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new story

Post by Dark_Archon » Mon Dec 30, 2002 4:07 pm

This used to be on Mechgirls site and thankfully i found a old cd with most of the older storys on of i'll be able to post some anyways this is a three parter so enjoy



By Ryuichi Tokiwa
Translated by Dr.Temma

(Translator's Note): I posted the first translation of Ryuichi Tokiwa's story in December 1999. This was the version seen in MECHAGAL's initial fiction-upload. After some suggestions from fans of Mr. Tokiwa's widely popular tale of Yuya Kizahashi and Minatsu the inorganic girl, I finally decided to revise all three parts of SYNTHETIC VAGINA. Aside from the obvious cosmetic fixes, the dialogue has been reconsidered, and the story fit to flow closer to the author's intentions. It's my hope that Mr. Tokiwa's story will reach an even greater readership. - February, 2001

(She's here, she's here).

No one else but Her comes to this sound-proof music-room by Yours Truly's beckoning during exam week.
(Of course no one but Yours Truly would choose to meet someone in a sound-proof music-room, but that's another story.)
First runner up for Prom Queen? Maybe. Looks reserved for an idol singer? Better. Yours truly locked the door after closing it and went over to Her.
"Did you read that letter...?"
I put on my best shy hat and asked her.
"I read it... I'm very happy to receive your feelings. But..."
She... Minatsu Fujiwara, drew a dark cloud over her eyes as she said this.
(Alright, alright. Just the reaction I was expecting.)
Yours truly had a shocked expression down, and coaxed these words.
"As I thought... no chance huh... There someone else you like?"
"No... I... Right now I have no desire to go out with anybody. I'm sorry."
"If there is somebody, tell me honest. I won't give up just yet."
When yours truly said this he grabbed Minatsu's hand strongly.
"I'm sorry... I.... I can't."
(Alright... Now or never...)

"Is it maybe because you're not a human being, because you're... a robot?"

Yours truly suspected she would, at this point, burst out laughing for cover.
However, happily, for my sake she betrayed that very suspicion. Looking up stunned her face revealed true perturbation.
What? Not even a fight?
This, however, saved me alot of trouble.
Yours truly coaxed these words.
"Well then, shall we have you take a look at this?"
Yours truly thrust out a small jar with peat- black liquid inside.
"Can you tell what this is?"
It's clear she's trying to pull some calm over herself but her voice is trembling.
A more human-like reaction than I ever expected.
Yours truly continued talking, now with a frigid look in his eyes.
"Something I got hold of during last week's outdoor field study class. You should be able to tell what this is but--"
Upon opening the lid on the jar, an oily smell rented the air. That's right, this was some kind of oil.
Smelling this, Minatsu's voice leapt for a moment and her face blushed deeply.
"Awfully human-like a response... Hmm, do robots get embarrassed about their own bodily secretions too? That's right, this is your urine!... or rather to be more precise, your machine by- product. Yours truly was truly amazed when he saw the Prom Queen one day, unawares of him hiding in some bushes there, bending down, hiking up her skirt and pulling down her panties.. and what he saw there. Really freaked him out when he saw this shit-black liquid spewing forth from your lobes. No mistake this is some kind of oil. There's no girl who spews out oil from her lobes. Could have put that aside as some kind of hallucination I had, but when yours truly found out that your mother was none other than Professor Fujiwara, well that's when I was convinced. Her fame as a scientist needs no mention. That yours truly's father's corporation was able to grow to that size, all owes something to Professor Fujiwara's powers. Leave it up to Professor Fujiwara and maybe she could even build a life-like robot. And besides, all the time yours truly's known Prof. Fujiwara, not once did he ever hear she had a daughter. There was only that she'd lost both her husband and her young only-daughter to an accident about ten years ago. That's about the only thing I remember."
Was is regret or defeat Minatsu's shoulders fell by the sides.
"So then... what do you want me to do about this?"
"If you listen to what yours truly tells you to do from now on, then he won't let on to anybody else that you're a robot. Not a bad trade, don't you think? You know how Professor Fujiwara raised the funds to build you? I did some hacking on my old man's computer. Something's wrong with the account at the Fujiwara laboratory. He hasn't noticed it, I think, because he trusts Professor Fujiwara but there's a considerable withdrawal made in her name under undocumented circumstances. Wondered, what in the world did she use all this money for..."
This was bit of a bluff.
True, there were some undocumented withdrawals made under her name but no amount too suspicious. It wasn't that the Professor was doing something illegal, only that her account hadn't been organized recently. Just as I thought -- she didn't know this.
She let out a voice of brief fear, mouth a bit agape and all.
"Looks like you understand now. You willing to surrender to me?"
A sad smile drifts up on Minatsu's face and she nods.
"Take off your clothes then. We'll take a look at how well made you are."

