The first time, part 2

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The first time, part 2

Post by Mirage » Sun Jul 24, 2005 7:14 pm

The first time, part 2

Steve was sitting on his bed, breathing hard. He just came back home, from his first date with Alley. He just lost his virginity to a machine. The phrase "Do I please you?" was stuck on his head, she only asked him a few hundred time in one minute. Confused, I lay on his back and stared at the ceiling. He was glad he was in his small apartment alone. Not sure what to think, he tried to get some sleep.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Steve was not sure if he should answer it. After a few ring, he did.
"Steve?" asked a female voice on the other end. "Alley??" he asked back shocked, since he saw her only a few hours, going haywire. "Sorry that I malfunction... Please forgive me... I do really like you!" Alley begged him. "Are you ok? Did.. Did your dad fix you up?" he mumbled out.

"He's getting there.."BBBZZZZ",...Sorry...almost,,," she said gloomy. "Sorry I ran away... I freaked out a bit, seeing your dad removing your face.... never seen an android before.. You know.." Steve apologised to her. "Can we still be together...?" she asked him. "I..I.." he babbled out. He really like Alley and now understood why she was so different from most girl he knew. "Sure... Let's meet together at school, tomorrow, ok?" he sighted. "Great... See you tomorrow then... and Steve.?" Alley mumbled out, uneasy. "Yay?" he responded. "Thank you for .. You know... You were really my first.." she said, while blushing over the phone. "Er... no problem.. Good night.." he said back. Steve hanged up and lied in bed, thinking how hot she was, even if she was not real.

"So, things are okay with him?" Alley's father asked her, inserting some tool inside the back of her open skull. "Yes..."BZZZ"..I am so glad... I do really like him, dad.. "BZZ".". Alley said.
"Glad to hear it, I didn't program you with a good A.I. for nothing.. Okay, that should do it... please test yourself., Alley." the older man asked her. Alley turn around and started to touch herself, getting all wet. Stimulating herself hard, she reached her climax and had an orgasm.
Her creator was looking at her data over the computer attached to her main systems "Good... I don't see any more errors. I think you are finally fixed.." he told her. She smiled, still dazed from her climax "Thank you, Dad... ERROR ERROR!" she screamed out suddenly. "Just kidding!" she laughed out. Grunting, he grabbed a remote and press a "OFF" button. Alley just stop moving, eyes wide open, frozen in expression "Good night..." he smiled to her and left for bed.

"Hey! How are you?" Alley asked Steve. Steve looked at her and almost forgot what happened last night. "Good! You?" he asked back. "Fully Functional.." she whispered to him in his left hear. "Shall we go to our classes together?" he asked her. "Of course, we are not a couple now?" she asked him. "A couple?" he asked outloud. "Well, after last night..." she smiled. "Yes.. Aren't we?" he smiled to her back. Somehow, Steve felt really happy, he had finally a real girlfriend, and she was a hot sexdroid, he thought to himself.

During classes, she slipped him a note and a small package. Secretly, he opened it and read the note. It was from her father, Mr old Thompson. It told him that the package included a small telephone and a small remote. The phone was to call him in case of emergency if any things goes wrong with Alley. And the remote, well, it was to control Alley in case of emergency too.
Steve was dumbfounded by this. He quickly open the package and saw the small phone and remote. He took the phone and insert it in his left pocket. Trying to look that he was paying attention to the class, he look at the small remote. It had only a three buttons. "ON" "OFF" and "OPEN". "Holy shit, my new girlfriend has a remote too!" he chuckled to himself.

He then look at Alley, who was trying to see what was in the package he just had open. "What was in it?" she asked from afar. Steve showed her secretly the phone but not the remote. Alley saw the phone and smiled. "Mr. Bucky, please pay attention to the class!" the teacher yelled outloud at Steve from the front of the class. "Sorry.." he said quickly, returning his attention to the teacher. He heard Alley snicker from the back "Haha.. She got you...". "Oh really.." he smiled back to Alley. He then reached for the remote and press the off button. Alley just suddenly stop, frozen in her last expression she had just before he pressed the button. ‘Alley?" he lightly yelled at her. Nothing, she was like a statue now. He then press the "ON" button and she came back to life suddenly. "Shhh..., the teach will yell at you again!" she whispered to him from her desk.

Too late, Steve's English teacher was right beside him "I want you out of my class right now!" she yelled at him. The class laughed out loud at Steve embarrassment. "Okay, okay.." he told her, getting his stuff and leaving the classroom. Right before he close the door, he gave a note to Alley "Meet me at the washroom on the second floor, back corridor in 2 minutes." was written on the note. Alley smiled and excused herself from the class, saying she was not feeling well.

