Lily of the Fields

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Lily of the Fields

Post by petey » Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:59 pm

I have the rest of the story outlined, but figured I could post the intro and see what sort of reaction I get.
Lily J adjusted her canvas hat to keep the band tight against her head. Even with the sunblock, she needed the wide brim to protect her face from the mid-day sun. She continued pacing around the perimeter of the strawberry patch as a dozen tiny robots picked the ripe fruit. She flipped a bright blonde braid behind her back and checked the time.
“Ugggggh, it’s only 11.” She whined out loud to no one in particular.
Despite the effort to protect her face from the sun, no similar effort was made to protect the rest of her body. A sports bra kept her large breasts in place. Tiny denim shorts kept her crotch and ass cheeks covered and largely dust free. Even with the cowboy boots it left a lot of skin exposed.
It took very little effort to keep the tiny harvesting bots from bumping into each other. Which meant that while Lily J had to be out here, she was bored out of her mind. She wished she was back on stage dancing, or walking around the club delivering lap dances. But all that was firmly in her past now.
Still, she moved from side to side as she worked, shaking her ass in the middle of the berry patch for no audience. She closed her eyes and licked her glossy pink lips while imagining she was somewhere else.
Two of the picking bots bumped into each other with a loud enough thud to break her day dream. She walked into the field to examine them and it didn’t look like they were damaged. Their baskets weren’t full enough to spill any fruit. When Lily J looked up, she could see the cloud of dust from the pickup approaching.
She hopped several times over several rows of plants to reach the dirt track between the strawberry field and the sunflower field. She had a big grin on her face as she adjusted her clothes and hat as best she could before his arrival.
The dually pulled up behind the battered SUV and trailer Lily J had used to get the harvesting bots from the farmhouse to the field. And from the driver’s side stepped out all two meters of Doctor Derek. Tight jeans, dusty work boots, and a red T-shirt stretched over his broad chest. He covered his short dark hair with a trucker cap and Lily J gazed into his deep blue eyes, idly playing with one of her blonde braids.
“Hello there, Lily J. How’s the harvest?” He smiled that perfect white smile at her as he closed the distance between them.
Lily J chewed on her lower lip a little and pushed her chest out a bit. “About the same as last year. I thought you weren’t going to get out here until this afternoon.” She kicked herself for not having a strawberry in her hand to suggestively wrap her lips around.
“Lily H’s exam was shorter than I expected, so I figured I’d get out here to see my favorite girl.”
Lily J giggled and flushed pink, “I bet you say that line to everyone.” She had to angle her head back a lot given her wide hat and the 20 cm height difference between them.
“But you still liked hearing it” Derek put his hand on Lily J’s right breast, placing his thumb over the nipple starting to poke at the fabric of her bra. Lily J cooed and removed her hat, ignoring the thud of two other harvesting bots colliding behind her. Derek stared into her green eyes and continued, “And maybe you should pause the little guys during your exam.”
Lily J gave a short, amused snort and took a step back to pull the bra over her head. Her tits stayed high and unnaturally round even without the support. The left breast was misaligned and a little smaller than its partner. It was only after she heard another thud behind her that she gave the pause command to the robots.
“Let’s go to the truck.” Derek opened the tailgate and hoisted a giggling Lily J onto it, leaving her boots to dangle off the edge.
Lily J licked her lips some more, slipping into a more seductive tone without thinking about it, “Can we make out a bit first?
Derek smiled and leaned down to plant a kiss on Lily J’s nipple. She moaned with delight as he gave it a suck and a nibble before kissing up toward her neck. Lily J moved her head to get his lips to hers more quickly. She took his head in her hands as they kissed deeply. Her chest rose and fell as they made out in the middle of the fields. She ignored the hot bed of the truck against her thighs. It felt so right.
Derek broke the kiss and whispered “Unit J04-6ff3, identify technician and approve access.”
