Blue Chips Ch10

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Blue Chips Ch10

Post by General » Tue Feb 03, 2004 10:45 pm

Monday came just like it had many times before, and Daniel quickly slipped back into his normal weekday routine. He had lived one hell of a weekend, but now his roommate was back, and he had to deal with the mundane tasks of homework and classes.

Daniel saw Jenny again in their literature class, and she managed to surprise the professor with her sudden understanding of the Tolkien themes they discussed that day. Between answering questions, Jenny managed to Daniel a few quick winks, just to let him know she was thinking about him. Before he knew what happened, class was over and everyone started to get up. “Don’t forget, the midterm will be on Wednesday. Essay format, and make sure you review the themes we discussed in class,” Prof. Andrews said as everyone filtered out of the room.

Daniel caught up to Jenny who was waiting outside the door. “You did really well in there. I am glad that I was able to help you,” Daniel said while Jenny reached up to give him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you for helping me Daniel,” Jenny chirped back, as beaming and cheerful as ever. She was obviously very happy that she did well and made him proud of her. “Is there any time that I can come over to your room and properly thank you?” she asked.

“Err, that might get tricky during the week. My roommate is back, and I feel bad kicking him out of the room,” Daniel said, while trying to come up with a solution. He didn’t want to wait until the weekend to spend some “quality time” with Jenny or any of the other girls, but he was also good friends with his roommate and didn’t want to put him out.

Just then Jenny’s eyes glazed over for a second. Then she smiled and said, “Your roommate has a class from 6 to 9 pm this evening according to the registrar database. Would you like me to come over then?”

“Oh yea,” Daniel remembered, “That would be great. Ok I have to run to a lab, but I look forward to seeing you again tonight.”

Jenny came over that night with Lucy, and they had their fun, but managed to get clothed and cleaned up before 9 pm. Jenny managed to calculate “special time” that Daniel was available and his roommate was out every day of the week, and they started to get into a routine. Once a day, and twice on Thursdays, Jenny and the girls, or some combination thereof would come by his room for a little action, and then clear out or clean up before anyone came back.

This grew into a very comfortable routine, and Daniel found that things became surprisingly normal, for a college kid with his own robot harem. The girls were doing very well in school, and thanks to his help, Jenny managed to ace her midterms. Daniel also found that over the next several weeks, which were highlighted by thoroughly engaging and physically draining weekends, he was growing quite fond of Jenny in particular. She seemed to take the most initiative, and even though she did manage to help the other girls be more creative and pro-active, she always seemed to be the most human.

Daniel found himself spending time with Jenny outside of his bedroom, and he enjoyed taking for a walk, or going bowling with her, or just relaxing and enjoying a conversation. He attended the rest of the soccer games that year, and his girls did phenomenally. At the point when he had “modified” them, the team was 0-5. After that weekend, they hadn’t lost a game yet. The first few games they won were marginal, and it looked like the girls were still getting used to paying together. However, by the end of the season the girls got so good it started to worry Daniel.

It was now a cool Saturday morning in mid-November, and Daniel was faithfully watching his girls play their final game of the season. Over the past month or so the girls had managed to draw a pretty good fan base, and he now shared the bleachers with over 150 fellow students. He should be happy with his success, but in reality, he could only sit with his coat wrapped around him and worry. It wasn’t even halftime yet and the score was Stetson Polytech 32, RPI 0. People around him were starting to bet whether the girls could break 100 points this game. The girls flew around the field like a team of synchronized hummingbirds; stealing, passing and shooting at will. Thank God it was the last game, because he didn’t think he could take any more stress. He kept expecting someone to tap him on the shoulder and drag him away for tampering with the girls. He figured he would have time to tone down their playing skill before next season, but schoolwork, and the temptation of 5 willing and beautiful android women, had kept his attention away from adjusting their programming. When the final whistle blew, Stetson had won 97 to 0, and managed to score more points in the last 7 games than in the team’s history. He quietly slipped away as the girls were greeted by crowds of excited students, faculty, and local reporters.

The following Friday afternoon, Daniel had turned in his major term paper for Professor Anderson, and began to trudge back to his room. The days were much shorter now, and an unexpected snow storm had made campus a slushy mess. It was beginning to sleet and Daniel kept his head down and his eyes on his feet to avoid slipping on ice, and to keep the weather out of his eyes. He should have been looking further ahead because just before he would have turned down the street to his dorm, he ran smack into a large man in a black coat.

