Little Things - Part 1

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The Liar
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Little Things - Part 1

Post by The Liar » Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:39 am

Authors Notes

A story I was working on a while ago, but the narrative just kinda dragged on and lost cohesion. Looking at it again it seems a lot less un-salvageable, so I though I'd at least put up the first part, then rework the second.

Little Things - Part 1

Tillie dressed as she normally did; sweat shirt, wire rim glasses, and an up hairdo.

She carefully placed down her copy of "Pride and Prejudice" on the coffee table, as David entered the room. He was struggling with his tie as he always was, and she did it up for him as she always did; then she handed him his lunch and kissed him goodbye.

"Ever think of expanding on the goodbye kiss? A goodbye blowjob, perhaps?" David asked.

She rolled her eye's and elbowed him in the ribs.

"You ask that every day dear," she replied " the joke has gotten old. Now you'd better hurry or you're going to be late."

She stood at the door and waited for him to drive off, then went to the couch and pulled out her copy of "He Was Her Master" from under the pillow where she had hiddin it .

She'd die of shame if David ever discovered the trash she actually read.

It had been 6 months since she and David had moved to the gated community of Bluegate. It was mandatory for any sufficiently high ranked employees of Animacorp Robotics to live there for security reasons; it was their own little corporate enclave.

Tillie had tried to be happy there, she had made friends, involved herself in the community, but at the end of the day she was always left feeling frustrated and unfulfilled.

She considered trying to spice up her a Davids sex life might help, maybe dress up as a maid sans panties like Sofie did in the book she was reading? She blushed bright red as a wave of embarrassment and shame shot through her at the very thought. God, she could never do something like that!

Maybe just give David that blow job he kept joking about? Ewww! Blowjobs were beyond disgusting; though she noted she was currently enjoying the description of Sofie eagerly sucking Malcolm off.

Not for the first time Tillie felt like a total hypocrite.

The doorbell rang... that had to be Lori.

Lori was the first friend she'd made when she came to Bluegate, and the wife of Davids co-worker Leonard... though she was no longer sure 'wife' was the accurate description.

She hid the book again, and tried to ready herself for what was to come. She momentarily thought that maybe she should've spent her time thinking about how she was going to proceed here instead of reading her book; but she'd spent most of yesterday thinking about how to approach this, and had relegated herself to playing it by ear.

Part of the problem was she couldn't really comprehend the implications of what she'd discovered, but it didn't seem right to just to keep it to herself.

Tillie took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Tillie!" Lori exclaimed as she hugged her.

She wore red hot pants and a slightly to small for her shirt that showed off her mid-drift, and highlighted her ample cleavage.

"Um...yeah... hi Lori." Tillie said awkwardly as she separated herself from the hug, "How about you sit down, and I make us some coffee?"

Lori made herself comfortable as Tillie made the drinks and tried to compose herself.

She re-entered the living room and placed the steaming drinks on the table, then sat down herself.

"Soooooo," Lori asked taking a sip, "what did you want me to come over for?"

Tillie hesitated for a moment, then continued.

"Look, don't take this the wrong way," She said, "I'm not trying to blackmail you or anything like that, I just thought you had the right to know that I know your... you know... your secret."

Lori gave her a quizzical look, "My... secret?"

Tillie took a deep breath.

"I know you're a robot." she finished.

Tillie didn't really know how she expected Lori to respond to this... but it certainly wasn't by bursting out laughing.

She was stabbed by sudden doubt. Had she made a mistake? No, she'd always had a neurotic attention to details, and all the facts led only to one conclusion. Maybe she was a sleeper or-

"That's not a secret Tillie." Lori replied through her giggles.

"Wait... What?!" Tillie asked stunned.

"Yeah... everybody already knows." Lori replied.

"Well me, Sandra, and Diane certainly don't-" Tillie began.

"Sandra and Diane know," Lori replied, cutting her off, "I'm not assuming, I know they know."

"Well David-" Tillie started again, but was again cut off by Lori.

"Helped design me." Lori stated.

Tillie sat their silently for a moment feeling incredibly foolish.

"So everybody knew but me?" Tillie asked.

"Basically..." Lori gave an awkward smile,"well.. yes."

"But nobody bothered to tell me." Tillie stated this accusingly.

"If it's common knowledge," Lori stated matter-a-factlly, "don't you think it would be reasonable to assume that we all thought you already knew?"

