The Vanishing Warlord - Part 8

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The Vanishing Warlord - Part 8

Post by ButchyBoy » Fri Aug 20, 2004 9:59 pm

When we last left our intrepid heros, they found themsevls trapped after hours in the China Gallery of the British Museum, chained to a very large loadstone, a magnet, if you will. Trapped there by someone claiming to be a 13th century warlord named Kiwan Shang. And now...
The large steel buzzsaw hanging from the gallery ceiling was making it's way toward Cricket at a slow, unerving pace. Weakened as she was by the effect the magnet was having on her, the little robot was able to estimate she had a full two minutes before the blades would begin to tear into her synthetic skin. As far as Harry was concerned, those two minutes were ticking by very fast. "Blast it all, there has to be a way out of this!", he exclaimed, pulling at his bonds. He looked over at his partner. Her eyes were opening and closing. "Cricket, come on honey, don't give up on me now." "I....I'm sorry Harry........Trying.........think of....." Her voice trailed off, and she felt her mind doing the same. Suddenly, she saw somethimg that snapped her right out of it. "Harry......look down there", she said. Harry looked down at the floor by Cricket's feet and saw a large pink object. "Is that...", he started to ask. "Yes, Harry. It's my backpack! And look how it's moving." The backpack seemed to have a life of its own and the middle zipper was sticking right up in the air, shaking.

Cricket realized what was happening. "Of course, my body. This thing we're chained to has magnitized me. And that just might save us!" "How?", Harry asked. Cricket gave the answer by sticking her left hand out as far as she was able to. "If Cricket can't get to her backpack...." Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was rising right off the floor. Cricket found herself with a sudden surge of new energy at the prospect of getting out of this trap. She pushed her hand out and down as mich as she could. "That's it......come on......come to mama!!! Guided by the zipper, the backpack few up right into Cricket's hand.....rather hard. She responded to the sudden feeling of pain in her hand with a simple, "Ow".

She managed to move her hand up to grip the non-metal leather holder. "The laser pen should be in there.", she said as Harry struggled to get the pack open and dig through the pouch. And he pulled out.....a notebook, some bubble gum, pink socks, sunglasses, a candy bar, and a golden nightingale. "How much stuuf do you keep in here??" Harry cried. "Hey, you're the one always telling me never throw anything away", she replied. Harry was about to agure the point when he felt a breeze caused by the buzzsaw that was coming very close now. He franticly dug through as best he could in the shakles. And finaaly sucess! He started to aim the pen at Cricket but she stopped him. "No, no you first!! You have to pull me off here. Hurry!!"

Harry quickly used the small laser beam within the pen to shap off his chains, and then Cricket's. And not a moment too soon. As Harry scooped his girl up into his arms and began to make tracks, the saw hit the loadstone, scraping and sparking against it, bringing down the blade that was to have be-headed Harry. The blade stopped spinning and it looked as if the two were free and out the door. But a cry could be heard off in the distance. That cry belonged to Cricket, and got louder as she ran...or was she being dragged back. Harry was right behind, trying to pull her away to no avail. They managed to avoid the blades buit now found themselves pressing up against the loadstone.

"You have the number of that doctor Betty gave us? In case something happened....You this??"
"Uh huh."

"Where's my stuff?"
"All that stuff from the backpack?"
"Uh huh."
"I think it's still on the floor over there."
"There's a lot of metal down there, right?"
"You might want to move."
Next: Chapter 9
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Sat Aug 21, 2004 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by DollSpace » Fri Aug 20, 2004 10:28 pm

Aww! Pink socks! How cute! And still suspensful! I eagerly await the next part!


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