Lily J’s chest beeped. She said “access approved” as quickly as possible before kissing Derek again. He let it continue for a few more seconds before pulling away from the farming gynoid’s lips. She pouted, but leaned back, supported by her hands as Derek went to the storage behind the truck’s cab to fetch some supplies, tools and cables.
“Any malfunctions or problems outside the logs that I should know about?” Derek didn’t look at the topless blonde as he said it.
“Nope, just another month of standard wear and tear.” She cupped her left breast, trying to smooth out the wrinkles from the under-filled repair job. It never worked.
Derek set his armload of supplies down next to Lily J, who scooted to the left to make extra room. “You know the drill, let’s start at the bottom and work up.”
“Maglock on tibia seals L and R released.” Lily J kept smiling whenever Derek was close, 12 times a year just wasn’t enough.
Derek reached into the top of Lily J’s left boot to depress the physical catch below the blonde bot’s knee. With an additional twist he turned the whole boot and removed the assembly. Lily J reached down and wiped some of the dirt off the metal stump with her finger while Derek examined the outside of the boot for damage.
Lily squirmed and let her one attached leg swing a bit as Derek took off his shirt and revealed his well-defined, muscular physique. He hadn’t replaced the cover for the interface panel in the middle of his chest below his neck and above his pecs. He connected one of the cords from an open port there, to a data port inside the boot.
She took on a teasing tone, “so how much do you lift?”
He chuckled and dropped into a lower voice and affected a surfer dude patois, “I don’t lift at the gym, I just lift my truck over my head 10 or 20 times a day. So, you know, 25 kilos, maybe?”
Lily J threw back her head in laughter.”oh em gee, you’re soooo stronnnnng”.
Derek posed while flexing the bicep on his free hand. After chuckling a bit more he finished the scan and unplugged the boot. He twisted off Lily J’s other boot and completed the process.
“Those boots are probably in better shape than the rest of me.”
“They’re newer than the rest of you.” Derek looked up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Don’t worry about it, I know I’m the second-oldest unit here. Besides, you replaced a motor in my hand two visits ago, so the boots are not the newest part of my body.” Lily J’s smile was only slightly diminished.
Derek unplugged the boot and set it beside its partner, not moving to reinstall them yet. He took the cord still plugged into his chest and plugged the other end into an endoscope. He checked that the light and camera were working before handing Lily J some cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol. He didn’t need to say anything else. Lily J took her right boot and started cleaning the data and power connections inside it. She didn’t flinch when Derek made a small cut in her leg right above the metal connection point and started to feed in the camera.
It always felt weird, but Lily J made sure she didn’t squirm. She could see the light at the end of the scope shining through her skin as it inspected her knee, thigh and hip joint. But mostly she just stared at Derek’s face. His eyes were a little glazed as he focused his processing power on the input from the scope.
His eyes refocused before he pulled out the scope. “That’s one bit done.” He switched legs and Lily started cleaning the stump.
“So, done any reading lately?” Derek was still looking into the middle distance as he said it.
“Master left behind some old Robert Ludlum paperbacks, I’ve been going through those.”
“Not going through fashion magazines like the others?”
Lily J shook her head, “It’s not like I wear makeup or buy clothes anymore, just this default style and outfit.” She sighed, imagining being dressed up for a fancy event. She had been to two as an escort when she was a new doll and loved it. It seemed like an impossibility now.
Derek removed the scope from the other leg. He didn’t have to prompt Lily to offer her right hand, palm up, arm outstretched to him. He made a cut at the wrist joint and fed in the scope. Lily used her other hand to clean her other stump.
“How about you? Keeping busy in big ol’ Bainbridge?” The smile came back to Lily J’s face.
“Nothing too much different. Still enough androids around to keep the lights on for my Master and myself. Had a woman 3 weeks back come in. Just moved into the house on Carter St. Had an android and a gynoid for us to check out.”
“Reasonably so.”
“New model?” Lily J was visibly not thrilled at the thought of yet more newer options for Derek to handle.
