Debbi's Diary Chapter 21: A night out

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Debbi's Diary Chapter 21: A night out

Post by Murotsu » Sat May 07, 2016 6:02 pm

Chapter 21: A night out

The next day…

“Brad, when was the last time you took Debbi out somewhere?” Britany asked.

“Deb, get in here!” Britany called out.

I came into the common room, arms folded. “You cannot order me to do stuff, only Brad can.”

“Don’t go all robot on me” Britany replied. “When was the last time Brad took you out somewhere other than work or over to his friend’s for gaming?”

“Four months, two weeks, three days. Is that answer sufficiently precise?”

Britany punched him, hard. “You bastard! How dare you ignore your girlfriend like that?”

“Ow! You didn’t have to punch me! You have any idea how hard it is to find places where a human-robot relationship is accepted? You have any clue how many places won’t even let her in the door?”

“Yea, I actually do. We had to pass on several stores that don’t let robots in yesterday. She had to use that degassing thingie you installed for her several times too. And that public charging station I sat in waiting for her to charge up was gross.” Britany was yelling at him.

“Yea, I get that it sucks to be a robot but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try and make her happy once in a while!” Britany turned to me. “Deb, can you find a robot friendly club or bar nearby? I mean one that encourages robots to come in, not just lets them.”

“Understood.” I spent two minutes six seconds searching.

“I’ve never seen her take so long to find something like that” Brad whispered. “Usually she has an answer in seconds.”

“I have one match. A bar called The Underground. It is six point two one kilometers from here. Loading navigation data.” I put up a holo picture of the inside of it.

They looked at it. “Looks cool” Britany said. “Brad, go put something decent on. Deb, can you call Allen and Suzy and tell them to meet us there?”

I looked at Brad. “Master?”

“Yea, sure. Why not?”

“Suzy says they will meet us there in forty five minutes,” I replied after a short pause.

“Deb, do you have an LBD?” Britany asked.

“Understood. You mean little black dress. I have three.”

She grabbed my arm. “Then you and me are wearing one. I’m about the same size you are, well, except for those watermelons. Call Suzy and tell her to wear one too.”

We left for the bar, Britany and I in our sexy, skimpy, black dresses. I helped her with make up too. Brad was sulking. “This is so not me. I don’t even like to drink.”

“How can you wear this Deb?” Britany asked. “It’s… It shows too much.”

I gave her a big smile. “It is easy when you are programmed to… Also, watermelons require sunlight.”

Britany had trouble standing up she laughed so hard.

We took a cab. At the bar we waited six minutes eighteen seconds for Allen and Suzy to show up. I could tell Alan was no more willing than Brad to be there. From the outside it was not much. A sign and a door.

We had to descend a stairway like the one at the subway station I took to work. “This makes my boobs feel good” I whispered to Britany.

She ate a grin. “Rubbing your perfect figure in my face are you?”

“I can perform that function” I replied. “My watermelons are particularly good eating.”

She giggled. “You naughty little girlbot! I simply love how you switch modes like that.”

“Advantage girlbot” I replied. She punched me on the arm.

As we entered Britany hit Brad. “Hold the door for us, moron!”

I could see there were sixteen customers and three workers inside, all series eight or nine robots. We took seats at a large table off to one side.

A robot waitress came to the table. “Welcome. My name is Naomi. The only rule you must observe while here is that you make no mention of any patron’s origin. There is no difference between robots and humans here. Can I get you something to start with?”

I noticed that there were no “robot only” drinks. There were ones listed that were clearly for robots, but there were ones for humans too.

“I will have your drinks out shortly. She held up a menu. Food is available if you would like something. The karaoke stage is open for use too.” She pointed at it then started to leave.

Brad leaned over close to me. “Deb is the waitress a bot…?”

The waitress turned towards him. “Excuse me sir, remember the rule.” She smiled.

“I like this place” Suzy said. “How about you Deb?”

“Very much.” I looked at the others. “We are all the same here, understood?”

Our drinks arrived and we ordered some food.

“I think I’ll try the karaoke” Britany said. “Hey, can either of you sing? I know my dweeb brother can’t.”

“Yes, I can do that” I replied.

Brad looked at me funny.

“You sound different” Britany said.

“I am complying with the rule” I replied.

“Awesome! Let’s see if they have a duet song we can do together.” Britany grabbed my hand pulling me towards the stage.

As I reluctantly got up two girlbots entered the bar. Both were wearing metal mesh body suits and… holding EMD (ElectroMagnetic Discharge) guns! I had a memory of seeing one of those before, and it was bad. I turned to run and hide from them.

“Hey, Deb…” Britany started to say, “…What the hell…?”

One of the two fired her weapon across the middle of the room. The wave of invisible energy from it hit a robot couple sitting at a table, then a waitress, and carried into a booth where two fembots were talking to a robot. All six instantly started to flop around in grotesque contortions as they began to emit smoke from various locations on their bodies. They emitted high pitched squealing noises, followed by loud pops and bangs as internal components exploded. Pink fembot and fluorescent green robot coolant began to ooze from their smoldering, lifeless, bodies.

