Home Service Warranty Part 3

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Home Service Warranty Part 3

Post by BA » Tue Mar 02, 2004 3:58 pm


The air in the study was warm and still. Late morning sunlight steamed in through the open blind making the room bright and cheerful, bringing out the strong colours of the books and magazines filling the shelves along one wall. Across the room the small 3V was dark, the cream sofa puffed up and un-sat upon. In the centre of the room a huge mahogany desk stood alone, centre of attention. Designed for an age of papers and ink, the two big flat-screen displays poised on their arms were a much later addition but tastefully worked into the antique piece with as little impact as possible. The right hand top drawer was open, filled with the connection ports for the powerful house system, cables and plugs overflowed in a typical jumble of added modules.

The bright sun reflected Sarah’s deep blond hair as she sat in the big captain’s chair at the desk. It picked up the dark golden sheen where it hung away from her face, her head a little to one side, puzzled. It scarcely shimmered, there was no breeze to stir it and not the slightest movement from the woman’s awkwardly poised body. She was a little slumped with her shoulder blades down to the chair back and legs untidily spread, knees only just under the desk from where she sat, chair pushed back. She gazed towards the empty far corner of the desktop, nothing to see but the elegantly carved edge and the closed door beyond. Her strong face was frozen in the middle of a question, forehead a little creased in the centre, lips open and forward, one arm raised an inch from the chair arm, fingers stopped, tanned and cold like the rest of her fine body.

Sarah’s smart blue jacket was open, as was the cream blouse beneath it. Towards the window it had fallen closed but the black and grey cables connecting the open drawer of electronics with her chest held the other side back. Her belly and small, pert breast were the same light tan of her face, crisp and fresh, perfect to the last detail. Set above her breasts, half hidden by her blouse was the inset white plastic control panel where the links terminated in a power plug and smaller more delicate data link. Little lights showed her systems status as the computer finished its work, re-programming the smart lady after her repairs.

On the screen nearest Sarah, pulled around for easy viewing from beside her, was the android setup window. Most of her errors had been corrected over the last hour as she sat unmoving and helpless. A lot of detail of Kathy’s visit had also been deleted; these memories served no purpose could interfere with her character programs. A dialogue window recorded the long finished conversation with her malfunctioning responses now corrected or deleted to fit her edited memory. The last entry was 74 minutes old and read:

“I’ve set you up for a complete re-load and re-charge. You will be right as rain in an hour, see you around Sarah, and take care!”

Abruptly the setup task bar jumped its remaining distance and the window closed. Sarah moved from her long freeze and straightened up smartly, back upright, knees together with her hands resting on them. Her skirt remained rucked up showing an improper length of smooth thigh and a now a hint of her small rump, which she made no move to cover. She looked patiently ahead, silent and expressionless as her startup routines ran through on the screen and eventually finished with a loud bleep.

She gave a mild little indignant huff and took the first breath for over an hour. Frowning gently she straightened her clothes and carefully disconnected the power cable, coiling it away into the drawer to be followed by the data link. She clearly announced her internal power and disconnected status to the empty room but in spite of this robotic response, was a different unit to the error ridden malfunctioning Sarah that Kathy had left earlier that day. Her confidence had returned and she was once again an immaculate independent businesswoman. Any recollection that could dent her confidence, which could bring home the vulnerability of her delicate machine self, was conveniently removed allowing her character to thrive. She replaced the cosmetic cover over her panel with a final status announcement and stood up to leave the room.

Sarah remembered the pretty young dark haired tech at her doorstep and inviting her in with a minimum of security checks. She was aware that she, sitting in the kitchen, had repaired her but the details were missing. Her internal clock told her she had been offline for 75 minutes since the final memory, Kathy’s last words before shutting her down, which seemed only a moment ago.

