Blue Chips Ch5

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Blue Chips Ch5

Post by General » Tue Sep 02, 2003 11:26 pm

Daniel woke up Saturday morning to the sounds of pounding bass-heavy music that he swore was shaking his bed. He had found out a long time ago that no matter how you arrange your sleep schedule in college, it will always conflict with somebody who wants to pretend their dorm room is a rave. “9:30am…this must be a new record for Feinstein,” Daniel said to no one in particular. He wondered if Feinstein was still up from Friday, or decided to get a really early start on Saturday night. Oh well, he was up and there was no going back to sleep; might as well try to be productive.

Daniel crawled out of bed, and smiled when he remembered what he did with Jenny yesterday. It was like a dream, and part of him half expected it to have all been a delusion. While he mulled over the events of yesterday, he grabbed his shower bag and shambled down the hall to get ready for the day. Halfway through the shower, he remembered that Jenny had mentioned that she had a soccer game today, and since he didn’t have anything better to do, he figured he might stop by.

An hour later, Daniel was sitting on a cold aluminum bench watching the SPI girl’s soccer team play against St. Mary’s and was still smiling about the events of yesterday. He watched the girls fairly intently, trying to pick out which 3 of the girls besides Jenny were androids. He spotted Jenny pretty easily and noticed that although she seemed to be able to run quickly, and kick hard, she was easily out maneuvered. It seemed odd to Daniel that she could be faked so easily, and that gullible behavior led him to the other androids she had mentioned. A smaller Asian girl, a tall blond, and a brunette, were having similar problems as Jenny. The androids greatly out powered the St. Mary’s girls in raw athletic ability, but the competition could weave through the robots with impunity. In the end, SPI scored 3 goals to the 15 they let up, and the goals they did score were from high speed, long distance assists to the few human girls on the team. So much for victory through superior technology. As the girls left the field, Daniel waved to Jenny, who returned his wave and smiled, before retiring to the locker room. “Boy would I love to be a fly on the wall in that shower room,” Daniel thought to himself as he headed back to the dorm.

Daniel figured he would have a few hours to himself before Jenny might come over, since she said she would be busy with a lab for a while. He kicked off his shoes, popped an instant Ramen into the microwave and turned on the sci-fi channel. About a half an hour later, someone started knocking on his door. Daniel put his Ramen bowl down and opened the door to an unexpected surprise. Standing smiling before him, were two of the girls he had seen at the soccer match earlier today.

“Hello Daniel, I am Amy and this is Katie,” Amy said with a perky voice and a smile. She stood about 5’3”, with a slender frame, and short brown hair that nicely framed her soft Asian face. Her friend Katie was larger, at almost 5’10’, with a fair complexion and short blond hair. Each was dressed in simple shorts and a t-shirt and carried a small duffel bag. “Can we come in?” Amy asked.

“Uhh yea, sure. Come on in,” Daniel stammered as the girls moved past him into his small dorm room. Daniel closed the door as thoughts raced through his head faster than he could keep up with them. “Are these girls really androids? Did they find out what I did to Jenny? Have they come to get me? What the Hell am I going to do?” He turned around and caught a glimpse of his roommate’s power coil, and figured that if things started to go really bad he might kick it on and try to clean up afterwards. For now he would see what happens.

The girls were now sitting on Daniel’s couch and looking up at him. Both were smiling, which made him feel a little more comfortable. “Jennifer told us all about you,” Katie said in a slightly lower voice than Amy, but still cheerful.

“Aw shit,” Daniel thought, “I’ve been made.” He started to casually move toward the couch while trying to think of an excuse to reach over and hit the power strip for the coil.

“She showed us that you are the most attractive man on campus,” Katie said, as her cheerful voice gave way to an ambitious undertone.

“You are the only man that can arouse us,” Amy said, her perky tone also fading away as she slowly stood up from the couch.

“You are the only man that can satisfy us,” Katie cooed while rising to join Amy.

This started sounding really familiar to Daniel. It was almost the same phases that he had entered into Jenny’s knowledge file last night. He had to assume that these girls must be androids and that Jenny must have shared her data with them last night. “Quite an unexpected, but fortunate side effect,” he thought.

Amy stepped up to Daniel and kissed him on the mouth. He didn’t resist, and although it was quite nice and would have driven him nuts if it had happened more than 24 hours ago, he noticed that it was somewhat awkward. She didn’t quite know where to place her hands and nervously moved them up and down his back. Her lips moved in an attempt to French kiss, but her tongue did nothing. He probed her mouth with his tongue and hers responded slightly, but still didn’t do very much.

Daniel broke the kiss and moved slightly away. Amy looked up at him with worried eyes and asked, “Why did you stop? Is something wrong?” By this point, Katie had moved behind him and was slowly kissing the back of his neck. But just like Amy, Katie acted like a young girl who learned to kiss by watching bad sitcoms on the Disney Channel.

“Yea, something is wrong,” Daniel said, and decided to drop the pretense of not knowing what was going on, “are your sexual systems activated Amy?”

“Sexual systems?” Amy asked with a puzzled look on her face, “I don’t know what you are talking about Daniel.”

“Did someone activate your sexual systems, or are they disabled?” Daniel said slowly.

“You’re not making any sense Daniel, please stop confusing me,” Amy chirped as Katie moved her hands around Daniel to rub his chest.

“Come on, I know you two are androids, so drop the cover,” Daniel said as his patience started to wear thin.

