The Nut-Cricket Adventure - Conclusion

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The Nut-Cricket Adventure - Conclusion

Post by ButchyBoy » Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:49 pm

The intermission was now drawing to a close, and the audience was coming back into the theatre. Backstage, Cricket was in a state of pure disbelief at the predicament she now found herself in. The handsome prince in this story, had turned out to be a jackel. This tall, fair-haired man who seemed to be most innocent and kind, was nothing more than another stooge for The Chairman. The man she had spent the past three days with, and had come to know as Ivan, had turned out to be one of the criminals she and Harry had been looking for all this time.

Now, as curtain time got closer, Ivan had a very frim grip on Cricket. And as that grip tightend, her fear changed into a slow burning anger.

"I must admit Ivan" she said without looking at him, "you really are a very good actor. You certainly had me fooled." The faux prince gave a very self-centered smile.

"Da. I fool your friend Amanda also" he said sneering. "She have no idea I was one who give her poison water. No one suspect handsome prince." Cricket halfway smiled at this. She had just recorded his confession. Now if she could just get to Harry. But then Ivan said something that made her synthetic skin crawl.

"Are you ready for your final performance, my little dushechka?" Cricket turned and looked up at him in total disgust.

"That's Mrs. dushechka to you creep! And you'll never get away with this. I'll find someway to stop you. And if I won't, Harry will." Ivan just laughed at this.

"Your famous Harry has no clue, none! Man who go to kill Governor, he look like all others protecting him. Your Harry is too late, as are you." The robot girl detective was afraid Ivan might be right, as just then, the applause began to grow, and the curtain went up.

Cricket and Ivan smiled and danced together as if they were in love. This made Cricket even more deteremined to stop him, even though her primary resources were being used to follow the ballet program disc running inside of her. Her enhanced vision could see Harry and Lt. Sandavol in the back of the theatre. She just had to find a way to tell Harry what she knew. Then as the Sugar Plum Fairy danced, Cricket realized the sparkling crown she was wearing, would every now and then reflect onto the stage. If she could just aim it right........

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:26 am

Harry and Lt. Sandoval were a bit weary when they sat in the back of the theatre to watch Cricket. Nothing they had seen all evening had indicated the night was headed for disaster. In fact, things were going very smoothly, and everyone, the other governors included, were enjoying the preformance throughly.

"Cricket and the guy playing the prince dance pretty well together" Sandoval observed. "They make a nice couple."

"Yeah, I guess they do" Harry bristled.

"Your not jealous, are you Harry?" Sandoval asked. Lang squrimed in his seat a bit.

"Me??? Jealous?? Nah.....I know it's.....on stage and everything, and Cricket's just.....ya know.........doing her part." Just then, a very small but blinding light seemed to be distracting Harry. It was coming from the tierra Cricket was wearing. The robotic girl kept moving her head back and forth as she danced. Sandoval noticed it too. They both kept squinting and trying to block the light aimed at them.

"What's the matter with your girl, Harry?" Sandoval asked. "She keeps trying to blind us with that crown she's wearing.

"Yeah, I can't figure it out Luis. It's like.....hey what do you know, it looks like she's doing that old signaling trick I taught her."

"Trick?" Sandoval asked.

"Yeah, the old 'ships at sea' routine, remember?.....Hey, wait a minute. I thinik she's trying to tell us something." Harry studied the 'lights' to see if indeed, Cricket was trying to send some sort of message.

"Well?" Sandoval asked.

"I'm a little rusty on my morse code. Now, let's see. the.......governor's..........BODY GUARDS!!??? Holy smoke, Luis, we have to get up there before it's too late!"

The two of them dashed out of the theatre, and into the lobby.

"You men, come with us!" Sandoval shouted to the officers who were standing nearby. The men followed, and they all went quickly up to the balcony level. Sandoval had them keep back when they reached the seats where the governors were. Governor Saunders and his family were watching the ballet, while five men is dark suits, and sunglasses stood behind at a distance like statues.

