Doll Warriors: Mona's Heroes - First Day

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Doll Warriors: Mona's Heroes - First Day

Post by Propman » Sat Jun 27, 2020 2:16 am

Hey, here's new story that's all about living dolls

The first few chapters will be available here, unedited, but for the full episode 1, I'll link to the kindle e-book. If it sells 10 copies, I'll do the same with episode 2 and so on.
Doll Warriors: Mona’s Heroes Episode 1: Kelly’s First Day

Chapter 1: You’re In the Army Now

The first thing the Commander said entering his small, cramped apartment was “I’ve got something for you. His crew – a bunch of 1’ tall dolls looked at the bags he was holding from the desktop they were sitting on.

“New vehicles?”, the slim Svetlana stopped mid-brushing her platinum hair, while Sarge Mona and Tzipporah stood ready in presence of their Commander. The tall Commander – a pale young Japanese-American man with bright eyes chuckled.

“Yes, but also...”

He put out the white plastic bag on the desktop, and the three 30 cm tall robot dolls approached it, curious. The shorter, long, haired Tzipporah, and the svelte Svetlana, still holding her tiny hairbrush, walked to the bag, and peeked inside, while Mona – the graceful sergeant of the unit looked at the human, smiling smugly.

“Ta-daah! A new girl for your squad!", the Commander reached for the bag, and the diminutive doll scattered. The young man pulled out a new box with a fourth doll – a slender yet muscled Caucasian girl with flaming red hair. She was inactive, staring blankly from inside the box, already in tank-top and uniform pants. The joints in her elbows were clearly visible.

"I'm calling her Kelly", the Commander said. "She's going to be your vehicle specialist".

Mona smiled, incredibly pleased with herself, and after a glance, she looked back at the Commander. "Can she also pilot?", looking up to Commander, while Tzipporah ventured inside the bag and struggled to pull out another, far larger box. The Commander picked the Israeli girl up and pulled the massive box himself.

“Well, I think the core programming has that, but right now… enjoy this instead of a flying vehicle, Sarge.” The small soldiers watched the box containing a jeep with a machine gun mounted on the pintle.

Mona's dark eyes lit up. "Heck yeah. Finally, we're getting some REAL firepower.

The Commander just sighed. "Hey, Mo, remember what I said, no fighting in the apartment, no shooting practice near the TV and my laptop. We’ll give it a ride soon." Tzi just giggled, while Mona folded her jointed arms defensively over her shapely chest.

"Sir, pardon me, but what's the point of the gosh-darned armed vehicle if we're not supposed to fight?"

"We've been through this, Mona.", The Commander started to cut the box with Kelly open, pulling the red-headed soldier doll out. Kelly’s red hair flashed in front of the blonde Svetlana’s face. "I will run in the League again, now that the gang’s… larger. I promised you guys I'd take you out to conventions for war games, but I also have work and…"

Tzipporah just chuckled, observing the Commander holding Kelly by her head, trying to connect her to the laptop. "Sarge, you and Sveta are too high-strung. I'm just considering this an extended furlough."

Mona sighed. "Am I the only Doll Warrior who treats her calling seriously?"

"Maybe!" Tzi chuckled, observing the Commander hooking the doll up to his battered student laptop, using a standard USB-5 cable, sliding into Kelly’s back.

"Mona, don’t get this the wrong way... I mean, it’s just a game for me." The young man started, putting the charged battery into a compartment at Kelly’s back.

"I am a soldier first and foremost, sir." Mona reminded the Commander gently, still standing in a proper, formal position. Svetlana nodded with approval, taking her sergeant’s side, while Tzipporah rolled her eyes.

"A soldier TOY. We were made to look cool; the mock battles are just a marketing ploy that works on Commander." Tzi smiled, crossing her shapely legs while sitting on the box, while the Commander typed in Kelly's personal data like her name and initial personality settings.

"Guys, I appreciate you all, really.” The Commander was visibly frustrated but smiled at Mona. “I like having you around and I said we’ll fight in the League as soon as I find the time. I want to meet new people and new dolls. And I hope you'll treat Kelly and any future member of the squad like fellow... uh... fellows."

Mona relented, smiling back and putting her hands on her hips. “We’re still at least one man… er… doll short. At least. We need five women in a fire team.”

The Commander finished the simple, pre-configured quiz and the data was flowing into the creepily smiling red-headed doll. Tzipporah walked up to the new purchase and ruffled her hair. "Hey, so finally I have someone I’ll outrank. Get ready for scrubbing the toilet, Private Green."

"Hey, no bullying!" The Commander tapped his finger against the giggling Tzipporah’s head. "Kelly's here to be a part of your badass doll crew, not to be bossed around."

"Sir, yes, sir!" the three dolls answered in unison, almost automatically. It was not a directive from the Commander, but a friendly suggestion… at least that’s what the Mona’s Autonomous Protocol interpreted the words as.

Kelly opened her eyes with a sudden click and a whirr of servomotors. Under her plastic skin, electricity began to circulate “ToyTech Doll Warrior activated. My name. Is …Kelly...” She focused on the young man staring at her with pride. “Are… are you my Commander?”

The young man just nodded. He leaned over, putting his head on one hand, and helped the stunned Kelly on her feet with the other one. Her and his eyes were almost level. Kelly smiled warmly, observing her new owner, fascinated.

“Hey Kelly.”, he said. “I hope you’ll be happy here.”

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Re: Doll Warriors: Mona's Heroes - First Day

Post by BA2 » Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:05 am

I like it!

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Re: Doll Warriors: Mona's Heroes - First Day

Post by Propman » Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:47 am

Thanks a lot!

The book is available here:

There's no sex scenes (well, they're 1ft tall dolls), and no damage/destruction scenes, to be more widely available, but if you like it, recommend it!

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