The Vanishing Warlord - Final Chapter (really, no fooling)

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The Vanishing Warlord - Final Chapter (really, no fooling)

Post by ButchyBoy » Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:07 pm

To a casual observer, it was a group of tourists and a fembot servant, sightseening near the famous Big Ben. In reality, it was Professor Peng, now known to be The Warlord, Louis Smithers, Miranda Jenkins, one Mr. Slacker, and their four captives; Inspector Camilla Hargrove who had been forced to relay to Scotland Yard that all was well and she would radio in if any trouble arose. There was Camilla's childhood friend, Joe Tam, a grad student and intern at the British Museum. Then, there was hero for hire, Harry Lang, who was in an eerie hypnotic state; and finally there was the young, robotic Mrs. Cricket Lang, who under normal conditions, could make short work of anyone trying to make trouble for her or her husband. But now, with a controll collar around her neck, she was little more than a helpless puppet, with the "kindly old" Professor pulling the strings.

When Peng was certain the last tour had departed the giant clock tower for the day, he used his power of mind control to not only convince the tower guards to let he and his party inside, but to carry the five jade dragons up to the observation deck below the clock faces as well. The dragons were placed all in a neat row, from largest to smallest.

Darkness had long since fallen now, and storm clouds seemed to be gathering overhead. Professor Peng became The Warlord once more.

"One thing I don't understand.", Camilla said lookint right at the villian. "If you and Smithers here had the real fifth dragon to begin with, why bring Harry Lang into it.?"

The elderly Smithers answered, pointing a gun at her as he spoke. "Becaue his old man held out on me!", he said, indicating Harry.

"You see Insepctor", the Warlord said, picking up the smallest dragon, "The true power of these creatures lie in the their eyes."

"The rubys", Joe said.

"Exactly Mr. Tam", The Warlord said.

Smithers spoke up again. "Good old Rick must have thought it quite the funny joke keeping those gems and giving me fakes. 20 years, I've been stewing, knowing the power those little jewels posess. I never head from the senior Mr. Lang either, until 2 months ago when I come to find he passed on the gems to junior here."

"And now Mr. Lang has been most kind enough to give them to me", The Warlord said holding two small red sparklers in his hand. "Isn't that right...Harry old friend", he chuckled looking at him.

"Yes, my lord Shang", Harry said in that trance-like voice, his expression locked in the eerie smile. "Whatever you say. Your wish is my command." It sounded like every word was painful to utter.

Camilla was disgusted. "Your sick. Both of you. All this....kidnapping, cold-blooded murders...all for jewels?"

"Not just jewels dear Inspector", The Warlord said, "But power! True power, which you shall witness tonight! And all of London shall bow and decalre me supreme ruler or they will die!" He was ranting now, ignoring all around him. It was Smithers who brought him back to reality.

"You mean US, don't you??? Don't forget, it was me who tipped you off to those rubys, and it was me who crafted that all-powerful suit your wearing." Smithers not went into a rant of his own. "Twenty years, every idea, every invention I gave that museum, laughed at, rejected! And anything they liked, those so and so snobs too it from me and said it was theirs! Well look now!" He pointed to the Warlord's suit. "My best work....real power!" He looked right at the man inside the suit. "And without me, you'd still be selling Chinese junk in the market. I wouldn't need ya at all if you didn't have that freak power of yours!"

It was the word 'freak' that angered the man who called himself Professor Peng. He had heard it all his life and now......but his mood suddenly softened. "Yes. Forgive my dear Louis. I had forgotten my place. But you see, now that I have.....all the power, I find myself no longer needing you." His voice became more sinister with each word. Smithers didn't seemed phased.

"You think so eh? Well joke's on you sonny, cause I went and got fakes of my own! I'm holding the REAL 5th dragon rubies", and he held them up for all to see. The Warlord grinned through his mask.

"Are you......certain? These..." and he snatched them out of the old man's hand like lightning. ".....are the REAL rubies???" And then he crushed them Smithers was stunned. "How??...What??" The Warlod held up the small dragon, the true rubies in its eyes. Smithers was angry but suddenly very fearful for his life.