"Bad boy!" Alley laughed out at Steve. They were at the second floor bathroom in a corner of the school were almost no one goes too. "Alley, come here with me.." Steve told her, pushing her in the boy's bathroom. Just before entering the room, he put a "Being cleaned, use next washroom!" sigh he stole from another washroom he saw downstairs. He slowly locked the washroom door from inside and saw Alley sitting on the large sinks, legs crossed, smiling to him.

"Why did you take me here?" she grinned devilishly. "Mmmmm... fun, I guess" he smiled back to her. He went to her and started to kiss her deep. While kissing her, he reached and pull off her shirt off, exposing her white bra. She then unhook her bra and released her bosoms, bouncing out nicely. He stared at her breasts and was mesmerised by them. "Do I please you?" she asked him. "OH SHIT! NOT AGAIN!" he yelled out in disbelief. "What??? What did I do?? I just wanted to know if my body was to your liking? She told him. He then realised she was not malfunctioning like last time. "Sorry, nothing"... I guess her dad erased that part from last night.." he mumbled to himself.

Before he got back at licking her breasts, he paused and reached for the remote. "What is this?" she asked when she saw the remote. "Just something your dad also gave me... I just want to try something.. Okay?" he asked her. Confused, she nodded a yes. Steve pressed the open button on the remote. "Hey? What is happening to me?" Alley quickly asked when suddenly, right under her breasts, a panel open, the size of most of her abdomen. Steve gasped at the sight "Holy shit... I can see all your circuits and stuff!". "Fuck me! I didn't ever see myself like this too!" Alley was also amazed, looking down at her own body. "Gimme that remote!" she asked him quickly. "Sure.. How does it feel?" he asked to her, somewhat knowing it was a strange question to ask. "Look, there is switch on the side of the remote, 1 to 5, beside the open button... Let's try "#2"!" she said. She then press the button and she felt something in her back open.

"What??" Steve asked confused. "Look at my back! I am all exposed! Cool!" Alley laughed, looking at her back in the giant mirrors in front of the sinks. Steve saw and notice that she had a back panel open now, right between the shoulder blades. "Now, three.." she said, pressing the open button. "Oohhh....this one I really feel.." Alley said, somewhat strange. Steve look in the mirror and saw the entire back of her skull was now open down, exposing more circuits. "Maybe you should stop!" he told her, nervous. "Only 2 left!" she smiled.

"#4!" she smiled. She then made a frozen face and stop talking suddenly. "Alley?" Steve asked quickly, nervous. Her face suddenly open like a door, from the start of her forehead to her chin, ears to ears. "Are you okay?" he asked her. "Man, this is weird!" she laughed out loud. Her mechanical face was now the one showing the moving motors of her facial expression. "Do I still look sexy to you?" she asked comically to Steve. "Mmmm actually, it's a bit freaky.." Steve sighted. "My god, I do look scary, don't I?" Alley said, looking at her mechanical face in the mirrors. With her left hand, she closed her face panel and smiled to Steve.

"Last one!" she smiled, pressing the button. Alley gasped and blushed.. "What?" Steve asked confused. Alley didn't say a word and simply got up and pulled down her pants and underwear.
Steve was lost for word at the sight. "I guess this is the panel for my sex drive." Alley simply said, looking down, right above her pussy, was a small open panel, flashing lightly.

To be continued.

I don't know why, but I am really enjoying typing this one...

How many of you would like this one turn into a comic??

Remember, it's peoples comments that makes people like me get motivated! (S)


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Post by Trace Venom » Sun Jul 24, 2005 7:46 pm

Please continue :wink:


Post by dubhdanaidh » Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:09 pm

Last edited by dubhdanaidh on Sat May 09, 2009 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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this is great!

Post by xandimouse » Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:32 pm

i loved the first one, and the second one is even better! You're totally awesome. And a comic would be fantastic!

Can't wait to see more.

It's enough to make me want to write!


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Post by tc » Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:12 pm

I would like to see the story continue and also have it turned into a comic

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Post by DollSpace » Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:34 pm

I haven't read this one yet; I have visitors over...but I did want to comment and say that I really enjoy all your stories and would love to see this one in comic form. I read the first part of this and liked it a lot, too!


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Post by DollSpace » Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:48 pm

Ooo.... I finally got to read this one and I must say I really like it and where it's going; please continue! And I'd love to see a comic or illustrations from it too!


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Post by A.N.N. » Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:43 pm

Your comics ROCK! Go for it man!

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