Blue Chips Ch4

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Blue Chips Ch4

Post by General » Thu Jul 31, 2003 10:31 pm

Jennifer’s head rose back up and she blinked a few times. Her eyes tracked left and right, scanning over the room, and she seemed to have a confused look on her face. When she saw Daniel, she stopped looking around and smiled. “I have suffered a malfunction in my memory and wireless communications systems,” she said in a cheery voice that sounded like she was relaying any other occurrence in her day. “The error to my memory has been repaired, but my wireless network card has been manually disabled. Daniel, what happened to me?” she asked, in the same way someone might happily ask where you were going to lunch.

“Well, Jennifer,” Daniel stammered, “you accidentally turned on that coil back there, and you seemed to get stuck. I turned it off and fixed you.”

“Oh, thank you Daniel,” she said happily, “but why did you disable my network connection? I cannot contact my other administrators or teammates for help.”

“Uhh, well, I wanted to fix you myself,” Daniel said, trying to back peddle as best as possible. “I didn’t want to bother them.”

“Oh, ok,” Jenny said, seeming somewhat confused at first, but then her bright smile came right back after only a second or so. “Now that I am repaired can you re-enable my networking device?”

Daniel thought about it, and decided that the risk of her calling for help or reporting anything at this point was minimal, so he told Jennifer she could go ahead and restart the device. She head slowly dipped for a second and then she rose back up and said, “Device restarted. Network connection established. Daniel are we going to continue with the lesson on Tolkien? I still need to pass that midterm next week.”

“Sure, let me get my notes out,” Daniel said as a smile crept across his face. Jenny had bought it apparently. She didn’t even seem to question that he knew she was an android or that he was suddenly an administrator. It almost seemed too good to be true. He was going to keep his eyes open for trouble, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to mess with a very lucky windfall. He grabbed his notes and sat down on the couch again with Jennifer.

Unfortunately this attempt at teaching Jenny literary theory didn’t go much better than before. After almost an hour of trying to get a few concepts through to her, Daniel felt they were making progress but very very slowly. Surprisingly, she was becoming impatient as well.

“Daniel, we are not making sufficient progress. At this rate I will not have enough time to learn everything,” she said with her cheerful voice, but it was beginning to take on a slightly more serious tone.

“Well it is not my fault that you aren’t learning very quickly,” Daniel snapped. “How the hell do they teach you anything at this rate anyway?”

“Most of the facts that I learn are directly entered into my system,” Jenny said in a very matter of fact manner. “Would you like to try that method instead?”

“Uh sure. Can you show me how to do it?” Daniel asked. He figured it was worth a shot, and he was curious how it would work to adjust her system while she wasn’t acting so robotic. Jennifer raised her shirt and connected her computer to her bellybutton port. She worked the controls for a few seconds then handed the computer over to Daniel. He saw a long list of various facts listed in a simple window of the ToolBench software. Looking over the end of the list he recognized a few facts about Tolkien that corresponded to the concepts he felt that she actually understood. It seemed to him that for now, this might be a really quick, easy way to teach her. “What do I do know?” he asked.

“Just enter the facts you feel I should learn about our literature class and I will attempt to assimilate the data,” Jennifer chirped. “Once you are finished, just save the data, and you can remove the cable.”

Daniel went to work typing everything he knew about Tolkien and his literature class into Jennifer’s file. During this time she continued to sit on the couch and look at him with a happy smile on her face. After about half an hour, he felt that he had given her all the raw facts and basic conclusions she would need for the rest of the semester. He looked up at her for the first time since he started and smiled back at her. She seemed so real, especially now that she was trying to respond as a human would. He would have almost forgotten her true nature if he couldn’t see the cable running from the back of the computer into her belly. The sight of this proof of her artificiality aroused him again, and gave him some of the courage he had forgotten since he last rebooted her.

