Can't Get That Song Outta My Head - Part 2

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Can't Get That Song Outta My Head - Part 2

Post by ButchyBoy » Sat Jan 22, 2005 10:09 pm

Harry was stroking his chin. Going back into the lion's den that was New Chicago wasn't exactly what he had in mind for a case. He was certain Cricket wasn't at all thrilled with that propect.

"Ah, New Chicago huh?", Harry said.

"Is that a problem?", Frank King asked.

"Well, gee, we'd love to go, but were kinda wanted felons there", Cricket answered, half-smiling.

The pink-haired pop diva seemed unfased by this. "Well, you guys are like, great detectives right? Can't you do that....undercover...thingy?

Harry just wanted to roll his eyes. He could tell this...Electra Storm was going to live up to her name. Time to find out just how badly she wants help, Harry thought. "Yeah, we can do undercover work. For this type of job....uncovering death threats....bodyguard work.....$5,000 a day....each... plus expenses, two days pay in advance. And believe me, working in New Chicago is going to be plenty expensive."

Again, Storm seemed very cool. "Oh please. Electra Storm sneezes, and she makes $5,000. Frank, advance them $25,000."

King seemed a bit less than cool about just handing that sort of money, but he complied with his employer. "You have a Blackberry, Lang?", he asked.

"Doesn't everybody?", came the answer as Harry took his off the desk. The two men linked with each other. "There, 25 grand. Hope your both worth it. Come on, Electra. You have a rehersal to make." They both turned to leave when King added, "Tomorrow, GlobalCon Arena 10am sharp!" And with that, they were gone.

Cricket glared at Harry. "Well, I am just so glad WE got to discuss taking this case!" The young android turned her back on Harry, folding her arms.

"Oh now look Cricket, he's already advanced, and their the best prospect we have. I hate to break it to you, but we getting a little cash stapped right now." Harry's voice was beginning to raise. Cricket responded by turning her head and giving her husband a bronx cheer. Harry realized fighting wasn't going to get them anywhere. He put his arms on Cricket's sholders, and his voice softened.

"Cricket, I made a promise to you. As long as we're together. I'll always do everything in my power to protect you. I'm not about to break that promise now. And besides, if our old friend, Lanny "The Shark", is behind any of this...and giving we're supposed to go to New Chicago, odds are he is, and proably wants to get his hands on this town, or one or the older cities...."

"Or us", Cricket simply said, without turning around.

"Isn't stopping him....again.....worth going?? Hmmm??"

Cricket thought a moment. She was still mad at Harry for just speaking for her, but he was right. There were elements of this case that were peaking her interest, and New Chicago or no, it just wasn't in her nature to turn her back on someone who needed help. Even if that person seemed to be a self-absored, always speaking in the third person, spoiled brat. She finally turned to Harry, looking up at him.

"Ok partner. Let's go nab ourselves a villian."
Next: Back to the Dome.

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Post by DollSpace » Sat Jan 22, 2005 11:33 pm

Next: Taryn eagerly awaits the next chapter, clockwork toes tapping... :-P



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