Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 4

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Tom Cooke
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Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 4

Post by Tom Cooke » Sat Jan 21, 2023 3:17 am

The blaring alarm pierces through the silence of Sandra's apartment, jolting her awake. Her chestnut hair is a mess as she groggily reaches over to turn off the noise. She groans as she sits up, rubbing her eyes as she tries to shake off the remnants of her deep sleep mode. The excitement and anxiety she had been feeling all week comes flooding back as she remembers the importance of the meeting she has today.

Sandra rushes to disconnect her charging cord from the wall outlet, tucking it quickly into her abdomen. She hurries to the dressing room, her mind racing with thoughts of the presentation she has to give.

As she gets dressed, Sandra can't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. She knows that this is a crucial meeting, one that could make or break her career as a Junior Computer Engineer. She's been working on this project for months, pouring her heart and soul into it, and she can't afford any mistakes.

Her mind flashes back to the previous meeting, where she had almost lost power in plain sight, unable to keep up with the demands of the meeting due to her nearly empty battery. She knows that if it happens again, it could cost her her job.

"Come on Sandra, you can do this," she whispers to herself as she checks her appearance in the mirror one last time. She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves.

The bustling streets of New York City are alive with energy as Sandra, makes her way to her work place. The sound of honking cars and chatter fills her ears as she takes a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves.

But as she approaches the towering building of her company, she finds herself lost in thought, her mind preoccupied with the pressure to prove herself as a valuable member of the team. It is in this moment of distraction that she finds herself colliding with a man, who is equally engrossed in his phone.

"Watch where you're going!" The man shouts, not even bothering to check if Sandra is hurt before walking away.

Pain lances through her leg as she hits the pavement, and she quickly accesses her HUD monitoring, to assess the damage. Her expression contorts in worry as she takes in the extent of the damage. She knows she cannot afford to miss the meeting or even be late, and panic rises in her chest.

"Are you okay?" A passerby stops to inquire, genuine concern etched on his face.

Sandra tries to get up, but the pain in her leg makes it difficult, she grits her teeth, trying to hide her discomfort. "I'll be fine," she manages to say through gritted teeth.

"It doesn't look like it, at least let me help you up" he answers, holding out his hand.

Sandra takes his hand, giving him a grateful smile.

Sandra limps through the crowded streets of New York, her chestnut hair whipping around her face as she pushes herself forward. She can feel the stares of the passersby on her, their eyes lingering on her injured leg, but she knows she can't let herself be slowed down. "Sorry, sorry," she mutters to the people she passes, trying to maintain a normal pace.

Her mind is racing, a whirlwind of emotions coursing through her. Anger, frustration, and anxiety all swirl together, threatening to overwhelm her. She's angry at herself for not paying attention, frustrated that she's injured, and anxious about the upcoming meeting. But she knows she can't let this setback ruin everything she's worked for. She has to push through the pain and make it to the meeting.

Sandra reaches the building, her leg aching with each step. As she approaches the meeting room, she can hear the murmur of voices coming from within. She takes a deep breath and steadies herself, trying to push the pain to the back of her mind.

She enters the room and greets her boss, Peter, with a smile. "Good morning, Peter," she says, trying to hide her limp as she takes a seat at the conference table.

"Good morning, Sandra," Peter replies, studying her with a concerned look. "Are you alright? You're limping."

Sandra shrugs, trying to play it off. "I just sprained my ankle on the way, nothing to worry about," she says, her voice steady.

But inside, she can feel her heart pounding in her chest. She's never been good at hiding her emotions, and she knows that Peter can see right through her. She takes a deep breath and steadies herself, determined to give the best presentation of her life.

"Alright, let's begin," Peter says, looking around the room. "Sandra, you're up first. Let's hear your presentation."

Sandra takes a deep breath and begins her presentation, her voice steady and confident, despite the pain she's feeling.

"Good morning everyone," she starts. "As you know, the client's expectations for this project are high, and I want to assure you that we have taken all necessary measures to meet them."

She begins by recalling the expectations of the clients, the various meetings she had with them to clarify their project, talking about the different options they have presented, and the challenges they have encountered.

Then she talks about the choices made to meet their expectations, highlighting the features of the application, and the technology used to create it.

Finally, she ends with a demonstration of the application, saying that she is confident that the application will meet all expectations.

As she speaks, Sandra can see Peter's expression relax, his serious gaze changing to one of interest and satisfaction. She can also feel the attention of her colleagues as they listen to her presentation.

