The Nightingale's Song - Part 4

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The Nightingale's Song - Part 4

Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Dec 30, 2002 11:22 pm

This is actually the tail end of Part 3 and Part 4 as well.

Harry greeted the lanky old man that now stood before him. He was as tall as Harry, his hair was white and rather unkept. He almost looked like some crazed mad scientist one might find in a bad movie. "A pleasure to meet you Mr. Throckhammer", Harry said as he put his hand out to greet the man. Throckhammer returned the gesture, but only grunted at Harry. He seemed more interested in Cricket. "I haven't seen your type of model in........oh, a very long time", Throckhammer said as he looked the robot girl over. "You're a Daddy's Girl if I'm not mistaken", he said. The robot smiled and put her hand out. "My name's Cricket", she said as she beamed. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Throckhammer." "Oh, the pleasure is mine young miss. And what is it you do for Mr. Lang here?", he asked. "Oh, I'm Harry's partner", she replied, excitement in her voice. "I help him on cases, we go everywhere together, and we always have lots of fun, don't we Harry?" Lang look a little bewildered and replied, "Oh yeah, the fun never ends with us." "Well isn't that nice", Throckhammer chimed in. He looked at Harry. "You just let her shadow you around, do you?" "Oh don't let the little miss innocent act fool you Throckhammer. Believe me, she's smater then the average fembot", Harry replied. This made the old man examine Cricket even closer. " you're letting her grow up are you?" Could be dangerous." "Maybe", Harry said "If you subscribe to all that mumbo jumbo about robots turning on their masters and taking over the world."
"And I take it you don't Mr. Lang"
"No, I do not Mr. Throckhammer. Ever since we started playing God, weve done a pretty pitiful job. Giving life to these "people", letting them have just a taste of it, and then when we think they'd had enough or even too much, we just throw them away like so much garbage." Harry put both hands on Cricket's sholders. "Well this Daddy's Girl is going to experiance life....all of it, the good, bad, and ugly for as long as she wants long as she's able too." He looked down at her and winked. She smiled back and then spoke to the old man. "I'd never hurt Harry Mr. Throckhammer, and I'll always do everything in my power to protect him. He's my friend", she said as she looked up at Harry and winked at him.
The old man smiled at them both. "And now I know you're both the right people for this job", he said.
"Ah yes.....the job", Harry replied "And what is this job we've come all this way to perform?" Throckhammer picked up his little trinket he had sitting on the table behind him. "This", he said "is the Golden Nightingale."
It was a sleek looking replica of a bird, plated in gold, with little rubys for eyes. Its body was studed with what looked like diamonds. Cricket's eyes lit up at the sight of the pretty thing. "May I hold it?", she asked. "Of course you may, but be very careful", Throckhammer said as he handed her the artificial bird. Harry was less impressed.
"You brought us all the way from Original New York.....on the coldest month of the year........for that???", and he pointed to the bird. Cricket noticed a small button on the bird's neck and pressed it. The nightingale suddenly came to life and sang a very lovely song. "That song you hear my friends is someting certain individuals will do anything to posess. Even kill!"
Next: A Villian revealed

Posts: 328
Joined: Tue Jun 18, 2002 7:32 pm

Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Apr 22, 2003 12:18 pm

I haven't posted in awhile cause my puter melted down :cry:

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