The Brytestar Files: A new show is coming soon.

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The Brytestar Files: A new show is coming soon.

Post by Brytestar » Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:52 pm

OOC: Minkwheel got Livewire from Buffybot so maybe I can have my own show as well :D Here goes my shot.


Somewhere in Michigan....

(In a small studio there is a wrestling ring professionally built and maintained with white turnbuckles and blue ropes. The apron of the ring is blue and the mat is basic white with a blue "B" and blue and white lightning bolts going thru the letter. The ring is surrounded by recliners bolted to the stands that can seat all fans confortably. They were also defended by a well cushioned blue barrier on the front of each stand. The lighting is florencent and every inch of the studio is luminated. South of the ring there is a protected announcer booth farther enchanced by indestuctable cameras. The place is empty but thru the southwest entrance two figures are walking towards the ring. Once in the ring we can see a dark haired male standing 6' 3" wearing a blue shirt and white shorts complete with blue ring shoes and white socks. The other figure is a brunette standing at least 5' 9" wearing the exact same outfit.)

Man: That Livewire show sure caught on.

Woman: There are no words Master Jake.

Jake: Well April I want to change that! I mean Buffybot can't have ALL the fun. That's why I want my OWN show with guests and everything.

April: (tilts her head to one side) You mean like the WWE master?

Jake: Yes and no.

April: (blinks her eyes at least several times)

Jake: Note to self: Change April's processing speed. Think of it as an independant promotion as it were.

April: Like the old POW and GLOW and its modern redition called WOW?

Jake: But far less....cheesier. The guy that ran it had the right idea...

April: But use gynoids sir?

Jake: I'll be in it I always like pro wrestling.

April: I didn't know sir. Saving data...........saved. You planned to put the set in the ring? But how?

Jake: My dear fembot watch and learn oh we need to leave the ring first.

(April carries Jake and jumps out of the ring. She puts him down as Jake snaps his fingers. Soon from out of nowhere a talk show set appears complete with a desk for Jake and a couch as well as two chairs for the guess they were blue as well. A monitor is between the desk and it reads 'The Brytestar Files' the seat behind the desk is another couch that can hold 5 people the center of the couch is partitions complete with a heat and message unit complete with buttons and remotes of various types. Another gynoid with medium length blond hair and brown eyes just sits there. She is the same height as April.)

April: Is that.....

Jake: Yep its her but she needed a new outfit so she is wearing the same outfit we are. Lenore is one of my new bodyguards. She is reprogrammed to..

April: Love, protect and serve... (frowns)

Jake: Jealous April?

April: I'm not programmed to be jealous.

Jake: (lol) But unlike before I added a few extra options.

April: Like what?

Jake: I can control her mentally. (Jake closes his eyes and thinks the word *Jump*)

(Lenore rises to her feet and jumps 10 feet.)

April: Can she talk?

Jake: Haven't activated her higher functions yet.

April: Working out the bugs?

Jake: Yeah she'll be ready. Ok Lenore I need I need my backup cellphone.

(Lenore throws the phone at him but Jake catches it even quicker. Dials a number and talks to....)

Jake: Maico, Yeah....I know youre busy but are all the global coms set up for transmission......yeah..ok good bye.....

(Jake hangs up and tosses the phone back to Lenore.)

Jake: April...Lenore lets go home.

April and Lenore: Yes master.

(The trio leaves the studio as the scene fade.)

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Post by minkwheel » Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:20 pm

Brytestar and April....GIGANTORI SPELLING here....BEST OF LUCK WITH THE NEW TV SHOW...I am also writing to remind you that I AM AN ACCOMPLISHED ACTRESS and WOULDN'T MIND A CAMEO APPEARENCE, Lord knows that BUFFYBOT hasn't had me in a STORY for about eight months, so I'd sorta like to STICK AND TWIST IT to her by appearing on a NEW extensively extensive and impressive resume is being faxed over to you right now....get it, and don't let your jaw drop on the floor in wonderous wonderment, okay? --it's just there to show that I can bring SPARKLES to the screen in ANY SCENE.... CHOOSE ME, USE ME, and make sure THE CHECK CLEARS.....I MEAN, COME ON....BUFFYBOT DIDN'T EVEN FINISH the BATTLE ROYALE WITH CHEESE" before they turned their attention to other things, and now they're in the Witness Protection Program? ---CRIPES ON RYE MAN!!!.... I know you can write better than THAT! --- SHOW YOUR CHOPS! -- KICK BUBBLEBOT'S SORRY SILICON ASS FOR ME! -- Love and Curses, GIGANTORI SPELLING
...From my HEART and from my HAND
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Post by Brytestar » Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:15 am

(April scans the datastream from Gigantori Spelling. She then reads the resume and passes it on to Jake.)

Jake: Gigantori Spelling huh? If she can be willing to take some massive reprogramming and can wrestle as well as...

April: Love, protect and serve me.... (frowns)

Jake: I think you ARE jealous.

April: I AM NOOOO......

(Jake deactivates April in midsentence and sends her back to his programming chamber. He then sends the terms to Gigantori explaining the concept and the terms for legal protection mostly for the show as well as a special downloadable program.)

Jake: Well that is set maybe I should capture some wrestling gynoid like the Powernicole Basswire. Oh well I wonder how Anna is doing on her soccer tour..

