The first time PART 11

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The first time PART 11

Post by Mirage » Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:18 pm

To be honest, I am really not sure how big this story will be, but I know, there is a lot more to go...


The first time PART 11
By Mirage

"What's wrong with her??" asked Rachael to Steve, who was shacking Allison to say anything. "Allison! Work, damn it, wake up! Say anything!" Steve yelled to his girlfriend. Allison just stare into emptiness, started mumbling gibberish like "..error 45, missing line 5 of paragraph of subregion 7..". "I think she's broken, you better call her dad!" the young black girl told her male friend. "I guess..." Steve simply said. He reached for his bag and grabbed a small phone. "Wait, let's try to reboot her first..." Steve said, grabbing Allison's small remote control and pressed the "off" button. Allison stop the data mumbling talk and deactivated. He reactivated her but nothing happen, she was simply not responsive.

After calling her father, who luckily was at the school during the lunch break, came to them quickly. "What happen now?" her father grunted unhappy. "Well, she caught us kissing each other.. But it was only a joke..." Steve explained. "And who are you?" John asked Rachael. "Hey, I am just here to help.. Can you fix her up?" she asked him. "You know she's an android?? Who else knows??" He quickly asked, a bit pissed off. "No one else! I promise!" Steve defended himself and Rachael. Looking around, making sure no one was around, Allison's father open up her stomach and inserted a cable attached to his blackberry.

"Shit, my mistake... when I erase her ability to dream this morning, I forgot to reinstall some software for her to deal with her emotions.." John explained. "She can't dream no more?" Steve asked confused. "Yes, the program was to buggy... It was just an ideal, you know.." John continued explaining. "But... won't she miss it somehow?" Steve asked quickly. "Steve, you have to understand, Allison is just a prototype...Until I replace her someday with Allison #2, her function is to gather as much data as she can for my knowledge. Why do think I created her, so you can have a girlfriend? Be real, boy... She's a machine, and she is doing what she is programmed for!" John barked out at Steve.

Steve sat there, not sure what to say "I love her..." he simply said. "Well.. She loves you too, I didn't program her to fall in love with you directly... I did however program her to find a mate for herself and have a relationship with him. But I never imagine she would have so many problems adapting to the new emotions you help her have. Like this new one that crashed right now on her systems. The emotion, Jealousy.. Seeing you both kissing, boy, that screw her A.I. really bad from what I am seeing..." Allison's father said, checking the data transfer to his blackberry.

"Jealousy...?" Rachael asked worried. "Of course... I am surprised at you, Steve, I thought I could trust you with Allison.. But I guess I was wrong about you.. Cheating on her already... not good enough for you, I guess, isn't she?" John said, looking at Allison. John's cruel words stab Steve right in the heart, tears formed around Steve's eyes "When Allison will be back active, tell her I so sorry for everything I did bad to her!" Steve yelled out before running off. Rachael walked to Allison's father and slapped him in the face "How can you program Allison about love when you don't even know what it is??" she simply said, and ran to Steve.

"He's right... Before she knew me, Allison had no malfunctions, errors, not once she missed one day of school before we got togther..." Steve mumbled out, drying his tears away. "Steve, Allison was so quiet and never smiling before she meet you. Since she's been with you, she's always smiling in classes, even full of life now." Rachael said to Steve, walking beside him.
He look at her and smiled. They both walked quietly, leaving school. "You don't want to go back at classes?" She asked. Steve said no. They walked to a park and sat beside each other. "But you know... Allison's father.. He's right...." Steve mumbled out. "What do you mean?" Rachael simply asked, looking at Steve. "Since we kissed, my heart can't stop pounding... Allison, she can't kiss like this... Not like we did.." Steve finished his phrase, kissing Rachael deep again. Rachael could not stop Steve's kiss from happening, nor wanted to stop it, she felt the same since they kissed.

Kissing deep, Steve reached underRachael's shirt and squeezed one of her breasts. She squealed a bit from his touch, but enjoyed it. "Let's go at your place." She asked him. He nodded a yes and they both left. Arriving to his place, he lock the door and they both got in each's other arms. Kissing like crazy, they undressed each other "Your breasts are bigger than Allison's." Steve notice. "And my breasts are completely real... come here..." Rachael smiled to him. He got on top of her and kissed her deep. Grabbing a condom, she put it on him and he inserted himself inside her. They both fucked good for about an hour or two. Losing track of time, they both explored each other.

Suddenly, his doorbell rang. Cursing, he got a towel and went to the door. "Steve? Are you there?" Allison asked from behind the door. "Yes... can you wait for a second. Quickly, he directed Rachael to hide and he open the door. "Are you okay?" He asked Allison. "Yes, sorry, my systems crashed again on you... Seeing you and Rachael kissing, it was to much of an overload for me.." Allison simply explained. "Why are you naked?" she asked him. "Going to take a shower.." he explained. "Can I watch you?" Allison smiled. "Er..of course..." Steve snickered. "You know, my dad explain to me you and Rachael were just joking.. I knew you would never be interested in her... she's too athletic for you.." she joked out. "Of really, you little robot.." Rachael said outloud, coming out of the closet naked.

"Rachael???" Allison asked confused to Steve. "We were just.." Steve tried to explained. "But you love me... I love you..." Allison simply mumble out, shaking. Suddenly, she went all frozen like a statue. Steve look at Rachael, holding Allison's remote control, who she just used to deactivate Allison. "She was about to freak out again.. Can't we do something to her so she wouldn't freak on us?" Rachael asked Steve. "Maybe... Help me sit her down and open her up, I'll get my laptop." he instructed Rachael. Allison's stomach opened and he inserted a cable plugged to her OS. "From what I read from her manual John' gave me, I can maybe somehow change a few script line in her A.I..... there.. I'll program her to think it's okay for me and you to be together as a secret for her." Steve said, typing away, reading from Allison's manual. "Can I had something.." Rachael smiled. "Sure... but nothing to change her...I do really care about her!" Steve explained to her. "Relax..." Rachael said, typing away too. "There, let's reboot her.." Rachael said, closing Allison's stomach up.

