The Nut-Cricket Adventure - Part 1

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The Nut-Cricket Adventure - Part 1

Post by ButchyBoy » Sat May 28, 2005 10:13 pm

"Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!" came the cry from a jolly rotound man sitting in a throne-like chair, dressed in the traditional red with large white trim, and black boots. If one looked beneath the beard of white, which seemed to be glued on, one could see beads of pure sweat coming down the man's face. Still, Bill Decker loved playing Santa Claus. He had been at it for almost a month now at the Carl T's Department Store in Old Chicago. He loved watching the expressions of the faces of the childern, as with wide eyes, they told 'Santa' how good they had all been this year, and all the things they wanted for Christmas. Surprisingly, many were thanking Santa for the toys he brough them last year. This brought a tear to the man's eye. He remembered how a certain friend of his had made it possible to bring some much needed Christmas cheer to the childern of Old Chicago a year ago. This friend of his had given up a sizeable about of her income to provide them with toys they would have never had gotten otherwise. And this friend had let Bill Decker, dressed up as Santa Claus, take all the bows for the gifts, without so much as a thank you to her. And as fate would have it, the friend he was thinking about for just a moment, was now standing before him.

She stood just under five feet tall, a sweet-looking blonde woman, whose hair was done up in simple pigtails. She looked to be nineteen, perhaps twenty years of age. She blended in easily with the other people in the store. Decker however knew very well the girl before him was no teenager. She wasn't even human. The young woman who answered to the name of Cricket Lang was an android, a humanoid robot. She waved at 'Santa', beaming from ear to ear. She was dressed in a very bright red and green sweater with snowmen on it.

"Well, well, and what's your name pretty missy?" 'Santa' Decker said with a wink, pretending not to know her.

"I'm Cricket, Santa. And I've been an extra good girl this year" she said with a giggle, going along with the whole thing.

"Well of course you have. Santa knows who's been naughty and nice. Ho Ho Ho!" Cricket giggled and walked up close to Decker.

"How's it going Santa?" she asked quietly and sweetly to him. Decker looked up at her and smiled.

"These kids are just amazing Cricket" he said. "A year gone by, and most of em are still taking care of the toys they got from you. I tell ya, when ya compare these kids to those over spoiled brats in those blasted domes....."

Cricket just put her hand on his sholders. She knew what he was talking about. The people who dwelled in the domed cities like New Chicago didn't seem to value much in the way of friendship and familes. They love to throwaway anything more than a week old, it seemed, including a certain robot girl. But this wasn't a time to think of such sad things. Christmas was near, and Cricket was caught up in the wonder of it all.

"Speaking of over spoiled brats; have you seen my Harry?" Decker was about to answer her when a voice was heard behind them.

"The over spoiled brat has spent the last half-hour looking for Mrs. Brat." The voice belonged to Cricket's owner, Harry Lang. At least in a legal sense, he was her owner. To everyone, himself included, Cricket was Harry's wife; his partner and equal. He was a bit stocky, but still handsome man in his late 30's. He was dressed in his usual three-piece suit, and overcoat. Cricket spun around to greet him with a geniune smile.

"I told you I wanted to see Santa. And I didn't want to just jump ahead in front of all these kids. That would be rude."

"And have you been a good boy this year sonny?" Decker said pointing to Harry.

"Well, I look at it this way Santa. Every time I make the naughty list, I just stick my neck in where it isn't wanted, manage to save the world, and it all evens out."

They left 'Santa' Decker, and Carl T's Harry had gotten his shopping for the year done, and now they were on their way to keep a lunch date.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Sat May 28, 2005 10:34 pm

Cricket was bouncing happily as they made their way done the street. Harry was trying to relax his partner, but he may just as well have tried to put lightning into a bottle.

"I can't wait to see her again Harry. Just think, she's been all over the world now, cheering crowds everywhere she goes, and we know her.....personally!" Harry tried to comment, but Cricket seemed to kick in to full out babble mode.

"I mean, yeah, just two years ago, she was our client, and everyone thought she killed that old kookie rich guy in cold blood, but not us, no siree! We believed! We believed, and we were right. She didn't do it, and she got her career back, and now she's world famous! And we know her, isn't that awsome Harry??"

Harry was greatful, that just then, they had arrived at the Rialto Theatre.

Like everything else in Old Chicago, it was nothing more than a bombed out shell of a building a year ago. It was one of the first places to be restored by Throckhammer Industries. And now it looked just like it did a hundred years ago; a flashy marque sign that read: "CHRISTMAS EVE BENIFIT- THE NUTCRACKER - STARRING WORLD FAMOUS AMANDA TANNER - WELCOME TERRITORY GOVERNERS.

The inside was just as impressive. There were rows of plush seats, bright chandelers hung from the celing, and a large stage, complete with vevet curtain was at the far end. Cricket didn't seem to care about any of that. She was interested with what was back stage. And if she knew how the week would turn out; she just might have made a beeline back to Carl T's.
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Sun May 29, 2005 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Sat May 28, 2005 10:34 pm

Next: Fatal Reunion

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Post by DollSpace » Sat May 28, 2005 11:04 pm

Had you waited a month or so we could have had Christmas in July :-P! That being said, sounds like an interesting week in store for Cricket! *giggle*


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