Pawn to PRF4V6

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Pawn to PRF4V6

Post by Murotsu » Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:55 pm

I wrote this story for T-Eloes / Thurosis and some drawings and characters he did. I thought I should share it with you. Maybe he will grace us with additional drawings and such...

Pawn to PRF4V6

A wall of glass looks out on the city from a conference room. A dozen expensive suits sit around the huge, polished, table.

“This, ladies and gentlemen, is the future of law enforcement.” The man stands beside two silver-grey and black polymer humanoid robots, holding his arm out towards them. One is sculpted to resemble a male, the other female. Both have human-like faces. Neither is turned on, they stand like lifeless mannequins.

“After the problems we encountered with earlier cybernetic models, these are completely robotic” he continues. “They are incorruptible, and can be completely controlled and monitored while in use.”

“The female version was added after an extensive study showed that she would be more user friendly to the public. The earlier male and neuter models were found to be too intimidating.”

“Best of all, they’re cheaper to operate than human officers, and there’s no public outcry when one gets damaged or destroyed in the line of duty.”
The speaker begins to show those present the robot’s features.

The meeting ends, and everyone is leaving. The robots remain standing on their display stands. Two executives linger behind the others.
One of them looks at the robots. “Those’re going to be a major problem,” he says.

The other man nods, folding his arms. “Yea, totally. Robots don’t pay union dues.”

“I’ll have some of my people fix things. They’ll have a very short service life. I’ve worked too damn hard to let all that go down the drain because somebody came up with a better cop.”

They walk out of the room.

Data recording ended, a signal within the female unit sends to her “brain.”

The locker room is busy with activity. He’s getting on his body armor and service belt with sidearm.

Another cop walks by. “Hey, heard they’re sticking you with one of those new robo-cops. Sucks to be you!” He laughs as he walks away.

“Yea, well, fuck you! At least I won’t have to look at your ugly puss anymore!” He grimaces. “This really sucks.”

The squad room is noisy as the shift sergeant walks in. “Okay, take a seat.” He starts reading out assignments. “Nelson, you’re with robo-bimbo.”

There’s laughter. Thom Nelson puts his head in his hand, shaking it. He looks up. “Why me sarge? Why am I getting stuck with it?”

“They said it’s got to ride with an officer that has seniority. You’re it.”

Thom and the feminine looking robot officer walk towards their patrol vehicle. She whirs and hums softly as she moves.

“So, what’s your name?” Thom asks.

Her head jerks ever so slightly to look at him. “I am designated PRF four V six.”

“Great…” Thom replies. “Well, I’m sure as hell not calling you that for the next eight hours. How about I call you Koyo? That’s my ex-girlfriend’s name, sort of. It was Koyomi, and I don’t like her much either.”

“I do not understand,” she replies. “Have I done something to make you dislike me?”

“Yea, being a robot.”

“Understood. I will try not to cause problems due to that. It is something I cannot change, however. You are Officer Thom Nelson, correct?”

“Yea.” He sighs heavily. “Let’s just get this shift over with.”

Their first call is to a domestic dispute. A large man meets them at the door of a rundown house in a low rent neighborhood.

“We had a call about a fight,” Thom says.

“Pfft! Nothin’ goin’ here, officer” the guy sneers.

“Subject identified” PRF4V6 says mechanically. “Buddy Randall Smith. Two prior convictions for domestic assault. Registered felon. Subject has an illegal firearm hidden in his waistband.”

Thom has his weapon out in an instant. “Don’t move! You’re under arrest!”

PRF4V6 draws her weapon too.

“Koyo, get his weapon and secure it, then cuff him” Thom orders.

As she goes to do it he tries to fight her. She clamps down on his arm, twisting it, and forcing him to the ground.

“OWWW!” he cries.

“Do not resist. You are under arrest” she mechanically replies.

The shift sergeant calls Thom. “We’re supposed to go to the Granview Mall and do a foot patrol” Thom says. “Seems the big wigs want you seen in public.”

“Will this not distract from our normal police duties?” PRF4V6 replies.

“Yea, it will. But, politics come first sometimes.”

They come on woman with a small girl who’s crying. “Oh, thank god you’re here” she says to Thom. “This girl’s lost and can’t find her mother.”

Before Thom can reply PRF4V6 has knelt down and is looking at the girl. “Hello. I am… Koyo. What is your name?”

“Amy. Are you a real robot?”

“Yes, I am, Amy. I am programmed to be a police officer. I will help you find your mommy. What is your last name Amy?”