Allison's systems rebooted and Steve sat beside her, worried. She open her eyes and smiled "What's going on?" she simply asked. "We are having a manage a trois.. Get naked.." Rachael told her. "Sure, sounds fun!" Allison smiled, getting up and undressing herself. "What the hell you did to her???" Steve asked Rachael, pissed off. "Nothing! I just told her it's okay to be with us, I thought it might be some fun... Don't you?" Rachael asked Steve.

Steve turned around and saw Allison standing naked beside Rachael, both looking hot .Rachael sat in front of Allison and reached inside Allison's vagina and touched her clit. "Wow, she's feel just like mine!" Rachael laughed.. Allison simply stood there, getting aroused "Steve, touch me too..." she said. Steve walked to Allison and kissed her breasts. "Shit, she's even getting wet" Rachael said outloud, masturbating Allison.

Steve then paused and grabbed Allison's remote and switched her off. "Ahhh.. She was enjoying it..!" Rachael laughed out. "She's not a sexdoll... I .. Can't do this to her..." he exclaimed. "I understand... you like her..." Rachael smiled. "But you can do it to me..!" She smiled again, opening her legs, showing her wet pussy to him. "You understand... my hormones are controlling my mind right now.... I do love Allison for real.." Steve mumbled out, feeling confused "I know... just let those hormones go inside me for now...." the young black girl smiled, enjoying his young male body penetrating her deep.

"Thank's again... and when you need a real woman in bed, come and see me anytime, Steve." Rachael said, kissing him on the left cheek. "See you Monday..." he smiled back to Rachael.
Steve sat beside the deactivated Allison. He got his laptop and removed the changes he and Rachael did to her and he pray Allison's systems would be okay. He rebooted her and she simply came back alive "Where's Rachael?" She quickly asked, him. "Gone, and I promise we won't see each other as lovers, just friends." He told her. Allison look at the floor. "Oh... Was she good?" she asked him. "Different.." he mumbled out. "Of course, I am just a cheap knock-off of the real thing..." Allison said, sadness in her voice. "Different, but not better.." Steve smiled to her.. She smiled back and hugged him hard. "Why Am I naked?" she then asked.

"Nothing... you were hot.." Steve lied. "Oh really.." she laughed out. "I meant to tell you... about this morning... my fetish..." Allison smiled to him. " have a fetish... what is it??" Steve muttered out. "Well... I was analysing some data about sex and humans... humans are animals...right.. just very intelligent.." she explained. "I guess..." Steve said, confused. "I know my father deleted most of my data about my dreams capacity, but I do remember something from my dream about Rachael raping me that really excited me sexually..." she continued. "What??" he asked quickly. "In the dream, she compare me to a vibrator... a simple machine... That was such a turn on for me... I not sure why, but it did. .. You see, humans, some have fetish of being animals, some having wild sex, like beasts in bed., like returning to your animal roots... Because of the dream, I discovered that, for me, it's like the same for me.. Being a simple sex machine makes me hot...Do you understand?" she asked him.

"Not really...." he mumbled out. "I want you to treated me like a simple machine... absolute control over me... give me orders... For once, I don't want to be analysing data for something... calculating all the time... just being a machine.." Allison yelled out to Steve. "Are you sure?" he asked her. "Yes, I want you to even remove some of my circuits... make me just a machine who can only fuck!" she begged him. She grabbed her remote and open her back panel and lied on her stomach "You see that big circuit board? Remove it... it's my decision matrix... Please.." she begged real hard of him. Steve took a small screwdriver and removed the circuit, but before he completely unplugged it from her, he asked her one more time "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes... please, and fuck me good, gimme lots of orders... anything you want. The nastier, the better." she said, kissing him deep. Unplugging the cable attached to the circuit and remove it from its slot, Allison did a small shake. "Allison, are you okay?" Steve asked her. "Yes... I am okay.." she responded. "Kiss me." he commanded her. She kissed him deep. "Sit up." he asked her. Sitting up, she was emotionless. "Smile." he asked her. Smiling she sat there, waiting for her next order. "Gimme a blowjob.." he told her. "Yes, Steve..." she said, while she reached down and started to suck him hard. "Stop... get on top of me..." he commanded her more. "Yes, Steve.." she smiled. "Are you enjoying this?' he asked her "Yes, I am really enjoying this.." she responded. Being inside her, he notice she was really wet... she was clearly enjoying it.

After a few hours of more commands, he reinstall her decision making matrix and she thanked him for the goof times. "I hope you don't think I am a freak.." she asked him, embarrassed a bit. "No, of course not..." Steve smiled to her. They kissed and he drover her home for the night.
Before closing the door, she whispered to him "I have another fetish, I think.. Can we do it tomorrow?" she asked him. "Of course..." he smiled to her.

Steve then went back to relax for tomorrow night... Not knowing what to expect from his robotic girlfriend.

To be continued...

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Post by A.N.N. » Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:23 pm

Sizzling Hot Mirage!

And a story with a real woman in the mix, even competing with the fembot, very interesting twist on the old "John Henry" legend.

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Post by DollSpace » Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:30 pm

Wow...awesome turn of events there, and I can really feel empathy for Allison...I just hope everything turns out right at the end, but...I have a feeling there's lots more pain to go through first...


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