get to the base of her back was going up her skirt. Oh, god.

I tried. I lifted up her skirt and tried to find the outlet, but all I could see was her panties and ass. oh, god. I tried to feel around for it, she was soft, so soft. This was making me so horny, the fact she was frozen and I could do anything I wanted to her made it worse.

But you could always do what you wanted to her, she’s your own personal robot sex slave, if you just asked her to act like this she’d be happy to do it. No bad thoughts, bad thoughts, focus.

Maybe if I just unzipped the back of her outfit I could get at it.

So I unzipped her but I couldn’t see the outlet, so I decided to try sliding her outfit a little down. Still couldn’t see it, a little more, still can’t just a little, at this point her out fit fell to around her feet and she was standing in nothing but her panties and bra.

Oh god, no bad thoughts, bad thoughts.

I looked at her now semi-nude form and tried to find the outlet, but I still couldn’t find it. “Come on, where could it be?” I looked at her panties, and knew it had to be it there.

I took a breath and pulled them down. Her crotch was smooth and hairless, and I saw the slit that was her pussy. I don’t know what came over me, but I grabbed her ass and fingered her. Inside her was dry. well she wasn’t turned on. Turned on? What the hell am I doing? What am I thinking?

I pulled my fingers out, and looked for the outlet again. It was just a little above her ass. I plugged her in. Then I realized that I couldn’t dress her back up with her plugged in. Oh, screw it! She won’t care.

I went to the kitchen drank several glasses of clod water and laid on my bed.

To be continued ( eventually)

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