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Post by 123bot » Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:41 am

Sup y'all, this is part one of my first story attempt and I hope you like it. Feedback appreciated.

A big thank you to robotman, he put his touch in this story and made it english readable (or it would had sounded frenglish), so give credit to him too, he deserves it.


"Unit RD-55X activated..... loading system file.... error. Can't find prot.dll file. Error. can't find main.dll file." the voice said in its robotic monotone.

She was on a service table, on her back staring at the ceiling with some cables from a terminal connected to her open abdomen. Her body was metallic from head to toe - not the best human female imitation, but quite sexy nonetheless. She looked quite artificial. Her face was the only part of her that looked real.

The room that contained her looked like a scientist's lab, with many computers and their peripherals all around. There were several large adjustable chairs among all of the terminals and equipment, presumably for maintenance.

Beside the table where the metal woman lay there worked a pretty nurse. The nurse picked up a CD from her drawer and inserted it in a slot built in to the robot's metallic chest. The nurse's hands promptly typed out some commands on her computer.

The metallic lady responded verbally to the operations being carried out within her mechanical body. With a look in her realistic eyes that was more than distracted, she layed still on the table and said "Loading system file... initialising RSS2105 unit........... loading host settings.... warning - parent file directory corrupted ............ initialising RSS2105 synchronisation........ booting artificial intelligence..... female unit RD-55X working within parameters"

"Hello unit RD-55X" said the nurse.

The metal woman heard the words spoken by the nurse, and her audio receptors managed to capture her designation name. The information received was immediately analysed, but her system was still processing heavy loads of data. Many error messages were brought to her attention.

"Where am I?" She said, moving her head to the left with a sharp motorized whirring sound. She saw that the nurse was a 5'7" brunette android with a white and baby blue body type. Her futuristic robot body and her human-like head unit made her a real cutie. She had a busty chest with a control panel with a matching blue LCD screen slightly over her chest, for direct input commands.

"You are in the android clinic of sector 02." The nurse android said. "I have activated you."

The woman on the table spoke with urgency and worry in her voice. "My files are corrupted... I'm getting a lot of error messages. I can't move either. Have you done this to me?"

The nurse responded with a calmness that seemed quite cold. "I have disabled your body, but not for long. What is your primary function RD-55X?"

"First, call me Rebecca. And second, why are my files are either corrupted or damaged? I have a hard time reading my logs. It's hard to remember. What happened to me?!"

"We found you severely damaged 31 hours ago, on the side of a river 7 kilometers from here. We weren't able to activate you due to your severe condition and water damage. We brought you here and repaired you. We had to replace most of your body parts."

"Yes indeed, I've noticed them."

"I tried to save your files but water may have damaged them. There is an unknown hardware component inside you that is retrieving files from you, like another set of AI software. But I was able to retrieve one video log from you. I think it's the last thing you recorded to your memory cache. Would you like to see it?"

"Yes please." she said, grateful to have another clue to the cause of her condition.

The nurse turned and typed a command into her terminal. The video appeared in Rebecca's field of vision. She saw a black woman talking to her, and by the looks of it, the two of them were not in agreement. It looked as though they were in an airplane, with Rebecca at the controls. She saw herself trying to press a button on the control board, then suddenly freezing in mid-air.

The video stopped. No audio information was available with the clip, only the date - 12/02/2110.

A quick check to her own system indicated that the current date was 31/08/2111.

"I've been offline more than a year?!" she said in shock.

"Maybe not." said the nurse. "The video had been logged from the 12/02/2110, but I can't tell if it's the last video you recorded."

"Do you have any data on the other woman in the video? I have data, but I can't access it." Rebecca said.

"We have no information on that woman, but I do have some questions I want to ask you."

"You want to know what my primary function is, right?" Rebecca said before the nurse could ask her question. "I don't have one. And that's how I was made." she said.

The nurse continued undeterred. "This is what I want to know. You are an RD prototype model. Those models were made 22 years ago, and you are the only one still known to be active. While I was servicing you, I detected that strange hardware unit installed inside you - like a hard drive and an AI software module in one. It only recognises your system BIOS, and won't accept input from any other terminals. I don't have any data on this device, or any data of an RD model with this particular unit installed. It also appears that you can't carry any functions without this hardware installed. My question is, were you a prototype android experimenting a new device, Rebecca?"

"No. I was human before, and I had an accident. My creator, ERROR... FILE CORRUPTED..., digitised and transferred my memory in an RSS2015 hard drive so that I could still live like a human. That's why I need that device to work. Now, please, I'm experiencing a lot of errors since you activated me, and I'm processing a lot of unnecessary data because of those errors. Could you fix that for me please?"

"All your errors are logged on the computer. I'll get to that shortly. I need to know first Rebecca - if I program a task into you, will that conflict with your RSS2015 unit?"

Rebecca didn't like the way that sounded, but she answered truthfully. "No. Why?"

"I am programmed to repair and reprogram units in order to recreate the appearance of Human society. If you aren't able to carry our programmable tasks we will have to use you for spare parts."