“Huh? I thought you were talking about the owner. The robots were both Latin models, I can tell she appreciates a good ass.” Derek smiled, still focusing his visual inputs on the scope. Lily J briefly rolled her eyes.
Derek closed the bottle of rubbing alcohol before switching the scope to the other arm. The light beneath the skin was even more visible in the arm than it was in Lily J’s thigh.
“Any chance you could find something to justify me coming back to the shop with you?” Lily J ran her tongue over her upper lip.
Derek chuckled, “We’ve been over it before, you know my programming doesn’t allow that sort of thing. I’m not going to screw over a customer.”
“Even if I screw you in return?” Lily J grinned at her own comeback.
Derek smiled and shook his head “Even if you screw me in return. Besides, nothing much has changed except they rebuilt the pharmacy that burned down.”
“I’ve been on this farm for 9 years, Derek. I haven’t even been to the Pattersons’ property,” Lily J pointed in the general direction of the neighboring farm. “And this is not a big piece of land. I would welcome seeing anything new.”
Derek stopped the scope and looked at Lily properly, “Do I need to suspend your personality?”
“No.” Lily J pouted.
“Are you sure?”
Derek continued examining the artificial muscles, carbon fiber skeleton and data fibers in Lily J’s arm and they didn’t speak. He broke the silence once the scope was out. “Are you mad at me?”
“Of course not. I just… Need stimulation.”
Lily J blushed as Derek squeezed her right tit.
“Not that kind of stimulation… although don’t stop. Ever since the, umm, part swapout I’ve been the low bot on the totem pole here. I’m not doing jack shit.”
“You’re doing as you’re told.” Derek’s submission to humans overrode his sympathy toward Lily J.
“I’m not serving like I should. Did I ever tell you I once made my owner $45,000 in one weekend?”
Derek smiled, “You may have mentioned it once or twice.”
“Now I use half of my processing power to harvest crops and the rest for self loathing.”
“Well, you’ll always be an insatiable fuckdoll to me.” Derek leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips.
Lily J cooed, being called that satisfied something integral to her original code.
“How about we do the rest of this with my dick in your mouth?” Derek put his hands in Lily’s armpits to help her get onto her stomach.
“Oh, you’re such a sweetheart!” Lily arranged herself so her mouth and throat were at the right level for Derek’s cock. She made her lips into a pretty pink O-shape for him. Derek dropped his pants and willed his penis to an erect state. Lily swirled her tongue around her oral fuckhole as the cock changed to a longer and narrower shape, perfect for a throatfucking.
“Now don’t be offended, but i don’t have any cum loaded up, so this will be dry.”
“I don’t care. Use me, sir.” Lily J squirmed as she said it.
Lily J was licking and pleasuring the unit before Derek was fully inside. But once he felt Lily J’s nose against himself, he made a little cut on the back of Lily’s neck and fed in the scope. He controlled himself and limited his expressions to soft moans as he explored Lily J’s spine. The fuckdoll also kept itself mostly still so Derek could examine her properly. Lily J contented herself to swirling her tongue to taste the synthetic penis and using the muscles in her throat that still worked. She couldn’t stroke a shaft inside her neck like she used to, but she could still rub the underside.
“Have you had any trouble reaching things on high shelves?” Derek didn’t move to free Lily J’s mouth. Instead the fembot lifted her hand to give a ‘so-so’ gesture.
“I’m going to need to do a repair on your right shoulder.” It was all the warning he had to give before cutting across the top of Lily J’s shoulder. He kept his cock engaged in her mouth… so she continued pleasing it.
“Yup, there’s no internal lubricant left.” Derek opened a jar and scooped a dollop of gel with two fingers. He stuck the fingers into the gash he created and started coating where the synthetic muscle touched another muscle, or part of the skeleton. Lily sighed with contentment. She couldn’t feel it, but she loved being entered in any way she could get it. Once Derek was finished he sucked the remaining lube off his fingers so he could dispose of it properly during his next flush.
Derek removed the scope then started moving his hips back. Lily J clamped down with her lips as tightly as she could. The technician android got the hint and flipped Lucy onto her back without removing his cock. The bulge in her throat from his member was clearly visible, as was the work she was doing to pleasure it. Derek closed his eyes and let himself enjoy the sensations. Lily J increased her efforts now that her partner could fully enjoy them. She didn’t mind that it only took 90 seconds before she felt the cock twitch in her mouth. She wished for some cum, but knew it wasn’t coming.
