Blue Chips Ch 2

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Blue Chips Ch 2

Post by General » Thu Jul 24, 2003 12:33 am

Daniel had just finished combing his hair, while throwing a few Cokes into the fridge when he heard someone knock on the door. Daniel looked at his watch, 5:15, “pretty damn good for a girl,” he thought. He quickly made sure he looked ok in the mirror, kicked a loose sock he missed before under the couch, and opened the door.

“Hi Jennifer,” Daniel choked out, still surprised with himself that this was actually happening.

“Hello Daniel, are you ready to help me with my literature class?”

“Sure. Come on in.” Jennifer walked past Daniel and sat down on the couch. She set her gym bag down at her feet, while Daniel closed the door and nervously came over. He sat down on the opposite side of the couch and pulled out his notes. “So, what do you want to start with?” Daniel asked.

“I don’t understand what Prof. Andrews meant by underlying themes or symbols in Tolkien’s stories,” Jennifer chirped in her normal perky voice.

“Well, underlying themes are messages that he wanted to get across without coming out and directly addressing them.”

“Why not just say what he wanted to say directly?”

“Because then it wouldn’t be very interesting.”

“But it isn’t interesting anyway.”

“Alright, let’s try something simple. What do you think the wizards, represented in the story?”

“People who use magic.”

“No, what would they represent in the real world?”

“Old people.”

“No….not really.”

“People with beards?”


“I do not understand, please explain,” she said, still in her cheerful voice. At this point Daniel was getting somewhat frustrated, but decided it wouldn’t improve his chances with Jennifer if he started getting angry at her. So he decided to relax and try something else.

“Why don’t we watch the movie and I will try to explain as we go,” Daniel said as he got up and went to his computer. “I’ll just pipe it from the network to the main screen so we can see it better.” He was having some trouble finding the file on the media server and thought maybe Prof. Andrews hadn’t uploaded it yet. “Jennifer, can you turn on the fan behind you, it is getting a little warm in here.”

“Sure Daniel.” She paused for a second, then responded, “it doesn’t seem to work.”

“You might have to plug it in, just reach behind the couch and plug it into the power strip. I think it is the older looking brown cord,” Daniel said half looking up from his screen. Where the hell was that damn file? If he couldn’t find it, she might leave and he might lose his only shot with her.

“I think I got it,” Jennifer said. A few seconds later Daniel heard a low hum, and figured that the fan would hopefully at least keep him from sweating even though he was more nervous now than he had been in a long while. A few seconds later he noticed that his wireless network connection had gone down. “Aww damnit. Not now,“ he said aloud as he picked up his computer to try to get a better signal. When he finally looked up from the screen he was shocked at what he saw.

Jennifer was leaning over the back of the couch, giving a nice view of her cute firm ass proudly displayed under her cotton shorts and slightly shaking, but saw the fan wasn’t on. Daniel noticed as he got closer he could tell the humming was actually coming from that damn copper coil Ed had brought in earlier. He reached over and tried to grab the cord to pull it loose. “I think I got it. I think I got it. I think I got it,” he could hear her say over and over again softly, in between tremors. He pulled the plug and the humming stopped. Then he stood up and looked at Jennifer. She was staring down at the floor and still shaking while mumbling to herself.

“Jennifer, are you ok?” he asked as he grabbed her shoulders and gently shook her.

“Yes Daniel, I am fine,” she said as she turned around and sat on the couch, “are we going to watch the movie now?” Daniel was really puzzled. Did she touch the coil and get shocked? Did the electrical field mess with her brainwaves? Is she playing a joke on him?

“Are we going to watch the movie now? Are we going to watch the movie now?” she said, and then her head tilted over to one side and she began to stare straight through Daniel. “Are we going to….. error writing to sector 0x00235235f,” she said with the last part slipping into a high pitched monotone speech instead of her normal perky voice. “Error reading from sector 0x00235acf2. Memory corrupted from sectors 0x002300000 to 0x0025fffff. Cascade failure imminent.” Jennifer fell back against the side of the couch and started twitching again. “Attempting to contact Administrator…..failure. Wireless connection disabled. Repairs needed. Unable to selfffffff correct. Commmmmmm-mencing emergency shutdowwwwwwwn.” Her speech drawled off until she suddenly stopped moving and just laid there on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

Daniel was in disbelief. He reached over and shook her leg, with no response. The leg slightly moved and despite some resistance he found he could reposition it. Jennifer must be some sort of android, but he had never heard of an android created to look like a college student. The few that were out there were very expensive and only just started work in dangerous environments or for rich executives in the last year. Just to make sure, he felt for a pulse, and sure enough it wasn’t there. As he pulled his hand back from her neck, he let it slowly drag along the length of her body and over he perky B cub breasts.

