New Story: Class C

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New Story: Class C

Post by WilloWisp » Sat Aug 28, 2004 10:37 am

A story by me, inspired by a dream I had recently. Here's hoping the dry spell ends soon.

Class C


Susan hurried down the corridor towards the check-in counter. She had been on time for her flight until they bumped the schedule up 20 minutes. Now she was running late, and she prided herself on her punctuality. She walked as fast as she could, her heels clacking on the tile floor of the airport.

The girl behind the check-in desk was a bubble-headed blonde who seemed to ooze cheerfulness. Her nametag proudly announced her name to be Debbi, for anyone who cared to notice. "Yes, miss, how can I help you?" she beamed.

"I need to check-in for flight 2027, nonstop to Boston," Susan told her in a curt tone.

"Certainly, miss. Your name?"

"Susan Simms. My ticket number is 8052, class C."

Debbi punched in the information, then smiled vapidly at Susan as the computer processed it.

"Alright, Miss Simms. As a class C passenger, you are not allowed any luggage, and for security reasons, you must deactivate any external electronics prior to passing through the security checkpoint."

Susan thought to herself, "I already know all this. She's wasting my time, and I'm running late."

Debbi finished her speech regarding security. "Your gate number is 17. You'll need to go through the C-Class security checkpoint, just to the left. It'll be clearly marked." She then flashed a smile that seemed to say "I'm totally happy with everything!"

Susan took her papers and quickly headed for gate 17. She could see the standard security gateway, with people lined up wating to go though the scanners. Off to one side was a sign that read "Class C Security Check" with an arrow pointing to a windowless door. "There shouldn't be as long a wait for the class C checkpoint," Susan thought.

When she opened the door, she was greeted by a room full of passengers, with two security girls checking them at the front of the room. Each of the passengers held a small, grey plastic bin. Susan could overhear some of the standard security questions being asked. She took a plastic bin from the stack near the front of the door and waited behind a pretty, but nervous looking woman in a business dress.

After a few calls of "next," it was the nervous woman's turn to be taken into the security cubicle. Susan waited a few minutes, but the check seemed to be taking longer than usual. Four more minutes passed. Susan huffed. At this rate, she was going to miss the flight!

Growing bold, Susan stepped forward, and knocked on the cubicle wall. One of the security girls stepped out.

"I'm sorry for the delay, miss. The woman in front of you in line has become a bit unstable. I can take you in the other booth." She motioned for Susan to follow her into another cibucle.

The security girl took Susan's boarding pass and checked it briefly. "You are Susan Simms?" she asked.

"That's right," said Susan.

"Are you carrying any external electronic devices, explosive chemicals, blunt or edged weapons, or potentially damaging software?"

"Not that I'm aware of," said Susan.

The security girl then held up what looked like a flashlight, and shone it into Susan's eyes. Susan immediately felt her mood soften.

"Alright, if you would remove your clothes and jewelry, and place them in the bin, then stand at attention," said the girl.

Susan dutifully began stripping, folding each article and placing it in the plastic bin. Once she was nude, she stood at attention as she was instructed. The security girl circled her, examining her body and making notes on her clipboard. She then set the clipboard down, reached into a box, and pulled out a long dildo.

"I need you to masturbate with this for 30 seconds, and then stick it in your ass for 30 seconds," she said. Susan took the toy from the girl, and began playing with herself as instructed. While she did, the security girl gave her breasts a thorough examination, squeezing, pinching, twisting, and pulling them in every direction.

Susan's mind was no longer occupied with thougts of missing her flight, but was now consumed with pleasure, thrilling both at the feel of the dildo inside her, and the touch of the pretty security girl. All too soon, the minute was up, and the girl took the dildo back, making notes on her clipboard.

"Alright," the security girl said, "I just need to kiss you, and we can get you packed." The girl walked up to Susan, leaned in, and began kissing her. Her tongue began probing Susan's, exploring every corner of her mouth. Susan was in heaven, stroking and rubbing the security girl's body, pulling up her skirt, and rubbing the girl's pussy.

