Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by Devil » Tue Jul 19, 2016 1:58 pm

I hope this isn't the end as well. So many opportunities. Family of android women, a young guy now knows their secret.

Great story, all of it. Here's hoping you find the inspiration here in the future to continue it.

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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by wjbaines » Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:24 pm

Dang! I didn't realize more installments had been added after the original post. I am really liking this!

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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by Palindrome » Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:50 pm

Over 6000 views, yikes. Was debating posting this, as I literally paint myself into a corner I have no idea how to get out of, but regardless, hope you enjoy nonetheless. Could always retcon it, I suppose.

Henrietta sat in her home office, quickly going over her graduate student’s papers. She had a date tonight with another department head, one Dr. Wyman, and as a result was wearing a tight black dress, makeup, had her curly hair pulled back, and since she was in a rush, she was directly interfacing with her computer wirelessly to save time.

Student’s papers and reports flashed before her mind’s eye in a blur as she just quickly scanned through and graded each one. Until she came to one report by Steve Foster… She debated giving him the grade he deserved, but was afraid of being accused of favoritism since he was in a now month’s long relationship with her daughter Sarah.

“Screw it.” she thought, and gave him top marks regardless, despite being aware that he knew about Sarah, or Kate, or even herself. Not that him keeping their secret for so long should make a difference.

She was interrupted from her work when a flustered looking Kate came barging into her office. Henrietta looked up from her paperwork, surprised to see her fraught looking daughter.

“Honey, are you ok? I thought you were out with your friend Jessica.”

“No, it’s just…”

“Just what?”

Kate paused. “Uhhmmmm....”


“Uhmmmmm… It’s just, I’m not a lesbian… or… uh” Kate shuffled nervously in front of the vending machine, where she’d just been cornered and essentially asked out by a classmate of hers, Jess Klein.

“Uh… ok. No problem? I was just wondering if some of us could meet up for drinks and maybe get some studying in. At least blow off some steam about our thesis papers.” The tall redhead said.

Kate nodded, somewhat relieved, and feeling rather embarrassed at her assumption. “Sure, that sounds good. Tuesday night? McDuff’s?”

“Sure.” Jessica said as she walked away, and then in a teasing tone, “Although admit it, you haven’t been able to keep your eyes off me all semester. See you Tuesday.”

Kate blushed, and then snuck a peek at the other girl’s ass before heading off in the other direction
Kate arrived at the bar a bit late, but quickly saw a beaming Jess waving her over to a corner booth, surrounded by a bunch of her classmates from her senior thesis class. She slid onto the bench next to Jess, and said her hellos to everyone.

The night was a blast. Joking around. Pounding a lot of shots. Blowing off steam, bitching about their respective advisors, which was perhaps too easy for Kate, as hers was her mother, and she was currently angry at her.

But as the night wore on, Kate and Jess gradually edged closer and closer towards each other on the bench, talking quietly, sharing laughs, until it felt like the rest of the world had faded away. Before they realised it, it basically had. They were the last two left. All their friends had said their respective goodbyes and left.

Kate awkwardly laughed, realizing this. “I, uh, should probably get going.” grabbing her keys.

Jess laughed. “Kate, you can’t be serious, you’re drunk, let me drive you home.”

“No, trust me, I’ll be fine.” Kate said, as many a drunk has said, but unbeknownst to Jess, she couldn’t get drunk.

“Come on, what else are friends for? You’ve had, like, 5 shots and almost as many beers. I had a glass of wine. You’re not fit to drive.”

Kate decided to keep up appearances, rolled her eyes and sighed. “Ok, fiiiine, you win.” She made a note to sound aggravated, as she tossed her keys to Jess, but was secretly smiling within.

The drive home was quiet, but full of stolen glances and smiles from both sides of the car.

“Please!” Sarah begged, already nude in bed, lying underneath her boyfriend Steve. “I want to watch!”

“And I want to look at my girlfriend’s lovely face…”

“Technically you still can.” she said with a giggle.

He interrupted her with a deep kiss, and then surprised her by flipping her over so she was now on top. Sarah couldn’t help but laugh.



“Just keep it close.”

“Alright boss!” she joked, in what had become an intimate joke between the two. Brushing her hair back with her hands, she grabbed her head at the temples, and pulled it away from her neck, placing it on the nightstand so she’d have a good vantage point.

Steve just looked up at his now headless robotic girlfriend, and then turned to look at her beaming, encouraging face near him. If she could nod, she would, and her body allowed him to enter her, as he kissed both of her breasts and began thrusting.

They gazed into each other’s eyes, Sarah clearly enjoying both the view and the sensations as Steve fucked her, Sarah riding on top, and, well, off to the side as well, watching it all.

As they pulled into the Jones’ driveway, Jess broke the tension. “I uh, took an Uber to the bar. Was about to call another to get home unless you…”

Her sentence was interrupted by Kate lunging across the armrest, planting her lips firmly on Jess’ in an impassioned kiss. Somewhat surprised, and hesitant at first, Jess reciprocated, and pushed back, melting into her friend. It felt like there was a literal spark between them. There was.