Minatsu nods, placing her hand on the ribbon over her breast, taking off her sailor outfit as ordered.

"That's good for now."
Yours truly starts by fondling those breasts from over her brasiere, the rest of her still clad in underwear. Her nipples are very soft, hard to believe they're artificial. Those female-type robots that pop up in manga stories have mecha filling up even their busts but not Minatsu, at least from what he can tell.
"Quite nice to the touch... -Huh?-... You feeling something?"
As soon as yours truly heard her let out that raw breath Minatsu's cheeks flush beet-red.
"You really are well made. You can even feel horniness or embarrassment. Well now, we'll take off your brasiere for you so raise up your arms."
Wrapping his hands around her back, feeling the hook and unlatching it, he removes her bra with the hands of a pro. That much he has plenty of experience doing.
"Breasts are not especially large, but nicely shaped, quite nice. Teats are on the small side, pinkish and cute-looking."
Hearing such words of praise Minatsu, despite looking rather sad, smiles a little in spite of herself. Seems robots like being praised also.
"Now then we'll take a look at your lower abdomen. Take off your undies and sit on top of that desk."
Minatsu places her hands on her undies, hesitates for a moment, and then eventually takes everything off in one go.
Freshly effervescing the growth about her lobes is exposed.
Then, following orders, she climbs on top of that table nearby, and rests her thigh upon it.
"Now we'll take a look at your genitals, so get up on your lap and open up your legs."
Turning even her ears red in shame Minatsu opens up her legs in tiny increments, left and right.
"You're a robot, fer chrissake! What are you embarrassed about! Open those legs up more!"
"Like... this... ?"
In the process of spreading her legs apart her peachy privates come into full view.
Her pubics grew only up to her clitoris so you could see two young, untainted blossom colored orifices, large and small.
The little bud below them in her ass is also a cute pink thing.
"Spread your labia left and right."
Yours truly thought she would use her hands but hands down to a robot -- she can open and close her labia *at will*. Her privates are designed not so different from any human girl's; they're made quite well, very well indeed.
"I took a grateful peek last time but they're really impressive-looking for something made of plastic. Can you have sex also if they're this precision-made?"
"Yes... I can..."
"Well then! We'll take a look at your sensitivity hereabouts later. Alright?"
Minatsu gave a look of utter defeat and nodded sheepishly.
"No matter how I look at you you're really well-made. Outwardly you look no different from a human! But... being as that may, all robots have an on-off switch somewhere. Show it to me."
Minatsu inserted both index fingers deep into her navel and pulled out.
Just then her abdomen parted around her navel to the sides, and opened up with a whir.
In the center she was equipped with a compact engine, and affixed to this, an electrical generator of some sort.
Farther up numerous circuit boards were stacked layer upon layer, with wires and tubing running through all of this, interconnecting various mechanisms.
The outermost circuit board appears to be modified as a control board, with an array of switches and gauges.
"Hmm... I see... a robot, no doubt. But a much cheaper make than I expected. Yours truly expected your tech to be a bit more advanced than this..."
The circuitry is all very intricate for certain but the components aren't all that different from ones I see in appliances.
The compact engine is the same Fujiwara engine that the Professor developed ten years ago.
Intaking rarefied gasoline, this internal combustion chamber engine converts this fuel into rotational energy unlike "recipro" engines of recent, producing little or no wasted heat or movement; At an ultra-efficient state its energy loss is remarkably negligible.
With this eco-friendly engine yours truly's father's company was able to embark on a revolutionary innovation.