"Everything looks normal, Harry" Sandoval said. "Maybe Cricket was wrong." Lang just shookk his head.

"No, not about something like this." Sandoval went the the lead guard tapping him on the sholder.

"Hey, buddy..."

"Shhhh" was the man's reply. Sandoval griminced, then spoke in a wisper, holding his badge up.

"Sandoval, Old Chicago PD. How many of you guys are there here?" he asked.

"Six, why?" was the reply.

"Have you made a head count lately?" The agent gave the Lt. a rather annoyed look, sighed then counted off the other security men.

"One....two...three..four...five....five??? We ah.....seem to have one missing."

"Where is he?" Sandoval asked bluntly.

"Bathroom break?" The Lt. rolled his eyes and motioned the guard to come with him. He grabbed his collar radio and spoke into it.

"This is Sandoval. We have a possible security breach. Any blue jacket you guys see running around, hold and detain, I say again..." Just then, Harry motioned his friend to a nearby stroage door that was cracked open. When the door was opend, one of the bodyguards fell out onto the floor, lifelessly. Harry checked the man.

"He's dead alright" Lang said.

"Phillips..." the lead guard began to say. Sandoval got back on the radio.

"Confirm that, we have a potential assassin. He's dressed as one of the Governer's private security people. You see one alone, hold him. Shoot only if you have to."

Harry was looking at the room of the storage room. "Where does this lead to?" he asked the guard.

"Up to the rafters, I think." was the answer.

"Luis, you two get back to the Governrs in case this guy comes back. I'm going up."

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Jul 04, 2005 9:36 am

It didn't take Harry long to spot his quarry. There, sitting on a rafter, overlooking Governor Saunders, and his family, was a man in a dark suit and sunglasses. His was aiming and re-aiming an old fashioned sniper rifle at them. Harry made his way carefully to get the drop on the man, but was spotted, and the gunman took a silencer shot at Mr. Lang. Harry didn't have a silencer of his own on his gun, so he didn't fire back. For now, he had to let this guy use him for target practice, and hopped he run out of ammo. As Harry was dodging bullets, he spotted the sandbags hanging there. He took a chance, and swung them in the gunman's direction. One of them hit the mark, and knocked the rifle out of the gunman's hand. Harry dove for him before the rifle could be recovered and the two fought. Harry wreslted the gunman to the ground, and overpowered him rather quickly.

'It's over, pal" he said. The gunman still grinned.

"Perhaps, but girl still die!"

Harry looked below and head the auidence begin to mumer. Then he looked at the stage.


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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Jul 04, 2005 11:21 am

Indeed, during the final scene between the Nutcracker Prince and Clara, things seemed to be going very differently then what most remembered about this ballet. Why was the Prince chasing Clara around the stage with a knife in his hand? Cricket tried her best to keep her distance from this homicidal thespian, but she still had the ballet disc running in her. For his part, Ivan was very crafty, keeping to his movments as the prince, save for holding the very sharp blade in his right hand. Petrov was just as confused as the audience was.

"What is this? What is Ivan doing?" he asked himself outloud. Back onstage, the robot girl will still dancing, but trying to get out of this nightmare at the same time.

"You keep away from me!" Cricket cried out. Ivan just gave that eerie self-centered smile of his.

"But dushechka, we have your farewell dance to finish."

"Just answer me one thing" Cricket said, as she was forced to embrace him one last time. "Why did you poison Amanda Tanner?"

"Because this Chairman pay much better than cheapskate Petrov."

So that was it, Cricket thought. Pure greed. It seemed to bring out the worst in humans. Perhaps Cricket would one day understand whay that was....if she survived this night.

When Petrov heard what Ivan said, he was beside himself.

"Cheapskate........CHEAPSKATE???" he cried backstage.

