Malfunction snippet

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Malfunction snippet

Post by ehy » Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:05 pm

Decided to post another couple of snippets. This one is from an RP session with someone who would prefer to remain unnamed, and so will. (I may post the whole session at some point, but that would take more work than I care to do on it right now.)

ehy_1 (3:58:46 PM): "You're a new girl, aren't you?" he says, coming in and closing the door. "Stand up so I can see you. What's your name?"
alyssa (3:59:05 PM): "Yes, I am." I stand. "Alyssa."
ehy_1 (4:00:33 PM): As you stand, your hand automatically reaches behind your neck and removes the charging cable. But there's something odd about the way you're moving... you can't tell what it is. You feel like you're moving slowly, but you got there too fast...
ehy_1 (4:02:18 PM): The man reaches out to touch your face. "Very nice," he says.
alyssa (4:03:44 PM): I supress a reflexive wince.
ehy_1 (4:04:25 PM): "Kiss me," he orders.
alyssa (4:04:47 PM): I plant my lips on his, unable to refuse so.
ehy_1 (4:06:12 PM): Somehow you seem to finish kissing him before you've quite started. He looks displeased. "Are you all right?" he asks.
alyssa (4:07:21 PM): What the Hell is 'alright'? I'm a freakin' android, you simp. How do I know if this is normal operation or not?
alyssa (4:07:31 PM): "I'm not entirely sure."
ehy_1 (4:09:35 PM): "I'm not en--" you say, then suddenly blipFLUP! flupBLIP! "tirely sure." The man is several feet away from where he was, pointing a remote control at you.
alyssa (4:10:56 PM): Okay, now I'm sure. That was definitely not normal operation.
ehy_1 (4:11:11 PM): "I'm experiencing operating difficulties," you say in a calm voice.
ehy_1 (4:12:21 PM): "Yeah, I can tell," says the man.
alyssa (4:13:22 PM): Wonderful. Do I get to go to Radio shack now?
ehy_1 (4:14:48 PM): He looks at you for a few seconds. When nothing further happens, he puts down the remote control, and returns to you. "Let's try that kiss again. This time with some feeling." He puts his arms around you and draws you close to him.
alyssa (4:15:17 PM): Once again, I kiss the stranger -- passionately, this time.
ehy_1 (4:17:07 PM): This time the kiss goes just fine... until the end. Your body freezes up, and you begin to topple over backwards, stopped only by the man holding you up.
ehy_1 (4:17:19 PM): Then you can move again.
alyssa (4:18:09 PM): What the shit? This is compleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetely bizarre.arre.arre.arre.arre.arre.arre.
ehy_1 (4:18:59 PM): Objects are flickering in and out of your vision. "I'm experiencing operating difficulties," you say again - of course, that comes out just perfectly...
alyssa (4:19:13 PM): Oh, Not being able to thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink properlyisverybaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.d.d.d.d.d.
ehy_1 (4:20:37 PM): You're aware that your mouth is opening and closing randomly, though you don't seem to be saying anything. The rest of your body freezes. "--uck--," you hear.
ehy_1 (4:21:43 PM): The man - when he's not invisible - looks seriously happy - no, annoyed - yes, annoyed - and turns to walk up. No, away. Through the wall.
alyssa (4:22:15 PM): YYYYYYYYYYYesIthinkthismayyyyyyyyyyy be the.e.e.e.e.e ennnnnnnnnnd.d.d..dd..dd...d of..f.f..fmmmk87878778F89E897D8989AB979B0E80
ehy_1 (4:23:11 PM): Something unidentifiable walks in. It looks at you and does something. Then it goes there and picks up something and does something with it and blipFLUP!
ehy_1 (4:25:11 PM): flupBLIP - you're activated again. You feel very strange, but at least you can think straight now. You're back in the lab...
alyssa (4:25:37 PM): That was the most unpleasant thing I have ever experienced in my entire life.

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Post by A.N.N. » Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:20 am

That was kinda fun.

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