The first time PART 4

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The first time PART 4

Post by Mirage » Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:54 am

The first time PART 4
By Mirage

Steve woke up on the couch alone. Not sure where he was at first, he looked around in a daze. He then realised he had past the night at Mr. Thompson’s house. He yawned a bit and walked around, trying to find the bathroom. He pasted Alley’s room and peek inside. Steve saw Alley lying on her bed, lying on her back under a sheet. Slowly, he went in and sneaked beside her bed. “Good morning..” he whispered to her. Alley with her eyes closed, didn’t respond. Steve then notice a cable was going under the sheet that covered her body. He pulled slowly and saw she was naked under it. Her stomach panel was wide open and the cable was connected to a somewhat looking power unit of some kind inside her torso. Steve then look at the computer beside the bed’s right side and saw “unit recharging 87%, 22 minutes remaining.” on the computer screen.

Steve then realised she was fully off-line until she would be fully recharged. He smiled and kissed her on the forehead and went to the bathroom. After being relieved, he wondered around the house. He then saw a note on the bedroom door of Mr. Thompson, Alley’s creator. The note informed Steve he was alone in the house because John, which was Mr. Thompson first name had to go to do some research at the University for the day.Steve was somewhat relieved at this. He liked Alley’s dad, but felt somewhat uncomfortable with him, after all, he was boinking his only daughter, even more, his own creation.

Steve ate a few fruits in the kitchen he found that was eatable (the kitchen barely had any food, Mr. Thompson is somewhat not in the house most of the time). Steve then sat beside Alley, who was still charging in her bed. He removed the sheet and took the time to study her naked body. He look at the computer screen and she still had 16 minutes to go. Grinning, he started to look at the computer and saw that he could check on all her systems. Pushing a few buttons on the mouse, he scan around her OS. She was programmed with so many things, it musted have taken years for John to have completed her A.I. this well. Not wanting to change a thing in her, he let go the mouse and simply lied beside her until she woke up.

“Booting.... loading systems.... Systems ready..” the computer screen flashed. “Mmm...Good morning..” Alley’s said, smiling at Steve, who was resting beside her. “Morning...” Steve smiled to her and they both kissed deep. “What do you want to do on this Saturday?” she asked him. “Not sure... let’s just relaxed together a bit first..” Steve smiled back. Nodding, they simply hugged each other and stayed the morning in her bed.

To be continued..

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Post by jovianjeff » Mon Aug 08, 2005 2:39 pm

Good beginning and you have some classic elements with to be continued, enough mysteries to want the audience to be there for more, yet not too many mysteries to frustrate. You did a great job in showing us the life of Steve, Ally and John without spelling out things, letting our own minds fill in any blanks.

Interesting dilemma you've proposed for the readers, beyond wanting answers to questions your composition raises. Is it incest when the 'daughter' you are having sex with is a robot really? Its in fiction like this that we get to explore, safely, these paths of morality.

Without being too wordy as I've been, simply put, I like it. Please do more, its a nice beginning.

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Post by DollSpace » Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:21 am

Keep it goin', Mirage...great story so far! ^^


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