"Filthy double crosser!", he shouted and empited his revolver into Shang. The Warlord just laughed as the bullets deflected off him. When the gun was empty, the villian raised his right arm and shot a stream of lightning....or something like it.....right at Smithers, lifting the old man off the ground, and over the edge of the observation deck. 'And now...finally, I alone have the supreme power!!!" he roared. The stream of light disappeared and Louis Smithers plunged to his death.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Sat Jan 01, 2005 12:03 am

Both Camilla and Joe winced as Smithers fell. They both wondered how long it would be before they took a plunge as well. The Inspector did her best to look confidant.

"Well that was stupid I must say. Him falling like that will bring the Bobbies from miles around here.", she said with a smirk.

"Indeed", the Warlord said. "You forget the guards here who are still under my influence. And I doubt the suicide of one lonely old man who recently found himself unemployed as the note on him will tell, will......bring the Bobbies as you say. Oh they will investigate here, I have no doubt. By that time it will be far too late." He pointes to Miranda and Slacker. "You them, but do not kill them....for now. I must prepare!" The two henchpeople were not about to question their boos after what happened to Smithers. The Warlord stood before the dragons making sure everything was ready.

Camilla looked over at Joe. He suddenly seemed to look faint. The Inspector wasn't sure if her friend was truly ill or perhaps was trying to create a diversion. Either way, she caught him as he slumped. Miranda got closer to the pair.

"What's going on here?" she said, her own gun drawn.

"He's not feeling well!", Camilla shouted. "Now back off and do what your told!" Her tone then softened. "Joe.....Joe are you alright??"

Tam fluttered his eyelids but smiled. "I'm....ok...just", he wispered. Camilla didn''t know what to make of this. Suddenly, her friend's eyes flew open, and seemed to glare. He stood right up and spoke. But it wasn't his voice. It was much deeper somehow. "Kiwan Shang", he cried out. The Warlord spinned around to look. He seemed to know the voice very well.

"Suko. So my old enemy. You could not resist one last battle." Both Miranda and Slacker went to stop Joe, but Shang just put his hand up. "No! Let him approach", he commanded. As Joe walked forward, he waved his hand near Cricket.

Now, all this time, little Crickt's body was immobile, but her 'mind' was screaming, like a little version of Cricket, banging away, trying to get out. When she suddenly found the collar that trapped her no longer on, she let out a tine'eep', but kept still. He mind raced with new thoughts; play it cool...wait for it...just play dead.

"I have not come to battle you, Shang", Joe said. "Our time here is over."

"No!" The Warlord cried back. "My time has just begun! My time, my destiny is finally at hand! It is your time that has ended, Suko!" He shot bolts of light from his hands, one after the other, but they had no effect on Joe.

"Your power is useless with me Shang, it always was. I alone protect young Mr. Tam so long as he bears the crest." Joe pointed to the amulet arond his neck. The Warlord again grinned through his mask.

"True Suko. I may not be able to defeat you as I like. But let's see your against my new weapon." Then he pointed at Cricket. "Robot! I command you to come forth!"

Cricket came alive, turning her head slowly, then walking over very stiffly to where Shang was. She spoke in a very flat monotone. "Yes, all wise and powerful Lord Shang. How may this humble slave serve you?" A bit hammy she thought, but the look on his face told her he was buying it.

"The spirt of my enemy is in this pitiful body. I command you to crush its bones to dust!"

At first, Cricket raised her arms to Joe, but then grabbed the collar. She spoke in monotone. "No, my lord codfish!"


Cricket's voice became more natural as she undid the collar. "I said.....No!...Lord....poo poo head!" On the words "poo poo head", the little robot clocked The Warlord with the collar then smashed it into a million parts. Miranda went to grab Cricket, but taking her focus off the Inspector was all Camilla needed to spring into action. She grabbed the henchgirl's arm into air as the gun went off. Camilla managed to grab the weapon and knock her out with it. Mr. Slacker went to make his move, but Cricket kicked his weapon far out of his reach. The slow-witted lacky then made the mistake of grabbing Cricket by her pigtails.

The little robot spun around, powered up at 100% and glared at him. "Nobody......and I mean nodody MESSES WITH THE DOO!" The robot girl picked Mr. Slacker up by the arms and spun him around......and around.....and around.

"Heelpppppp.....I'm getting dizzzzayyy"

Cricket took aim and threw Mr. Slacker butt first into a nearby trash can, where he passed out. "Whoohoo", Cricket cheered. "Three pointer!" Her celebration was cut short by a hand around her throat. It was The Warlord, who lifted the little robot over his head, as her legs kicked wildly.