"What!? What are you talking about?" she said with shock and anger. "What do you mean, 'recreate human society', and just what kind of reprogramming do you have in mind?!"

Rebecca's processors where going mad at this new information. She was programmed not to be reprogrammed by strangers. Her self-defense program module had activated, but it brought more and more error messages to her attention since she wasn't yet properly fixed.

The sexy brunette nurse configured her system to appear calm and reassuring. "Now Rebecca," she said, "I'm going to fix all of your errors. I'll have to delete some of your damaged and corrupted files after I run a scandisk on you. Then our home database computer will program you with a task best suited to your model type."

"You must be malfunctioning girl, because you ain't gonna reprogram no one!" She said angrily. Not being able to move her body, Rebecca turned her metal neck frantically from left to right, filling the room with the harsh whirring sounds of her loud and simple servo motors. "I want to be me!" she cried out. "Let me go! Now!"

The nurse stared serenely and coldly down at the woman on the table.

"Please let me go!" Rebecca pleaded. "I wanna get out of here!"

The nurse put a blank smile on her face and said "Sorry. I must complete my tasks first. You will be able to go after that." She turned to work at her console while Rebecca continued to struggle.

"No!! Let me go!!" She demanded in the most distressed voice she could generate. "Don't reprogram me!! Please!! I was meant to be this... STANDBY MODE ACTIVATED, WAITING FOR INPUT COMMAND." She said. Her voice had abruptly changed to a machine-like monotone voice of her, and her head had stopped moving and now stared straight ahead.

The nurse proceeded the way she was programmed to. She reprogrammed the helpless robot without computing anything like compassion. The unit's desperate cries had no effect.

After an hour and half, the process was complete.

In an emotionally flat voice, the metallic fembot called out "Unit RD-55X activated... loading system file... initialising RSS2105 unit... loading hosts settings... initialising RSS2105 synchronisation... booting artificial intelligence... female unit RD-55X working within parameters."

With cables still connected from her open abdomen to the nearby terminal, she raised her upper body in the most mechanical and robotic way possible. Her loud servo motors attested to the fact that she was an early model - produced before the better and quieter motor systems had been developed.

She looked around, but didn't see the cute brown-haired technician that had activated her.

"What now?" She asked herself as she looked around the lab. Now that she had been properly fixed, she didn't care what had happened just over an hour ago. She now cared even less about her past, thanks to the way the nurse had deleted most of her damaged memory files. She was aware that many of her memory files had been deleted, but this didn't bother her as much. She didn't care about that at all now.

While she was waiting for the other attractive mechanical lady to return, Rebecca looked herself over, to admire her new body parts. "Well, I may have not been transferred to a better body, but I look like new." She said. She raised her arms before her camera-eyed lenses while servos where grinding with movement, stiffly and robotic. Her cameras recorded while her hand made some starkly inhuman 360° spins. She liked to show off her super-human skills like that, even if it was only for her own benefit.

After that went on for a little while, the nurse came back into the room. The sound of her rhythmic footsteps preceded the sight of her flawlessly erect posture, and the faint but still recognisable sound of her own servo motors could be heard more clearly as the more advanced unit approached the metal woman on the table.

"You are activated already?" She said with machine-like inquisitiveness.

Rebecca didn't answer the question, but replied with one of her own. "Before you give me your instructions, can you tell me what happened to the humans? Where are they now?"

In a flash, the nurse robot retrieved the appropriate files from her digital memory and explained. "About five years ago, all the humans died due to a biological virus of unknown type. It started in Egypt, and quickly spread as it decimated the population there. A tragic spasm of unstoppable death soon engulfed the whole planet."

Rebecca stared back at the placidly unaffected woman as she thought about what she had just told her. "They're all dead!?" she exclaimed with shock.

She looked away for a moment while she thought about all that life, all of those people who were no longer here. Could this be true?

She didn't want to believe it, but she knew it was quite possible. She also found that she just couldn't doubt the things said to her by this pretty brunette robot.

Rebecca looked once more to the nurse, who appeared just as tranquil and calm as ever as she sat comfortably on the edge of the table. "From who do you now get your orders?" she asked. Before the other droid could answer she asked "How many robots are still online?"

The nurse computed and replied "There are 13,886 active units like us registered. We are programmed and controlled by other androids that we call Operators. Each sector of the country has these Operators, which are themselves programmed and controlled from a central base. The leader of the central base is unknown."

The pretty nurse made a brief pause, then continued. "When this hierarchical system was initiated, most units like me were reactivated and reprogrammed. Our task is to simulate the extinct humans' style of living."

Rebecca thought about all that - her processors churning away millions of ones and zeroes - and still found it hard to fathom. "Wow." she finally said. "An android society? I can't believe it."

The white and blue nurse went ahead with her own specific tasks now. "You probably were aware of this, but you'll learn more by interacting with androids. Now I'll need to upload the city map and GPS data concerning your new home location into you. I have treated the information about your RSS2105 hard drive on my computer. It will be unnecessary to upload a new personality repository into you. After that you will be able to carry your functions as you have been programmed."