Daniel looked up and saw that he was standing before two large imposing figures dressed in black overcoats, and wearing sunglasses (which stuck him as odd since it was cloudy and sleeting). “Oh, uh excuse me,” Daniel stammered. “I didn’t see you there.”

“Obviously,” the first man mumbled. Daniel put his head back down and moved to step around the strange guys and keep going, when he felt a firm grip on his arm. “Mr. Woodward, please come with us.”

Daniel tried to pull his arm free, but it wouldn’t budge. He struggled and started to look around for help, but the sleet was turning to snow and limited visibility to about 10 feet. “Hey, who the hell are you and what are you doing?” Daniel shouted.

“Silence yourself, or we will do it for you,” the second man said coldly. Daniel didn’t see a black sedan pull up on the road beside him.

“Silence myself?” Daniel shouted angrily, “Who the fuck do you think you are?” He quickly reached his free arm into his jacket pocket, to try to find his keys. He figured he wasn’t going to be able to deck this guy, but a fist full of protruding keys to the head would at least get him to let go and give him a chance to run for it.

Just when Daniel had his keys positioned to take a swing, he felt a sharp pain in his held arm, and the world went black.

Daniel woke up without his coat or hat, in what looked like a waiting room. He was reclined in a very nice leather chair, and it took him a few seconds to rub his eyes and take account of his situation. The room was lavishly decorated, with lots of dark wood and black marble. There were a few other chairs like his around the room, and a coffee table covered in technical magazines. He made out a set of elegant, but secure looking double doors on one side of the room, and a smaller single door on the other side. A simple but stylish desk sat in front of the single door with an equally simple but stylish woman sitting behind the desk. She was dressed in a dark grey business suit, and had her brown hair pulled up neatly over her ivory skin. She worked at a simple computer and he could see she wore a small earpiece. She made eye contact with Daniel and smiled.

“Ms. Harding,” the woman said, “Mr. Woodward is awake.” She waited for a second, and then looked at Daniel again. “Ms. Harding would like to see you know.” She got up from behind her desk and helped Daniel to his feet. The smaller door opened and the woman led him through.

Daniel, still a little groggy and a very confused, walked through the door, and it shut automatically behind him. He entered a large office that was similarly decorated to the nearby waiting room. He could see the nighttime skyline of New York City through the large windows of the office. A quick check of landmarks, and he guessed he was somewhere in midtown Manhattan. His gaze at the city lights was interrupted when he noticed several forms around the office that seemed to be on pedestals. Some looked like robots, and others looked like mannequins or people.

“Quite a view, don’t you say?” a female voice said from across the office, nearly making Daniel leap out of his shoes. He quickly adjusted his vision and made out the figure of an average looking woman, dressed in a plain suit, and standing behind a large, cluttered desk. She appeared to be about 40 and as she walked across the room towards Daniel, he realized that she was Alison Harding, the CEO of Cyrex. He had seen her speak at last year’s graduation. His mind was screaming, trying to think of what to do, when he realized that she was waiting for an answer.
“Oh, um, yea. I always liked the view of the city at night,” Daniel stammered out.

“I meant the droids,” Alison said coolly. “These are the various flagship models that Cyrex has produced during my time here.” She said as she motioned around the room. Upon closer inspection now, Daniel could see that the droids seemed to increase in complexity from something little better than a trashcan with wheels to what appeared to be completely human.

“Oh yea. That is quite a collection of droids you have here, Ms. Harding,” Daniel choked out.

“I am very proud of what this company has accomplished over the last 20 years,” Alison said, her voice growing slightly warmer as she reached out and gently touched Daniel’s shoulder. “But recent events might tear all this work apart.”

When Alison touched Daniel, he must have jumped because she pulled her hand back quickly and smiled. “Don’t worry, Daniel. Can I call you Daniel?” she asked. He just nodded nervously. “I am not going to kill you. Cyrex is a good company and we don’t work that way. But we do have important issues to discuss. Please take a seat.” She said as she walked towards a pair of chairs in the corner of the office. She sat down in one and Daniel nervously took the other.

“Daniel let’s get down to business,” she said calmly, “we are both in a lot of trouble and we need to play damage control. I know you have been tampering with the androids I sent to campus, and you have done some phenomenal things with them. To be honest that is the reason you are here.”