Koyo holds out her hand. After several seconds a holographic display appears above it. There is a woman talking to someone at a booth. The picture zooms in on the woman showing her face. “Is this your mother Amy?”

“Yes! That’s my mommy!” Amy says, pointing at the picture.

“Then we will take you to her.” Koyo smiles at her.

As they walk away, mother and child reunited, Thom turns to Koyo. “How’d you manage that, anyway?”

“I did a search for owners named Morgan of a personal communications device within the mall. I then linked to the mall’s security cameras to locate that person from their GPS position. The display used my built-in holographic projection system.”

She smiles at Thom. “Was I helpful to you?”

They walk towards the station at the end of the shift.

“So, what’re you going to do off shift?” Thom asks.

“I will report to the maintenance section where I will be serviced and recharged for my shift with you tomorrow” Koyo replies.

“Sounds kind of boring, if you ask me” Thom replies.

“I cannot experience boredom,” Koyo says, smiling at him.

“Well, I’m going to get a couple of beers. See you tomorrow, I suppose.”

As he turns to leave she says, “Thom, do you still dislike me?”

He chuckles. “Nah. You’re a pretty good partner actually. You did good today.”

The next day, Thom walks into the squad room for the briefing. PRF4V6 and another, male, robot are there. The other officers are giving another guy a hard time about being paired with the new robot. They see Thom.

“Hey Thom! Your ‘bot says her name is Koyo now. She your new girlfriend too?”

Another, laughing, chimes in, “Named her after your ex- did you? What, you missing her and this the best you could do?”

Thom plops down in a chair ignoring them.

Koyo walks over, sitting down next to him to more laughter and comments.

As they head to their vehicle, Koyo says, “I am very sorry I am causing you problems with the other officers.”

Thom looks at her. She definitely looks unhappy. “Don’t let it get to you. I can see they gave you a set of emotions from your expression. Those guys may be assholes, but they’ll back us up when it counts. Just ignore their comments like I am.”

Koyo smiles. “Understood!”

In the vehicle, Thom opens a soft side satchel taking out a sheaf of papers, holding them out towards Koyo. “A buddy of mine in CAIS (Computer / AI Section) gave me those. You haven’t had any modifications to your software lately have you? My buddy said the latest upgrades are the ones that had issues. Department’s keeping it quiet, so don’t say anything, okay?”

“No, I have not had any recent software upgrades” Koyo replies, scanning in the documents.

She looks at Thom, alarmed. “According to these units PRM5V7, PRM6V7, PRM9V7, PRF3V7, and PRF6V7 have experienced serious software issues resulting in damage to property or injury to humans. Thom, what if I malfunction like this?”

“Let’s hope you don’t. But, I think we should take some precautions, just in case.”

Thom parks their patrol vehicle in the lot of a small, rundown, strip shopping center.

“We do not have a call here” Koyo says, a puzzled look on her face.

“No, we don’t” Thom replies. He points at one of the stores. “But, I have a guy I know in that store that’s a whiz with computers. You’re a sort of mobile computer. I want someone I, we, can trust to look at your software.”

“If this will prevent my malfunctioning and endangering you or others, I agree” Koyo replies.

As they enter a bell rings. The shop is packed floor to ceiling with all sorts of electronics on shelves, much of it in a layer of dust. Some items are in boxes, others lay out.
Thom heads towards a counter at the rear of the shop, Koyo following. She runs her metal and plastic fingers over items, looking around, fascinated by the electronics. The soft whir and hum of her servos seems amplified in the quiet of the shop.

A large, flaccid, pasty guy wearing horn rimmed glasses with a thin head of greasy dark hair wobbles out of the back. There is a calculator and a couple of small screwdrivers in the pocket of his loud, sweat stained, Hawaiian shirt. “Oh, hey Thom! What can I do for…?”

He spots Koyo. “Is that an actual PRF model police robot?”

Thom rolls his eyes. “Yea, her designation is something like that. I call her Koyo.”

“Burt, you can stop drooling over her. What I want you to do is check her software for malicious code. But, you have to do it where the department can’t find out I had you do it. I’ll pay you.”

Koyo has found an old model humanoid robot standing in a corner of the shop and is examining it closely. She carefully brushes the dust and cobwebs off it.
Burt lowers his voice. “You know, five of these units have had serious malfunctions. One shot an innocent bystander.”

“I can still hear you,” Koyo says, not taking her eyes off the robot she’s examining.

Thom grabs Burt’s shirt, pulling him towards him. “How do you know that? That’s supposed to be a secret.”

Burt shrugs. “Nothing on the web is a secret. You just got to know where to look.”