Suddenly Daniel realized that she must belong to someone, and that someone was going to be very angry once they realized that he had broken her. He started to examine her, looking for some sort of ON switch, when she suddenly started moving and speaking again. Her position relaxed on the couch, but she maintained her vacant stare at the ceiling. Daniel quickly retracted his hand and watched what was happening to the little robot.

“Emergency reboot commencing. Diagnostic mode enabled.” She spoke with the flat monotone slightly more relaxed than Daniel heard before, and remained motionless. “Cyrex systems model 3057-101a. Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Jennifer 1.7. Commencing diagnostic.” Jennifer started moving very slightly but with no clear purpose. Daniel watched and for some reason became increasingly aroused. “Motor systems…nominal. CPU….nominal. Sensors….nominal. Communications…..error: wireless networking disabled. Memory……error: bad sectors found. Manual repair required.” She stopped moving and was now lying still on the couch. She would blink every now and then but still stared at the ceiling.

Daniel reached over and felt her face. It seemed real, she was warm, and soft, just like he had imagined a real girl would be. As he stroked her cheek, he absently mindedly asked, “Are you ok?”

“This unit has suffered damage to its extended system memory and wireless communication. Manual repair is required.” Jennifer said with her flat voice. Daniel half didn’t expect a response and was surprised.

“How can I manually repair you?” he asked.

“The ToolBench software can complete the repairs if directly connected to this unit,” she said, while mechanically moving one hand to lift her shirt and spread apart her bellybutton. Inside Daniel could make out what looked like some type of USB port.

“Where can I get this ‘ToolBench’ software?” he asked hoping to get lucky.

“The software is pre-installed on this unit’s external computer.”

Daniel opened up her gym bag and searched until he found a small palmtop computer and what looked like the right cable. Suddenly becoming a bit paranoid, he got up, locked his door and pulled the window shade. Confident that he wouldn’t be disturbed, he started up the computer and connected it to Jennifer through her bellybutton port. The computer’s screen flashed a bit and a program automatically came up. It looked like a normal Windows type program with several menus at the top: File, Hardware Config, Software Config, Users, Networking, etc. While he was reading over the menus, a new window popped up, [Connected Unit Reporting Error. Auto detect and repair? OK/Cancel].

It seemed like a good place to start so Daniel selected OK and almost immediately many progress bars and windows appeared. He let the computer work and started to think about how he could get out of this mess. She would almost definitely report the error to whoever owned her. He remembered her attempting to contact the “Administrator” during her malfunction but couldn’t because her uplink was disabled. But once it was re-established she might contact this Admin and get Daniel in trouble. After all he knew way more that he was supposed to. Jennifer was an android apparently recruited to play soccer for SPI, which he knew was at least an NCAA violation if not outright illegal. He remembered that the school had good connections with Cyrex, because of an alumni…..Allison Harding. Yea, he remember her giving the commencement speech last year, and going on about how SPI graduates would go on to change the world through technology or something. But why would she, or the school, want to waste so much money putting androids on the soccer team? After all they had barely won a handful of games since he had been at SPI.

*Ding*, Jennifer’s computer signaled that it was complete. Daniel too a look and the active window had now changed to [Repair complete. Reboot now? Yes/No]. He decided he need a bit more time before she rebooted and was fully restored. He selected no, and the window disappeared leaving him with just the ToolBench program. He browsed through the menus and came upon a section under Networking, where he temporarily disabled her wireless connection. He didn’t want her phoning home quite yet. Then he went to the User menu, and found the Administrator subheading. It listed two names, Allison Harding and Rebecca Owens, the latter he remembered to be the women’s soccer coach. Apparently she was in on it too. Who else knew about these little androids?

Daniel decided that the only way to satisfy the need for her to contact the Administrator was for him to become an Administrator as well. He hoped that she would just report everything to him, and then drop the subject. Hey, it wasn’t necessarily a great idea, but it seemed the only option at the time. He saved his work and disconnected the computer from Jennifer. “Time to have a little fun, and maybe get some answers,” he thought.

