The Nut-Cricket Adventure Part 3

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The Nut-Cricket Adventure Part 3

Post by ButchyBoy » Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:24 pm

Nearly three hours had passed since Amanda Tanner had been rushed to the Michael Jordan Medical Center. Cricket stayed by her side during the ambulance ride, as did her valet, the solemn Fredrick Graves. Harry escorted the ballet director, Anton Petrov, in his car. Now all the four of them could do was wait and hope for the best. It was hard to tell who seemed more upset in that hospitial waiting room; Petrov or Cricket. Harry did his best to comfort his wife, and if Graves had any concern for his employer, he never showed it.

As they waited for the doctor to come out to give them the good or bad news, someone else joined the party. He was a casually dressed olive-skinned man, looked to be on the young and handsome side, and he had a badge hung around his neck. He was Luis Sandoval of the newly re-formed Chicago Police Department. He had been friends with Harry since the days of the Second Civil War, and when Harry and later Cricket were living in Original New York. Sandoval knew Cricket very well. He was the one who faked her ownership papers as a favor to Harry. Now, they both looked somewhat hopeful as he entered.

"Well, Lt. Sandoval, your people find anything?" Harry asked.

"Not much I'm afraid" the man answered. "We're still running tests, but it looks like Miss Tanner's water bottle was the only one tainted." Sandoval then turned to Mrs. Lang. "It's a good thing you spotted the poison when you did Cricket. If it hadn't been you for, we'd be investigating a murder insted of an attempted one."

"But I don't understand" Cricket said. "Who'd want to poison Amanda?"

"That's the mystery eh Lieutenant?" Harry asked.

"Sure is Harry" came the reply. Sandoval then walked right up to the rigid standing Graves. "We questioned everyone at the theatre and they all say that you handle all of Amanda's person effects."

Graves just glanced down in his usual way, and spoke in his dry, dead, calm voice.

"Yes, it's true. I'm am responsible for the young lady's well being, and no one is more upset than I that this tragady has befallen her."

Sandoval just gave the taller man the most "You have got to be kidding me" look, and Graves just stood there as calm and as stiff as a summer breeze when he spoke.

"I think we can vouch for him Luis" Harry said. "You remeber two years ago, how fircely loyal he was to Miss Tanner?" Sandoval kept his eyes on Graves, who never changed his expression.

"Yeah, well a lot can happen in two years" he said. Sandoval then turned his attention to Petrov. "Still, if we take tall, thin, and gruesome off the suspect list, that moves you or one of Miss Tanner's co-stars to the top of that list" he said to the director. As calm and un-emotional as Graves was, Petrov was the exact opposite, getting more excitable as he spoke.

"Indeed sir, I will have you know that Anton Prtrov personally hand picks everyone who performs under his direction, and I assure you that no one on my stage has any ill feelings toward the lovely and talented, and might I add world famous Miss Tanner!" He was looking directly at Sandoval when he spoke, his index finger raised high in the air. Then he calmed a bit and turned to one side. "At least, no ill feelings that I am aware of." Sandoval nodded his head.

"Right. No that you're aware of."

"Mr. Petrov, who is Amanda's understudy for Clara?" Cricket asked.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:06 pm

On hearing that question, Petrov became excitable once more.

"Ah yes......the understudy. She is now in place called.....Vermont."

"Why is she in Vermont?" Cricket asked.

"Why don't you ask incopmetent shuttle pilot that flew her to snowbound city instead of here!" Petrov barked.

"Well, does anyone else know Amanda's part?" Cricket asked. Petrov shook his head.

"No, no, none can take Miss Tanner's place, not in three days time."

"Well, I guess that rules of jealousy as a motive" Cricket said. Harry put his hand on the back of his neck.

"Well, there has to be a motive. Someone deliberetly poisoned Amanda, and the question remains why."

"I think I can supply that reason why" a voice said. It belonged to a middle aged man of average build. He was dressed rather formaly in a suit much like Harry's. He had two men with him, also in suits, wearing sunglasses. Sandoval was the one to acknowledge who he was.