As Kate pulled away, Jessica had a confused look on her face.

“I… had a wonderful time… tonight.”

“I… had a wonnnderful time…” Her voice slowing, her head twitching.

Kate just backed away in terror, having a very good idea of what she was seeing, but still not quite believing it.

“I had a won…” And then Jess was silent, not moving, eyes staring blankly forward.

“We’ll, uh, figure this out.” tentatively laying a hand on her now comatose partner’s leg. She then jumped out of the car, and rushed into her house.

Henrietta put her papers down, and looked at Kate with a somewhat annoyed expression. “What?”

“Jess… she’s an android… just like me, just like Sarah, just like You!” She practically spat the last sentence at her mother, clearly still resenting her mother hadn’t told her about herself. And now her girlfriend…

“Kate, that’s ridiculous. I’m the prototype. I personally supervised the construction of you and your sister. There aren’t any others.”

“I kissed her, and then, I don’t know, she shorted out or something, Mom! She’s sitting in the car, deactivated right now!”

Henrietta blushed at hearing her daughter be so frank, about, well, her intimate life. But her mind was racing. “We’re it. I helped build them, Ian built Trish, and then made her into me… and… there can’t be more of us...”

“I’m telling you, there are!” Kate practically screamed. “I don’t know what’s going on!”

They were suddenly interrupted by a cry of pleasure from Sarah’s bedroom. “Oh, god, yes!”

“Is Steve here?” Kate had an odd look on her face.

Henrietta blushed. “Yes, I’ve been trying to give them their space, doing my best to ignore them, difficult as it may…”

Kate had suddenly turned and rushed upstairs.

“Kate! Leave them alone!” she yelled as she started after her.

But Kate wasn’t listening. “I need to know something!”

She was determined as she burst through the door to Sarah’s room, startling the two lovers. Sarah was naked, headless, riding Steve on top, but Kate didn’t care about whatever kinky scene she was witnessing.

“Kate!! What the fuck!” Her head screamed from the nightstand, understandably startled as her body leapt of the bed and made a futile attempt to cover herself.

Steve just had a confused look on his face as he now found himself prone on the bed, and before he knew what was happening, Kate was on top of him.

“What the hell”

“I just need to know something.” she said, somewhat aggressively as she pressed hard into his navel, twice.

Nothing happened. “Kate, ow, that hurt. What the hell?” Steve yelled, understandably bewildered, and more than a bit pissed off.

Kate’s expression shifted instantly from determination to confusion to apologetic.

“I’m so sorry, I… just had to know…”

“Know what?” Sarah asked as she picked her head up from the nightstand and reattached it, no longer giving a thought about her nudity.

“That… he wasn’t… there are more like us… or at least, sort of like us.”

Steve was incredulous. “And you thought I…?”

“Look, I know what’s going on as much as you do, but there are others.”

“It’s true,” Henrietta said, entering the room, “I just checked the car, and, well Kate’s new, er, girlfriend is in there, completely unresponsive, and definitely not human. It’s no design I was aware of.”

“So… someone else is making androids?” Sarah asked. “Sleepers like me?”

“It... would appear so…”

The four of them just stared at each other at a complete loss.

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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by Guderian34 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:47 am

Ok please keep this going

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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by Devil » Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:51 am

Excellent, keep it up!

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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by Palindrome » Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:23 am

There will likely be more. May be a while. I considered this chapter a WIP and wasn't going to post it until I had an endgame in sight/written, but decided, fuck it once we passed 6k views.

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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by Malkozaine » Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:26 am

Yeah keep going if you can. This is a fun story.
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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by Palindrome » Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:24 pm

“What do we do?” Sarah asked wide eyed, her and Steve dressed again, as the four stood around the car looking at the unconscious form of Jess in the driver’s seat.”

“Well, a full systems diagnostic would work… provided she’s, uh, compatible with us. Mom?” Kate asked, looking over to Henrietta, who was pacing back and forth and seemed to be at a loss.

“Let’s take her to the lab.” Kate offered up.

“And what, smuggle what essentially looks like a corpse into a public building? We can deal with her here. Steve?” Sarah said.

“Huh?” He seemed equally as befuddled as Henrietta.

“Give me a hand carrying her.” Sarah ordered, taking charge as she opened the door and began to pull the deactivated girl out of the car. “Steve!”

“Yeah, uh, sure.” And between the two of them, they were able to wrest Jess’ unconscious figure from the driver’s seat

Just in time for one of their neighbors to pass by. Casey, another student who lived in a house down the street. To their horror she slowed and waved.

“Hey guys… uh is everything ok? Is that Jess?”

Sarah just laughed it off, while secretly panicking. “Yeah, just a bit too much to drink. A bit of water and some tylenol is what she needs. And maybe some… light puking.” Casey laughed.

“Well, I hope she feels better.” She turned with a wave and continued on her jog.

Kate and Sarah locked eyes, and they didn’t need a wireless connection to know what they both were thinking. “You don’t think Casey...?”

