ADpolice2 part 5

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ADpolice2 part 5

Post by Mirage » Tue May 20, 2003 11:22 am

Part 5

"Can an A.I. become insane?" I asked outloud, frustrated at the notion. "An A.I. can malfunction........ bad programming.. Corrupt data...theses can happen." Momika responded. "But truly humanlly insane? We know sometimes, it was reported that some A.I.'s sometimes did became truly sentient... And what if our Annie here did become trully sentient and she became insane?" I still questionned myself, more than my partner.

"Momika, let's say, you became truly sentient, could you become insane?" I quizzed her. She gave me a strange stare, suddenlly blurred out "....processing... processing... error...error... don't understand question... please explain what is "insane"?" she said, with her eyes, loosing all lightness to them. "Momika, shut down and reboot!" I said quickly, knowing I asked her a question that even humans can't answer.

She closed her eyes and rebooted her systems. After a few seconds, she smiled like nothing happened and ask me if I wanted more coffee. I nodded and mumbled soflty "Insane is always related to violent tendencies... or is it? What is "Being Insane?" I frowned to myself in a mirror on the wall.

To be continued

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