Eventually, the security girl broke the kiss, finished filling out her papers, and placed a tag around Susan's wrist. "You check out fine. Your box is behind you."

Susan looked around, and found a largeish box with foam padding in the shape of a person, and space for the plastic tray. She slid the tray into place, then climbed into the box herself.

"Everything situated?" the girl asked. Susan nodded. "Good. Open your mouth, please." Susan did. The girl reached in, pressing a spot on the roof of Susan's mouth. Susan became still.

The security girl closed the box and wheeled it out of the cubicle. In the other cubicle, she could still see the other security girl dealing with the nervous woman, whose nude form lay face down on the table. Her head had been removed, and kept repeating, "You don't understand. I'm a human," over and over again with the sound of electronic distortion creeping in. The other security girl was had plugged a cable into the open panel on the nervous woman's back, and was currently undoing her own blouse. She looked up at her coworker.

"Oh, Kelly, would you help me out here? I need to do an interface."

"Sure Jenn. I'll be right back."

Kelly wheeled Susan's box to the rest of the Cargo-Class passenger boxes, and returned to Jenn's cubicle. Jenn was already topless, and was bent over the table, propped on her elbows. Kelly hiked up Jenn's skirt, and pressed the hidden release in her ass. A panel hissed open in her back, revealing an array of controls and ports. Kelly took the other end of the cable, and plugged it into the appropriate port on Jenn's body.

"Are you going to be alright on your own? I'm supposed to be shipped with this flight," Kelly said, as she began to strip.

"I may need some help debugging Miss Hunt here. Debbi's programmed for security, isn't she?"

"She should be. She's a 5000 series like me." Kelly climbed into her own trunk. "Shut me down?" she asked.

"Sure," said Jenn. She reached into Kelly's open mouth and pressed her deactivation switch. Kelly's thoughts ceased.

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Post by jpetoh » Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:01 pm


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Post by rs5420 » Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:21 pm

Hmm, yeah, that could be a nice fantassy, playfull sex with a security bot in an airport. 8)

Well, i managed another version of the story, no sex and more believable:

Class C :arrow: by WilloWisp, modified by rs5420


Susan hurried down the corridor towards the check-in counter. She had been on time for her flight until they bumped the schedule up 20 minutes. Now she was running late, and she prided herself on her punctuality. She walked as fast as she could, her heels clacking on the tile floor of the airport, her long redish hair flying above her shoulders at each step she do.

The young woman behind the check-in desk was a bubble-headed blonde who seemed to ooze cheerfulness. Her nametag proudly announced her name to be Debbi, for anyone who cared to notice. "Yes, miss, how can I help you?" she beamed.

"I need to check-in for flight 2027, nonstop to Boston," Susan told her in a curt tone.

"Certainly, miss. Your name?"

"Susan Simms. My ticket number is 8052, class C."

Debbi punched in the information, then smiled vapidly at Susan as the computer processed it.

"Alright, Miss Simms. As a class C passenger, you are not allowed any luggage, and for security reasons, you must deactivate any external electronics prior to passing through the security checkpoint."

Susan thought to herself, "I already know all this. She's wasting my time, and I'm running late."

Debbi finished her speech regarding security. "Your gate number is 17. You'll need to go through the C-Class security checkpoint, just to the left. It'll be clearly marked." She then pointed the right direction to checkpoints and flashed a smile that seemed to say "I'm totally happy with everything!"

Susan took her papers and quickly headed for gate 17. She could see the standard security gateway, with people lined up wating to go though the scanners. Off to one side was a sign that read "Class C Security Check" with an arrow pointing to a windowless door. "There shouldn't be as long a wait for the class C checkpoint," Susan thought.

When she opened the door, she was greeted by a room full of passengers, with two security girls checking them at the front of the room. Each of the passengers held a small, grey plastic bin. Susan could overhear some of the standard security questions being asked. She took a plastic bin from the stack near the front of the door and waited behind a pretty, tall but nervous looking brunette in a business dress. Suzan adressed the nervous girl "First time, heh?", the brunette turned to face Suzan "Yes, first time and a bit late, and i hate all those security procedures..." and she finally smiled, breaking a bit the nervous look off. "They do what they have to do... Everything will be fine, you'll see..." Susan said. The business brunette took back her original position and said "I hope so..."