"Little parasite! There is no escape this time. I will melt you down with my bare hands!!!" Cricket was beginning to think this was the end. She couldn't break his grasp and was beginning to dangerously overheat. Suddenly, The Warlord cried out and fell, dropping Cricket.

"Guess again, tin man!" "It was Camilla. She had some sort of pipe in her hand. "Are you all right?", she asked Cricket, bending to her side. The fembot looked up and smiled. "Yeah, thanks" She looked at Shang, still down.....his "gang" all out of the way. That just left.....

"Harry", she said, looking over at him. He was still standing there, still in a trance. The Warlord stirred, hearing the name and looking over.

"Harry Lang.....hear me. Hear and obey your Master. Destroy the one called Cricket!"

Harry raised his own gun. It shook in his hand. Cricket just looked into his eyes. "Oh Harry.....can't you fight it??"

"Obey me Lang....Destroy her!!.....No, wait.....I have a new command. Harry will destroy......yourself!!!"

"No!", Cricket thought. There has to be a way to end this nightmare. She suddenly had an idea. As Harry fought with himself, The Warlord was shouting for him to obey. Cricket took a breath and said, "Well., here's to the power of love." And then, she kissed him...hard! It was as deep and as passionate as the robotic girl could make it. And it worked. As she kissed he stirred, dropping the gun, his body slumping. She had done it! As she broke the kiss, Harry opened his eyes. " head. Wha-wha happened??" Cricket just shushed him, smiling down at him. "I'll tell ya later. You just relax now darling. Baby's gonna do some ass kicking."

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Post by ButchyBoy » Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:53 am

Cricket turned back to The Warlord, who has stood up once more. "Well, Lord Codfish, it looks like your all out of tricksters and tricks."

The Warlord grinned once more, though his voice was subdued. "Not quite, Mrs. Lang. I have one last.....trick left." His voice became loud again. "Behold!"

Suddenly, the eyes of all five dragons began to glow bright red. Beams of light began to shoot up and out. Shang did something with his right wrist and the light intensified. A sound like an electrical current could be heard. As if that wasn't enough, the wind began to blow hard, and lightning cound be seen from the sky. The four heros, Cricket, Camilla, Joe, who seemed himself once more, and Harry, who was resting against a wall, all huddled together now. They gasped at the sight above them. The beams of light formed a shape. It looked like a giant red dragon!

"At last, at last, at last!!!!!", The Warlord cried. "Sato, the Demon Dragon has come forth!!! And now I alone control the beast that shall bring kaos and destruction!!!! AHHAHAHAHA!!!!"

"What's happening???", Cricket shouted.

Joe shouted back to answer. "As near as I can tell, it's some sort of huge energy mass. The Professor must be using that suit to bend it control it somehow."

"Now Sato, you will go forth and do my bidding!!" The giant dragon seemed to bow before Shang.

"Can he really contol that much energy?", Cricket asked.

"It's proaably all works voice regognition. I doubt that thing can really see", Joe answered.

"Really?", Cricket said, her mind formig another plan. She looked around. "My's.......back at the hotel", she groaned. "What you mean this bag of tricks?", Camilla said, holding Cricket's pink purse. "I quickly grabbed it while Harry was busy with you. Thought you might need it sooner or later." The two women smiled at each other. Now Cricket was really glad they had become friends.

"Thanks", she said taking it and getting her repair kit out. She took a small chip from it. "You both stay here, and look after Harry."

The aforementioned Mr. Lang looked up still weak. "Cricket?...Wha-what are you going to do?"

The young fembot smiled help up the chip and smiled. "Remember the Nightingale?", she said with a wink. Harry smiled. "Go get em baby."

Cricket got up the confront The Warlord one last time. "Hey!", she shouted. That got his attention. "Hey.....yeah, direct to DVD reject! You want some of me??? Well here I am. Cricket Pan is ready to rock!" She walked over as she spoke, making sure she was clear from Harry and the others.

The Warlord was furious! "You have mocked me for the very last time!"

"Ha! I have not yet begun to mock! You big overgrown codfish! Codfish in a tin can! Bet you even taste nasty!

"Insolent welp!" Shang began to fire bolts of light from his wrists. Cricket dodged every one of them.

"You can't even kill a dumb little sexbot! Now I know how all those other guys died. You bored them to death!!"

