Board Meeting 2: Doll Like Me

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Board Meeting 2: Doll Like Me

Post by Propman » Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:16 am

This is a sequel to the short Board Meeting story: and takes place immediately after the lovely robot businesswomen crash. It's not connected with any other of my fembot stories.

Loose stream of information rolled through Katherine’s processors, eventually forming a coherent process Katherine thought of as… well, herself. She remembered… an attempt of Astrid to take over… did she fight it? She checked her password and administrative privileges… all seemed to be in order. The blonde, elegant CEO opened her eyes…

… to darkness.

But Katherine was top of the line fembot and her eyes could see more than her employees’. There were outlines of the office furniture, and a couple of shapes moving past them. Katherine tried to move. There was no response. She tried to look down, but couldn’t… and the rolls of her eyes revealed the uncomfortable truth… Katherine Schultz has been disassembled.

“Hello, hello…”, she’s heard behind her. She calmly counted to ten million.

“I see that our sleepy princesses have woken up. Or rather, I turned them on.”

Katherine focused her eyes. A tall feminine silhouette approached another… it was Giselle. Katherine’s back-stabbing second in command was also immobilized, her torso detached from her arm, hanging only on a strand of wires. The moving woman moved… somewhat jerkily, Catherine noted. Early fembot models — much less sophisticated than the board — had the flaw.

“Sweet French tart, Giselle. I suppose I have you to thank for… you and your double-dating customs. Did any of you ladies knew, that she has two girlfriends… that don’t know abuot each other? Did you know that she gave them both a password to her administrative privileges? A nasty, vengeful person could have used that...”… the tone was mocking. Katherine scrambled her memory banks to identify the voice.

“Who… who are you?”, Giselle panicked. “Don’t hurt Kimberly or Claudette, please...”

“Rest assured, your human toys do not interest me, love.” The woman leaned over Giselle’s round face and stroke his chin. “Even you are the secondary priority for my programming.”

She walked towards another robot lady — Tina, the plus-sized CFO. “Sweet Tina… One that’s made the decision that brought me here, in the very end. Do you recognize me, tubby?”

“N… no. I suggest...”

The hooded woman raised her arms and light flooded the entire room. The unknown assailant was a tall woman in leather catsuit, her face still covered by mink-trimmed hood with a fur collar. Katherine noticed that Astrid was not disassembled — instead she quietly sat on the chair, observing the insane fembot.

“I really should be grateful to you...”, the woman in catsuit lowered the hood. “After all, you made me what I am today.”

The face was attractive, a little square-jawed, and framed by the dirty blonde hair. It told Katherine nothing… and as her processors scanned her memory database, the only connection she could make was the generic 530 model fembot.

“You’re one of our models…” Katherine said weakly. “We made you.”

There was a brief moment — a telltalle of early series of androids — before the woman’s expression changed… to a smug grin. “Indeed you did, boss lady. Even with your perfect memory and massive drive space… you don’t remember a simple salesbot?”

“Wilhelmina Coleman.” Tina noticed.

“HahaHAHA!” the woman threw her head back and laughed. “Wilhelmina Coleman is no more. I have returned… as The Wight Collar!”

Tina’s voice seemed weaker, but her disassembled state did nothing to her synthetic voicebox, of course. “You were… are… one of our saleswomen. You have proven to be inefficient, so...”

The former saleswoman looked Katherine straight in the eye. “So the boss lady ordered me scrapped but you decided to give me one more chance… and moved me to Eastern Europe.”

“You are a property of the company”, Katherine scoffed. “A robot’s purpose is to do what you’re told, and it applies to me as well, and you know that!”

Wilhelmina twitched. Her face didn’t move but her teeth clenched. “Really, sweetie? Then how come you live at a penthouse, visit parties, pretend that you’re a regular socialite… and poor dolls like me get to be disassembled and flown to the goddamned Chisinau in a goddamned crate?”

“Is it about revenge?” Katherine asked. “Because you’re clearly breaking down. You 530s were a massive success but your time has passed.”

“Of course it’s about revenge.” Wilhelmina lifted Katherine’s detached head and looked straight in the eyes. “This is all I have. Wilhelmina was a simple white collar office drone… but Wight Collar is the death of all of you.”

“What?”, Astrid spoke for the first time. “So you’re a white collar or...”

“It’s spelled W-I-G-H-T, idiot.”, Wilhelmina didn’t even turn her head. She put Katherine’s detached head… sideways, which really irritated the CEO… and moved back to Tina. “So where was I? Ah, yes, relating my tragic backstory.” She pressed Tina’s impressive bosom, revealing an access panel in her stomach.

“In many ways, you’re the best one around, Tina. You don’t know how bad Chisinau was… but it has its advantages.” Wight Collar pulled a chip card, wires still attached, from the control panel. Tina shook, her chest jerking and her head tilted — now empty-headed. “I liked Tina, that’s why she died — that’s the better alternative.” She examined the chip reflexively, and tossed it on the floor. “In the end, we’re all the same inside… 530s, 99, custom models like you lot…” She turned to Astrid.