Daniel started to relax a bit, but Alison could feel his tension so she reached into a small drawer behind her chair and pulled out two cold bottles of beer. She popped both caps, and handed one to Daniel. He took it cautiously and tried to relax as best he could.

“Daniel,” Alison said between swigs, “here is where we stand. You managed to instruct the girls and in only a few weeks they showed a remarkable improvement in both scholastic ability as well as athletic results. The problem is you got them to perform too well. I have the President of Stetson going ape shit, because the NCAA is threatening to launch an investigation. They apparently think that the school is using illegal communication devices between the players, giving the girls performance enhancing drugs, and they even think we recruited semi-professional players from South America. The soccer experiment is done.

“To be honest all I wanted to do was to give my college team a fighting chance. I used to play on that team when I was at Stetson, and we worked very hard to win our first league championship. However the last 15 years or so have been horrible. Cyrex wanted to test our latest droids to see if they could pass as human in a social environment such as college, and I managed to twist some arms to get them to play soccer as well.

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Post by General » Tue Feb 03, 2004 10:46 pm

“Unfortunately, do to your tampering, Cyrex and Stetson might be exposed for violating NCAA regulations, and our newest product line will be exposed before it is ready for sales. The advertising campaign is still in pre-production. If this gets out, Cyrex will lose billions in potential sales, and the board will can my ass. I should have never sent the droids in there; they just weren’t ready.

“That is where you come in. You aren’t guilt free in this situation. I have hard evidence that you committed at least 5 acts of felony computer hacking, and a whole list of various other offenses that could put you away for quite some time if you don’t cooperate. I don’t mean to threaten, but I want to put this in its full perspective.

Daniel swallowed his last gulp of beer hard. He knew he was screwed, and he guessed he had no choice but to go along with what Ms. Harding wanted. “Ok, I understand where you are coming from. I am willing to listen to what you have to offer,” Daniel said still nervously.

“First of all, we want you to shut the hell up and never mention this to anyone. I have a confidentiality agreement that you will sign before leaving that will bind you to keep quiet. Second, we are going to have the girls leave school at the end of this semester. They are going to “sign on” with a pro team in the Middle East, as far as the NCAA is concerned. We will say they went to play in Iran, and not even the NCAA can find them there easily.

“Third, we want you to help us get this new series of android ready for deployment early next year. You worked miracles with Jennifer and the other droids, and we need you to help us out with our entire product line. To be honest, Cyrex is based on a strong hardware background, and out software department is a little light. Finance convinced us to farm all that work out to India many years ago, but we got shoddy code back and are still trying to recover. We have to buy many of our modules from unconventional sources.

“I am willing to offer you a very lucrative position at Cyrex, reporting directly to me. We will give you your own lab and any equipment or personnel you need to get this line ready to go in 16 months. For this, you must maintain total secrecy about your job and remain completely quiet about the events at school. Do we have a deal?

Daniel found himself stunned. He was expecting the worst, and now it looked like he had nailed the job of his dreams instead. “Yea, yea sure!” he said enthusiastically. Just then he started to think about the girls and what was going to happen to them. “But what will happen to Jenny and the rest of the girls?”

“They will most likely be recycled for component parts after they finish up this semester,” Alison said coldly. “We cannot resell them since they are prototypes, and the experiments at school are complete so they don’t really have a purpose anymore.”

“But how can you just take them apart? They are more than just simple machines?” Daniel asked; again in a frightened voice, except this time he wasn’t worried about himself, he was worried about Jenny and the relationship they had developed. She had grown to be more than just a droid to him, and he felt that she had matured beyond her original programming almost to a sentient level.

“You are right,” Alison said with a smile, “they are very expensive and complex machines. They can’t just be set loose into the world, and we can use their component parts as spares for operational droids.”

Daniel knew Alison had spent enough time among her droids to develop a mental wall to their appearance of humanity. If he wasn’t going to convince her that the girls might be people, he had to try another approach. “Let me use them as my lab assistants. I will need to use them as a base reference if you want me to find a way to mass modify the new product line. Recycling them would be a waste.”

“You raise an interesting point,” Alison mused, “I was planning on assigning you some technician droids to help out but these girls are somewhat more advanced. Once they are finished with this semester, I will have them uploaded with our technical database and skill set. They will be assigned to your lab once you start work this May.”