“Sit up,” he said, still not completely sure this would work. But she complied and smoothly and efficiently sat up on the couch, still staring forward. “What are you?”

“This unit is a Cyrex 3057 series android programmed for athletics and social interaction,” she said in her slim monotone voice.

“Who owns you?”

“This unit is owned by the Cyrex Corporation and leased to the SPI Athletic Department.”

“Do you have any controls that I can use to operate you?” This was a long shot but Daniel wanted to be sure he could restart her again when she shutdown.

“Yes,” and she quickly and efficiently removed her shirt. “This unit can be operated with a series of switches here,” she said pointing the base of her neck and in the recess behind the collarbone. Daniel reached over and could feel 5 small bumps under her skin. “The first switch from the left will power down the unit. The next switch will power up the unit. The middle switch will reboot the unit. The fourth switch will pause the unit, and the final switch will reboot the unit into diagnostic mode.”

Daniel caught what she was saying but was distracted by being able to see her firm, and round breasts pushing out from underneath her sports bra. He moved his hand from her neck to her left breast and began to caress it. It felt so soft, and life like. He would have never imagined that she was an android from how she felt to his touch. He started to get aroused again, and also felt sort of ambitious. “Jenny, stand up and remove all of your clothing,” he said, and without a word she stood up and began to quickly and efficiently undress, laying her folded clothes on Daniel’s desk.

In less than a minute she stood before Daniel stark naked, and quite a beautiful site to behold. She appeared to be very fit, with not a sign of flab or cellulite anywhere. She stared blankly ahead as he let his eyes wander from her perky boobs down to her washboard stomach, and ending up looking at her perfectly hairless and inviting pussy. “Sit down here,” he commanded, and she quickly complied and sat on the couch next to him. Almost immediately he leaned over and kissed her on the lips, but she didn’t move or respond at all. Undeterred he moved down and wrapped his lips around her nipple. He had always dreamed of doing this while watching her in class, and now he could live out this fantasy. His hand wandered down to her hairless crotch, and gently pushed her legs apart. He wandered over her folds, which were warm and smooth, but dryer than he would think. He tried but could barely get even a little of his finger inside of her. “Well this won’t do,” he thought.

“Why are you dry down here?” he said with his finger just inside her folds, “you should be wet.”

“This unit’s sexual programming had been disabled,” she said with a flat icy tone that deflated Daniel’s arousal.

“Gotta fix that,” he thought. He pulled out her computer and connected it to her again, hoping to find an answer in the ToolBench program. With a little searching, he found a Sexual Systems subheading under the Software Config menu. First he enabled the system, and then began to play with some slider bar options. He made Jennifer highly sexed, but still subservient to her lover. He changed her to a bisexual, and made her very sensitive and capable of multiple orgasms. At this point, he felt she was ready to go, so he saved his work and was prompted by the computer that she would need to reboot for the changes to take effect. He disconnected the computer, reached over and pressed the her far right button; to reboot her back into diagnostic mode.

“Reboot commencing,” she said as her head slowly drooped and her body went silent.

To be continued…..

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Post by ehy » Thu Jul 24, 2003 6:56 am

Wow! Excellent! Please continue it!

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Post by tinyspider » Thu Jul 24, 2003 7:39 am

Great job!!! 2 thumbs up!

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Post by Mirage » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:37 pm


Not bad start!

Hope you put some twists or zing to it.

Keep it up!


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Post by Fembotlover » Thu Jul 24, 2003 9:43 pm

Great story so far. Keep it going. It has lots...and lots of potential. Nice to see a new guy in town and a new story. :lol:

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Post by CyberFlunkey » Fri Jul 25, 2003 1:50 am

I agree - very nice story so far!

Mirage, a Gynoids-vs-Clowns gang war would be an interesting twist, but sometimes a traditional boy-meets-girl, boy-repairs-girl story is good too! :wink:

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Post by tectile » Fri Jul 25, 2003 5:22 am

Oh yeh, "Dat's what I'm tawkinbout! "

Please give us more!

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Post by sparty » Wed Jul 30, 2003 7:17 pm

this is so good. I give it a 10 so far. This also seems to be a good time to have multiple timelines because you can have different scenarios from this point on. Have fun with it

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