The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Share your fembot fiction and fantasies here or discuss the craft of writing by asking for or giving suggestions.
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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by Propman » Wed Jul 11, 2018 11:49 am

The red-head with wide, pale-red lips looked even more fetching deactivated. Flora checked her connection and threw the master switch. The immobilized woman shook her head.
"Activated... Memory damaged... Gnngh". She raised her head and stared at Flora, clenching her teeth. "I died. You killed me, you twat."
"Yeah, water under the bridge, Gina.", Flora waved her hand dismissively. "I also brought you back from scrap heap." Gina continued her hateful stare.
"The important thing is," Flora continued, "I'm bringing the League of Fembots back together, under my sole control. You in?"


Princess Rosie was a blonde vision, in a pink dress, with big hair and a bigger smile. Erik didn't notice, however, how strong the fembot was, until it was too late. She took him in a grip, choking his neck and legs.
"You know... I am programmed to protect the neighborhood girls from creeps like you.", she whispered. "Normally, my programming says to submit the likes of you to the police."
"No! Not the cops!" Erik whined.
"Oh, the scum like you... I can assume that whoever programmed me didn't even imagine perverts like you around. No one will miss you. Cops won't even know." Rosie laughed to herself. She had an appropriate penalty in mind. An entire night of penalty, in fact.


"Hey!" Lili protested. "I'm important! I can go there too!"
Maxine just grinned back. "Lili, dear, I'm precisely sixty times more intelligent, resourceful and strong-willed than you. Which is why you built me. Let the adult handle this."
"I built you three days ago, you self-important slag. I can handle a couple of two bit crooks.", Lili stared at the robot woman.
"I'm sorry, Lili." Maxine grabbed her owner and forced her back into car. "Your safety is still a priority for me. Regardless of your wishes."


The glass pane crashed, as the devil-fembot came through it in a shower of shards. No bit seemed to pierce her synthetic red flesh. Her yellow eyes focused on Father Matteo.
"Now you see, Father, the consequences of your deeds", she intoned as she walked towards the priest. "The Devil did not exist... so you had to build her."
Her forked tail shot towards the priest, pinning his cassock to the floor.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid." She grinned. "This Devil is indeed all about the punishment for your sins."


The newly activated Anjali opened her eyes, looking at her body. She stared at Ivan who just smiled sheepishly.
"Not bad", she smiled at him temptingly. "You built me quite well, kid. Of course, we'll continue to make me better... in every way."
"Uh... You are top of the line, Anjali."
"That's 'boss' to you, Ivan. And don't you forget it."


"Me? A Doll?" Senator Goldblum laughed, crossing her shapely legs. "Do share your conspiracy theory with me, I need a good laugh."
"Anita.", Ron was serious and he leaned over the powerful woman. "Do you remember your parents? Your summer vacations? Where did you work while in college?"
Anita pushed back her golden-rimmed eyeglasses. "Listen. Even if I was a fembot, would I listen to a Communist liberal scum like you?"
"Whoah.", Ron blinked. "AG-1, freeze."
Anita froze momentarily, her judgemental gaze fixed on him.
"Replace Communist with... Pinko, I guess. You have to be realistic, too." He briefly touched her cheek.

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by The Liar » Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:05 am

"So..." She asked as she looked at her hands "I'm a robot now?"

"Yes!" Eddy stated, "Well, no! Well... Lexy's thoughts are being transmitted to you, filtered through your programing, then your thoughts and perceptions are being fed back to her. You're a HER-2 android being semi-remote controlled by Lexy, but you should be kinda perceive yourselves as indivisible from each other at the moment, it's kinda like you have Lexy's ego, but HER-2's Id and-"

"I'm me, I got it Eddy." she said as pushed herself off the lab table to stand naked before him. "Now you promised me the full robot experience, so lets get to it, hold nothing back!"

"Well..." Eddy started nervously, "Lexy had been insistent on that so... give me a blow job"

She rolled her eye's and put her hand on her hip.

"Seriously Eddy?" she said "You know I am - I am programmed with 1000's of sexual techniques, exist only to serve, and am eager to satisfy my masters every desire."

She undid his pants and got to work, with a dim confusion as to why an omni sexual device such as herself would have for a moment thought to say she was a lesbian... and the strange thought that she'd like some alone to with HER-2 when this was over.
All criticism of my work is both welcome, and encouraged.
My work is uploaded under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 license, so as long as attribution is given, feel free to disseminate.

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Re: The Great FembotWiki MainPage Story Snippet Challenge!

Post by DZiegler » Thu Aug 23, 2018 8:02 pm

Her pliable artificial labia engorged and flushed. Lubricant emerged and moistened her vibrant lips.

She gently grinded against the dryer, the intense vibration sending tremors of pleasure data through her spongy clitoris. Her sophisticated orgasm subroutines however, confused at the source of stimulus continually refused activation.

The deluge of pleasure data built and built, cascading through Jaime's thousands of delicate subsystems. Her nipples stiffened hard through her sheer workout top, her breasts slightly jiggling in sync with the dryer's tumble.

She moaned. It was slight, but audible. She couldn't help it, she leaned into the dryer, her pliable breasts contouring against it's top surface, and squealed. This time she was louder. Anyone in the laundromat would have clearly heard her, and Jaime knew. Her main CPU immediately made her turn around and examine her surroundings.

She pivoted 180 degrees, her pliant artificial cheeks never stopping their constant bid for attention against the dryer. She bit her lip and peered around the laundromat. Only one other person was there, and he was staring right at her.

Jaime's processors spun up in a frenzy trying to size up the situation and figure out a solution. Her main CPU, tasked with eliminating the extreme amount of data being tied up by her pleasure routines, sorted through the millions of extraneous variables governing her function and settled on one course of action.

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