The Nightingale's Song - Part 12.5

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The Nightingale's Song - Part 12.5

Post by ButchyBoy » Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:13 pm

Author's Note: This really really is it this time. The big payoff, the loose end tying up. I'm just glad i'm here to post it. (I don't wish a broncitius infection on anybody!) I did want to say thank you for all the kind words about a multi-part story I began posting well over a year ago. I was much inspired by the stories and happy endings of D.B. Story and moon-kittie. Also by The Thin Man stories, Heart to Heart, MacGuyver, stuff along those lines. Mostly, I wanted to create a very likeable gynoid, someone who without a doubt was the hero, and not just another pretty face who went psycho and melted down (though i have a place in my heart for them too.) So, you've all waited long enough I'm sure. Here we go:

Cricket finished singing, blinked hard once more, then smiled up and both Harry and Throckhammer. "Did I do good?", she asked sweetly. Both men were still searching for words after a full minute. Harry finally turned to the older man. "Everything in order there, Throcky?", he said, pointing to the screen. "Yes.....yes it really is!!", he replied, laughing shaking his head in approval. "All right, young lady, your turn.", Harry said. Cricket smiled up at him. "Well," she began, "I knew after last night that there was more than a 75% chance The Chairman would, sooner or later, get his hands on the nightingale, and that people would most liklely be hurt in the process. So, this morning, Betty and I did a" "On the nightingale.", Harry said. "Yes," Cricket replied. "We removed the chip that made the bird sing, and placed it here." She poined to just below her neck. "Then the chip was routed to my vocal processers. I just blinked to access it at the right time. That's why I told you it would be ok to let him have the nightingale, Harry. On the outside, it still looks genuine. And that's why I had to let you do all the fighting. I had to play the dum dum for this to work. That way, I'd be that last.....thing....he'd ever suspect." "But my nightingale, Miss Cricket." Throckhammer said. "The Chairman now has a nightingale that can't sing?" "Oooooo, I wouldn't say that, Mr. Throckhammer." And she just giggled.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Thu Mar 25, 2004 10:10 pm

The Chairman was feeling on top of the world by the time he got back to his penthouse office at GlobalCon. Old man Throckhammer, that goody goody Harry Lang, and that bucket of bolts....what was her name?? It didn't matter. They were all eliminated. And by the new year, the foreign investors whoud begin to move into the old cities. And he would rake up all the profits and just get more and more powerful. Yes, life was good. He just needed to check and make sure and make sure everything was going as smoothly as he knew it was. He turned on his flattop screen.

You know what they say, king of the hill one minute, a pile of dirt the next.

The Chairman thought for a minute this was some sort of bizarre bad dream. Order??.........rerouted??...........Old Chicago??..........HIS ORDERS??!!! This was impossible!!! Even if Throckhammer and Lang somehow survived, he had the nightingale!!! The Chairman quickly examined the bird. It was handcrafted in Theockhammer's stlye. Right down to that stupid "CT" crest just below the bird's belly. Could old man Carl have made a duplicate nightingale? There was no time was there. The Chirman quickly started the song. A few notes in, something happened. It sounded like static. And then a voice. That sounded like a little kid trying to sound all grown up:

We interrupt this song for this very important message to Mr. Chairman.

The voice then changed to that of a very familiar sickly sweet voice.

(sing-songy) Ha-Ha-Ha. I fooled you. Ho-Ho-Ho. Yes I did!!!
Your a mean man Mr. Chairman. Trying to hurt me and my friends. Not very nice, now is it? And I'm not gonna forget it. And I'm not gonna forget you. But hey, It's Christmas, right? So, here's the pretty shiny nightingale you always wanted. And all that food, that was gonna go to waste? Now, it's gonna be eaten. By lots of happy hungry people who need it bad. And it will come from you. You're the hero. And don't worry. I won't tell them what a mean, rotten rotten man you really are. So, until we meet again.....HO-HO-HO.........MERRY CHRISTMAS (click) MERRY CHRISTMAS (click) MERRY CHRISTMAS

