Regret part 2

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Regret part 2

Post by Mirage » Thu Jun 26, 2003 9:44 am

I took a pause and took a sip of my beer. Both guys were looking at me to continue my story with anticipation. I let out a small burp and took a deep breath. "Where was I?.. oh yes... So, I took the remote control home and studied the buttons : ON, OFF, PAUSE, OPEN, BOOT, ERASE, and a plus sign +, a negative sign -, just like a volume control. Pressing the open button, a small cartridge came out from the front. It was the size of a game boy cartridge, I guess. I was a bit puzzled by it a bit. I put the small cartridge back and press more buttons, but nothing else happened.

So, I decide to bring it to work the next day. My job, an office desk job somewhere I won't mention it's location because it's not important and might get me fired if they knew what I did. So, I get in the elevator and some people also get in with me. I notice this beautiful blonde get in. I slowly reach for the control in my pocket and press the on button. I then press the pause button on it. Sadly, nothing happened and we all leave the elevator. I sat at my desk and was thinking were I could find a female android here. Their existence at my job are sure to be real, but they are hard to find. For security matters, we are not told who is a real human and who is artificial here. My boss came in and ask me to go look for a file at records. I left my office but did brought the remote in my pocket. Arriving in the lower level of our office building, I went to the record room. Behind a desk, was this cute secretary. "Hi, how can I help you?" she said, greeting me. "I am looking for this file." I told her, giving her the number file. "One moment please, I'll go get it." she smiled and left behind some massive walls full of files. I suddenly got an impulse and ran behind her. Sneaking behind her, I grabbed the remote and press the pause button.

"YES!" I screamed to myself. In mid walk, she just froze up instantly. I walked up to her and look at her statue look in her face. I was amazed how technology had become at making machine so human looking. I then pressed the open button. Suddenly, a small panel openned in her forehead. I look at it and realised it was the size of the cartridge that also came out the remote. I grabbed the cartridge and insert it inside her head. The cartridge went in and the panel closed. "What now?" I asked myself. I then look at the remote and pressed the button BOOT.

Suddenly, she left out a moaned and came back to contouisness. I panicked, but she then suddenly kissed me hard. I was floored. I smiled at her and she smiled back "What can I do for you, master?" she said, wetting her lips with her tongue. I won't go into details, but let's just say I stayed in the record room most of the day.

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Post by tinyspider » Thu Jun 26, 2003 1:31 pm

Oh my god Mirage don't be that wicked!, you left me panting LOL!
Keep it coming!!! Keeep it cooming pleeaasee!!!!
Such a good writer are you :guns:

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Post by Xeran » Thu Jun 26, 2003 2:55 pm

SWEET....... dude. nothing else needed

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