However this has already become standard tech, as of now nothing new to the eye.
Minatsu does not seem to possess any advanced tech of the kind yours truly would imagine seeing her at a first glance.
"So this is the main power switch. And this the fuel meter, and you've got about half a meter's worth of fuel to go on. Alright you can close your abdomen now."
As always Minatsu wears a sad look on her face but she's following yours truly's orders. She is thusly a machine, incapable of betraying a human being's commands, methinks.
Next, yours truly shifted his line of vision to the tiny chrysanthemum bud betwen her opened lobes, and pointed to it with his finger.

"What kind of function does this have? Some kind of vent for exhaust fumes or something?"
What yours truly took to be a joke turned out to be the spanking truth, for her cheeks turned dark red now. She looked down in burning shame and answered with the meekest of an answer.
"Show it then."
"I just excreted it a moment ago at the bathroom so I don't think I have much left but..."
That said, Minatsu got low on her haunches and made like she was laying an egg. "N-nnn!" The little pink bud turned inside out, and a metallic valve came through.
As Minatsu said, it was only a little but, what got released was none other than gas.
"Robot or not, that's still a rather uncomely pose there. You can close it now."
Having someone observe her exhaust gas is even more embarrassing for her than having her privates inspected, it seems. She appears to be trembling a little. As yours truly watched her lobes return to normal he shifted his vision once more to her genitalia.
"Come to think of it... Why don't you show us how you pee like you did that first time."
No sooner did yours truly say this he went over and picked up an empty wax-paper cup some one trashed and poked it towards Minatsu's genitalia.
"Come on, let's see you do this."
As Minatsu nodded she crouched again and contracted her lower abs. Near her unfolded labia, from the opening of her artificial urethra, another nozzle peeked out, and from this a shit-black liquid spewed forth.
"He-he, not unusual for a girl to be peeing oil-urine if she's a robot girl. Alright, you can stop now."
Just as soon as yours truly said this the flow of oil quit at the mark.
"Will you give me a tissue please?"
"No, let yours truly do it for you." Nothing else except the nozzle is dirty. Yours truly took a tissue, cleaned that nozzle thoroughly, then turning that tissue over, began wiping Minatsu's genitalia.
"Ahh! .... AHH!"
"What? You feeling this?"
Minatsu just flushes in shame and looks down.
"You feeling horny? I'm asking, answer me."
Minatsu answers, almost falling back.
"I wipe your love-hole just a little bit and you're this gone already .What a pervert you are. Hey, take a look at this tissue. It's wet isn't it? There's even some love-juice wetting it. You're really a Dutch wife aren't you. You're designed to feel pleasure, any given time, at any place, in any damned situation"
"No, that is incorrect! I am... I am..."
Her eyes darken, and tears start pouring.
"No use objecting to the truth, you've got no persuasion over me, your love-hole staring me right in the face like that. Your feeling horny is an indisputable fact as of now, isn't that right?"
As yours truly said this with a mean look on his face he applied his fingers to her lobes.
"Please stop!... If you touch me there I will... Ah!!!"
Grrnn... CLACK!
A switching sound issues forth when he pushes her clitoris.
"Ah! .... *Afu!*"
Minatsu lets out a hopelessly shameful shriek, and her body starts shaking little by little.
Weeeeeeeeen... KATCHUNG!
Her mechanism makes a switching sound from within her belly, her clitoris gets activated, and her breath breaks down into lustrous heaves.
"HAA... HAA... HAA..."
"So that's what it was, this is where her sex-activation control is. Let's see... Let's see what a robot girl's body feels like on my person. Look, your pee-nozzle's still out! Put it away, for godsakes."
