Can't Get That Song Outta My Head - Version 5.1

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Can't Get That Song Outta My Head - Version 5.1

Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:01 pm

When Harry and Cricket got back to the Arena stage, the rehersal had broken up again. Electra Storm had gone to her private room , while the dancers, and back-up singers were having lunch on the stage, and in the seats. The pair of detectives split up to descreetly start questioning people about Erin's untimly demise, and the rather nasty threat toward Ms. Storm that came with it. And that's how 'Derrick Waverider' now found himsel with the diva's two lead dancers; Six-foot tall Bobbie Maxwell, a woman looked like she eat, breathed, and slept working out. She had a tight athletic bulild, and legs that went on forever. Harry thought she could had been a showgirl, if Las Vegas hadn't been buried under all that sand a few years back. She slightly towered over the man next to her, one Mark Davis. He was a rather thin, wiry sort of person with a head of curley hair. With a small video recorder in hard, Harry was asking them both about the events from that morning.

"Poor Erin", Bobbie said with a sad sigh, "Almost everybody here loved her. She was like family. I can't believe she's really gone." She realy seemed broken-hearted about the whole thing. Mr. Davis on the other hand felt just the opposite.

"Oh please", he said with a voice full of distain, "Don't tell me you really going to srart boo-hooing over some over-sexed metal-head. I'm glad it's all fried up."

"Oh, just put a sock in it Mark!", Bobbie shot back. "Everyone here knows how much you hated her. And everyone also knows how much better she really is than you!"

Harry just stood back, watched and recorded. This was getting good.

Mark volleyed back. "Better??? Little miss plastic??? At least I've been on Broadway!"

Bobbie just smirked. "Somehow Mark, I don't think being an understudy to a tree from Into The Woods really qualifies." She turneed at looked at Harry. "It's no secert the only reason he got this gig was as a favor to Frank over there", she said, pointing to the diva's manager. He was on the cell phone as usual. Bobbie continued. "We've all had to cover up for this goofball's so-called dance routines. Especially Erin. She showed him up every time. It's never sat too well with you has it, darling?" Mark just scowled at her.

Much as Harry was enjoying this, he had to keep things on track. But he had to be carful not to blow his cover. It looked like Bobbie was pointing the finger to Mark as prime suspect number one. Harry wanted to see what sort of alibi he had.

"Well just cause the guy doesn't like androids, ya know....doesn't mean he would hurt a member of the group and endanger his boss as well right?"

Mark just stared coldly back at him. "Well of course not Captain Obvious. Every one knows I barely spoke two words to it since it joined us."

Bobbie smirked again. "Oh really. Seems I saw you spending quite a while and saying quite a few words with HER last night."

Mark quickly turned away. "That was busniess", he muttered.

Bobbie turned to Harry again. "It's also no secret that Electra was going to have him replaced after this show."

"That's a lie!!!", Davis shouted. Bobbie kept smirking.

"Ask anyone.......even dear "Cousin" Frank."

Meanwhile, Cricket, in her guise of the dark-haired Missy Hartford, was interviewing another member Team Electra; a nice looking blonde-haired blue-eyed kid named Jason Woodcreek.

"So", Cricket asked in her disguised New York accent, "I guess you're pretty bummed out over what happened to Erin."

"Yeah. She was really cool. Of course not as cool as Electra Storm, ya know?"

"Wow, ya really like her huh?", Cricket asked. "Is that why ya have the headband?"

Cricket pointed to his head and Jason looked up, touched it, but didn't take it off. "Oh yeah. Pretty cool huh? Simon gave it to me."

"Simon Crawson? That big-shot type guy?"

"Yeah, he said everyone was wearing them for the show."

Cricket looked around the Arena. "Yeah, but you're the only one wearing it right now."

Jason looked aroud as well. "Yeah, wierd huh?"

Frank King suddenly called out, cell phone still in hand. "Hey you......ah...Missy. Ms. Storm wants to see you in her dressing room."

Cricket wondered what she wanted now, but smiled anyway. "Gee, thanks."

About ten minutes later, the pop diva came to the stage by herself. She walked over to Frank who was talking to Harry.

"Well, that was quick", Frank said. "What did you want to see Missy for?"

Electra just looked at her manager with a confused look.

"What are you talking about? Why would Electra Storm want to entertain some little chatterbox before lunch?"

Now Harry was concerned. "You didn't call for her to come to your dressing room just now?"

"Why would Electra Storm do that?"

Cricket knocked on the pop diva's door, but got no answer. "Hello", she called out. "Ms. Storm?" She knocked on the door again and found it unlocked. She carefully entered, and found the room empty. As she called out over and over, still getting no answer, the robot girl was beginning to feel a little strange. She suddenly realized that something was freezing up her motors and system. But she realized it too late.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next" Cricket's New Peril.

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Post by DollSpace » Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:50 am

Meep! Poor Cricket! Can't wait for you to post the next part! :)


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