Cricket was starting to panic a bit now. Those three cymbol crashes were almost at hand. What happend to Harry she wondered. Had he gotton to the other man in time? And how was she going to escape herself.

"And now dushechka", Ivan said rasing the knife in the air to plunge into her back. Up to now, she had been hoping this blade would cut into a few non-vital systems, she could "fake" the death for his benifit, then kick his ass later. But a final twist was added just then; the knife was electrified!

"Time for death scene" Ivan said, with a very evil gleen in his eye. In the audience, mumers of "Is that real?" and "He's going to kill her?" could be heard. Somewhere in all this, Cricket had managed to caculate her way out of this.

"Actually, I have a much better ending" she said rather quickly.

"And what is that dushechka?" Ivan asked, ready to fry poor little Cricket.

"Well, after all.......this is the....Nut......Cracker...ballet." she said with a smile.

Ivan hesitated, wondering what she ment. It was the opening she needed. When Ivan finally realized how Cricket's legs were postioned, and realized where he was standing in proportion, it was too late. And on the final downbeat of the ballet, Clara's right knee said hello to the Nutcracker Prince's jewels. The blade fell out of Ivan's hand, Ivan fell to the floor, and the curtain fell with a crashing thud. Petrov was in tears.

"I am ruined!" he sobbed. Just then, a single person applulaed from way up high. Up in the balcony in fact, where Harry was a few moments ago. But the clapping didn't come from Harry. It came from the Governer's wife. And seeing her appulad this.......interesting interpratation...made a few more people appulad...and a few more and a few more. Soon the entire theatre was cheering as the curtain went back up. The loudest cheers came from the women. The men politly clapped and more than a few were crossing their legs. Hearing the audience, Petrov was suddenly very happy.

"I am genius!" he cried grinning from ear to ear.

Cricket was still catching her breath from her latest escape from death when the house light came up and she saw everyone cheering and crying "Bravo".....for her. She smiled, and bowed ,and waved, and giggled. "This is awsome!" she said, catching roses by the dozen. The rest of the dancers took their bows as well....all but Ivan, who was still on the floor whincing in pain. As the curtain came down, Graves came up beside Cricket.

"Miss Amanda will be most proud" he said in his usual dry tone.

"Thanks Graves. And where were you when I needed you?

"Oh, does madam require assistance?" Cricket pointed do Ivan.

"Yes, now that you mention it. Graves, please take this garbage to Lt. Sandoval. He's going to need it as evidance."

"He's another bag of garbage for you Graves, old boy" a voice said from behind. It was Harry, carrying the gunman who was very worse for wear.

Graves just looked at the scence with a deadpan expression on his face.

"I did not realize this was trash day, but very well." And he carried the two villians off for Lt. Sandoval to dispose of. Cricket hugged Harry tight, and he wrapped his arms around his beloved wife and held her just as tight.

"I'm so proud of you baby" Harry said looking down into her eyes.

"You are Harry?"

"You bet. You saved the Governers, Old Chicago, Amanda's going to be just fine."

"She is? Really??

"Oh yeah, in fact, if you don't mind, we're all going to celebrate Christmas two days late at our place."

"Of course I don't mind." And then, they kissed.

The appluase had not died down. Petrov was estatic.

"Bring that curtain back up.....up do you hear??" he barked. "Listen to all that wonderful applause." The curtain came back up, and more than a few "Wooooooooosssss" could be heard when they saw Harry and Cricket in their loving embrace still kissing. They both just smiled and waved.


"Yeah baby?"

"Next Christmas, let's go to Hawaii."


"Yeah. What bad could possibly happen in a hawaiian paradise?"

She asked that knowin if they did go, adventure and danger would follow. And truth be told, they both wouldn't have it any other way.


Happy 4th of July and Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!!!!!


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Post by DollSpace » Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:03 pm

*applause* *applause* ^^ Great finish to a great story :) I look forward to your next one very much!


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