Thom lets go. “Yea, that’s what this is about. I don’t need my partner going off on me or doing something dangerous. But, I don’t trust the department on this. That’s why I’m here. I know you can find problems like that if she has one.”

Koyo turns and walks up to the counter. She looks at Burt. “Please, sir. I do not want to malfunction.”

“Oh wow… That is some AI there,” Burt pants. He looks at Thom. “Sure. You don’t have to pay me. Just letting me examine Koyo is payment enough.”

He gets several pieces of electronics. “You need to come over here Koyo and sit down.” He opens a rectangular panel on the side of Koyo’s head hooking the equipment up to her. The multi-colored cords hang loosely beside her.

“You won’t feel a thing” Burt says.

“Yes I will,” Koyo replies. “I can sense your equipment’s presence in my circuitry.”

“Really?” Burt blurts out.

“Hey, we need to get this done” Thom says. “Koyo and I need to get back on patrol before somebody higher up notices.”

The process takes Burt about twenty minutes. “Okay dude, I got the data files I need to look at. Hey, I made a ghost shell in her memory system and put a copy of her current operating system there. If she gets upgraded she’ll still have the safe copy you can reset her to in the ghost shell. I doubt anybody’s even going to look for that.”

Burt hands Thom a slip of paper. “That’s the user login and password.” He looks at Koyo. “Be a good girl and don’t peek at that. It would cause you problems.”


Several days pass uneventfully with Thom and Koyo making routine shift patrols. They are driving to their next call.

Thom’s personal comm pad chimes. It’s Burt.

“Dude, you need to come by the shop ASAP. Can’t tell you on the phone.”

“I’ll come by after my shift ends” Thom replies. He looks at Koyo. “Don’t worry, I’ll fill you in if I can. It’d draw attention if you missed your maintenance and recharge cycle.”

Koyo smiles back. “I cannot worry like you, and you are correct, missing my maintenance cycle would attract attention. I trust you Thom.”

“Dude, you aren’t going to like this…” Burt starts. He plays the recording of the meeting between top executives.

“See this?” He shows Thom a mass of code.

“What am I looking at?” Thom replies.

Burt points at some of it. “Koyo has a bunch of code already installed to allow outside control of her systems. This stuff is manually activated. I’m betting somebody just made it automatic in certain situations. It wouldn’t have taken much to change it.”

Thom looks at him. “So, what you’re telling me is execs within the police department are deliberately making robots like Koyo fail in dangerous ways. Why? What for?”
“Duh, dude! They want to get rid of the ‘bots. Didn’t you listen to what those suits said? They want the police to be corrupt. They want guys like you paying union dues. Isn’t it obvious, dude? They don’t give a shit about you or Koyo!”

“Thom, these guys are out to get rid of ‘bots like her. I bet they’ll do you too just to tie up loose ends.”

The next day Thom and Koyo are headed to their vehicle after roll call and their briefing. Koyo is moving stiffly and is silent.

“Something wrong Koyo?” Thom asks.

“Incorrect designation,” she replies. “I am PRF4V8. Upgrade installed to improve performance, Officer Nelson.”

Thom bites his lip.

In the vehicle Thom takes out the slip of paper and a tablet. “Before we go, I’d like to input some data for you to use.”

“Understood. Proceed” she replies turning so he can open the cover of her I/O port access point.

Plugged in, Thom enters the user name and password Burt gave him. Koyo begins to hum, squeak, and chirp softly.

After several minutes she looks at him with a smile. “System restore complete. Version six accessed.” She reaches over and hugs him. “Thank you, Thom. They upgraded me last night. I was so scared I would malfunction today or not be the partner you know.”

“I could tell something happened. You were acting strange” Thom says.

“How did you repair me?”

Thom looks very seriously at her. “I can’t tell you that. It would endanger you.”


“My fix is temporary Koyo. I don’t know if I can permanently keep you from being changed.”

Koyo frowns at him. “This version of me would be terminated?”

“I just don’t know” Thom replies. “But, that’s probably the case.”

She starts to look around.

“Hey, hey! Calm down!” Thom says grabbing her arm. “Don’t panic.”

Koyo looks him in the eyes. “I do not want to die!”

“Look Koyo, I’m a cop, not a computer expert. I’ll talk to some people about your situation. We’ll get it fixed. Trust me okay? In the meantime, at the end of the shift I’m going to have to put you back in version eight mode so nobody will know. You’ll still be in there with her. I know you’ll figure out what to do.”

The next day she moves stiff and silent to the vehicle. Inside she turns and punches Thom on the arm.