Tillie felt a little better at hearing this, it was all just one of those weird coincidences that sometimes happens.

But still... Lori was a robot; she still wasn't exactly sure what to make of that.

"" Tillie began, "What's it like being a robot?"

"Why do people always ask that?" Lori sighed, "Are they expecting some basis for comparison? Hell, robots aren't even all built and programmed the same!"

Lori took a sip of her coffee, as Tillie sat there uncertain how to continue.

"So," Lori asked, "What tipped you off I was a robot anyway?"

"It was a lot of little things," Tillie began, "Your lack of body hair, or stubble or even noticeable hair follicles; the slight sheen to your skin, the unnatural way your eyes dilate, the perfect symmetry of your body, the way your motions always seem to keep perfect time, the-"

"Ok, I got!" Lori interrupted, "A lot of little things. You don't have to go through the whole list."

Lori took a sip of her coffee.

"Though," Lori smirked, "I'm guessing the lack of pubic hair was the initial tip off."

Tillie turned beat red, remembering the time Lori had caught her starring at her snatch in the pool change room.

"Yes..." she said in a weak voice.

"While we're at exposing secrets that aren't really secrets," Lori continued, "we're all well aware that you're ever so slightly bi."

There was silence between them for a moment, till Lori leaned over and placed her hand on Tillie's.

"I'm not some alien thing Tillie, I'm still the same Lori you've always known," Lori stated, "just maybe sans some assumptions of humanity you may have made."

"Oh, so just without the assumed basic frame of reference for all interaction?" Tillie replied sardonically.

Lori rolled her eye's and sighed.

"Look... Tillie," Lori began, "being a robot; and this is just a best guess applicable only to my model type and at the moment; being a robot is like being human, but you get to do whatever the hell you want without shame or concern for social norms."

Tillie gave her an incredulous look.

"Yes, I'm technically property and yes, I'll probably obey every order Leonard ever gives me," Lori explained, "but I don't do it because I have to, I do it because I want to. "

"Only, because you're programmed to." Tillie replied.

Got up and clasped her breasts.

"Tits, cunt, mouth, and ass," Lori stated, "All expertly designed, so humans can satisfy their own genetically programmed sexual directives."

Lori let her breasts fall back down, Tillie couldn't help but blush at this display.

"I didn't mean it like that," Tillie explained "It's just... you're my best friend; but... I have no idea what you being a robot actually means."

"You want to know what it means to be a robot?" Lori snickered at this, "How about this then? To better appreciate what it means; me being a robot, I'll be your robot for the day?"

"Wait... are you even allowed do that?" Tillie asked.

"Well, technically I'd be adapting you as a temporary secondary user," Lori explained,"and Leonard already gave me blanketed permission to put myself at the disposal of my 'girlfriends' should I wish to... within certain restrictions of course."

"Well obviously," Tillie laughed,"he'd be keeping your 'wifely duties' to himself."

"Um..." Lori began, "Actually I meant administrative authorizations, and access to classified data. Wifely duties are still on the table... literally if you order me onto it."

"Wait... What?" Tillie was stunned.

"Just full disclosure," Lori shrugged, "letting you know all your options."

"Why would he allow that!?" Tillie asked.

"He finds girl on girl hot," Lori mischievous smirked, "so do I."

"Are you suggesting we have SEX?!" Tillie asked horrified.

"No, I'm saying, I'm at your disposal." Lori explained, "You may use me however you wish; and should that include a session of hot and heavy scissoring; just say the word, and the panties are off."

Tillie stood their a moment speechless, filled with both desire and shame at the possibilities that flowed through her mind.

"But, should you wish me to spend the next 10 hours reciting bible verses," Lori shrugged, "Well... it would be a strange experience, but I'd be happy to do so. It's all completely up to you."

Lori walked up to her and knelt.

"So my mistress," she asked, "what are your commands?"
All criticism of my work is both welcome, and encouraged.
My work is uploaded under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 license, so as long as attribution is given, feel free to disseminate.

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Re: Little Things - Part 1

Post by Guderian34 » Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:27 pm

Please write more. This is good

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Re: Little Things - Part 1

Post by 33cl33 » Sat Nov 19, 2016 7:45 am

:applause: :thumbsup:
SynthSuite audio clips, etc:

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