As yours truly said this tapping on her little peeking nozzle with his finger nail, Minatsu withdrew it instantly.
Along with it, her spread labia closed also.
"We'll get that open again just as soon... Look out, here comes."
Yours truly grabbed Minatsu and hugged her, snatching her lips, inserted his tongue deep into her mouth.
She doesn't seem to know what a throat kiss is. Yours truly's tongue clad together with Minatsu's wriggling, confused tongue to give her a one-on-one lesson in basics.
One kiss seems to go a long way, her body is trembling in lust.
"Pretty impressive sensitivity you've got, haven't you? Something to be said about a well-made machine. How about this?"
He blows a bit of breath on her ear and bites her ear lobe.
"Hee! Annnn!"
As soon as he inserted his finger in her crotch, her love-juice was already seeping out.
"Wetting your little love-hole you poor baby, pretty aggressive acting so afraid earlier, you fucking robo pervert!"
"No...! Haahhh!.... Annn!"
He tries pushing her activated clitoris but it doesn't make a switching sound like earlier.
Yours truly rubbed around Minatsu's genitalia with his finger, running his tongue on her from the nape of her neck and searching for weak spots to explore.
This girl-thing's weak around the breasts, it began pleading yours as soon as he started poking its shoulder blades.
"HAAHH.... HAAHH.... Annn! ANNN!"
To continue, he put Minatsu's cherry-blossom nipples in his mouth, rolling them around a little, and biting them gently to give her stimulation.
"Haah! ... Ahhh! .... Nmfff! Amfff!"
"Next off we'll give your love-juice a litttle taste. Open your legs up more."
As Minatsu spread her legs apart wide, love- juice, in shameful gurgles came welling up and wetting her plastic genitalia split like a ripe plum.
From there a sweet scent reminscent of fine sake and ripe fruit flooded my senses, seducing my pangs of lust and desire.
"Not a bad fragrance... Let's see..."
To begin, I began lapping up the love-juice trapped between her large-and-small folds, savoring the flavor.
Minatsu's love-juice is sweet-sour like fruit juice. This is no exaggeration, it really actually tastes like fruit juice.
"Just the right amount of sweetness tinged with a refreshing sourness, shall we say, an exquisite combination. No joke, your love-juice is really delicious. Real love-juice, true to the name. Prof. Fujiwara has a sense of humor, that's for sure."
This is really, seriously good.
While lapping up her sweet dew, yours truly nuzzled her privates.
"HAA... HAA.... AAHN! .... AH?!?"
"Looks like you're all set to go..."
Minatsu's genitalia are inviting me with open lips. Something different from before is that it's now rose-hued with lust.
Yours truly unbuckled his pants, brought out all that was standing strong, scooped Minatsu up and laid her down on a slightly lower table.
Laying her down on her belly, and spreading her legs open wide, yours truly began slowly entering Minatsu.
What's this in the way... Holy shit, seems like this robot-chick even has a *cherry* equipped.
Looks like she's tearing from virgin pains, the way she's crumpling up her face. But she's a robot after all.
No real girl starts screaming and climaxing just as soon as yours truly begins working his pelvis!
"Agh! ... Haghh!.... Aggh?!?.... Hahhhn!"
This cunt's got really deep sensitivity, far cry from any of these lamers off the street. Talk about sensation too! The best.
"Your synthetic love-hole's pretty damn well made. I'm impressed. Bottom's up!"
Yours truly rocked his pelvis in further for a deep penetration.
"Aaagh!! .... Hagghh!!"
This robot babe looks blissed from the bottom of her heart. She's really eating it up.
Hey, hey!... Weren't you supposed to be hating this?....
Got nothing to complain about if the customer's happy, I'll say.
"Ahnn!... Aaann!!.... Haahh... Aaahh... Nn!.... Aann! AAAHHN!.... Haaannn!....Ann.. Annn!!"
Owing to yours truly's expert pelvicly placed performance, Minatsu appears to be experiencing tremendous sex; she's just melting away into ecstatic horniness and then again some.
It was that moment.