This was far too much for The Chairman to take. He had been beaten. He a robot!! Throckhammer, Lang, they were bad enough. But he had been suckered by a fucking sex droid!!!! The nightingale kept tauting him over and over with "Merry Christmas" His blood began to boil. He picked up a heavy paperweight on his desk, and smashed the golden bird!!!! And smashed it again and again and again!!! It was all in pieces, strugging to work.
Buuuuuuzzzzzzzz whirrrrrrrrrrrrr Meerrrrrrrrryyyyyyy buzzzzzzzzzzz nevvvvverrrrrr goooonaaaaa forrrrrrrrrgetttttttttt

And with that, the golden nightingale was no more. "Oh....and I'm never going to forget you Miss.......Cricket. Count on it!!!!" As the villian stood there, his anger quickly left him when the saw the URGENT message flash on his laptop screen. The color began to leave his face. He knew exactly who it was. It seemed there were those even more powerful then The Chairman in this world. His hand shook as the pressed the enter button.
"Yes......Mr. Tanaka-San."

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Post by ButchyBoy » Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:52 am

Before leaving Old Chicago, Cricket had told Bill Decker, Betty Stevens, and her four-year-old daughter April, to gather everyone they could, no matter who, to the old Palmer House Hotel. She told them to spruce the place up, and expect the best Christmas ever. And that's just what happened. The word spred like wildfire among the few handful of tennats there. They spread the word out into the street. And those people spread the word thought the entire city. When Harry, Cricket, and Carl Throckhammer returned to Old Chicago late that afternoon, they almost couldn't believe their eyes. Hundreds of people were already inside the old, more than run-down hotel, cleaning it out, cleaning it up from top to bottom. And more people were arriving by the minute. Bill Decker found the trio first. "Well, here we are Harry. Just like ya said." He pointed to all the people around him, running here and there, as though they were on some kind of wonderful treasure hunt. "I, ah just hope there's a nice payoff to all the hard work these folks are doin'" "Oh don't worry sir, I assure you there will be.", Throckhammer told him. A certain female voice suddenly broke through. "Cricket!!! Harry!!! (gasp) Mis-Mister Thockhammer???" It was Betty Stevens. She stood there a moment like she had been frozen in time. The old man walked up to her and gently smiled. "Hello Betty. It's very good to see you again." She started to speak, but words couldn't come out. She just hugged him. The old man reveled how he had been looking after her in secret all this time. How The Chairman was finally able to drive her into where she and her daughter had to stay now. "But this time it's going to be different. I'm taking you...". She cut him off. "Before you say anything, Carl, I want you to know that it rally hasn't been that bad here. Even being in the shelter. These people need me, and you too, if I may say so." Throckhammer looked around. All these people, working, chattering, even singing, happily and together. "You're right. I've been away from people far too long. I've grown tired of hiding in the shadows. If I'm ever to defeat people like The Chairman in those phony cities for good, It's going to be out in the open and on my terms. Care to join me?" "Yes, Sir.!"

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Post by ButchyBoy » Fri Mar 26, 2004 9:16 am

The next day was Christmas Eve. The chefs and the food and arrived early in the morning and the kitchens were ready. The food and last preperationds were made for that night. Harry, Cricket, Betty, Bill, and even old Throckhammer pitched in. Cricket was able to spot about a dozen of her "sisters" in the crowd and rounded them up to make up the welcoming commitie, compleate with nametags. April wanted to help, so Cricket gave her and some of her friends big bright nametags and them told to help other kids so "they won't get lost in all these big people."