She noticed her slightly dishevelled clothes and felt a little grubby. She had perspired heavily into her blouse and the slight aroma of sex was about her body. Not bothering to fasten her clothes in the empty house, she went upstairs to shower and change. As she lathered her naked body she pictured Kathy’s lovely pale face, half remembered in her kitchen. She was well aware of the nature of the call-out. Her malfunction was in a sexual-cosmetic system so she imagined the tech would have tested her systems. The thought of her helpless body in the hands of the younger woman, her panels removed, repairs made, tests done excited Sarah. She was proud of her body and her android nature, she loved that she was a designed system, physically and emotionally to the required specifications; maintenance was the strongest reminder of this. He regular servicing appointments were a blank, either she was offline throughout or her memories were deleted, only the occasional glimpse of a sister unit, dismantled and helpless at the lab gave her some idea of what must be done to her. This was her first home service call-out and the experience was a good one.

Sarah spent a long time in the hot shower, finding and probing her most delicate sensors as she imagined Kathy probing even more personal areas. The falling water on her naked skin and the lusting thoughts in her electronic mind led her to load a huge, body convulsing orgasm. She cried out, gasping for breath through her gaping jaws, braced against the glass shower wall as her repaired systems gave her all the pleasure she could take, then cooled the water down, cleaned and dried herself and prepared for work.

Immaculate in a grey striped suit Sarah stepped down from her hallway into the big double garage and tossed her work case onto the seat of the silver roadster that waited there. She paced smartly around the bonnet, heels clicking on the plasticrete, and swung herself into the low bucket seat. A long smooth length of her golden athlete’s thigh showed briefly below the hem of her skirt before she pulled the door closed and gunned the engine, loud in the closed room. The house sensor responded by rolling the heavy steel security shutters up into the ceiling. A big black SUV was parked in the driveway where it narrowed in front of the doors, it blocked Sarah’s way out completely.

She pressed her lips into a tight, annoyed line and her forehead creased down the centre, she didn’t recognise the vehicle and was not expecting any more visitors. She cut the motor and sat for a few moments scrutinizing the black windows and closed doors to no avail, the license plate was commercial and out of town, giving no clue as to the owner. As she scanned driveway for anything else out of place she felt her power governor automatically surrendering control of her battery output, strength filled her limbs until they practically vibrated and her sensory inputs began to route through a tactical application that opened in her primary system.

Sarah was extremely valuable and was fully fitted to make best use of her hardware for self-defence and security in many circumstances. This vehicle was clearly out of place in her home and she was not programmed to take any chances. She opened the car door and flitted across the garage to the cover of the doorway in one perfectly poised and almost silent movement. From this cover she made another running bound to the rear of the SUV, thirty feet away. She kept the rear door pillar in line with the driving seat and crouched low behind the bumper. She was fast, graceful and skilful but she knew that a well placed bullet would wreck her internal systems in an instant. The bumper hummed gently under her touch, the engine was running! She adjusted her poise ready to spring clear in an instant; being run over wouldn’t do her any good either. She began to slink down the driver’s side of the vehicle, keeping below the line of the dark glass that hid the interior.

Taking an unexpected stance, Sarah positioned herself near the door hinge and yanked it open towards her. Wary of any attempt to use a knife or stunner by the mysterious occupant she would be able to use the obstacle of the open door to assist any block or disarm she may have to make. She took in the interior of the SUV in a photographic instant through the gap, just above the shiny black mirror pod. Seeing no immediate danger she moved around into the doorway for a closer look.

Sarah recognised Kathy immediately, her face was logged in her mind after this morning. Running under tactical control she put aside her surprise that the young technician was an android herself. This was clearly the case as her control panel was exposed and she was clearly damaged or shutdown, sitting frozen behind the wheel. From her posture and expression she had deactivated while alone and had suffered some sort of failure. A smell of hot metal filled the cabin along with another odour, one that Sarah recognised but did not yet react to. No one else was in the SUV though the cargo bay was filled with boxes and cases and the girl’s luggage was on the rear seat.

After only a moment to take in the scene Sarah allowed her tactical program to secure the situation: she reached in and scooped the switched off Kathy into her arms and dumped her in the passenger seat. Diving in herself she tapped the reverse and park buttons on the dash and pulled the door closed as the vehicle deftly backed itself into the garage beside her own car. She cut the engine and stepped out of the vehicle, calling for the garage entrance to close. She shut down her tactical programs and her system control reverted to normal settings; she was a perfect businesswoman again and still had enough power to last the day if she was careful.