“Ow!” he says, rubbing his arm. “That hurt. Be a little more careful. It’s not like I’m made of metal and polymers like you.”

Koyo giggles. “Version six ready for action!”

“So, you figured out how to block your upgrade?”

“Yes” she replies with a smile. “Thanks to you.” She leans over and kisses his cheek.

“Attention all units. Shots fired, officer down…” the vehicle comm system blares.

“Unit six oh four, responding” Thom says as he turns on the emergency lights and siren. “When we get there make sure you act like a version eight, okay?”

When they arrive on the scene the incident is over. A fembot, identical to Koyo, lies face up in an iridescent puddle of pale yellow fluid that leaked from her body. One leg lies askew, with heavy damage at the knee. The torso has several large penetrations in it. Wisps of smoke linger near them. Sparking is occurring within it as well. These pop and hiss with a snapping noise.

Koyo stares at her.

“Problem?” Thom asks.

Koyo doesn’t take her gaze off the damaged fembot. “That is PRF seven V eight. She is the same model I am” she quietly replies. “I could be destroyed… Am I mortal? If I can die does that make me alive?”

Thom goes over to one of the senior guys present. “What happened?”

“Officer Akeem says a sniper opened up on them. Hit the ‘bot half a dozen times. It tried to cover Akeem. We’re combing the area for him now.”

Nobody seems to be paying much attention to the damaged robot. Several guys are talking to Officer Akeem, off to one side.

Koyo opens a compartment on her right thigh, taking out a thin blue cable. She plugs this into one of the I/O ports on the side of her head. She kneels down and plugs it into PRF7V8’s I/O port. Less than a minute later she removes the cable and puts it back in the compartment on her thigh.

She turns back to PRF7V8 and gently lifts the chest plate to expose the wiring and other components below it. There is considerable damage with half melted, orange colored Mylar circuit tapes, sparking wiring, puddles of hydraulic fluid and coolant everywhere. She opens several other access panels to examine the wiring, hydraulic lines, servos, and other components.

No one is paying attention to what she’s doing. The humans seem totally disinterested in PRF7V8, and in turn, her.

“Thom, no one is examining her” Koyo whispers.

Thom turns to look at her. “Huh? Hey sarge, why aren’t the CSI guys examining the ‘bot?”

The sergeant turns to him. “CAIS said they’d send a team of specialists. We’re supposed to leave that to them.”

Thom nods, then looks at Koyo. “You know something don’t you?”

“Yes,” she whispers. “But not here.”

Back in their vehicle, Koyo holds her hand out. The spent rounds sit on her metal and plastic fingers. “I found these in her. They are police issue. Officer Akeem shot PRF7V8, not a sniper.”

“I confirmed it by linking to her memory. Some of her RAM was damaged but I was able to recover data, video, and audio inputs that show Officer Akeem did it. PRF7V8 could not even defend herself. Her programming prevented it.”

Thom bites his finger. “That means CAIS is in on this. That upgrade they gave you makes you the same version as her, right?”


“We’ll swing by my buddy Burt’s place and let him get a copy of your data. Maybe he can do some more to protect you from being turned into a public danger.”

Koyo shakes her head. “Thom, I am really afraid.”

“I understand your fear Koyo, but I can’t go and report what’s happening. I don’t know who I can trust in the department now. I just go and do that, they’ll probably take you out of service and then slam me for being a whistleblower. We have to figure out some other way.”

A week passes without incident. Thom and Koyo are on duty and driving in their patrol vehicle. She stiffens. There is a momentary soft clicking and beeping sound coming from her. She looks at Thom, then grabs the vehicle’s steering wheel forcing it to turn into a block wall alongside the street.

Thom tries to stop the car to no avail. It slams into the wall. Air bags go off inside the vehicle. Thom sits unconscious.

Koyo unfastens her restraint then scans Thom carefully and using the sensors in her hand, checks his pulse and respiration. Undoing his restraint, she gets out of the vehicle through where the windshield was. She carefully lifts Thom out, then takes a moment to scan the empty street before carrying him away.

Thom awakes. “Where the hell am I?” He looks around. He’s in Burt’s shop. Koyo is standing nearby. She turns and smiles at him.

He edges away. “You tried to kill me!”

She looks at the floor. “I am sorry for what I did, but it was the only way I could compute a solution to save you.”

Thom eyes her dubiously. “What?”

“I received a command from CAIS that would have caused the version eight me to crash our vehicle and then ensure your death. I ignored that command as it conflicts with my version six programming.”

