Galatea - Episode 4: A Day of Discovery

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Galatea - Episode 4: A Day of Discovery

Post by ButchyBoy » Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:35 pm

Episode 4: A Day of Discovery

(Horses galloping hard)

MAN: Look there, on a horse as black as night! A girl of silver!

WOMAN: It is a statue come to life!

VOLTAIRE: It is the outlaw, Galatea! After her, after her!

GALATEA: (echoy voice) Many thanks for the shards, Captain! Catch me if you can! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

ANNOUNCER: And now....Galatea! A girl of artificial construct, living among humans, and who has devoted her very exsistence to helping the most powerless among them. And today, as our story continues, it is Galatea who now finds herself powerless; her battery depleated after remaining too long at the funeral of her beloved creator, Dr. Eric Tanner. But just as all seems lost, our heroine is rescued by a mysterious stranger, and taken back to the cabin near Lake Pangea, where she has been hidden for the past three days. But....let us leave that scene for a moment, and turn our attention to the castle of King Phillip IV, where Prime Minister Darrian Crane, and Captain Voltaire meet in secret. Listen now.....

CRANE: (A very popmous and stuffy older man) And how did our dear nobles take the news of Dr. Tanner's.....unfortunete passing?

VOLTAIRE: There were a few who did not believe at first, but in the end, thanks to the....evidance I presented, they all accepted the fact that poor Eric died by his own hand.

CRANE: And what of Tanner's gift for Phillip?

VOLTAIRE: Destroyed, M'Lord.

CRANE: (chuckles) Excellent, Voltaite, excellent.

VOLTAIRE: Yes, M'Lord. Little do the people of the kingdom know that I have our dear King Phillip locked away in his own tower dungeon. And thanks to the special brew he's given every night, the King actually believes he's resting in his own bed, placing his hand print on decrees that...he he the people.

CRANE: Oh yes. His decrees of late have indeed helped the people....helped them make us more rich and powerful by the day, eh Voltaire? Heh he....heh he...hehehehe.

VOLTAIRE: Indeed M'Lord, and with Tanner and his toy out of the way, we can begin rule over all of Pangea. Both peasant and noble alike shall pay our taxes, and serve us without question.....all in the name of good King Phillip of course.

CRANE: Yes, and once all of Pangea is ours, we shall see that Phillip's illness overtakes the poor fellow, and with no heir, I shall become King!

(Both laugh very evil laughs as the scene fades)

(Sound of a motorcycle gets louder, and louder then screeches to a halt)

JASON: Well, here I am again. The cabin I brought that mystery girl....or whatever she I've never had to plug a girl in before. Well, I hope she's home. Up to the door and.... (Knocks a few times)

GALATEA: (from the other side of the door) Yes, who is it?

JASON: Ah, my name is Jason Rivers. I'm not sure if you remember me, but I brought you here yesterday. Can I come in?

GALATEA: Oh yes, one moment please. (Door opens) Why yes, I do remember you. Please come in.

JASON: Thanks (walks in)

GALATEA: Mr....Rivers, was it?

JASON: Oh, please call me Jason.

GALATEA: And I am called Galatea.

JASON: That's an unusual name, very lovely too.

GALATEA: Oh thank you. And...thank you for rescuing me. I guess you know that I am not human.

JASON: Well you did seem a little different. What exactly are you?

GALATEA: I am an android. A humanoid robot made to resemble a young woman. I was created by a man I only know to be my father. His name is...was.....Dr. Eric Tanner.

JASON: Tanner? You mean the guy who killed himself a few days back?


JASON: Yeah, it was in all the Pangean papers (Unfolds newspaper) Here, you can read for yourself. Says Doc Tanner committed suicide at his home.

GALATEA: That is a lie! My father did NOT commit suicide! He was murdered! At the hands of some man named Voltaire.

JASON: Voltaire? Captain of the kings guards?

GALATEA: Whatever his title is, he is the one responsile for my father's death. And I have proof. Let me show you on this vidslip. I'll just insert the card in the player here. Now watch. (Staticy sounds are heard)

JASON: Not much of a show you have there princess.

GALATEA: A power surge must have distorted the playback image. I'm afraid I used quite a bit of power recharging myself. Well, no matter. I will just make another vidslip from my memory, and with I present it to King Phillip.....

JASON: Hahaha.....oh brother, why don't you just ask for a million shards while your at it. Nobody sees the grand King Phillip. He just sits there in his bed chamber, while he's ill, finding more and more ways to make life miserable for those living outside Paradise City, and his castle.

GALATEA: But I was told King Phillip was good and kind. And my Father did not lie to me. You must be mistaken.

JASON: Is that so? You're ah.......fully re-charged are you?

GALATEA: Yes, both my main batteries, and my reserve battery are at near capcity.