As she finishes her presentation, Sandra can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. She knows it was her chance to prove herself, to show that despite her past weakness she is a valuable member of the team.

"Excellent work, Sandra," Peter said with a smile on his face. "I think this project is ready to be presented to our customers."

Sandra can't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment as she sits down to watch the meeting wrap up.

As the meeting comes to a close, Sandra struggles to maintain her composure as she rises from her seat. Her foot is throbbing with a burning intensity, making it nearly impossible for her to put weight on it. She knows that she can no longer suffer in silence and must take a risk in order to alleviate her pain.

With determination in her eyes, Sandra grits her teeth and makes her way towards the restroom. She feels a wave of loneliness wash over her. "Why does this have to happen to me?" she thinks, tears streaming down her face. "Why do I have to suffer alone?"

But she knows the answer, her father's warning still echoing in her mind: "Keep your identity a secret, androids are not yet welcome among humans." Mary was a small miracle in her short life, a human friend she could confide in, but now that she's left New York she no longer has anyone.

Once inside the restroom, Sandra locks the door behind her and collapses to the floor, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Using her arms, she manages to pull herself up and sit on the toilet seat. She reaches for her injured foot, gently removing her shoe and wincing as the movement sends a jolt of pain through her body. She can't help but cry out in agony as she tries to assess the damage.

Sandra inspects her injured foot, her eyes scanning the surface for any indication of damage. She knows that if she wants to find the root of the problem, she will have to dig deeper. "Come on Sandra, you can do this," she whispers to herself, trying to steady her nerves.

As she carefully peels away the plastic polymer that covers her metal skeleton, Sandra can feel her anxiety rising. She knows that if she makes the slightest mistake, the slightest wrong move, she could rip her synthetic skin and expose her true android nature. But she has no choice. She must fix the problem before she loses her sanity.

"Please, oh, please don't tear yourself apart," she mutters, her hands shaking as she slowly exposes the intricate machinery beneath her skin. She takes a deep breath and continues her work, her mind focused solely on the task at hand.

Sandra lets out a deep sigh of relief as she manages to carefully remove the skin from her foot, revealing the intricate network of sensors and actuators that make her robotic foot indistinguishable from a human one.

Sarah delves deeper into the inner workings of her android body, contorting herself to get a better angle of view. The tension is palpable as she carefully inspects each component, her mind racing as she tries to identify the problem. She mutters to herself, "Come on Sandra, you have to find it. It's only actuators and sensors, it's not rocket science."

She quickly realizes that her pain is caused by outlier values transmitted by the damaged sensors since her fall. With no spare components on hand, she has no choice but to disconnect the faulty sensors. She will continue to limp for the rest of the day, but at least the pain will go away.

"I can't believe it," she mutters, her voice shaking with emotion, relieved to have found the cause of her torment. "I have to fix this, otherwise I'm going to lose my mind."

With steady hands, Sandra reaches out and carefully disconnects the faulty sensors, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "There, it's done," she whispers, a sense of relief washing over her. She feels the pain slowly recede as she works, her body finally free from the constant torment.

"I did it," she whispers, tears streaming down her face. "I'm going to be okay."

Sandra sits there for a moment, taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh of relief. But her relief is short-lived as she looks at her inner workings, the sight of them making her feel uncomfortable and ashamed. Despite her best efforts, she is still a machine inside. She feels a wave of sadness and frustration wash over her as she looks at her bare metallic foot. She tries to drive away her discomfort, but it's hard to shake off the feeling that she is not like the others.

In a hurry to put on her synthetic skin and hide her true nature, Sandra accidentally rips the skin off the top of her foot. She's in shock, her heart races at the fear of being discovered.

"No, no, no," she mutters, her voice trembling with panic. "This can't be happening."

"Please, please, please," she whispers, her mind racing as she tries to repair the tear. "I can't be discovered, not now." But it's too late, the damage is done. She's exposed, her true nature laid bare for anyone to see.

"What am I going to do?" she thinks, her mind racing as she tries to come up with a plan. "I can't let anyone see this. They'll know, they'll know what I am."

With a heavy heart, Sandra knows she has to leave the restroom. She pushes the ripped edges of her skin together somehow, takes a deep breath, bracing herself for the worst, and opens the door.

Sandra hobbles down the hallway, her movements hindered by the faulty components in her foot. She's determined to confine herself to her office for the rest of the day, desperately hoping her coworkers won't notice. She tries to keep a low profile, looking down, and avoiding any contact with her colleagues.