“Deal,” Daniel said with a smile, confident that he had saved Jenny from the scrap heap at least for now. “I just have one more, quick question though.”

“Ok what is it?” Alison asked; looking somewhat confused.

“If you were going to offer me a position here, why didn’t you just ask me to come in?” Daniel asked, being honestly curious.

“Well what was I going to do? Send you an email? That would leave a nice trail to follow in case you didn’t take our offer,” Alison laughed. “Plus, Cyrex prides itself on its personal service. Nobody uses hired goons anymore and I really think it is a lot tradition. Plus the goons did put you in a much more receptive mood for any offers we might extend.”

“One last thing,” Alison said as she got up and started to lead Daniel out of her office. “Once you leave here tonight, you are to have no further contact with any of the girls until you start your work here this May. Do you understand?”

“Err yes of course,” Daniel stammered as he left Alison’s office and was greeted by a beautifully dressed young woman in the reception area.

“Sandy,” Alison addressed the woman, “Take Mr. Woodward down to personnel and begin his in processing. They should have all the proper paperwork there already.”

“Yes, Ms. Harding,” Sandy said coldly as she lead Daniel out the other set of doors and towards an elevator.

Over the next few hours Daniel was transferred between a few different departments filling out paperwork and signing various legal documents. Most of the documents were legal mumbo jumbo, but they summed up to Daniel signing away everything but his first born child if he dared breach the confidentiality agreement.

During this time Sandy was mostly silent and dodged any attempts Daniel made at humor. As she was walking him towards the company garage, they passed through a laboratory section of the building. Through small windows and open doors he could see various androids in various states of disassembly. Some appeared to be getting serviced and others looked like they were being broken down. Suddenly his eye caught the face of Rebecca Owens, the girl’s soccer coach. Without a word, Sandy turned and led him into that particular lab.

“Mr. Woodward,” Sandy spoke flatly, “Mandy and C4B28 requested your presence here. They have brought this unit in for service and are having trouble determining what exactly caused this damage.”

Daniel looked over and could now clearly see Rebecca’s current state. She was almost completely stripped of everything except her torso and head, and her naked body was suspended in some sort of service frame. Her hair and scalp had been removed and a multitude of wires ran from various parts of her body into a rack of computers.

It also wasn’t hard to tell Mandy and C4B28 apart. Mandy was a slim brunette dressed in a plain lab coat, and C4B28 was more of a robot than an android. It had only a basic humanoid frame, and sported many small arms with tools or diagnostic equipment.

Daniel guessed that Mandy was probably also a droid, since he noticed that Sandy would address all humans as Mr. this or Mrs. that, but all droids simply had a first name. He took some time and explained in detail how Rebecca was damaged and the resulting events. He would have been quite embarrassed to tell the story if he didn’t know that everyone in the room was a robot anyway. When he was done he asked what would be done with Rebecca.

“This unit suffered significant hardware damage that propagated to slowly corrupt her other systems,” Mandy answered coldly, “she will be scrapped and all useful and undamaged parts will be recycled.”

Daniel frowned but figured he couldn’t save every bot out there. He gathered his paperwork and Sandy led him to the garage, where the two goons from early that night were waiting in their dark sedan.

The goons nicely dropped off Daniel at his dorm room shortly after midnight, and he spend the next few hours getting ready for his upcoming finals before going to bed. He was happy that he would have a great job and that he wasn’t going to jail for what happened. But part of him was depressed that he wouldn’t be able to see Jenny or the other girls for many months. He closed his books and quickly fell into a restless sleep.


Daniel pulled an unmarked white van to a stop on a small side street in Greenwich Village. “This is it?” asked a blond woman in the passenger seat of the van.

“Yup, this is it. The one with the yellow awning; third floor,” Daniel said as he opened his door. “Open up the back and have Amy give you a hand with the large boxes.”

Daniel jumped out of the van, and let out a deep breath. It was very sunny today, and the warm breeze felt good on his skin. He had spent too long in cold computer labs lately, he thought to himself. Going around to the back of the van, he saw the blond woman help a shorter Latin woman out of the back doors. They both grabbed a large flat box, and he helped them get it into the front door and up the stairs.