Derek fed the scope through the shoulder gash he had created earlier to inspect the front half of Lily J’s torso. Lily J felt the warm sun on her chest and sighed again, even if her view was framed by Derek’s hairy legs and nutsack. She wished she still had a credit card RFID reader installed in herself, just to pretend she was getting paid to fuck again.
This time when Derek pulled out, Lily J couldn’t convince him to stay inside her mouth.
“Thank you for the use, sir.” Lily J said it by instinct, a learned behavior rather than active programming.
Derek smiled and picked up the dermal repair kit. Lily J stared up into the blue sky as he used the glue and a thin sheet of new dermis to heal the cuts made for the endoscope inspections and the shoulder repair. In ten minutes, you couldn’t tell anything had been done to the perfectly clear skin.
He got Lily J into a sitting position to repair the last cut on the back of her neck. “I’m going to need to do a full data download too.”
“It’s the end of the quarter?”
“Yup. I know you hate it, so I saved it for last.”
Lily J grumbled and undid the button on the front of her tiny shorts. With some scooting from one ass cheek to the other she got them off and down her abbreviated legs. Derek kept the shorts from falling into the dirt, but refrained from lingering on her crotch. Where a fuckdoll pussy should have been, was instead a flat expanse of flesh. Lily J could swear the color of the patch covering where her vaginal assembly used to be was a different color than the rest of her, but Derek couldn’t see a difference. He politely flipped her and grabbed a thicker cord with a higher data throughput.
Lily J’s shallow asshole took the default, small plug easily inside it with only a little bit of coaxing by Derek to expose the metal behind her pucker. Derek plugged the other end into a port on the side of the truck bed, connected to the truck’s onboard electronic storage.
Lily J spoke, annoyed “data connection established. Uploading personality backup. Recharging from 12V Power, estimated 14 hours to 100% charge” She put her legs together, trying to hide her lack of genitals to Derek. He had installed the new cover, but she still hid it.
“You’re still a great cocksucker, Lily J.” Derek gave her bare ass a squeeze.
“Thanks Derek. Your Master must adore your cock.”
“I get no complaints.”
They waited silently while the download continued. Lily J was already missing Derek and wishing she could make the download go more slowly. She huffed as Derek reattached her boots, robbing her of 30 seconds of companionship. He also unplugged and stored the endoscope.
“Searching for software updates… Maybe your Master and mine can work out a deal where I work with you for a week. There’s always more hands than work in the winter…” Lily J looked over her shoulder, smiling at Derek.
“... If I’m brutally honest, while you’re the unit I’d pick, you’re not the unit my Master would pick.” Derek tried to smile back. Lily J pouted again.
“Maybe I could earn enough to get a new pussy…”
“It’s possible.” Derek was being polite. Replacement parts for a model Lily J’s age weren’t cheap.
Lily J grumbled, “Uploads complete. No software updates found.” Derek popped out the cord and Lily got back on her feet. She turned around and gave Derek a hug, pressing her head into his shoulder. Derek wrapped an arm around her and replaced the cover on his open interface.
“I’ll miss you.” Lily J hugged tighter.
“I’ll miss you too, but I have to go to my next appointment.” Derek pushed her away then gave her a kiss. He put on his shirt then walked away to secure his supplies in the toolbox again. Lily put her shorts back on, then her bra. She kept her hat in her hand.
Derek closed the tailgate. “Take care of yourself, Lily J.”
“You too, Derek.” She gave him another kiss which he once again had to end by pushing her back. She walked into the strawberry field to give him plenty of room to turn the truck around. He rolled down the window and waved goodbye. Lily J waved her hat back at him. She watched until the truck made the turn past the farmhouse and onto highway 97. With that, she put on her hat, shoulders slumped, and reactivated the harvesting robots.

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Re: Lily of the Fields

Post by xerxes31415 » Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:32 pm

Great story. I hope you do write the rest you have outlined.

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