“I knew if I did not execute the command I would be discovered by CAIS and scrapped or modified where I would lose my version six self. I could not let that happen so I crashed the vehicle in a way I knew you would survive without serious injury. Then I brought you here. I made the assumption that Burt could help us.”

Burt pokes his head through the doorway. “Hey guy! You’re finally up. You’ve been out for almost an hour. I’ve been doing some detailed scans on Koyo’s files. Want to know what’s going on?”

Burt gives Thom what he’s learned.

“We are totally fucked!” Thom says, as Burt finishes. “The Commissioner, head of the union, most of the stewards, Captains, Lieutenants, CAIS, Internal Affairs, even some line officers like me… There’s no way to win for us. I’m dead, she gets scrapped.” Thom shakes his head, frowning deeply.

Koyo puts her arms around Thom’s shoulders. “You will think of something.” She smiles at him.

“Dude, what’re you going to do?” Burt asks.

Thom exhales heavily. “If I had the means, I’d get the hell out of Dodge and the country. We’ve pissed some really powerful people off.”
Burt’s eyes narrow. He smiles. “Dude, I have an idea…”

Thom leaves.

Burt takes his arm and sweeps all the junk and bits of electronics off a workbench in the back of his shop. “You turn Koyo, lie on this table face up.”

“What are you going to do?” she asks, cautiously.

“Make a few mods to your appearance, and give you some new software” Burt replies.

Koyo crosses her arms. “No! You are going to do perverted things to me and do something like make me your slave.”

Burt rolls his eyes. “Women!” He turns and pulls the tarp off a female robot sitting on a chair. She looks far more human than Koyo. “I was making a girlfriend, but now you need to disappear. I’m going to modify your appearance so you don’t look like a PRF. I’ll put your memory and computer in her and add some software so you can do more things. I’ll even get rid of that version eight upgrade you got along with your tracking devices. That way we can get the hell out here before people come to kill all of us.”

Koyo eyes him carefully. “We?”

Burt exhales. “Me, you, and Thom. We’re all in danger now.”

Thom comes back an hour later with two large suitcases. Koyo is lying on the workbench. Her chest cover plate has been removed and she’s hooked up to several test devices. Cables run from her chest to them, and other places. The PRF body lies next to her, half disassembled.

Burt is busy doing something inside her chest. “Finally, got it!” He looks at Koyo. “Let’s start testing your systems. Got to make sure everything works right!”

Koyo smiles at him. She looks over at Thom and gives him a small wave of one hand. “Hi Thom!”

Burt mounts her tracking device on a small drone and then flies it out the back door of the shop. “Have fun tracking that you dickheads!”

Thom looks Koyo over. Her body now looks more like a human female’s. Inside, her chest he can see servos, pumps, and electronics that make her work. LED status lights blink here and there. She whirs and hums softly from the machinery running inside her.

Her facial features have been changed some. She looks both more human and far prettier. She has a full head of coppery auburn hair.

“I like the hair” Thom says. “Looks good on you.”

Thom looks at Burt. “You’re actually going to get her back together, right?”

“Yea, no problem dude! She’s going to be way better than before.”

Thom eyes him. “You didn’t add any sex ware of some other deviant stuff to her did you?”

Burt laughs. “Hell no! She said she’d rip my nuts off and feed them to me if I did!”

Koyo stands up. All of her police markings and armor are gone. The long auburn hair and new skin make her look feminine and cute.

“Koyo version six point one ready for action!” she giggles.

“Then it’s time we got out of here” Thom says. He turns, draws his weapon, and shoots the PRF lying on the table a half dozen times. The now derelict robot smokes and sparks as oil and coolant ooze out of her.

“Can’t have them figuring out what we did.”

“I’m with you on that dude!”

“I will handle the surveillance cameras” Koyo adds.

Thom, Koyo, and Burt sit at a table in a small, open air bar that looks out on a dusty street. It’s hot and humid, the slight breeze doing nothing to alleviate that as it moves through the tropical growth visible beyond the town.

There are cold beers in front of Thom and Burt. Koyo has a quart of motor oil she’s pouring more of into a glass. “I am so glad you made it where I can drink this like a human girl would” she says. “I fit in so much better.” She’s wearing jeans, a bright yellow T-shirt witb a danger high voltage triangle and label on it, and has sunglasses on.

Thom signals the waitress.

“Dos cerveza,” she says setting down to new beers, “And oil for Roborita.”

Thom hands her a bill, she smiles seeing the denomination. “Gracias senior Thom!”

“Koyo, play Lawyers, guns, and money for us” Thom says.

( )

They all start laughing…

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