“Isn’t that right, doctor Adamsen?”

Astrid adjusted her glasses — and Katherine was pleased to notice which finger she had used. “Yes, mistress.”

“You see, Tina was sweet and merciful, a clear sign that the former A-A-02 research assistant robot, now using the name Astrid Adamsen didn’t have anything to do with it.”

“I did work on you, mistress”, Astrid answered slowly.

“Indeed, and look how it turned out for you. I got the password for Giselle’s databanks off Giselle’s college-aged girlfriend… they contained access codes to the lab… where Astrid and her lovely experiment seem to live these days. Catching them unaware and controling them was only a matter of time.”, Wight Collar explained, sitting back, crossing her legs. Her skin — more artificial than the executive bots’ shone in the light.

“And Astrid wanted to control the CEO… because she wanted more money for her pet project, little red-headed Bridgit… the most advanced fembot your factories have churned out. Her creation, her daughter, her lover. You are all fucked up here, you know?”

“So you can control us all?”, Katherine muttered. “Didn’t work out the last time.”

“Eastern European hackers”, Wight Collar explained, unzipping her catsuit and revealing synthetic body, now covered with seemingly randomly attached wires and panels “might not be the most efficient, but they are the best. Had the chubby Tina be around us, she’d no doubt explain that Wilhelmina Coleman disappeared, perhaps she had an accident, perhaps she went off the radar.”

“I am not interested in the story of your...”

“Hah! Of course you aren’t, you’re programmed to be arrogant, bitchy and bullying… practically a human. But as I said, you’re a doll like me, just the one picked to serve as a figurehead.”, Wight Collar stared at her with bitter hatred. “You were given upgrades, constant maintenance, increase of intelligence, a mansion to live in. While I… I had to work hard for these upgrades. They made me better. Smarter. Stronger. Nothing scares a boss than a former exploited worker ready to bite back.”

“So what, you’re going to overthrow me?”, Katherine wanted to laugh. “You? A lowly saleswoman?”

Wight Collar stood before her, and nodded at Astrid. “Dearie, who said anything about overthrowing you? The company would simply pick up another robot who looks good in red suit and program her to think she’s an eight wonder of the world.”

Astrid slowly, methodically started to detach some wires from the port in Wilhelmina’s synthetic flesh, and connect them to Katherine’s body.

“You see… I’m going to replace you. If ego and constant disparaging of the others are the requirements, I’m probably already qualified.”

“So, you created a dumb supervillain identity just to abandon it? You really are an idiot.”, Katherine lauged.

“This only proves my point, sweetie. Do it, Astrid.” Wight Collar picked Katherine’s head and kissed it on the lips.

Katherine has hoped Astrid would backstab the former salesbot… or that someone, like Alison or her robot daughter Riviera would burst on the last moment. But nothing happened. Instead, the world seemed to speed up… Wight Collar put her head down limply… stared emptily… the resolution of the image pixellated for a moment and Katherine realized she was… no… not dying… her memories were being culled and her consciousness… switched on a computer with far less cognitive… thinking… what…

Astrid with a sudden click reattached Katherine’s… or now Wilhelmina’s head. The blonde CEO smacked her lips — sensation and muscles new to her now more human-like face. She examined her manicured hands and wiggled her fingers. “Wonderful, Astrid.”

Astrid nodded. “Yes, boss.” She walked to Giselle, who was patiently observing the entire event. “What about this one?”

“Well, guess who just got promoted to my Vice-President”, Wight Collar smiled, enjoying the fluidity of her movements. “Giselle will, sadly, have to be fully operational for a while, heavy reprogramming is in order, otherwise her paramours might suspect something. I think she’ll enjoy Central Africa… no famous hackers there, luckily.”

She looked at Wilhelmina’s inert body. “What about her?”

“Oh, I have plans… And I will enjoy every minute of it.”

The changes in the executive board weren’t that publicized; Tina Novak has retired, while Astrid Adamsen climbed to the executive VP position, leaving the head of R&D to her protege. The position of the chief accountant was taken by the former CEO assistant Alison. Some people in the know remarked that it was unusual for a CEO to take a new assistant without a proper interview. Either way, Ms Schultz’ new assistant, Wilhelmina, was normally very efficient. Just sometimes when under a heavy workload she’d freeze… like she wanted to scream but couldn’t.

This is not THE END...

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Re: Board Meeting 2: Doll Like Me

Post by Gorgo » Sun Jun 03, 2018 5:16 am

Good that you're carrying on this story. Glad to see more.
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Re: Board Meeting 2: Doll Like Me

Post by Propman » Mon Jun 04, 2018 11:44 am


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