After a few calls of "next," it was the nervous woman's turn to be taken into the security cubicle. Susan waited a few minutes, but the check seemed to be taking longer than usual. Four more minutes passed. Susan huffed. At this rate, she was going to miss the flight!

Growing bold, Susan stepped forward, and knocked on the cubicle wall. One of the security girls stepped out.

"I'm sorry for the delay, miss. The woman in front of you in line has become a bit unstable. I can take you in the other booth." She motioned for Susan to follow her into another cibucle. The name tag on the security girl's chest was saying "Kelly".

The security girl took Susan's boarding pass and checked it briefly. "You are Susan Simms?" she asked.

"That's right," said Susan.

"Are you carrying any external electronic devices, explosive chemicals, blunt or edged weapons, or potentially damaging software?"

"Not that I'm aware of," said Susan.

Kelly then held up what looked like a flashlight, and shone it into Susan's eyes. Susan immediately felt her mood soften.

"Alright, if you would remove your jewelry and empty your pockets, and place everithing into the bin, then stand at attention," said the girl.

Susan dutifully began to do so, placing one by one her things into the plastic bin. Once she was done, she stood at attention as she was instructed to. The security girl circled her, examining her body and making notes on her clipboard. She then set the clipboard down.

"Alright," the security girl said, "I just need to scan you, and we can get you packed." The girl walked up to Susan with a portable scanner in her hands, she then scanned from the head to her toes Suzan, that was holding her motionless standing position.

Eventually, the security girl finished the scan, and also finished filling out her papers, She took the hand of Suzan and placed a tag around her wrist. "You check out fine. Your box is behind you."

Susan looked around, and found a largeish box with foam padding in the shape of a person, and space for the plastic tray. She slid the tray into place, then climbed into the box herself.

"Everything situated?" the girl asked. Susan nodded. "Good. Open your mouth, please." Susan did. The girl reached in, pressing a spot on the roof of Susan's mouth. Susan became still and fell in limbo.

The security girl closed the box and wheeled it out of the cubicle. In the other cubicle, she could still see Jenn, the other security girl, dealing with the nervous woman, whose nude form lay face down on the table. Her head had been removed from her torso, and kept repeating, "You don't understand. I'm a human... You don't understand. I'm a human..." over and over again with the sound of electronic distortion creeping in. Jenn was in the middle of a conversation on a cellphone, probably talking with the owner of the nervous women. She looked up at her coworker as she passed by and took a pissed off face, rubbing her forehead.

Kelly wheeled Susan's box to the rest of the Cargo-Class passenger boxes, and returned to Jenn's cubicle. "So, what's up with miss 'I'm a human'?" She laughed out. Jenn said "Well, she won't do the flight, her owner will take her back in a few minutes, i guess she's due for a nice chat with him about a couples of things..." she grinned. "...Like why her head could be removed from her body?" Kelly continued. Now Jenn was laughing out loud "Oh yes, and that was a nice move you made, she was on the point to make me blow a fuse with her empty 'I'm a human' complain." The girls finally recovered their professional expressions.

"Are you going to be alright on your own? I'm supposed to be shipped with this flight," Kelly said, as she draw a container box for herself off the box pile.

"I may need some help debugging Miss Hunt here, before her owner will pick her up." Jenn asked.

"Debbi at the front desk is programmed for security, isn't she?" Kelly said.

"She should be. She's a 5000 series like me." Jenn said.

Kelly was climbing into her own trunk. "Robot agent Jenn, would you please shut me down?" she asked.

"Sure," said Jenn. She reached into Kelly's open mouth and pressed her deactivation switch. Kelly's thoughts ceased.

The end.

Hehe, no sex and a lot of fun, isn't it? (don't throw tomatoes at me :P )

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Post by sarabot » Sat Aug 28, 2004 6:08 pm

i like the first one better. no offense, rs. i mean, doesn't make much sense but it's more entertaining that way.