That night, it was a grand feast, unlike anyone there had seen in a long time. Every room, the courtyards, the streets, all were brightly lit, and alive with Christmas trees, tinsil, and decerations of every kind. Every table had a cooked turkey, with all the trimmings. Everyone in the city was there, filling the entire old hotel and outside. No one was turned away. And for that one magical night, everyone was happy, kind to each other, helping each other, offering seats, enjoying the company of total strangers. Cricket rejoind her friends at the head table soon after everyone had started eating. Betty made sure her and the other "hostesess" were treated to full goblets of lubricant. Cricket drank hers happily. It felt so good flowing through her. As the night wore on, Cricket looked up at Harry who was just finshing his meal. Cricket spoke a bit meekly. "Um Harry, please don't be mad at me, but....I kinda already spent most of my half of the money we got on this case." Harry chocked down hard on the last bit of stuffing. "Already??!!", he asked looking at her as if she had blown a few good circuits. Cricket smiled faintly back. "Uh huh" Ok, Lang, just play it cool. Don't blow your top. I'm sure she has a perfectly good reason for blowing 75 grand in one..... "And may I ask what you spent your half on???" Cricket smiled a little wider as shwe noticed a large man in red, white, and black boots make his way onto the ballroom stage. It was Bill Decker changed into Santa. "See you yourself, Harry." Cricket beamed.

Cries of "SANTA", rang out as Decker gave his best "HO-HO-HO". He picked up an old stlye bullhorn so everyone could hear him. "I understand we have all kinds of good boys and girls here tonight. And Santa's here to give you all what you deserve this year!" Suddenly, the back of the stage doors swung up and several trucks backed in. "Santa" Decker motioned several adults onto the stage. They opened up the back of each truck. What spilled out made every child there open their eyes and squeal with delight. "Toys!!!!!", they all cried. "Come on up now, careful though.", Santa Decker said, motionning the kids. "There's plently for all here!" The kids raced up, careful not to run into anyone else. Amazingly, the bigger kids were helping the smaller ones who couldn't run so fast. The toys were handed out. Girls hugged their dollies, boys raced their trucks, zoomed their airplanes, toys of all sorts were there. It was indeed the best Christmas ever for all there.

Cricket spoke to Harry while all this was going on. "I had Mr. Throckhammer keep most of my half, and used the nightingale program to raid a few stores." Harry just smiled, and kissed his partner on the forehead, hugging her. "You really are something special.", Harry beamed. "Your not mad then?", Cricket asked, looking up. "No, in fact, I actually most of my half too." Cricket looked at him in mock anger. "And what may I ask did you spend your half on??" By this time, Decker and little April were standing near them. Decker wispered to the girl to hand something to Cricket. It was a round paper, wrapped in a bright red bow. "Fow you Miss Cwicket. Mewwy Chwistmas." , she said, handing it to her. She smiled and thanked her small friend. "Harry, what it this??", she asked. "One way to find out, honey. Open it up." Cricket did so carefully. What she saw made her gasp, and what she thought she had for a heart stop. It was a certificate of ownership! A real one! Stampped, dated, hologrammed sealed and all. Most of all, she noticed the name in the center. She was no longer "Model 2QXR3". She wasnt't even a 'Daddy's Girl' anymore. The name in bright black script letters told her who she was now: Cricket Lang
There were tears in her eyes when she looked at Harry. "How?" she asked. Harry put his arms around her. "That's the great thing about being the only game left in town.....Lots of loopholes. The Chairman ordered you scrapped, but never bothered to take you off the "employee roster". So, Throckhammer used one of his names.....Mr. Kringle I believe, to buy you from GolbalCon, and I bought you from Mr. Kringle. Merry Christmas Cricket." 'Oh Merry Christmas, Harry." They began to kiss, and rather deeply, when the tug of a little hand pulled on Harry's slacks. They both looked down to see April. "I forget something, my young friend?", Harry asked. She held her arms up to Decker, who picked her up. She then smiled to everyone there. "God Bwess Us Evewyone."
They all smiled at her and repeated it. "God Bless Us Everyone."
It was indeed a very Merry Christmas.

Coming soon: A preview of Harry and Cricket's next adventure in London.

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Post by DollSpace » Mon Mar 29, 2004 1:56 am

Awww! *tears up a bit* Such a happy ending! *giggles*

That was a lovely story...and you say there's more? ^^ Can't wait :)

Good work!


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Post by UserJesse » Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:36 pm

Seems I've finally found more time to read more of our VERY talented FC members' stories...yay!

I really enjoyed this series Butchyboy....and yep, totally agree with Ryn, Cricket is a very cute charactor :)

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