She got closer and closer to Shang, dodging bolts of light along the way.

"You may escape me but even you are no match for Sato."

"Oh please. Blah Blah Blah. You and that stupid voice. Bet I can do it as good as you!"

The robot girl moved fast. She wizzed by the villan, slapping the chip hard onto a caculated spot just under his chin. The Warlord looked down, confused for a moment, then saw Cricket run from him. She stood below the giant dragon and began to mimic Shang's voice.

"Sato! Demon Dragon! Hear and obey your Master!". The mimic was good enough for the dragon to bow before little Cricket.

The Warlord began to laugh. But suddenly, that laugh sounded.....female....and child-like. "What?? voice....what have you done??"

Criket laughed like Shag. "Sato! Destroy the robot!" The dragon suddenly 'looked' at The Warlord.

"No, no! You fool! I'm not the robot, she is!", Shang cried, sounding like Cricket. As far as Sato was concerened, The Warlord was the one to attack.

"Hey pal", Harry cried out. "If I were you, I'd ditch the monkey suit but quick!"

The Warlord atarted to panic as Sato reared back to attack. "'m your Master....No no!!" The dragon shot a bolt at Shang. Every circuit in his suit overloaded. The screams were no longer Cricket's, or The Warlord's but Professor Peng's. He began to fade in and out until he vanished all together. Al that was left was a smoldering pile of metal. Kiwan Shang was no more.

Cricket was about to breathe a sigh of relief when Harry pointed skyward. "What?? Oh." Cricket imatated Shang's voice one more time. "Well done Sato, well done. Now fly to the far side of the earth and wait for further orders!" The 'dragon' did as it was told. But the farther away it flew from the ruby eyes, the less powerful it became until it vanished as well. The ruby eyes stopped glowing. It was over. Cricket ran to Harry and held him tight.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Sat Jan 01, 2005 2:36 am

Two days later, Harry and Cricket were at Heathrow Airport on their way back to Old Chicago.

"So I have dear old Dad to thank for this adventure", Harry said, his arm wrapped around Cricket. "Well, it's not the first time him or his reputation has gotten me into hot water."

"Except now, I'm here to get you out of it", Cricket said, smiling.

"How did you know Louis Smithers was in on all this?", Harry asked.

"Things I noticed when I was in his house. Some of his little gadgets looked like things our friend Mr. Shang was wearing on that suit of his. And when I gave him that note, and he didn't take it the Scotland Yard, I know went right to dear Professor Peng....whoever he really was."

"His real name was Johnny Chen", an answer came. It was Inspector Hargrove, very much out of uniform and in rather nice looking floral dress. "He was a salvage dealer and petty crook. He set himself up as Professor Peng about a year ago."

"Well, Inspector Hargrove, look at you", Cricket said with a smile. Most noticable was her hands. Both of the showing without gloves to cover them up. "And your looking handsome as well Mr. Tam." Indeed there was Joe right behind her.

"Well, Joe how go things at the museum?"

"Everything is back to normal. All the dragons are back in the China Gallery and the rubies are in a seperate, well garuarded case."

Camilla nuged him. "Go on, spill the rest."

"Oh, the remaining members of the board made me intrem director."

"Really?", Cricket beamed. "Congradulations. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy."

"And with me new head of security, there'll be no more curse nonsense", Camilla said mater-of-factly. "Well, come on Joe. Let's go discuss the new plans for museum security over lunch." And off they went hand in hand. Cricket smiled and waved, "Bye now".

Harry looked at Cricket. "My wife, the matchmaker." She just giggled. They made their way to the plane, and off to more adventures.

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Post by kb7rky » Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:23 am

(standing ovation)

Doug (with 88 and counting...)

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Post by DollSpace » Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:38 am

Awww! *loves the happy ending* Really well written...someone needs to make this into a first-class anime :)

Great job!

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Post by ButchyBoy » Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:47 pm

The more I think about it, the more I agree. So......any animators lurking amoug us looking for a good script?? Hmmmm?? :wink:

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Post by DollSpace » Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:41 pm

ButchyBoy wrote:The more I think about it, the more I agree. So......any animators lurking amoug us looking for a good script?? Hmmmm?? :wink:
I wish someone around here was (or able to do it)...I mean, I wrote "Clockwork Summer", "Only The Lonely" & "Beyond The Century" with them being anime in mind, and I always read this story (and the previous one) as the same.


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