The Nut-Cricket Adventure Part 2

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The Nut-Cricket Adventure Part 2

Post by ButchyBoy » Mon May 30, 2005 7:43 pm

Harry and Cricket made their way to the theatre's backstage area. They found to door with the name, "Amanda Tanner", on it wide open. Inside the dressing room were several stuffed animals, flowers of all kinds, and pictures of different people. Cricket was guessing those pictures were of family and friends. One picture frame hung on the corner of the large make up mirror, caught the robot girl's eye. It was a holographic picture of a very happy Miss Tanner, smiling and waving to a crowd. At the bottom of the image was news headline; TANNER HEIRESS CLEARED OF MURDER CHARGE -- HARRY LANG AND MYSTERY GIRL DECTECTIVE CRACK CASE

"Look Harry" Cricket chirped, pointing to the moving image, which repeated over and over. "Boy, if that doesn't make me pull up some memory files. What a crazy case that was. I especially remember....."

A very raspy, elderly voice from behind cut Cricket off.

"Can I help you?" the voice asked.

Mr. and Mrs. Lang turned around to see a very tall, and very thin old gentleman. His hair was as thin as his body, and a ghostly white. His eyes and cheekbones were sunk in. He was dressed in a formal suit, one that very much looked like something a butler of a large mansion would wear. Cricket looked up at him, her eyes wide. The old man simply glanced down at her.

"Oh, it's you" he said dryly.

"Him!" Cricket cried, pointing up at the man. "I remember him!" she said to Harry, who half-smiled.

"Well well, Fredrick Graves. Good to see you still up and about old man. Of course, with you it's hard to tell. You still ah...."

"Yes. I am still in the employ of Miss Tanner as her personal valet" Graves said in the same eerie, even-timbered voice.

"Well, we'd like to see Miss Tanner" Harry said.

"And this time, we have an apointment" Cricket added. Graves' expression never changed. He simply glanced down at them once more.

"Yes, I know. She mentioned it....several times today." Just then, another voice, this one much younger and sweeter, was heard coming from behind Graves.

"Who are you talking to Freddie?"

Just as the question was being asked, a sweet young blonde in curls, and a pink ballet dress, came into view. She suddenly grinned and squealed with delight when she saw....


The two embraced like long lost sisters. Except for the difference in hair and height, they could almost pass as identical sisters. Amanda Tanner stood five foot two, so she was just a bit taller then Cricket.

"Oh, I've been waiting to see you ever since we got into Old Chicago last night" Amanda said. "As a matter of fact, when they told me where I was performing The Nutcracker, I insisted that you and Harry have front row center seats, or I wasn't coming." Cricket's eyes grew wide again.

"That was you?? Oh Amanda, you shouldn't have."

"Of course I should have Cricket. If it wasn't for you, I'd be God knows where. In a prison, or perhaps in that horrible Dome Underground. Instead, here I am. And I owe it all to you Cricket!" Just then, Harry 'ah-hemed', and leaned in.

"You know, I had a little something to do with you having your freedom."

Amanda smiled.

"Oh of couse you did. Hello Harry" she said as she hugged him tight. Harry blushed a little. Amanda put her arms around both of them.

"Npw just let me get dressed, and then we'll all go up to my Hotel Suite, and Graves will order us up the most delightful lunch." Just then, yet another voice, this one thickly accented, was heard behind the valet, Graves.

"I am sorry, but lunch is now postponed." There was long silence, and then the voice became more excited. "Excuse me!!!"

Graves glanced to one side, then stepped to his left. Like a human curtain, he revealed a bald, fat little man, sporting a thick moustache. The small man grunted at the larger Graves. "Is like trying to move Rock of Gibralter." Again, Graves simply glanced at him. The shorter man then turned his attention to the ballerina.

"Amamda my dear, I am sorry but Governer's people have forced me to move evening rehersal to now."

Now??" Amanda cried. "Petrov, we just finshed 15 minutes ago! Can't we wait just a liitle longer?"

"I am afraid not. They need to do...something security check, I do not know, but they say we must not be here by six this evening, and since it is almost two...." Amanda sighed as she wrapped her arm around Cricket. The man refered to as Petrov raised an eyebrow at Harry and Cricket.
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Mon May 30, 2005 10:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon May 30, 2005 8:29 pm

"What is....who are these?" he asked. Amanda smiled again.

"Aton Petrov, I'd like you to meet my two dearest friends, Harry and Cricket Lang. They're the ones who proved me innocent two years ago. Harry, Cricket, this is my director..."

"...and star maker" Petrov added.

"The man who has made me a star, Anton Petrov."

Harry shook hands with him. "Pleasure to meet you" he said. Petrov returned the greeting with an indifferent, "Yes yes." He was eyeing Cricket. He suddenly gave a sly smile, and shook his finger at her.

"Ahhh. So this is famous crime-dectection device you have told me about." Now it was Cricket's turn to raise an eyebrow. She raised it at Petrov then lookec at Harry.

"Device??? Did he just call me....a device??" Amanda quickly played peacekeeper.

"Sorry, bad english. He just ment the way you solved that creepster's murder......Right, Anton???" Petrov quickly cleared his throat.

"Ah, yes. Very chamed to make the aquaintence of such a lovely young woman." And then he kissed Cricket's hand. Mrs. Lang smiled back, if a bit skeptical.

"Well Cricket, it looks like out lunch date has become a dinner. Hope you don't mind. I'll see you and Harry tonight at the Hotel...say 7pm? Suite 515?"

"We'll be there" Cricket said, beaming.

As the two of them made their way out the theatre and back to the apartment, Cricket was sunggling up against Harry.

"Get all your shopping done, dear?" she ask sweetly.

"Uh-huh. And no, you won't get a word out of me of what your getting."

" know how much I love surprises. Especially from you."

"Now how about you Mrs. Lang. The afternoon is free, going to finish your shopping?"

"Yes. But I'm not going back to Carl T's, and I don't want you to see where I'm going, so you can hop over to Betty's and take little April shopping now.

"April huh?"

Cricket nodded with a grin.

"I'll just stop by our place first, and grab my body armor."

"Yes, she adores you, but has a nasty habit of kicking me in the shin whenever no one's looking."

"Harry" Cricket said with a giggle. She knew it was just dry humor, which she had come to recently understand about humans. The peace of that winter afternoon was was suddenly broken by sirens. An ambulence, and a recure truck raced by. Cricket looked as they went down the street, and her face became filled with concern.

"Harry, they're turning into the theatre!"

The two of the raced back to the Rialto. Once inside, they found paramedics hovered over Amanda Tanner, trying to revive her. She was passed out on the floor. She was half holding a bottle of water in her hand. When Cricket first saw her friend, she gasped with shock, then saw the bottle and on instinct took a hankerchief in her hand and picked the bottle up. She unscrwed the cap, looked in, and held it up to her nose. She gasped again, and uttered one word;


Next: Enter Clara Cricket

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Post by DollSpace » Mon May 30, 2005 11:25 pm

Meep! *chills go up the clockwork spine* Will she be okay? I hope so...but judging by your teaser last time, she won't be...or at least, someone won't... Still, love the story so far, and great suspense!


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