Even off to one side, I could feel the discharge as if it were one of those detector things at stores, only far worse. Suzy and I lost balance, falling to the floor. I struggled to get my degaussing system turned on. I felt immediate relief when I managed to do that.

“Holy shit!” Allen was staring at the two fembots.

Brad grabbed him and started to move across the room. “Come on! We have to keep them from targeting the girls!”

Britany stood like a statue staring mouth hanging open.

I picked up electronic talk from one of the fembots. There was a lot of static from the discharge but I could filter most of it out. Three humans are present. Exception error. Instructions?

A male voice replied, There’re humans there? Execute your emergency withdrawal program. Get out of there!

The two fembots backed out the entrance. Unable to cover fire. Human is in target zone…

“Deb, call the police!” Brad shouted at me.

“Understood.” I managed to sit up. I left my degaussing system on for the moment as the effects of that discharge lingered. “I will call when I can turn off my degaussing system Master!”

Suzy was lying beside me, motionless. I got her turned to face me. “Suzy?”

She managed a half smile. “Restarting...”

I hugged her as she shut down.

“Deb, are you okay? Is Suzy?” Britany asked as she kneeled down beside us.

“I have minor sensor damage. My degaussing system is preventing any further issues. Suzy has to restart. Once she does I will assist her in assessing her damage. Her core functions appear unaffected. I will need a USB cord.”

“Britany, are they alright?” Brad called.

“Deb’s okay, she says Suzy has some damage but it isn’t real serious.”

I watched as Brad and Allen started helping the others in the bar. None of us, the robots, escaped completely unharmed. The six hit by the full beam were dead. A horrible, acrid, stench of burnt electronics and plastic filled the air.

I cradled Suzy rocking slightly then turned off my degaussing system and called the police. The sight of the dead robots, lying in puddles of their coolant, still smoldering made me cry.

“It’s okay Deb, its over” Britany hugged me.

When the police arrived a RED (Robot Enforcement Division) team was with them. There was a male and female robot with the two RED officers and the police had a robot with them as well.

They interviewed Brad, Allen, and Britany, ignoring us initially.

“Deb almost certainly recorded the entire thing” Brad said to one of the RED men.

He looked over my direction. I was still sitting on the floor with Suzy who had recovered from the EM effects. He turned to the fembot with him, pointing at me. “Download that one’s data on this.”

She came over and sat down beside me. “I am Jennifer twenty nine, what is your designation?”

At least she was trying to be nice. “Debbi twenty two. This is Suzy forty six.”

She inserted a patch cord into her own I/O port and then held it out to me. “Nice to meet you Debbi. I need the data you have on this incident to catch those responsible. I will let you download it to me. I promise not to invade your memory.” She smiled at me.

“Understood.” I hesitantly took the cord and plugged it in.

“Thank you for cooperating Debbi.” She stood and plugged the cable into a tablet, showing it to the human RED officers.

“Looks like two fembots in faraday suits using EMD weapons” one said.

“Where’d they get them? Those are tightly controlled” the other replied.

“They were being controlled by a human male” I said.

Both officers looked at me. “What?” one of them asked.

“I received their electronic data transmissions” I replied. “When they discovered my Master, his sister, and Allen here, they asked what to do because humans were present. A human male using contractions, who had an accent, replied to them. A robot would not speak like that.”

“Is that in your download?”


He looked at Brad. “Seems your ‘bot has given us the first solid information on one of these raids. We’ll take her and the unit with her to a mecha station for a full diagnosis and repair, on the Robot Enforcement Division. It’s the least we can do for the data provided.”

“As long as we can go with her” Brad replied waving his arm around to indicate Allen and Britany. “Wouldn’t want Deb or Suzy to get mistreated.”

Brad, Britany, and I returned home after getting me checked. Suzy made a full recovery. I was so happy about that.

I snuggled with Brad on our bed. He fell asleep and I went into recharge and data file clean up mode, lying next to him.

One hour, seventeen minutes, thirty two seconds later I sat bolt upright and emitted a blood curdling scream.

Brad nearly jumped off the bed. “What happened Deb?”

Britany ran into the bedroom. “What the hell was that?”

“I had a memory flash during my file clean up, Master. That was not my first time facing an EMD weapon.” Tears were streaming down my face. I could not stop shaking.

Britany and Brad hugged me tight. “It’s okay, you’re safe now.”

“Having a nightmare after a bad experience is very human of you” Britany whispered.

I smiled back at her as best I could. “Thank you.”

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Re: Debbi's Diary Chapter 21: A night out

Post by NukuNookee » Sat May 07, 2016 8:05 pm

Nice call back to her past, and you've set up an interesting mystery with the assassin bots. I'm looking forward to seeing where this (and the Zoe storyline) go...
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Re: Debbi's Diary Chapter 21: A night out

Post by Murotsu » Sun May 08, 2016 2:32 pm

More twists and turns are in store...

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