JASON: Good. I make deliveries of all sorts on my motorbike out there. I have one more special delivery to make after sunset. Perhaps you'd like to come with me?

GALATEA: What, me? Ride on that thing out there? I perfer horses thank you.

JASON: Spoken like a true noble.

GALATEA: What is that supposed mean?

JASON: Well, your......"father".....Old Doc Tanner, was a noble. I guess he taught his daugher not to dirty herself on something as lowly as a motorbike. Anyway, you didn't object yesterday, when I brought you here on it.

GALATEA: That was different....I was out of power......alseep....I didn't have any choice.

JASON: Well I guess I understand. If you're afraid....

GALATEA: I am not afraid. (Pauses) I will go with you.

(Sound of Jason's cycle running on a sort of silent mode fades up)

JASON: There, that wasn't such a bad ride up, was it?

GALATEA: No, I suppose not. I still perfer horses.

JASON: Well have it your way. Keep you voice down now.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Sat Aug 27, 2005 11:52 pm

GALATEA: (In a low whisper) What is this place?

JASON: (Also in a low whisper) One of the Pangeium mines located on the outer rims. We're delivering this food in our arms to the workers inside that bunk house.

GALATEA: They do not have their own food?

JASON: Not enough to feed them properly. And wait till you meet the workers inside this house of horror.

GALATEA: Why do you call it that?

JASON: You'll see. Careful now. We're going into this underground entrance. Now up these stairs. And i'll make my usual knock on this trap door. (Shave and a haircut knock....trap door opens)

CHILD:'s Jason.

CHILDERN: Jason......Jason's here....It must be our real dinner time.....What are having?....Hope it tastes good.

JASON: Shhhhhh......keep it down kids. I have plenty here for all of you. Here Richie, hand it out to the others.

RICHIE: Thanks Jason. Did you bring the medicine for Ally?

JASON: I sure did. How is she?

RICHIE: Getting worse all the time. If not for the medicine you bring...

JASON: Yeah, I know kid. Ally, Ally.....wake up.....I brought you dinner.

ALLY: (In a very sweet, but weak voice) Mis-mister Jason?

JASON: Yeah, it's me. Keep quiet though. Don't want to wake up tubby outside. Here....take this. It'll help you get better. That's it, good girl.

ALLY: Tastes icky mister Jason.

GALATEA: Yes, but I'll bet this taste good. It's a bottle of Pan-Cola. Here you go.

ALLY: Who is this mister Jason? She's pretty.

JASON: Just a friend helping me tonight.

GALATEA: My what pretty pink knee socks. Even if they are a bit dirty.

RICHIE: You can't help but get dirty digging for Pangeium by hand all day.

GALATEA: Do you mean to say you childern work in this mine?......And dig by hand?? Who forces you to do this?

RICHIE: A man named LeClaire. He beats us until we work hard enough.

GALATEA: But where are your parents?

JASON: They have none. These are childern from the orphanage. They were brought here by order of your good and kind King Phillip.

GALATEA: But there must be some mistake.

ALLY: Mister Jason. You and your friend must leave now. LeClaire is sure to awaken soon.

JASON: I doubt that with as much as he drinks every night. But we need to go anyway. You kind finish your meal. I'll be back tomorrow night.

CHILDERN: Thanks.....Thank you Jason......Bless you sir........Please come back tomorrow.

(Trap door closes)

JASON: Now do you see what good King Phillip brings down on his subjects?

GALATEA: Yes. I have seen and discovered much this day, Jason. May we go back to the cabin now?

JASON: Sure princess, sure

(They ride away as the scene fads out, and fades back up at the cabin s the door opens)

JASON: Well here we are princess, safe and soud. Now tell me again about this...plan of yours?

GALATEA: I am now convinced that Captain Voltaire is the one behind the treachery I have seen, and that you have spoken of. And I read in this....Pangean paper of yours that he plans to take claim of my father's house in two days time if no heir makes claim to the estate. This must not happen. I must find a way to get back into house you hear something?

JASON: Yeah, it sounds like..a steady beeping.

GALATEA: Yes. It's coming room.....this way. (Low beeping gets louder) That steel box in the corner. I've paid no attention to it until now. It's beeping and a button on the base of the box is flashing. But what does it mean?

ANNOUNCER: What is the meanig of the strange steel box? And will Voltaire succed in his plot to take over the Tanner estate? Don't miss the next thrilling installment of.....Galatea!

VOLTAIRE: It is the outlaw, Galatea! After her, after her!

GALATEA: I ride for justice, and all of Pangea!! Till we meet again, Captain! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Galatea is a copywrited feature of Fembot Central


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Post by DollSpace » Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:10 am

Another lovely installment of your radio play; it's always good to stretch the boundaries of the genre, y'know? :) Can't wait to read the next one! ^_^


And yes, pink kneesocks are positively adorable!

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