Suddenly this cunt began leaking motor noises and gyrating wildly. This is... a built-in vibrator....
"Pfffhahahahahaha!!! .. And I was just getting to the good part. Jeez, don't make me laugh. 'To think of it, it's only befitting for a robot, this built-in vibrator. Gorgeously edible love-juice was only the beginning. Your Professor Fujiwara really knows a good gag! Oh, this just kills me."
But then Minatsu's eyes darken. Looks like yours truly's words hurt her.
The laughter was.. over.
Her electrically-powered whirring wonder-cunt gave even a seasoned veteran like him, a truly, phenomenally, new, coital experience, none like anything he'd felt before.
This is fucking.... amazing....
Responding to yours truly's pelvic motion, its sheer mass changed around his person at will, surrounding his member with bizarre pulsations and ripples; this electrical synthetic love-hole's sensation had no comparison among mortal women.
Yours truly decides to provide a little comfort to Minatsu who looked as though she was about to cry from being laughed at.
"Hey... don't cry alright? Your synthetic love-hole's a joke, no doubt, but it feels SOOO good. Prof. Fujiwara is in a league by herself."
Come to think of it maybe this wasn't really 'comforting' but what the hell, she looked happier now. Isn't that all that matters?
"Let me get in from the back now..hatch- back style. Here goes..."
As yours truly scooped Minatsu up he turned her around 180 degrees and propped her down on the floor.
Then, making her grab onto the table there, he proceeded to enter her synthetic love-hole again.
"Ahaauuh.... Hah! Annn--... Annn! Annn!... aFU!... Hee!... Aaaahh. ... Aaah!!... AAAANNN!!"
Holding her nipples with both hands, yours truly began rubbing Minatsu's love-hole vigorously about.
Minatsu's love-hole responded vigorously also, pleasuring yours truly like nothing before. In response he got up his pelvis articulation to go... even faster.
"Aaaa.... !!! Hnnnn!.... Ahhooonnn!!!! I... I'm.... going to.... breaaaaaaaak!!!!"
Apparently having hit absolute climax, Minatsu was shaking furiously, melting and rotting away in horniness.
"Oh!.. . Haghh!.... Agghh... you... You're... really... going to... breaaaaaaak mmmeeeeeee........ I.... really.....c-can't..... take any.... more... of... thiiiiissss... No... No... Noooo....."
Amid all her moaning, Minatsu's love-hole was grabbing and squeezing away yours truly's cock from the root, giving yours' extremities a truly...weird sensation.
A hot fluid flew out from yours truly's cock and into Minatsu.
Minatsu sent quivers through her body, then crumpled over the table, and lay there lifelessly.
Didn't fucking faint did she?
That's what yours truly thought for a moment but he knew better, this was a robot. Robots don't faint. She didn't really get busted... did she?
"Hey... come to... you alright?"
"Haaa... haa.... haa... ha....."
After yours truly held her up in his arms she was still breathing, or rather, unconscious, or to be more precise her cognitive circuits seemed to be completely out of commission. Looks like she's drifting in the half-stupor languor of a violent episode of sex.
But she begins to open her eyes slowly when yours truly gives her a little slap.
"Ki... za... ha.. shi... san..."
"You okay? Broken somewhere?"
"No... I'm alright... It's just... that... my body.... it's... overheated..."
"You're really alright though."
"Yes... but... until my machinery... cools... down for... a few minutes... I won't... be able... to move."
"Idiot! Making me all worried and shit."
When yours truly sighed a sigh of relief a smile floated over Minatsu's distant face.
"You... worried..."
For that moment that smiling Minatsu was irresistibly lovely to me.
"Yeah... That's right, you're my precious piece of property ... I'll hold you like this until you're able to move again."
"Thank you.... thank you very much."
Yours truly did not yet notice the change that had transpired within him, watching Minatsu saying this with closed eyes, just this moment.

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