"Governer Saunders. What are you doig here sir?" he asked. David Saunders then stood like a politician making a speech.

"One year ago, this city was on the verge of being taken over, and overrun by foregin investors loyal to GlobalCon. I can't tell you what a disaster that would have been for all of us, and I've come to understand that disaster was prevented by you Mr. Lang, and especially by you Mrs. Lang." Cricket smiled and blushed a bit as the Governer continued.

"Since last Christmas, Old Chicago has had new life breathed into, something that has not gone un-noticed by the other non-domed territories. You may have read that I've brought the other Governers here to meet and to show them we don't need hand-outs from GlobalCon. Not to feed us, provide for security, for anything. Re-opening the Rialto, and having this benifit is a major part of that. It will show them how far we've come, and hopefully, inspire them to do the same things in their territories. Who knows, we even may be able to have the USA just like it was before the war and the GlobalCon takeover."

Just then, the doctor came into the waiting room.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:55 pm

"Which one of you is with the young lady brought in from the theatre?" the tall grey-haired doctor asked. Harry, Cricket, Graves, Pertrov, Sandoval, and the Governer all said, "I am" in perfect unicin. Petrov breathed a heavy sigh, then waved his hands to part the Cricket and the others like the Red Sea.

"Please to be telling us Miss Tanner is alive, well, and able to return to stage." All of them breathed a collective sigh of relief when the doctor reported Amanda was indeed alive and now resting. "But as for performing" the doctor added, "I'm afraid that's out of the question. At least for two weeks. She very lucky to be alive right now. If that poison hadn't been caught in time.......well, I don't think I need to tell you how things whould have turned out." Petrov just threw his hands up.

"Well, that is as they say that. I am very sorry Governer, but if there is no Clara, there is no ballet."

Harry began stroking his chin, and pacing a bit. "So what we need now, is someone about this tall..." He held his hand up to Cricket's head; "...someone who can move very gracefully, and who is sweet, and almost child-like in appearance. And someone who can learn and perform The Nutcracker Ballet within three days time." Cricket had her hand to her chin as well. She was trying to think of solution, when she noticed all five men in the room looking right at her. She began to giggle nervously, then she stopped.

"You're no no.....this won't work Harry. I'm a dectective not a ballerina."

"But you're also an android. Look honey, it's simple. All you have to do is download the movements, and follow them along with the music."

"Me......perform the lead role of front of all those people??"

"But you almost look just like Amanda, Cricket. And whoever did this to Amanda is sure to come after you once they realize the ballet is going on."

"Oh of course they will. You're not making this idea very attractive, Harry." The Governer than pleaded the case.

"Mrs. Lang, I agree, this is quite a wild prospect, and android or not, I don't like the idea of putting someone who has helped this entire territory so much in danger. But it's because you've been able to help us so much in the past Mrs. Lang, that I implore you now; if you could help this ballet go forward on Christmas Eve....well, you just might be the one who signals the true beginning of the end for GlobalCon, and the start of true freedom for all of us once more, both human and android alike."

Cricket just blinked and smiled at him. She just couldn't argue with what he said. Even if it was the most loopy idea she had ever heard. Cricket was never really programmed to "save the world" but it was something that seemed to give her a lot of pleasure every time she did.

"Ok. It's crazy and probably hopeless, but count me in."

"That's my girl" Harry said, putting his arm around her. "Well, Petrov, what do you think?" The director circled Cricket as he thought.

"Hmmmm...transform crime-detective de..." Cricket glared at him before he finshed the statement. "....charming young detective into first-class ballerina. A challange for Petrov." He clapped his hands together. "Ok, I do! But....I will need young lady's full attention...all her attention for next three days." He looked right at when he said it. It made Cricket glup a bit and wonder just what Harry had gotten her into.
Next: To trap a killer
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Mon Jun 27, 2005 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by DollSpace » Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:59 pm

Aww! Cricket as a Clara, no less :-P She may work better as Coppelia (if I even spelled that right), but cute nonetheless ^^ Can't wait to read the next chapter!


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