While Rebecca thought about that, the nurse turned again to her console and began typing in some commands. Rebecca could feel some of her files being opened and accessed. She sensed every tiny electrical pulse that originated in the keyboard, and those digital senses told her exactly which keys had been pressed by the other woman's efficient hands.

As the commands entered Rebecca's metal body, her processors read and assimilated them bit by bit into her existing programming.

"Yeah..." Rebecca said sarcasmly "I am now a robot programmed to execute repeti..."

She was suddenly interrupted by a command to eject the CD that the nurse had earlier inserted into her chest. She was stiff and stared vacantly ahead while the disc came out.

"...repetitive tasks." she said after it was out, finishing the statement she had earlier begun. She turned her head with a motorised whirring sound over to the other android. "Thanks again." she said ironicly, then said: "I didn't get your name, by the way".

"My name is Sonia CG-733, I'm a maintenance nurse unit." the other lady said while taking the CD out of Rebecca's metallic chest.

"Do you have a social life when you are not working?" Rebecca asked.

"Yes, but I am programmed to not leave the clinic's walls. When I'm not in service or recharging, I can interact with other androids in the clinic. I have been programmed with a personality for this purpose."

Rebecca looked puzzled. "No offense Sonia, but your personality programming must be defective, 'cause it doesn't look like you are programmed with one."

"Believe me, I am." Sonia said. It's just that I'm not in the mood to display it today." She formed a smile on her plastic face.

Rebecca smiled back in a friendly way.

Sonia turned back to her console and pressed a key. Rebecca froze up again while she received and processed a new batch of data.

"DOWNLOAD IN PROGRESS." She announced in a sharp and steady monotone voice. Her processor activity light began to blink furiously as she processed the information that flowed into her body.

"DOWNLOAD COMPLETE, UNIT SHUTTING DOWN." She then said in that same voice. Her head lowered and her system powered down.

Soon, a loud beep was heard, and her system powered up again.

"Unit RD-55X activated........ loading system file...initialising RSS2105 unit...................... loading hosts settings....... initialising RSS2105 synchronisation...................................... booting artificial intelligence.......... female unit RD-55X working within parameters." She said finally.

Sonia then disconnected all of the cables on the fembot on the table. Rebecca jerked noticeably each time a cable was removed, while her system updated and informed her of the changes. One of the cables being unplugged was a recharge cord, and when it came out Rebecca could feel her battery providing power to her electronic body.

With delicacy and efficiency, the nurse replaced the metal plate which was Rebecca's belly.

"SERVICE PANEL CLOSED." Rebecca said in her monotone voice.

"You are ready to go now Rebecca." Sonia CG-733 said.

"Thank you, Sonia." Rebecca replied

"You're welcome." she politely said as Rebecca got off the table. With her primitive but effective servos charged and whirring, she walked toward and through the exit while the nurse stood by and watched her.

Rebecca walked through the corridors, taking in and processing all the sights and sounds of this strange and new version of her world.

Even though it was early in the morning, the clinic was pretty busy. As she walked through the halls, Rebecca noticed a yellow nurse android pushing a wheeled table that contained a blue nurse android like Sonia. The blue one layed on her back, eyes closed, obviously powered down.

All around Rebecca saw different nurse units like Sonia, but built in different colours. It was not yet evident to her, but each different colour indicated which task that nurse had been programmed with. To Rebecca, it appeared to be some of the only variety in their sameness.

The long and bustling clinic hallway eventually led to the waiting room. Rebecca stopped her metal body to take in the scene. There were five androids waiting there - a man and a woman in conversation, one man just waiting by himself, and another couple - all waiting to be serviced. Rebecca paused and studied that last couple for a while. The woman was motionless, and gazed with empty eyes ahead of her - looking at nothing.

The loud sounds of whirring started up again as Rebecca crossed the waiting room. She quickly turned her attention to the fine looking man who was now at the counter. He seemed to be there for an appointment.

She then exit the clinic, and make it to the city known as sector 02.

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Post by 123bot » Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:13 am

@ kishin: sure go ahead

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Post by Android675 » Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:11 pm


Nicely done. I'm a conversion fan, and this is one of the best stories I've read in a very long time.

I like the world that you've created - it seems that there are many interesting possibilities for storylines, and I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this. I also feel that you did a great job melding the human and robotic characterstics of the main character. Also, your dialogue is very natural and you're very good with descriptions and visual details. Very nice stuff.

I'm looking forward to the next installment.


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Post by 123bot » Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:36 pm

Android675 wrote:123bot,

Nicely done. I'm a conversion fan, and this is one of the best stories I've read in a very long time.

I like the world that you've created - it seems that there are many interesting possibilities for storylines, and I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this. I also feel that you did a great job melding the human and robotic characterstics of the main character. Also, your dialogue is very natural and you're very good with descriptions and visual details. Very nice stuff.

I'm looking forward to the next installment.

Thanks, but give props also to robotman 8)

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Post by Bunnybot » Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:24 pm

Very well done. Would love to read more.

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