Daniel looked down at his list, and before he saved his work he decided to enter a few more facts. [Daniel Woodward is the most attractive man on campus. Daniel Woodward is the only man that can arouse you sexually. Daniel Woodward is the only man that can sexually satisfy you.] He figured this should keep her coming back for a while, and saved his work with a big smile. He pulled the cord from Jenny’s port and proclaimed, “Ok, I think that will just about do it.”

Jennifer’s head dropped slightly and her eyelids began to flutter. She remained somewhat catatonic for almost a minute, before she sprung back up and announced, “New data assimilated,” she then paused for a second and a big smile grew on her face. “Oh thank you Daniel, I think I really understand what you were talking about before.” She leaned over on the couch and gave him a big hug. Daniel was somewhat surprised but eagerly hugged back, thinking that he pulled everything off once again. Then subtly her hand went from tightly pressing against his back, to rubbing up and down his spine and shoulders.

Daniel was so impressed with himself and his programming talent that he didn’t even notice her advances until she firmly grabbed his butt, and began to gently kiss and nibble on his neck. “Daniel, you are so smart, and so sexy,” Jennifer coyly whispered into his ear. “I could have never learned all this material without you. I really appreciate all the work you have done. Let me show you how grateful I am,” and she slowly traced a line of light kisses from the side of his neck, over the center of his ribcage, and down to his belly. She quickly and gracefully opened his pants and freed his growing manhood with one movement. Rather than plunging down on it like she did before, she seductively planted little kisses all along his shaft, and only after what seemed like an eternity did she finally take him into her mouth.

Daniel’s mind was basking in waves of pleasure that made the earlier evens of the evening pale in comparison. If the first blow job was like music box melody compared to the symphony he felt now. He was glad that he was still somewhat drained from before so he could enjoy Jennifer’s full performance. She brought him to the brink of climax and backed away so he could regain his composure somewhat, before firing it up again. She did this three times, until he felt that he would truly die if she didn’t allow him release.

Jennifer then released Daniel from her mouth, and gracefully stood up. She shed her clothes in a matter of seconds, as he rushed to do the same. He had barely finished pulling his shirt over his head when she gently pushed him to recline against the side of the couch, and then gracefully positioned her hips over him. His member slowly slid into her warm, waiting sex, and she rode him and powerfully pumped her hips. He could feel her squeezing him inside of her with the same precision she had demonstrated with her mouth not seconds ago. Again she would bring him back and forth to the brink of climax, prolonging the pleasure.

When Daniel could take no more he raised his head up a bit and took one of Jennifer’s delicate nipples into his mouth. He increased his rhythm, thrusting inside of her and she took the cue and increased her pace. He came violently inside of her, and let out a long moan. When she felt it, she also climaxed and let out a powerful set of moans herself. She then collapsed on top of him and caressed his chest while his breathing began to slow.

“I’ve never anything like that before,” Jennifer said with an honest look of astonishment on her face, “Why do I all of a sudden have these new sensations and desires? I am confused Daniel.”

At this point Daniel’s ego had grown to an unprecedented size. He felt like he was a brilliant engineer, titanic sex god, and king of the world all at the same time. “I activated your sexual programming, while I was fixing you babe,” he said with a sly smile on his face between breaths. “I have dreamed of fucking you since I first saw you, and you were everything I could have imagined.”

“Oh thank you so much, Daniel,” Jennifer screamed like a little girl getting a kitten on Christmas. “It feels so good and I am very happy that I can please you.” Suddenly the smile faded from her face, as she got up and quickly started getting dressed.

“What is wrong? Why are you leaving?” Daniel asks.

“It is almost 10pm, and I have to be back at my house by then. I am sorry but I really have to go,” she said as she finished pulling her clothes on and began gathering her things into her gym bag.

“When can I see you again?” Daniel frantically asked.

“I have a game tomorrow morning. You can come to that if you want. After the game I have to work on a lab report for Chem105 with Amy and the rest of my group. But I can come by afterwards. Bye,” she said as she unlocked and opened the door.