“Silly Daniel,” Katie cooed in Daniel’s ear, “we’re not androids. I don’t know what you are talking about.”

This was getting no where. Daniel had to fix the bug he had accidentally placed in their programs, and he had no desire to hand hold these droids through sexual technique 101. He easily reached over and placed his hand on Amy’s left shoulder. She looked at him slightly confused, as he felt with his fingers until he found the 5 bumps he remembered on Jenny’s shoulder. He pressed the button closest to her neck, and Amy suddenly drooped her head and closed her eyes. “Amy?” Katie said with a confused tone, as Daniel reached behind him and found Katie’s switches. “What’s wrooooooooong,” Katie’s voice trailed off as her eyes closed and her head slumped down until her head met her chest.

Daniel wasted no time, and quickly pulled the shades and locked his door. He was going to have some fun with these two. After a few minutes of rummaging through their gym bags, he found 2 palmtop computers just like the one he used with Jenny. Making sure he had all the necessary cables, he put the computers down on his desk and reached for Amy’s shoulder.

Amy’s head raised back up and stared straight ahead. “Cyrex systems model 3057-105b. Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Amy 1.5. Commencing diagnostic.” She began slightly moving her body in a jerky fashion, and then said with a quiet monotone voice, “Motor systems…nominal. CPU….nominal. Sensors….nominal. Communications…..nominal. Memory……nominal. All systems are functioning within acceptable parameters.”

Daniel smiled as he looked over his latest toy. “Amy, remove all of your clothes, and neatly fold and stack them on my desk. Then stand in front and face the left side of the couch.”

“Acknowledged,” Amy said in a quiet monotone voice, as she quickly moved to accomplish her task. Daniel noticed that her voice was slightly more subdued that Jenny’s and that gave him some ideas for later. He then turned his attention to the other helpless android in the room.

“Cyrex systems model 3057-107d. Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Katie 1.4. Commencing diagnostic.” Like Amy and Jenny, Katie started slightly quivering her body. Her voice continued on slightly more forceful than Daniel’s other two conquests, “Motor systems…nominal. CPU….nominal. Sensors….nominal. Communications…..nominal. Memory……nominal. All systems are functioning within acceptable parameters.”

Daniel could look eye to eye with Katie now, and to him that made her seem almost defiant despite the fact she was totally under his control. He instructed her to remove her clothes in a similar manner to Amy and take position on the right side of the couch.

“Acknowledged,” Katie said as she marched past Daniel to accomplish her current task. He smiled ear to ear and grabbed both computers before sitting down in the middle of the couch. In a few moments, Katie took up her position and stared straight ahead, while he sat back and just drank in the view. Amy was very attractive, and her B cup breasts appeared quite full on her slender frame. Her lightly tanned skin was flawless, and her physique was so highly defined that he thought he could identify each and every replicated muscle group on her artificial body.

Katie, while also very attractive, was quite different than Amy. Her tall frame was filled out more giving her a more “healthy” look. It also helped to balance her bountiful C cup breasts topped with perfect quarter sized nipples. Although she wasn’t as defined as Amy, she was still very attractive; taking on more of the traditional feminine hourglass figure.

Daniel plugged in each computer to their corresponding android through the USB interface located in the bellybuttons. The ToolBench program came up and at first he went through the same basic steps he did with Jenny, basically to add himself as an Administrator and add a command line into their Missions field to please him as much as possible. At this point he decided to make a few unique changes.

Daniel accessed and activated Amy’s sexual systems and decided to give her a bit of sexual personality that he felt suited her. He played around with the slider bars and set her to be fairly lowly sexed, and completely subservient to her lover. He also set her to be fully bisexual, turned down her sensitivity, and enabled her to have multiple, very powerful orgasms.

Katie was also altered to give her some unique sexual qualities. Daniel made her very aggressive, only minimally submissive to her partner, but would still follow his orders. He left her only heterosexual, and turned her sensitivity way up. The fun part was he made her only able to achieve orgasm upon command, but she could become highly aroused quickly and stay aroused until he released her. Should be pretty interesting, and when in doubt he always change it later if it didn’t work.

Daniel removed the USB cables and placed the computers away on his desk. Hoping for the best he reached up and pressed Amy and Katie’s reboot button.

“Reboot commencing,” the girls said in unison as their heads lowered to their chests and their bodies went silent.

To be continued……

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Post by DollSpace » Wed Sep 03, 2003 1:28 am

Another great chapter! ^_^

Eagerly awaiting more! :wink:


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Post by tectile » Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:05 am

Great story man! Can't wait for part 6.

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Post by Magoo » Wed Sep 03, 2003 7:48 pm

more! more! more!

Great stuff... keep up the good work!
-- Magoo --

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Post by CyberFlunkey » Wed Sep 03, 2003 8:32 pm

Ditto... what more can I say? 8)

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Post by htb21 » Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:18 pm

Very nice!! keep it going!

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Post by tc » Thu Sep 04, 2003 6:10 pm

can't wait for the next chapter

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Post by Korby » Thu Sep 04, 2003 10:56 pm

I'll chime in with a 'ditto'. Very cool, can't wait for the next bit.

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Post by Magoo » Fri Sep 12, 2003 7:52 pm

blah , please don't make us wait again :P

still looking forward to the next chapter... :D
-- Magoo --

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Post by General » Sun Sep 14, 2003 7:10 pm

Sorry guys. I should have chapter 6 posted by later tonight. And thanks for all the positive feedback.

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