So… Kathy was a robot like herself. She had come here and taken control of Sarah, opened her body and serviced her vulnerable systems, reprogrammed her as a mere machine should be treated and yet she too was just a machine. She had had no idea that Kathy was less than human, if she had known would she have surrendered herself? She did not know. She needed regular servicing and maintenance and, as a machine, accepted she would be turned on and off as required by her owner and other humans. Another android was not the same thing at all was it?

She opened the passenger door and scooped the frozen robot out in her arms. Power to her actuators now limited, she strained with the effort as she turned and dumped her onto the bonnet of the sports car. Kathy’s limbs were stiff, her servos powerless. Her back sagged a little under gravity and her head lolled sideways to rest on the car’s power bulge, her tight little bum sat on the wing with her spine still arched upwards, pushing her stiff cold nipples towards the ceiling between the open buttons of her suit. Her right arm was still clasped towards her crotch with glistening fingers poised, though they had slipped out of the sticky bald slit to rest uselessly against her white thigh. Her left hand had swung wide as Sarah lifted her, the elbow crooked up into the air and fingers splayed stiffly. Her black jacket and crisp blouse lay open to Sarah’s gaze; her matching trousers were undone, knickers gone to expose her bald white sex, still sticky but now cold. Her legs fell heavily against the car’s wing, one low boot caught against the tyre pushing her knee upwards.

Kathy’s face was china doll white with her glassy blue eyes wide, perfectly crafted but lifeless. She had her mouth open and was a picture of anxious anger, all passion frozen in an instant. Sarah leant over her and peered at the black plastic panel exposed behind her pale chest bone. This android, who had carried out Sarah’s own repairs, was a Series Four, not up to Sarah’s spec at all. Sarah Hall 1 had been a Four Series before she had been replaced by Sarah herself…

The old Sarah had not been a reliable model. In the week they had shared, while the replacement unit became familiar with her new life and sale was arranged for the old; re-programmed for a new life, Sarah 2 had frequently had to correct her malfunctions. She had uploaded the drivers and control applications necessary and they remained in her system even after six months. No memory pressure had yet required their deletion. With confidence she reached out and jabbed a slim finger into the tech’s chest pressing a round button on her panel. Kathy’s cold white limbs jerked once as she started to power up and reboot. The tone of the double bleep that sounded told Sarah that she would start in safe mode, unable to function until whatever failure had closed her down was put right. She turned to the vehicle in search of the items she would need to access the stricken android’s system.

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Post by tc » Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:21 pm

Great story. Glad to see it continue.

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Post by solo351 » Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:38 pm

I love this series. Keep it coming!

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Home Service

Post by Pleasureunit » Wed Mar 03, 2004 9:18 am

God, this is awesome!!!!! So well crafted! You have the perfect flair for description.

I thought we were friends. How could you do a thing like that? I was just going to fix coffee. :faceoff:

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Great stuff

Post by eyebore » Thu Mar 04, 2004 11:02 pm

I can't wait for the next chapter, I like your writing style alot.

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Post by Korby » Fri Mar 05, 2004 1:04 am

Tip-top, old sock. Another excellent installment. I eagerly await the next chapter.
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Post by tectile » Fri Mar 05, 2004 6:06 am

I've said it before but it bares repeating.
"Absolutley first rate"!!!

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next installment

Post by Dark_Archon » Sun Oct 10, 2004 3:20 pm

Hey this was an absolutely great story, is the fourth installment coming any time soon?

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Post by Korby » Sun Oct 10, 2004 4:23 pm


I'll second that. I'd love to see a continuation. Or, indeed, pretty much anything from BA. I haven't been disappointed yet, not by a single story or image BA has posted.

More BA is more better. :D
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Post by DollSpace » Mon Oct 11, 2004 4:03 am

I enjoyed this story lots too...I don't believe I didn't comment on it before hehe...


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