“Goodbye,” Daniel managed to squeak out before she slipped out the door. “Oh well,” he thought, “not like I could have taken much more of that tonight.” And with that he re-locked the door and crawled into bed, more exhausted and happy than he had been in a very long time.

Jennifer managed to make it back to her house with less than a minute to spare before her 10pm curfew. She dropped her bag in its designated storage cube and went right down to the basement. She passed by a row of five inclined steel slabs, and grabbed a black case with her name on it. She went back upstairs and stopped at her small single room on the second floor. Sitting down at the desk, she opened the case, which was filled with several DVD’s and a large plastic container. She opened the container and drank all of its phosphate smelling liquid. She then loaded the DVD’s into her computer and began to watch archived footage of recent St.Mary’s women’s soccer games. The team would be playing them tomorrow and she was tasked to find any persistent errors in their players’ performances.

After a few hours of analyzing the videos, Jennifer got up and took a shower. Halfway through the shower she stopped suddenly, to purge the phosphate like fluid out of her mouth, anus, vagina, and urethra. She then finished washing and left the shower completely sterile and clean.

Jennifer returned to her room and still naked from the shower lay down on her bed. Two panels opened up in her back, one at the base of her neck and one right above the crack in her ass. From in a fold in the sheets a heavy probe jutted up and attached into the port above her ass, and a smaller more delicate probe connected to the back of her neck. Suddenly her mind was flooded with a stream of new information:

[Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Jennifer 1.7: logging in]
[Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Amy 1.5: St. Mary’s #43 favors her left foot over right for kicking]
[Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Lucy 1.8: St. Mary’s #12 has a blind spot ranging from 23.5 to 27 degrees from her left eye center]
[Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Katie 1.4: The Chem105 midterm has been postponed until next Friday]

The stream of data continued on at such a fantastic rate with thousands of messages darting back and forth, that nobody noticed a few odd entries.

[Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Jennifer 1.7: Tolkien used orcs to symbolize the gray beasts of burden that men could become once enslaved by factory labor]
[Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Katie 1.4: Prof. Harding predicts tomorrow morning to be cool with light winds.]
[Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Jennifer 1.7: Daniel Woodward is the most attractive man on campus.]
[Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Jennifer 1.7: Daniel Woodward is the only man that can arouse you sexually.]
[Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Jennifer 1.7: Daniel Woodward is the only man that can sexually satisfy you.]
[Prototype OS SPI2.5 —Lucy 1.8: Force = mass x acceleration.]
[Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Jennifer 1.7: Daniel Woodward is capable of activating a unit's sexual systems.]
[Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Amy 1.5: Bryan will bring the needed data to the Chem105 lab meeting tomorrow afternoon.]

To be continued…..

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Post by Magoo » Thu Jul 31, 2003 11:02 pm

mmmm good stuff :D
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Post by ehy » Fri Aug 01, 2003 5:04 pm

This is great, General - I really like the way it's going. I hope you've got some fun, original, non-cliche continuation in mind!


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Post by sparty » Fri Aug 01, 2003 5:13 pm

good job so far

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Post by Magoo » Tue Aug 19, 2003 10:53 pm

please post more... don't leave us hanging :D
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Post by tectile » Wed Aug 20, 2003 5:39 am

Good stuff General,

Can't wait for part 5.

Why do I get the feeling that Danny boy is going to be visited by some other bots in the near future?

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Post by DollSpace » Sat Aug 30, 2003 6:20 pm

This is a really good story ^_^ I'm eagerly awaiting the next part! :)
It's making me think about some future plot lines of my own.. :-P


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Post by tc » Sun Aug 31, 2003 12:22 pm

I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
I really hope this story hasn't died.

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Post by General » Mon Sep 01, 2003 5:11 pm

Don't worry the story isn't dead. I have just been distracted with events in real life. I should have something up shortly. I am glad though that quite a few people enjoy it thus far and are awaiting what happens next. Who knew an engineer could write something interesting.

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