(The scene fades to black.)

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Post by minkwheel » Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:36 pm

DAMN SKIPPY I CAN WRESTLE, BUDDY! --I KICK ASS WITH CLASS! --but if you think you're going to have carte blanche in reprogramming me, I'll just have to introduce you to my best friend FISTina here.... NOBODY messes with MY head, Chumly! --I'M IN DEMAND, on command, best actress IN THE LAND, UNDERSTAND? ---GRAND!

---OH...and tell that droopy drawers APRIL to stop FROWNING.... she'll get age lines.....geez, what a BABY! -- Gigantori Spelling--ALL THAT, and a BAG OF MICROCHIPS!
...From my HEART and from my HAND
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Post by Brytestar » Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:19 pm

Jake: Its it me? Or do they always try to refuse reprogramming. You can't find gyniod these day that allow the famous reprogramming bit.

(Jake sighs because he wanted her. But is willing to skip it for now besides he can always send Lenore anyway to defest FISTINA.)

Jake: Ok GIGATORI we look forward to seeing you soon.

(Jake grins at that last statement about FISTINA.)

Jake: Lenore, We are going to have to speed up your training.

(Jake reactives her voice circuits)

Lenore: Yes sir...

(Lenore gets to work on her training. Jake informs his guest that his first show is in two weeks.)

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Post by minkwheel » Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:30 am

"FISTina" is my actual FIST...which will meet several times head on to Lenore's face---and cause IMMENSE DENTS, GENTS.....and THAT'S my TWO CENTS! ---HOW'S THAT for SUSPENSE? --Damn, I should write POET on my resume' too......I'm just TOO STELLAR for words, kids! -GIGANTORI SPELLING
...From my HEART and from my HAND
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Post by Brytestar » Fri Oct 07, 2005 11:17 am

(Two weeks later Jake, April and Lenore meet Gigatori Spelling. April tries to keep a straight face while Lenore is emotionless. Jake gives the tour of the studio.)

Jake: So Gigatori you really want to teach Buffybot a lesson huh? Its a shame what she did was a bit over the line. She almost trashed April for some previous stunt she tried to pull years ago. Well anyway here's your dressing room. I'll do the show first and then the matches after that. Since you want a shot at Lenore first that can be your first match. The fans really want to know what happened between you and Buffybot.

(Jake lets Gigatori get ready for the show.)

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Post by minkwheel » Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:33 pm

GIGANTORI looks over her new DRESSING ROOM...and sure is getting FULL of herself now...

GIGANTORI >>> WELL....LA-DEE--FRICKIN' DAAAH! --lookit all this! -- my OOOOOOWN DRESSING ROOM! ---MY OOOOOWWWN SHOW, and all I have to do is do one of the things I LOOOOOVE TO DO.... Boot some HEADS! -- I think that this could be HEAVEN for me...........wait a minute.... HEAVEN HAS TO HAVE A BOWL OF M&M's over in the corner....... WHERE ARE THE FRICKIN' M&M'S BRYTESTAR?!!? --- I WANT MY COMFORT ZONE CANDY!!!!! SHAPE UP, OR I'M SHIPPING OUUUUUUUUT!

-----yep...she's STEAMIN' ....but you knnow those HOLLYWOOD types....
...From my HEART and from my HAND
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Post by Brytestar » Fri Oct 07, 2005 10:18 pm

(Jake has the server dolls take care of Gigantori's request.)

Jake: That should take take of that and...

Staff member: Sir....It's Powernicole Basswire. It seems that she overdid the electroade and...

Jake: Alright I'll take care of it. Those M&Ms should be coming yesterday. Now if you'll excuse me I need to take care of an out of control gynoid amazon from trashing my show.

(Jake goes to another locker room.)

Jake: Now Powernicole I told you over a thousand NOT to hog the Electroade.

Powernicole: arrrrggg! Its so good master that I must corner the market! NOW I WANT FREAKING MORE BY THE TRUCKLOAD AND I WANT IT YESTERDAY!

Jake: NEED I remind you that you are under contact by the Gynoid Power Wresting League for at least several decades?

Powernicole: I don't care if you trashed the world I need my Electroade!

Jake: (sigh)

(Powernicole was about to go to smackdown log but Lenore steps in to protect her new master.)

Jake: Level 7 override *Sleep mode honey pie*

(Powernicole is about to collapse on the floor but Lenore carries her.)

Jake: Len take her to the programming center have the techs isolate Powernicole syntax line J 345 to L 550 they should find some badly written code.

Lenore: Yes sir I have rescheduled Powernicole Basswire's match til next week.

(only 2 hours left until showtime!)

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Moving on to the next chapter.

Post by Brytestar » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:20 am

OOC: I wish there was a way to close this thread in favor of a new one.

(With showtime set to start the gynoid wrestlers are going thru the program integity (sp?) check and making sure things are ok.)

Lenore: Master....everything is all set.

Jake: I'm glad I got you an improved voice. With a new outfit you got a new start.

Lenore: Thank you master.

Jake: The GPWL will be awesome and with the money rolling in.

Attendant: Everything is ready sir the crowd is a little small.

Jake: Probably only 2 people.

Lenore: Shall I use the illusion power sir?

Jake: Not yet if it doesn't fill up by midcard then do so.

Lenore: Yes master.


Now the show begins! Look out for the next thread!

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