But there were more important tasks at hand.

They dragged the unconscious android inside, and took her to Kate’s room, laying her down on the bed and pulling her shirt off.

“Steve, can you get me the diagnostic tablet, just in case, but first…”, Kate said.

On a hunch, she pressed into Jess’s navel, and just as she herself was accustomed to, there was a hiss, and a panel opened just below her breasts. It was almost like looking into a mirror from the many times she’d seen herself opened up.
Sarah had the same thought. Once again, they glanced at each other. More of us.

Their unspoken understanding was abruptly interrupted by Steve charging into the room with the diagnostic tablet.

Kate took it from him, and unsurprisingly found the very familiar port on the back of Jess’ neck. She was compatible with everything, although the pad showed her software was slightly older than Kate’s or Sarah’s, but newer than Henrietta’s. But it was nearly the same, although she couldn’t fathom why she’d malfunctioned. Some weird feedback? Maybe Jess' sleeper programing backfired during their kiss, and she briefly woke up, but then shut her down. Kate decided to try a soft reboot.

Jess’ eyes snapped open.

“Ugh… I didn’t even have that much to drink, why do I feel like I’ve been hit by a ton of bricks?” As she sat up in bed, putting a hand to her head, and then not only noticing Kate’s concerned face looking down at her, the other three figures in the room.

Steve and Sarah, huddled together, and Henrietta off in the corner, looking very lost.

Jess instinctively pulled away in a panic.

“Who are these people? What’s going on?”

“”You’re in my bedroom. And we need to have a talk.” Kate said matter of factly before turning to the others. “Guys, can you give us a minute?”

Sarah. Steve, and a clearly in crisis Henrietta obliged, giving the two some privacy.

“I don’t understand.” Henrietta murmured as the three entered the hallway.

“Don’t you think, mom, that it’s just possible dad built others? Maybe even before me and Kate?” Sarah surmised, in a quiet voice.

Henrietta stumbled, “But I thought I was the first… and…”

“And he made you a family, and the two of you gave me and Kate life. You’re building more of us anyways, so, don’t you think it’s at least plausible?”

Henrietta just nodded silently.

Back in the bedroom, Jess looked up at Kate in confusion. “What happened? Did we have an accident? Last thing I remember is us kissing.”

“It was a great kiss, but In a way, we did sort of have an accident.”


“Jess, I’m not what you think.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m not actually a lesbian. I’ve heard it from lots of drunk girls who just wanted to explore their wild side. Give me a break Where’s my top?”

Looking around the bed for her shirt, yet somehow missing the open panel in her abdomen. Kate mused to herself that Jess’ sleeper protocols must be pretty deep.

“This is going to be hard to hear, but I’m not human, and neither are you.”

“Ha, so what, you think you’re an alien or something? I really need to be going.” She said starting to get up off the bed. “It was a fun night, but i’ve got class in the morning and...”

Kate cut her off. “I’m a highly sophisticated artificial intelligence. An android, robot, whatever, call it what you want. And so are you.”


“Really? Look down.”

There was a dawning realization on her face as she finally noticed her open abdominal panel, the complex electronics blinking inside.

Kate knew that feeling, like coming out of a fog and suddenly seeing yourself. Although in her case, it had been a car accident, a missing limb and wondering why there were various sparks coming from mechanical components in her wrecked shoulder. Also, wondering why she wasn’t feeling pain.

“What the hell? No, i’m human… I’m… I’m human…” Jess stammered.

“You are… in a way, but we’re both different.” Kate said as she raised her hands to her temples, and pulled her head smoothly away from her body.


Jess recoiled, but Kate just smiled holding her head out in a weird peace offering.

“Me, Sarah, Henrietta, we’re all like you, and there might be more of us, so I’ll show you how to close yourself up, and let’s put ourselves back together." As she moved to put her head back on, she hesitated, holding it out again.

“Unless you want to have some fun with this.”
Last edited by Palindrome on Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by Spaz » Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:54 pm


I'm glad you decided not to abandon this story after all.
Check out my stories:

Current story status: The Small Business Chronicles: Season Two | The Doctor is in - The Clinic (In progress...)

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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by NatalieBayer » Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:46 am

dang! that was a great addition to a great series!
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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by Palindrome » Wed Sep 25, 2019 8:13 am

Thanks. There'd been pieces lying there for a while on my hard drive, along with a few other ideas. Decided to reassemble her for a bit, even if I don't know what the future holds yet. Loving both of your stuff too.

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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by Devil » Wed Sep 25, 2019 3:24 pm

Awesome! The mystery deepens.... I hope for more here in the near future!

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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by DollSpace » Thu Sep 26, 2019 10:56 pm

Devil wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 3:24 pm Awesome! The mystery deepens.... I hope for more here in the near future!
So do I - I need to find out more!

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Re: Sarah Jones. [FCSWC]

Post by Bilbo1 » Fri Sep 27, 2019 3:41 am

Great work, really want to know more about these 4 bots!!

Please write some more. :applause: :applause: :thumbsup:

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