But as she turns down a hallway, she accidentally comes face to face with Tom, a colleague from the Security and Threat Response department who has often helped her since her arrival. She can't ignore him, but she's also anxious about the possibility of him noticing her damaged skin.

"Hello Sandra!" greets Tom, with a friendly tone, "How are you doing?"

Annoyed at not being able to escape, Sandra tries to greet Tom as quickly as possible, desperately hoping he won't notice anything wrong.

"Did you sprain your ankle?" Tom asks, concerned.

"Yeah! Shit happens, when you're airheaded" she says before changing the topic, anything to distract him from her damaged skin.

Sandra's heart races as she frantically tries to distract Tom from the top of her foot. But it's too late. His curious gaze has already fallen upon the strange blemish and he bends down to examine it closely.

As Tom probes the wound, Sandra's desperate attempts in the restroom to conceal the tear come undone, revealing the gleaming metal skeleton beneath.

Tom looks up at Sandra, confusion etched upon his face. A wave of panic washes over her and before she knows it, she's running, fleeing to her office, unable to face the reality of her situation.

She knows that her worst fears are coming true. Her secret is out and there is no going back. She will lose her job and her life.

As she sits at her desk, her head in her hands, trying to figure out what to do, she hears her colleagues talking and laughing outside, but she feels like they are a million miles away. She feels like a stranger, a freak in this world unable to comprehend and accept her.

After long, depressing minutes, Sandra hears someone knocking on the door. She remains silent, hoping the visitor will give up and leave. But the knocks persist and finally, Sandra has no choice but to open the door.

Sandra's heart races as she slowly opens the door, expecting to see an irate Tom, ready to confront her and expose her android nature. But to her amazement, she finds him standing there, remorse etched upon his face.

"Sandra, I understand that you are upset, I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable, but I want you to know that I'm here for you," Tom says in a low, hushed tone, trying not to be overheard by anyone.

Sandra's eyes fill with tears as she looks at Tom, unable to believe what she's hearing. She's been so isolated for so long, so disappointed to lose her friend Mary when she was promoted, and now Tom is by her side, offering his unwavering support and friendship.

"I'm sorry, Tom. I shouldn't have run away, I should have talked to you. I was so scared," Sandra says, her voice trembling with emotion.

Tom's heart is touched as he sees Sandra's vulnerability. "I understand, Sandra," he reassures her with a comforting smile. "I won't reveal your secret and I'll be here for you if you need help."

Sandra feels a sense of relief wash over her as she hears Tom's words. She's been so terrified that her secret would be exposed, and seeing Tom giving her his unconditional support is like a weight lifted off her shoulders.

With a sly grin, Tom pulls a roll of double-sided tape out of his pocket. I always have a roll of these, just in case. You never know what can happen," he says, winking at Sandra.

Sandra throws herself on Tom's neck, overjoyed at his foresight.

Tom asks shyly, "Would you let me help you fix it?"

Sandra nods eagerly, grateful for Tom's willingness to help her.

Tom closes the door and joins Sandra at her desk. She takes off her shoe and puts her foot on Tom's lap. Tom is speechless, seeing Sandra's foot resembling a human foot in every way except for the few centimeters on its top, revealing the shiny metal.

Sandra blushes at his gaze, "It's so embarrassing," she says, looking down.

Tom looks at her with a look of wonder and understanding. He gets back to work, knowing that he must hurry to finish before Sandra's coworkers come back from their break.

Tom gently spreads the edges of the tear, cuts a piece of strip which he sticks on the metal then applies the two edges of skin precisely so that the separation is imperceptible.

"Here it is. I'm sorry, it will probably be uncomfortable to have the skin stuck like that to your foot but you have nothing to fear, nobody will see anything," Tom says, a sense of pride in his voice as he finishes the repair.

Sandra looks at her foot in amazement, tears welling up in her eyes. "Thank you, Tom. Thank you so much," she says, her voice choked with emotion.

As Tom stands up to leave, Sandra's heart swells with gratitude. He turns to her and says, "Please, Sandra, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I don't want to think of you facing hardship alone again."

Sandra nods, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you, Tom. Thank you for everything," she says, her voice choked with emotion.

Tom gives her a warm smile and says, "It's what friends are for." before leaving the office.

Sandra sits at her desk, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging that she hasn't felt in a long time. She finally feels truly alive. And she knows that she will always have a friend in Tom, someone who accepts and supports her for who she truly is.

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