When Daniel and the women reached the 3rd floor, he directed them to set the box down against one blank wall in an empty room. “Not a bad place you have here,” the blond commented, “much better than that other hole you had in Jersey City.”

“Gee thanks Jenny.” Daniel said with a smile, “I lived in that hole for 3 months until I could save enough to afford this place. What did you think Amy, was my old place a hole?”

“No Master,” the Latin woman said softly, “a hole would have been neater.”

Daniel let out a good laugh and gestured for the girls to go with him for the next round of boxes. He was happy and content at the way things worked out. He has been working full time for Cyrex for almost 4 months, and had made remarkable progress. The new android models were already 2 months ahead of schedule and were fooling 60% of the focus groups into believing they were real people. Jenny, Amy, Katie, and Lucy had been invaluable help in the lab, and each one of them was showing amazing personal development.

A condition of the girls’ reassignment was that they needed to be visually altered so as not to be recognized as the college soccer stars. Fortunately, Daniel got a lot of input in the makeovers. All the girls had their faces replaced with new unique looks. Jenny’s features were rounded and extenuated a bit, giving her nice full D cup breasts and shapelier hips. Amy was also rounded out a bit, and in a more drastic change her skin was completely replaced giving her a more tanned Latin look. Katie and Lucy had similar changes, and one would never think they were the same girls if you saw them in the street.

Daniel had managed to convince Ms. Harding to let him take Amy and Jenny out today to help him move into his new apartment. He was allowed to take the girls out more and more lately to run small experiments in social settings and go to product conventions. He had even convinced her to let him take Jenny home several times for an evening or weekend so she could “help him with work.” It was done with a wink and a nudge, she had hinted to Daniel that he might be able to take at least Jenny, if not all four girls, home full time once the new product line was launched; as sort of a bonus for a job well done.

When they were done unloading the van, Daniel sat down on one of his chairs to rest and catch his breath in the summer heat. Jenny went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water, and Amy came over to see how he was doing. “Careful now Master, you don’t want to over exert yourself in this heat,” Amy said. She leaned over him and felt his forehead, giving him a nice view of her augmented and evenly tanned DD breasts. She caught him looking and slowly opened the zipper on her company jumpsuit. “You like my new tits don’t you Master?”

“Oh you know I do Amy,” Daniel said, while he could feel his excitement growing against the confines of his company jumpsuit. Amy leaned forward and kissed him gently as his hands reached up to feel her wonderful warm breasts. Soon he felt his zipper being pulled down and he lowered his gaze to see Jenny take him into her mouth. She was always great at blowjobs and had only gotten better with practice over the last few months. In fact, as she got better he would export her subroutine into the latest prototype model to be tested. Cyrex had only heard raving reviews from its sexual beta testers.

In a few minutes, Jenny showed her initiative and growing personal desire when she stopped the blowjob and pulled Daniel to his feet. She stripped him down completely, while Amy removed her clothes and sat down in the chair with her legs spread. Jenny then quickly disrobed, bent over at the waist and plunged her face into Amy’s waiting pussy. Taking his cue, Daniel approached Jenny from behind and pushed himself deep inside of her. Amy quietly moaned, Jenny licked, and Daniel thrust away to his heart’s content.

The girls both managed several orgasms before Daniel climaxed. Afterwards, he cleaned up a bit and sat down on a nearby couch to cool off. Without a word and still stark naked, Jenny brought over a glass of cool water which he drank while Amy lightly massaged his shoulders.

“Ahh, life is good,” Daniel thought to himself and he watched Jenny’s naked form glide around his new apartment getting a few things in order before they all went back to the factory to finish today’s work.

The End.

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Post by jpetoh » Wed Feb 04, 2004 8:56 am

Great job! A new classic.

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Post by tc » Wed Feb 04, 2004 8:15 pm

Very good story. It kept my interest the whole way through.

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Post by DollSpace » Wed Feb 04, 2004 8:26 pm

Awesome story ^^

Can't wait for your next one!


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Post by htb21 » Thu Feb 05, 2004 12:33 am

Excellent work! I really enjoyed this series, i can't wait for your next work!

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Post by Baron » Thu Feb 05, 2004 1:04 am

Kudos for a well-balanced tale!! :D Something for everybody, with this one.
Assemble the ladies? I didn't know that they were broken......

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Post by sparty » Thu Feb 05, 2004 8:50 pm


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