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Post by WilloWisp » Sat Aug 28, 2004 6:23 pm

Hmm. Guess it didn't come across that the whole thing was a body-cavity search. Oh well. Clear in my mind.

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Post by Kano » Sat Aug 28, 2004 10:39 pm

I liked the first one too. Very cool scenerio. Best I've read here in a while.

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Post by tectile » Mon Aug 30, 2004 5:27 am

Sory, I have to vote with the crowd here.
A good story certainly doesn't have to have a sexual ellement but, around here it helps :)

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Post by rs5420 » Mon Aug 30, 2004 5:35 am

tectile wrote:Sory, I have to vote with the crowd here.
A good story certainly doesn't have to have a sexual ellement but, around here it helps :)
Yeah, i know it certainly help... :P I occasionnally do modifications on stories that i find here to ajust them to serve my personnal interests in ASFR. That was my first shot and certainly not the last! :twisted:


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Hey man

Post by droidlvr » Mon Aug 30, 2004 7:20 am

Hey man,LOVED your story!! And yes, while reading the part about the dildo I imagined that it was an electronic probe to be inserted into the gynoid's lower "port(s)" to conduct an internal system scan.
So once again,I love your story please write more like this one. Mean while I'm adding this one to my collection. :)

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Post by keraptis » Mon Aug 30, 2004 10:15 am

WilloWisp wrote:Hmm. Guess it didn't come across that the whole thing was a body-cavity search. Oh well. Clear in my mind.
I don't think it was clear that that's what you were going for, but nonetheless it was an entertaining read! Of course you just knew Kelly was going to end up in a crate too ... ;)

Well done.

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Post by WilloWisp » Mon Aug 30, 2004 11:13 pm

I wonder if we can still be surprised at the "reveal," discovering that some character or another is a robot in these stories. Our highly trained "bot-dar," suspects any female character in the stories posted. Especially those done by Mad Mechacow. Heck, I even suspected Camilla in the "Candy" stories by Fection.

It makes me wonder if we're starting to become desensitized to the twists.

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Post by tectile » Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:33 am

I supose there is some degree of desensitization around here. I mean, when you read a story on this board you can be certain their will be at least one gynoid somewhere in the plot. Otherwise why would it be posted here? You know the zinger is coming. It's all about how you get to it.

For me, it's always been about how well an author takes you out of your reality and brings you into his or her imagined reality.

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Couldn't've said it better...

Post by droidlvr » Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:11 am

Couldn't've said it better tectile,hey look WilloWisp just keep giving us what we need alright? I'm sure there are a million ways to "sneak" in a gynoid surprise. For me the best ones involve fembots who don't know that they are. :)

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Forgot ta mention..

Post by droidlvr » Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:13 am

Forgot ta mention that your story "gave me a raise". :wink:

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Very Good Story (Short, but GOOD)

Post by blake_sigma » Tue Aug 31, 2004 1:56 pm

I Liked the story alot, especially the first version. The second version was great and had a lot more details. I hope my story would be just as good some day (I got poor writing skills).


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Post by BA » Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:33 pm

That was an awesome story indeed. It's not the unexpected "surprise" that's important, its the context and concept that make a story for me. This has made the biggest impression on me since my first finds....

Well done!


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Post by WilloWisp » Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:48 pm

"I threw a pebble into a brook, and watched the ripples run away..." - Paul Simon

I never expected such a strong response, particularly to what was essentially a throw-away story written in the space of 20 minutes with no revision, and especially from some of the more influential and creative minds here. I mostly posted this story since we seemed to be in the middle of a literary dry spell, with a few welcome additions from Mirage and Darian_0 dotting the landscape. There have been more, but they come few and far between. I was hoping my contribution might encourage others to post their creations. BA, Fection, DB_Story, I'm looking at you guys. I'd look at Mad_mechacow, too, but Kishin seems to be proxy for that person.

For all those clamoring for "more," I do have one other story in mind, which I may commit to digital form sometime soon, although there are Other Things weighing heavily on my mind of late, especially college. One has to have one's priorities, after all.


Great story!

Post by Guest » Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:14 am

I agree. That was a wonderful tale :)
I also agree with more literary stuff... we need more!

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